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I cannot wait to rewatch it again and again.
9 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Can you believe that leo won his first oscar for grunting when THIS performance exists. I'm also a firm believer that jonah hill should have won the oscar for his her father is the brother of my mom line delivery.
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Taken (I) (2008)
I will find this movie. I will watch this movie too
25 March 2022
I was taken....taken by aback by Liam Neeson's performance and the lack of Oscar nominees for this gem. Imagine being him and just sounding that badass all the time.
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Shameless: Father Frank, Full of Grace (2021)
Season 11, Episode 12
Frank is literally floating and no Fiona appearance.
11 April 2021
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The whole episode was pointless, there was no sense of finality or closure. Everything was just filler. This would have been an okayish season finale, but ending a decade of stories in such an uninspired way is horrible.
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Mystic River (2003)
"We bury our sins here, Dave. We wash them clean."
14 March 2021
Mystic River is still my topmost choice for psychological thriller movie. It does not only challenge our intuition in whodunnit quest, but also embraces an outlook for inviting audiences into discussion about morals and human motives. The three men as main characters have internal conflicts as they wrestle with psychological demons they uncover. The apparent reality of their shared childhood tragedy sort of leeches through little by little as their lives moves along, hinged on the well crafted scenes of grief and trauma. Using remarkable moving camera movements and gorgeous photography, Clint Eastwood is capable of building suspense through the excruciating unpredictable narrative. Every elements tighten in unison, moving the audience toward an unforgettable climax.
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Mickey's family!
7 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Loved the episode.

Even though Frank is losing it, he still got it. Weaseling his way around town. Looking forward to him raising hell until the end. Mickey and Ian's reaction to "the gays" is exactly why I love them. The credit scene was awesome. So great to Noel bust a move and sing. Loved it. This episode was probably the first time in 10 1/2 where Kev annoyed the heck out of me. What was he thinking? Oh wait. Sandy is turning out to be insufferable. The way she turned the issue around on Debbie, that is what your typical liar does. Lip is definitely going through some stuff. He wants to support his family so bad that it seems to be getting to him. He's losing his marbles. Not gonna lie. This season has already jumped ahead of s9 & 10 for me. So much is happening now and we still have 5 more episodes to.
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WandaVision: The Series Finale (2021)
Season 1, Episode 9
dumpster fire
5 March 2021
Wtf did I just watch? I bet MCU fans would rate any MCU movie/series 10 just because it's MCU. This was a bad episode, period.
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Game of Thrones: Baelor (2011)
Season 1, Episode 9
One word: amazing
14 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Another sentence: best episode of the series. Amazing. Awesome, cool, cooooool. Amazing as heck!!!! Amazing. Amazing acting. Amazing directing. RIP ned.
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Greatest movie ever made
3 February 2021
The Lovely Bones covers the rather depressing issue of a child murder. A recently murdered schoolgirl tells the story from purgatory of her death and how it affected her family.

This is an unusual story and one that is difficult to film but I think that Peter Jackson pulls it off in fine style. There is an air of dread as the film builds up to Susie's untimely death. The scene of her death is brilliantly handled but very disturbing. The images of purgatory are also brilliantly realised to my mind. It covers well the emotions felt by the family at losing their daughter in such a horrific way.

There are outstanding performances from both Saoirse Ronan as Susie Salmon and from a chillingly creepy Stanley Tucci as the killer. Good support is given by Mark Wahlberg and Susan Sarandon.

The only slight downside to me was the ending which I find a bit unsatisfactory but this doesn't take away from what has gone before.

This is a superb fantasy drama which to my mind is underrated probably because of it's themes rather than it's quality. Highly recommended.
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Shameless Hall of Shame (2012–2021)
27 December 2020
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It was a cute episode. Granted most scenes we've seen before and were flashbacks but it made sense with the minor story here and with the additional new clips which I absolutely loved. They're perfect together. As a huge Ian and Mickey fan - it was fine. But still enjoyable for the most part. And since it's not an official Shameless episode, I'm just gonna pick and choose the parts I liked and ignore the rest.
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Shameless: Ride or Die (2016)
Season 7, Episode 10
Ride or Die
24 November 2020
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The Lip scenes are really tough to watch. Lip is literally Frank and I am not sure he realized it yet. Can we all appreciate how for the first time this season Debbie was pretty awesome? I was so glad when Fiona took the money. Frank and Monica are back to their same ways. Ian seeing a Mickey again made him realize who he really wanted to be with. So much in one episode. Mickey's return, Helene's brief return, and V & Fiona are friends again! Lips parts were so brief and not much dialog, but his acting was pretty intense.
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Shameless: Hope Springs Paternal (2014)
Season 4, Episode 8
Hope Springs Paternal
24 November 2020
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Steve Howey's acting in this episode was impeccable. When Kevin began to cry in the hospital, my heart felt for him. He's a man who, for so long, has been trying to be strong for Veronica and his future children. To see him break down like that was really hard. Mickey in the gay bar. Man. You can just see him realise no-one would judge him for how he feels and he just lets go. That particular scene is in my top 3 of the season so far
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Supernatural: Bugs (2005)
Season 1, Episode 8
21 November 2020
Best episode of s1. Bugs have always been a great concept and an amazing case. 10/10. Amazing acting.
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Supernatural: Bloodlines (2014)
Season 9, Episode 20
21 November 2020
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A spin off that would have been great. Fun concept. Good acting. And great story. Good episode. 10/10
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Supernatural: Carry On (2020)
Season 15, Episode 20
Disappointing and underwhelming
21 November 2020
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Probably the worst possible ending. Dean did not deserve this. The entire show's point is "family dont end in blood", free will etc. And in the end we get a Dean who dies almost immediately after he gets to be free. What kind of sick joke? No life for him, no retirement like he imagined, no beach with Sam and Cas like he said he wanted. What was the point of the show if he dies just like he thought he would back in season 1, just like his toxic dad always told him? This show basically said that Dean's life is not worth living unless there's some big bad he needs to take care of. So no, this is not a happy ending for Dean, he needed to be rewarded for all his struggles, he needed to live and experience freedom. Even Cas got a better ending than him, and that's saying a lot. He didn't even get to reunite with him in heaven. You're telling me that all Dean did in heaven was drive around until Sam arrived? There's nothing else that he wants to see, to do, to experience? It's such a shame for his wonderful character, they just brought him back to square one. Just a brother who has no purpose other than raising Sam? For all the "satisfied" people out there, is this really what you think Dean's character deserved? Let's not even talk about the fact that Misha wasn't even in the final shot with everyone on the bridge, when the guy single handedly brought this show back from the dead in season 4. Very disrespectful to him and Cas. Basically I guess this show decided to backpedal on all the character development over 15 years and it said "i guess you only get peace and freedom when you die, haha". What would be the difference if Dean never asked Sam to join him in s1? Nothing, Dean would die young in a hunt, and Sam would die of old age with wife and kids. Nice job writers.

The only way this is "satisfactory" is if I watched up until season 3 and completely missed the point.
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Supernatural: Despair (2020)
Season 15, Episode 18
feeling like we're into the endgame.
6 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So while the episode was eventful and relevant to the plot, the writing was still pretty messy. I feel like we had a lot of random events mashed together and there was no flow. People predicted they would rush things at the end and it seems to be happening. And trying to come up with something novel after 15 years of 20 episodes a year give or take. It also looks like their budget is whatever the network found in the couch cushions this week. I like this show and everyone involved, especially those that have given 15 years of their life to it, have all my sympathy for the impossible task of creating an ending that will satisfy everyone.
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Supernatural: Unity (2020)
Season 15, Episode 17
"You always have a choice!"
30 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Jared and Jensen and Rob are taking this writing and acting the hell out of it. They deserve all the kudos. Dean always thinks he's willing to sacrifice everything right up until he actually has to do it. Has he not noticed this pattern yet? I mean... I really don't see what's so bad about Billie plan.. like seriously kinda weak to me. Next episode looks promising.
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Supernatural: Drag Me Away (From You) (2020)
Season 15, Episode 16
The acting and fillers is dragging me away from the show
23 October 2020
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This is the first episode I've been disappointed in all season. Yes, it is not the only filler episode we've had, but I least felt like most of the others were wrapping up storylines or moving the plot along a least a tiny bit. This one just felt a little pointless, we already knew about Billie's plans for Jack, and Dean not telling Sam the whole truth is pretty old hat, the only new information we get is that Chuck has finally completed his destruction of the other worlds. This really felt like a wasted episode. I don't mean to be negative, I have been actually enjoying most of the season so far, but I really thought we'd be ramping up for the finale by now.
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Supernatural: The Gamblers (2020)
Season 15, Episode 11
"Don't play his game. Make him play your game."
25 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This may be the best episode we've had all season. For one thing, it was consistent in quality all the way through. It had a very clear job to do and it did it. "Casino that traps gamblers and the heroes break them free" is a trope we've seen a lot and I don't always enjoy it but I did like this. It managed to be that and also finally feel like we have the actual Winchesters back. They tried to kill things and save people and I guess one out of two ain't bad.

The direction, cinematography and set design were all smooth and even the music was thematically appropriate throughout the episode without any of the weird choices we've seen recently.

Sam and Dean rooting for each other playing pool was good. This episode hit all the right emotional notes for me. I didn't expect to be sad about the cowboy but I am and all the other little minor characters worked for me too.

I'm glad they gave us an explanation for Billie keeping Jack on hold in the Empty, I'm glad Castiel got his son back, and I think it's unintentionally hilarious that the Winchesters barely batted an eye at him being back because at this point yeah, they should be more surprised if someone didn't come back from the dead.
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Supernatural: Galaxy Brain (2020)
Season 15, Episode 12
Galaxy Brain
25 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Well I loved the episode and I'll stick up for it. The Jody-Kaia reunion scene made me sniffle a little. And I think the idea that Chuck is ending all the other universes is important for the plot; it wasn't all filler.
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Gone Girl (2014)
"You know me in your marrow"
24 March 2020
Still one of the most thrilling cinematic experiences in recent memory, the hype surrounding this when it came out truly echoed the movie itself and reverberated through everyone that saw it. i left that theater a different person. it's hard to find something as sharply attuned to the airy and mysterious quality this gives off in it's first half, amping up and building to a perfect mid-movie payoff. this is already going down in the books as a cult classic. there's nothing else quite like gone girl
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Supernatural: Wendigo (2005)
Season 1, Episode 2
24 March 2020
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The second episode of "Supernatural" is an action movie, different from the scary "Pilot". In this episode, Dean and Sam face "the evil that devours" successfully using the instructions of their father's diary.
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Supernatural: Destiny's Child (2020)
Season 15, Episode 13
Destiny's Child
24 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I don't have it in me to be critical right now, so...

I'm so happy Jack got his soul back. He has been my only reason to watch for like two seasons. I also loved seeing Rachel again. Danneel looked really pretty in flashbacks. I liked this episode.
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