
6 Reviews
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22 July 2012
Just saw this on a 6 story IMAX Screen. Despite lofty expectations, film still managed to exceed them.

*Tom Hardy's Bane is arguably the most menacing, awe inspiring villain in film history. *Ann Hathaway rocked as Catwoman. I am not normally a fan but like Heath she won me over. *Narrative returned the "main" focus to Bale and he delivered as well.

Can't wait to see this again to catch all of the hallmark twists and turns Nolan revels in. If the academy fails to recognize this work of art it will be my final Oscar telecast viewing ever.

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A FUN Ride, Cruise is Back!
20 June 2010
We saw the Saturday sneak preview for Knight and Day, cautiously optimistic for a film that has had almost no reviews despite the fact it releases on Wednesday. To avoid spoilers, I'll make this simple:

The Good * Tom Cruise turns in a star performance, and Diaz holds her own. * Story has several twists and turns * Walks a fine line between comedy and action well (for the most part) * I never looked at my watch once and the film running time flew by

The Not So Good * CGI is weak and there is a lot of it * Can get a little campy from time to time * Predictable

Overall this was quite entertaining. If your expecting an Oscar caliber film you will be disappointed. If your looking for some above average summer fun buy your ticket without hesitation!
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Horror Hits Home
4 October 2009
Saw this Friday night in a sold out theater and have to say the fear effect that this film produces is truly astounding. As someone who loves horror but has not found anything in the genre scary since Blair Witch (before it became a phenomenon), I have not been able to stop thinking about several scenes in this movie and just how effectively scary the overall film was. I have to dock 2 points because the film was overlong by about 15 minutes and could have greatly benefited from some editing in the first half of the production.

Having said that, if you were frightened by Blair Witch (this movie is truly a spiritual successor)and don't need violence and gore or cgi to keep you interested check this film out. Just be prepared for it to haunt your dreams...
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Hancock (2008)
Fix the final Act PLEASE!!!
8 June 2008
I also was at the test screening in Peoria AZ. The film was spot on for the first hour. Jokes were hitting left and right, Smith and Bateman displayed good chemistry, and the special effects, though not always finished, were eye popping nonetheless.

Without giving it away, the final half hour was flat, straying from the comical nature that had preceded it and instead tried to get philosophical and introduce a week paint'by'numbers villain. I spoke with director Peter Berg after the film and he seemed fully aware of the issues relating to the final act. Hopefully the recent "re shoot" will polish up that last act, making Hancock one of the must see blockbusters of the summer. In the form I saw it; it still has a ways to go.
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The Mist (2007)
Walked out at the 45 minute mark
25 November 2007
Horror is my favorite genre of film. I had been looking forward to this film for months and must say this is the first film I have ever walked out on (the theater refunded my money thank goodness!). Terrible acting, cliché-ridden,inane dialog, and special effects that would have looked cheesy in 1985 completely ruined the experience adapted from a stellar novella. It appeared that director Frank Darabont decided not to update the dialog from the book, making seemingly ever line of dialog feel fake and dated. Not only did the film show the monsters too soon, but it showed too much revealing the shoestring budget the film was produced on. Seriously, half the theater laughed when the "squid" showed up in the first half hour. The plot was non existent, making the film seem as if it was adapted from a play ( most of the film takes place in a drab supermarket) I kept hoping things would get better but after Marcia Gay Harden's 3rd over the top "end of days" speech I had enough. One of the worst films of all time.
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The Island (2005)
Michael Bay crossed with a good script = Solid Dumb fun
10 July 2005
Saw a sneak preview last night in Phoenix Arizona. This film has all or most of the prerequisite Michael Bay traits; Some silly dialogue, loud electronic music scores, and ADD. However, this time he actually had a decent story to work with (The Rock notwithstanding, I have detested every other film Bay has worked on). While I wish he had done more with it, to ignore this film's popcorn entertainment value would be a shame. It really is a case of 2 different movies. The first 45 minutes develop the story, then the action kicks in and never lets up. Recommended, just remember Bay's pedigree and don't go expecting great cinema or you will be disappointed. Also, Scarlett looked about as hot as chick can get. I went with my girl and 2 other couples and "everyone" thought so.
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