
49 Reviews
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Outer Range (2022– )
I want to really like this show, but...
7 May 2022
The cinematography is fantastic. The acting is above average. However, everything bad they said about Cop Rock applies to this.......whatever it is trying to be. It's like a bad MTV video in the early days. There is about 15 minutes of actual plot stretched out to a full hour with video montages and one character who likes to sing in falsetto. I have one more episode to watch and they better start getting to the point or I am out.
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Total snoozefest
25 January 2022
I love the Kingsman movies. I was expecting to see a prequel--a sort of steampunk version. That is not what I got. The best part of the movie is the scenery. I guess the actors did the best they could with what they had to work with. The screenplay could have used a few rewrites. I started to walk out a few times then I remembered that I didn't have anything better to do. There is a scene in the movie that is very creepy. Very creepy. I am not saying do not go to see this movie; but if you do bring pharmaceuticals.
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Swing for the fences!
21 December 2021
I want to see more stuff like this. Really cool scifi stuff in space with hot babes. Is there something wrong with having hot chicks together with spaceships and monsters? Yeah, script could use some polish; but this has good actors and special effects are first class.
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Can't wait for the sequel
2 October 2021
If you wanted to make a movie to irritate fans of the Sopranos tv show this is how you would do it. It's a nice stroll down memory lane for me---maybe because it aired so long ago. As I remember it used to be months and sometimes years between seasons. I laugh at how some fans want to reinvent The Sopranos as the Godfather of television. The Sopranos wasn't all gangster stuff. It was about some seriously messed up people who we grew to know and love despite their immorality. That said, I kept asking myself when do we get to the good part? As a stand alone movie with no ties to the Sopranos I guess it works. I was entertained; but the whole story arc about Dickie Moltisanti and his father's wife could and should have been eliminated.
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Squid Game (2021– )
And now for something different?
27 September 2021
Very original, very strange. I like strange. Ooh look at this, it is so cute and harmless like a puppy until it bites off your index finger.
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Jungle Cruise (2021)
Not a must see but might be a classic
9 August 2021
A little long; but that's my only knock. This movie sticks all of the landings. Dwayne Johnson is taking the baton from Tom Cruise--a guanteed good time at the movies.
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Star Trek: This Side of Paradise (1967)
Season 1, Episode 24
The remastered episodes are fantastic
4 July 2021
I've probably seen every episode 3 or 4 times; but that was over 40 years ago. The enhanced special effects really add depth and nuance. I'm seeing things I never noticed before.
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Bad Trip (2021)
Funny stuff
2 April 2021
I'm only halfway through the movie; but I have already had more lol moments than any day this year. Even Tiffany Haddish is s ort of funny.
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Pandora (2019–2020)
25 November 2020
I'm only 7 minutes into this show and already I like it more than Star Trek Discovery.
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Ignore the bad reviews
18 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. It's not worthy of an Oscar; but I was entertained. Technically I guess you could call this a horror movie; but it wasn't scary. I don't like being scared.
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Nice Friday night movie
18 February 2020
The reviews I have been reading and seeing on YouTube are so bad that I had to go see for myself. I would rank this movie up there with Once Upon A Time in Hollywood. I got what I expected. I was pleasantly surprised.
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The Gentlemen (2019)
If you can stay withstand the long setup the punchline delivers
24 January 2020
The story and direction take much too long to outline the premise leaving less time for character development. McConaunghey and Hunnam and Farrell give good performances. Hugh Grant is the weak link here.
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1917 (2019)
This is why you go to the cinema!
18 January 2020
You have to see this movie. You feel like you are in the movie.
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
Tastes great, less filling
28 December 2019
This show has great production values and a great cast. Parker Posey is great as Dr. Smith. Season one was pretty good; but season two is 2 or 3 disasters each episode so far; and I am up to episode 6. It's getting monotonous; and everyone knows that Dr. Smith is a (b/w)itch.
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Been there, done that, got the t shirt
21 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Had I not seen all of this stuff before and had they not effed up the franchise so bad I would give this movie a 9. It's got everything a young man looks for in a summer blockbuster except for hot chicks.

What's up with the storm trooper's armor? Their armor is useless. Every shot kills them. Plus, every time the good guys look to be about ready to give up they always come up with a solution just in the nick of time. Just once I would have liked to have seen them come up with a good plan; but they ran out of time.

Oh, and they have Charlie from Lost in this movie ; and he is playing Charlie from Lost.
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Knives Out (2019)
Nothing new here.
5 December 2019
Is this supposed to be a comedy? I think I might have chuckled twice. It's like Kevin Hart. You like the guy and you want to laugh; but he is not Rodney Dangerfield who had some good material.
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Nothing to do on a Saturday night?
27 October 2019
This movie was mildly entertaining; and it had a lot of potential. I had heard of Rudy Ray Moore and Dolemite; but I missed it growing up. It is kind of interesting to know the back story. It is worth seeing; but not must see tv.
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Harriet (I) (2019)
This story needed to be told......
22 October 2019
.......about 50 years ago. It's not like Spiderman or X-Men or Aquaman where they had to wait for CGI technology to make a good film.

Why now? The movie has a great cast that I would like to watch in any movie. The trailers look great. I'm just not sure I want to see another slave movie.

How about a movie about George Washington Carver or Marcus Garvey.
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A Jessie Pinkman movie?
13 October 2019
They should have made a movie about Skinny Pete and Badger. That would have been more interesting. The whole story arc with Todd was kind of depressing, too. The only thing that would have made this movie worse was if they had included Skyler White and Walter White, Jr. They should have written a part for Huell. Jesse Pinkman tough guy. Nope.
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Gemini Man (2019)
Ho hum
13 October 2019
The best thing about this movie are the scenes and action in Cartagena. Spoiler alert; if you go to Cartagena you will see a lot of hot babes--not just beautiful scenery and sights. Makes you wonder why didn't they just grab one of them to be the eye candy. On the good side they omitted the obligatory love scenes. Good bye and good riddance to those movie time fillers. This could have been a great movie; but it is brought down a notch by the corny dialogue that Will Smith has to deliver. He has never been a great actor. He tries and he is really sincere; but he misses by this much. Interesting enough, the CGI Will Smith looks more real than the old Will Smith. The old Will Smith doesn't really look old enough. He just has some gray hair and both the young and old Will Smith look like they go to the barber shop every day although there are no scenes in the movie of them going to the barber shop. How they get the young Will Smith to switch sides is also not plausible. Clive Owen makes a good villain. He should have been James Bond instead of Daniel Craig. This movie is no Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. I would still recommend seeing it because it is better than Joker--not that Joker was bad; but that you get exactly what you thought you were going to get.
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Joker (I) (2019)
One of the best horror comedies of the year
5 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I could see Joaquin Phoenix winning an Oscar for his performance. His Joker is like Tom Brady to Heath Ledger's Joe Montana. Joe was the best quarterback of all time. There would never be another quarterback as great or greater than him despite the fact that Terry Bradshaw also won 4 Super Bowls. I hate the cheater Tom Brady; but I thank God and Bill Belichick for Tom Brady so everybody can shut up about Joe Montana. That's how good Joaquin Phoenix is in this movie. Sorry Heath, R.I.P. Heath Ledger's Joker jumped the shark when he killed Michael Jai White's character fresh off of him playing Spawn. He lost me right there.

The kids are in school so I got to see a matinee in a relatively sparse theater. I burst out laughing several times and I was the only one laughing. I am not sure if I was supposed to laugh. In light of recent events in the real world I wonder how a packed audience will react to Robert Deniro's character getting killed by Joker. By the time he meets his fate I was totally sympathetic to Joker as he was being lambasted by Robert Deniro much like Mr. Deniro has been lambasting President Trump. That scene was very surreal.

I would recommend this movie; but it could have used a cameo or two from a super hero or super villain. It was an interesting character study up to the point where it started to get boring. I hung in there and the pace picked up and it finished with a bang.
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Ad Astra (2019)
Well done scifi
21 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
If you like really good science fiction with lots of drama and action then you will like this movie. It's like they took the plot from 2001: A Space Odyssey changed a few details and added a few. If you have seen 2001 then you will agree. The movie soundtrack is not as good; but it is hard to beat the classical classics. The space scenes and moon scenes are as good as 2001. It's kind of overly long and I found myself yawning a few times; but I didn't want to miss anything. Instead of the ship's computer Hal being crazy it is the character played by Tommy Lee Jones. The movie could have used a little bit more of Tommy Lee and cut out some other stuff like the rabid apes; but it was good for shock effect.
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Pleasantly surprised
10 June 2019
Don't listen to the critics. This is a good movie. There are not as many super hero moments; but that is good because when the action comes it comes fast and furious. The only downer is the actress that plays Jean Grey. Jean Grey is supposed to be smoking hot. The actress that plays Jean Grey--Sophie Turner--is about a 6 or 7. Some might think she is hot; but not me. She does a good job with the role; and it is not a major distraction.
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Ho and hum.......
30 April 2019
Well, they definitely threw everything into this movie including the kitchen sink. And they worked hard to give all of the characters sufficient screen time. I definitely feel as though I got my money's worth. There wasn't a boring moment in the movie and it didn't feel like a 3 hour movie. There's lots of action and lots of laughs. However, less would have been more. Or maybe it's that I am not used to seeing a movie in a crowded theater.
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The Beach Bum (2019)
lol not rotflmao but lol
9 April 2019
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
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