12 Reviews
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Getting worse by the season
29 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really dont know why supposed serious channels make programs like this and all the other fake BS so-called reality show.

It's painfully fake and scripted. In fact it's so bad it's not even funny to watch, just sad.

The premise is theres buried treasure on the land. If there is (and I have my doubts) this lot wont find it, they couldnt find a cat in a bag.

So far they've dug up half the ranch, dived a cave then just stopped bothering with that, not the have a creature supposedly coming out of the water and "claim jumpers" digging on their land. That had them call in the feds, well a man with a blured face who probably isnt a fed but another actor.

Save your sanity and watch the cartoon network, you'll learn more than watching this total rubbish.
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Alaska Monsters (2014– )
Give it a miss
9 December 2023
Honestly this show is yet another silly fake rubbish Discovery BS reality type show. About as real as a pola bears golf club.

The team are the worst actors I've ever seen, their idea of gun safety should have the companies insurance worried. Even trusting them with guns is a mistake in my opinion.

It's a shame companies wont or cant make a proper reality show about bigfoot, all the ones you see are just fake rubbish.

This lot will find sod all crashing through the woods shouting to each other.

They have the worst night vision I've even seen. Discovery needs to realise you can buy better for under $50

Seriously dont watch it, your IQ will go down just trying to watch junk like this.
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Supprisingly good
27 January 2023
I have to admit I didn't know how this was going to be before watching, I'd seen a lot of the reviews and I'm always suspicious of lots of 10 star rating, not many films are really that good IMHO. This isn't a 10 star if you ask me, it is good though. The film is a series of interviews and some location footage of missing people and UFO sightings. It makes it's case well and even my partner (a firm non UFO believer) found it a gripping watch. I've given it 8 stars, it's defo worth a watch, and if your into UFO dont miss it.

The film is written and stars David Paulides, the author of the MIssing 411 books.
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Give it a miss
2 June 2021
Yet another poor low budget war film (although it supposedly cost over a million) The action takes place in the jungle so the crew put a yellow filter on to show us it's abroad, that and the fact a lot is shot in the dark (gloom vision) makes it hard watching to start with.

Add in a cast most of which are 30 years too old to have even been fighting there and the poor acting and amazingly clean uniforms and you have a recipe for box office failure.

I couldn't find out where it was filmed but it's not Ramree island.
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Give it a miss
6 April 2021
Wewll low budget doesn't come close, this must have been made for under $10. It has the look and feel of a poor home made student movie.

The acting is terrible, the lighting is bad, and the filming isn't any better. Best part of the whole movie is the end credits song.
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Expedition Bigfoot (2019– )
Mildly entertaining but dont expect to see a bigfoot
23 March 2021
The premis is a group of experts use science to find bigfoot, sadly the series is a bit of a joke. Theres lots of footage of people walking around but everytime something interesting happens the cameras cant see anything. They walk around using red lights so we can't see whats going on, yes it might be better for their night vision but they are filming a program, the night vision kit is terrible, it only sees about 15 foot, not exactly the latest hightech gen 4, more like gen 1, but then with gen 4 we'd see all the faking going on Theres a mine they are afraid to go in, despite the fact that miners worked it for years and visitors have posted videos of it on youtube. Series two is far worse. This is looking very fake so far. They say they are miles away from anywhere, yet theres cars in a carpark in the background, a few seconds laters theres lights of a house also visible. Miles from the hotel most like. This lot couldn't find a bigfoot it a box, never mind the woods.
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Greyhound (2020)
Well worth a watch
2 August 2020
I'm always wary of war films, they are all too often terrible and get even simple details wrong. This doesn't seem to be the case with this film though. The jumps into the action more or less from the start, the CGI is very well done, and Hanks seems decent enough as the new captain on his first convoy run, battling a U-boat pack. I enjoyed the film, one of the better war films in my humble opinion.
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9 July 2020
As a keen watcher of Jeremy in his river monsters series I had high hopes for this. Sadly he's just the front man really. You get Jeremy intoducing the "mystery" (he's always standing on a rock in what looks like Cornwall) then you get the usual regurgitated, endless done to death Discovery type mystery story. You wont be much the wiser for watching this series, and you wont see much of JW either. It's ok if your bored, but if your hoping to to learn anything you'll be better off watching something else.
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A wartime classic following the crew of an MTB
18 April 2020
The plot is based around a Motor torpedo boat and crew during WW2 filmed on a real boat with as I understand it the real crew in 1945. The storie follows the crew and boat on several uneventfull trips, and shows the crew on board and in the pub and quarters They finally encounter the enemy is the last part of the film. Its worth a watch to see the real wartime craft and uniforms and how the crew interact. I actually really enjoyed it.
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Great new series
16 July 2019
I must admit I did wonder what this was going to be like and the title made me wonder. But after watching the first episode I was hooked. Good acting, great scripts and very enjoyable. Ok the language might offend some people but if you like something a little off beat this is a great send up of victorian crime dramas. This will become a cult series. Looking forward to series two
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Russian Doll (2019–2022)
Not funny at all
1 February 2019
Well the basic plot is sort of a dark groundhog day. Sadly thats where the comparrison ends. Groundhog day was clever and funny. This is crude and unfunny. The people giving it 10 stars must be the cast. Don't watch with children.
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Heer & meester de film (2018 TV Movie)
Conclusion to the series?
20 January 2019
This is really the movie of the TV series (20 parts) it's very tongue in cheek, sort of a slightly comedic rip off of the saint series. Some episode are better than others, I found this film version slighty "darker" than the series.
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