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A very Norm special. A beautiful goodbye.
2 June 2022
There's no real way to organize this so I'm just gonna spitball a few things

Norm in my opinion was always at his best when he was in a room with people who hate his guts. Many of these jokes were edgy enough to get him in trouble but not so edgy that it's hateful. I wish she had the time to perform the set live because it would be incredible with half of the audience booing him.

Norm has always been the biggest clown in the room, but there's a brief moment where you see how serious he took his craft. About halfway through the special, one of his dogs starts barking for a moment. The character he creates would make you think that he would get distracted or make a mention about it, but for a brief moment he broke character. He was completely unfazed. For a few seconds we got to see that everything he's ever done on stage has been on purpose.

I laughed a lot. It also made me sad. There are some moments he talked about things like mortality where you realize he understands his time is limited.

Like I said I don't really have a format for this. I just know that I really enjoyed this and I will be watching it again.
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Painful, but the goodbye I wanted to give Morgan
29 April 2022
Originally I was interested because I love shows and movies that deal with grief. However, each episode got harder to watch. I had a friend I was holding onto like in the story, and I wish so badly I could've had a genuine goodbye like this. It hurts and I was in tears as well. But it helped.

In terms of the actual quality of the show, it instantly has made it to my top five anime. Highly recommended for all anime fans. No sexualized content, innocent, with a strong helping of tears and laughter.

Thank you to the creators who helped me say goodbye to my dear friend.
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Hunter x Hunter: Evil × and × Terrible (2013)
Season 1, Episode 80
A practically useless episode
21 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This story arc as a whole was very disappointing to me, and this episode encompasses a lot of my problems with it. The pacing slowed so drastically compared to the rest of the show, we got a poorly told backstory to a useless character who had no purpose in the story at all, A pro hunter who would normally protect herself with a covering of Nen is killed by a gunshot, and we are expected to believe the chimera ants are really smart hunters when they make the most obvious observations. But there's just enough of the main or important characters. This episode is why I think you could remove about 1/3 of the Chimera ant arc and have a better story.
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The Batman (2022)
A lot of staring and slow walking
19 April 2022
Seriously though, if no one could not figure out that Bruce Wayne and Batman have the same voice, they would just watch how they both stand and stare and then walk slowly and put the pieces together.

There really are good parts to the movie. I won't give out a spoiler, but One of the best scenes is with Batman, a flare, and a lot of water. Another good scene is the escape from the police station. Excellent and worthy of praise.

Negatives. Takes itself way too seriously, casting is very clunky, and the suspension of disbelief is too high. I'm very forgiving if something isn't very realistic, but when Batman gets shot point blank with a shotgun over five times and not a single bullet wound? But the biggest negative for me is this movie didn't have to be made. Other than focusing on a different main villain, it really brings nothing new to the table. Everything has been done before and been done better. Give it another two years and this movies popularity will disappear.
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The analogy explaining the analogy using an analogy in a pretty crappy way
18 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So here's the scoop. Nothing is real. In the last quarter of the movie they explain that this is a fictional world Shinji invented to play out his anger against the world. I have heard many people say this improves the original story, but I disagree. I think the original story is worse off because of this. I get that this is an unpopular opinion, but I found the whole series to be way overhyped. Sometimes the lore and storyline or confusing because they are poorly written or not well thought out.
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Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995–1996)
Good beginning, incredible middle, disappointing ending
18 December 2021
The beginning will be pleasing to the average action movie/anime fans. It has good pacing and shows a good world build.

The middle is some of the best anime storytelling in history and why the show is so respected.

Theeeeeen there's the last 6 episodes. If it established itself as a psychological struggle show from the start (like Your Lie In April), then the end wouldn't feel as out of place as it is. We suddenly have stopped focusing on the physical threat that could wipe out humanity and instead spend most of the last 6 episodes (and all of the last 2) on each character's internal struggles. The story doesn't move forward after the last angel.

It is worth the watch, but the ending is one of my 3 biggest anime disappointments.
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6 November 2021
That's pretty much all I would scream throughout the entire day of watching this episode. I have seen it once all the way through and I have skipped it every other time. Surprisingly The orgasm noises are actually not as bad in the English. Which means that both the Japanese and English versions of this episode suck. But at least one of those versions doesn't give me the same feeling of guilt as watching porn.
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If you had told me this was Battlefield Earth, I believe you
11 September 2021
Two things. Something can be disturbing without being scary, and you can enjoy a crap movie. This movie was very disturbing but not scary, and there's almost nothing in this that could be considered good filmmaking. Bad dialogue, shallow plot, the only character that gets any type of development is the girl, and really no purpose. You can enjoy a garbage film, just stop saying it's good.
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Malignant (I) (2021)
It's still James Wan, i think
11 September 2021
There is definitely a James Wan flare in the middle of the film, but the end suffers so badly. The beginning was OK I guess, the middle was an interesting blend between insidious and saw and had many intense sequences. The ending made it look like a Jason Bourne movie. It's almost like they were two directors going completely different directions. Started eh, middle was amazing, ended poorly.
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Can't. Stop. Watching. Over. And. Over
4 September 2021
This is definitely one of the most fun movies I've ever watched. To someone who's a mild geek and a movie buff, I enjoy constantly rewatching a mindless film with a shallow plot that refuses to take anything seriously. Just pure fast-paced entertainment.
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Only one issue, the rest excellent
2 May 2021
As is always true with Demon slayer, solid storytelling, well put together characters, Brilliant action sequences, and an all-around enjoyable experience. My wife who doesn't get into anime even enjoyed it. Of course there's always one flaw, and this one is Too much monologue. I mean it's true of most anime, but seriously, we got the point 2 minutes ago. Still though, it didn't detract too much from the movie and it fits well in the grand story.
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Take out the boobs and no one likes this movie.
26 April 2021
It pains me to say that I hated a Gary Oldman movie, but nothing in this movie makes a bit of sense. As an old-school Dracula fan, I'm aware how rich the source material is. But seriously, this movie is just a sex romp. Far too much of the story revolves around the sexual actions, Helsing is not at all well developed which pains me because it's Anthony Hopkins, and the ending is just confusion upon confusion. Very few movies have left me this disappointing. And I freaking love Gary Oldman and Anthony Hopkins! I hate that this is a popular movie.
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
Not without flaws, but beautiful set up.
25 April 2021
Right off the bat the bare bones of this movie are one of the best I have seen. The structure is solid, the motive makes sense, The villain has an interesting agenda, and the discovery process is exciting. As I said there are some flaws. A few characters are a little stereotypical, some parts can be a little cheesy and predictable, and it's not quite as scary as you would expect an Alien movie to be. However none of those flaws were enough to quell my love this movie. I will definitely be watching again.
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Best suspense in years, horribly disappointing.
15 February 2021
The good is about a 40 minute segment of a very good mystery and suspense. However, you first have to get through 50 minutes of poorly structured and paced backstory, And then it ends with a very weird and unfulfilling ending. Very sad and disappointing. Still though, those 40 minutes were so good.
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Just an average family story. Well, on LSD.
6 February 2021
At first I thought Spirited Away was weird. So imagine spirited away, but with no real plot. I'm telling you, this movie is just weird weird weird. It doesn't help that the Totoro and the cat have really creepy smiles. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed every moment of it! The kids are freaking adorable, the creatures are interesting, and the whole thing left me smiling. But dang that's a weird movie.
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Half comedy, half world changing masterpiece
6 February 2021
Some of Hollywood's most unique works are the World War II propaganda films. During a time when America refused to participate, two films Woodspur on the hearts and minds of America to exit solitude and face the darkness of the world. Sergeant York shared the true story of A pacifist who discovered some things are worth fighting for, and the Great Dictator reminds us that evil men will fall. Whether by our hands or by the hands of death, evil men themselves are temporary. Minor globalist comments aside, this is one of the most important culture pieces in film history.
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Berserk (2016–2017)
It's literally just the bad animation
5 February 2021
I love the classic and I love the manga. I heard so much about how bad and disappointing this adaptation was but didn't start watching until recently. First, the source material is very deep and hard to mess up. Second, The storyline works as a good follow up to the old anime. Third and most importantly, The animation just sucks and you'll have to get over it to enjoy it. The main problem is they tried a form of animation that does not blend with anime. The flashback scenes are in the classic anime style and look amazing. Possibly better than the original. The computer generated stuff has its moments of glory. The problem is when they try to use this new animation while maintaining an anime feel. Spoiler! Experiment fail. This 3-D CGI effect does not work with classic anime. That's the whole issue. If you can get past the fact that the animation is going to suck most of the time, you might just enjoy this spectacular storyline.
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Deliverance (1972)
A good movie. That's about it.
21 January 2021
Before the hate brigade arrives, it is without question or debate a good movie. Well performed, well written, well executed.

But the story is better than the film. Not just the book v movie debate, but the idea and power of the story is stronger than what this film delivered. It's known for dueling banjos and squeal like a pig. Beyond that it's a little empty. Not disappointed, but not a top 100 film.
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A Movie Americans Actually Want to Watch
15 January 2021
I went into this expecting a slightly cheesy, needs work attempt at a feature film. I was quite shocked to find out I could not pull myself away from the movie. Unlike what the Hollywood idiots think you want, Zoe is actually a very realistic character. Her struggles are relatable and she's not some freakish bad ass girl who sends boys flying with a flashy kick that doesn't work in real life. The writing is slick, the action is believable, the characters are interesting, and I'm already waiting for the next Daily Wire production. Also Metacritic sucks if you haven't noticed.
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Your Name. (2016)
Once past the awkward Japanese sex humor, jaw drop
4 January 2021
I knew I would like this film from everything I saw about it in promotionals, but I did not realize it would be one of my favorite films ever. It looks like a simple anime love story, but there is a huge twist halfway through the film I did not see coming. I highly advise a blind watch for any anime fans or enthusiast.
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Manhood, spiritual struggle, SAMURAI!!!
18 February 2020
Forever will be one of my favorite movies. Very few films out there will deal with manhood and a positive light, which is exactly why my dad introduced it to me and my friends and I can't get enough of it. Plus, Samurai. And a good Samurai movie.
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Equilibrium (2002)
So. Much. Cheeeeeeese. Fun times
18 February 2020
One of the cheesiest movies ever. So much cliche, so much over the top. Also, I can't stop smiling when I watch it. Reaction fits into a more tame Kill Bill genre. I was watching it to see if it was time to get rid of the DVD. I think I'll hold on to it a bit longer.
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The Evil Dead (1981)
"Classic" does not always mean good
18 March 2019
Same problem with The Omen and Halloween. It had it's time when there was still a lot of experimentation, but now I just found most of it to just be dumb. Concepts are scarier than jumpscares and gore. Scary concept, a creature that infests its host with a touch (The Thing). Executed how? By inducing panic through not knowing who was infected next. Scary concept, demonic possession. Executed how? By making the same few demons do the same thing over and over like laugh hysterically and not doing anything else most of the film... Just watch The Exorcist or Insidious.
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Hunter x Hunter (1999–2001)
Just Watch the 2011 Reboot
13 March 2019
If I was introduced to Hunter through the 1999 anime, I would have stopped watching. Many people say the story gets better as it goes (and it does) but the pacing is aweful. Too much time on too little progress. The 2011 reboot fixes the pacing problem, cuts out unnecessary info, has better character development, has a far superior soundtrack, and emphasises Gon's over the top optimism. This version lacks a punch when Gon is angry because he is close to lifeless most of the time, but with the reboot centralizing Gon's happy spirit, when he's sad or angry it's almost a shock. So, watch the 2011. That's it.
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Front to Back Heresy, Front to Back Bad Writing
8 April 2017
Having a degree in Biblical studies, i can say this is the most heretical movie I've ever seen. I stopped counting theological issues in the first 20 minutes.

Aside from that, I still think this was a bad movie. The cinematography was great, but there was so much information with so little explanation. We feel like we can follow it because we've heard about Jesus before. If we put that bias aside, the train of though is confusing. Since i could go on a few pages, I'll shorten down to a one sentence summary of my frustration.

The Last Temptation of Christ is a visually beautiful conglomeration of bad doctrine, inconsistent characters, historically inaccurate facts, pornography, and a jumbled/incoherent story line.

Not recommended for anyone, particularly not for new believers or those who struggle with pornography.
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