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Watchmen (2009)
A Fanboy's Dream Come True
6 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
As soon as the screen went yellow, a big stupid smile spread across my face. "Finally, this is it" I thought to myself. The film adaptation of the greatest piece of literature ever produced. The once thought unfilmable graphic novel, has finally made its way to the big screen, and it is nothing short of phenomenal, even with several flaws.

If you are a fan of Watchmen, or call yourself one, I find it hard to think of you hating this movie. It is an absolute fanboy's dream come true. I think the moment I realized this was during the opening credits where we are introduced to the Watchmen universe with Bob Dylan's "The Times They Are A-Changing." This is, without a doubt, the greatest opening credit sequence I've ever laid witness too. For about two-and-a-half minutes, we are slowly brought in beautiful fashion the past events of the Minutemen that have shaped the alternate universe in which Watchmen takes place in. It is just stunning.

You'd think that the film would kind of tail off after such an impactful opening with the Comedian and his assailant fighting, but you would be mistaken. The film, which has so much to cover, doesn't even begin to feel the slight-bit rushed until Dr. Manhattan teleports himself to Mars. This scene, Watchmaker, is still done brilliantly just the introduction is a bit rushed. It makes you wonder though, if Zack Snyder can deliver almost an hour of Watchmen without it feeling rushed in a two-hour and 40-minute movie, what will the 3+ hour Absolute Edition on DVD be like?

From Watchmaker on though, things get a little jumbled. They are still ridiculously faithful to the comic, just told in a different form, or done in a different way. It's clear here though, if you haven't read the graphic novel you may start getting a little lost or confused around this time. Things start to move fast, and it's clear the makers of the film weren't thinking of the mainstream audience in developing. As a huge fan of the comic, I'm not complaining.

This film stays faithful right up until the last bit. The new ending is a little too quick for my taste, and doesn't have near the impact that the GN's ending did. The ending is still done right, but it feels a little mashed. All in all though, it doesn't disappoint.

All the performances are astounding, even Matthew Goode, aside from the fact that they made him too sinister. Jackie Earle Haley and Billy Crudup give the best performances. JEH steals every scene as Rorschach, and gives you that sense of unease that the masked vigilante is supposed to. Crudup somehow captures the distant, and uncaring nature of Dr. Manhattan. It's eerie how good he is as the H-Bomb. Patrick Wilson is the perfect flabby failure of Nite Owl II, and Malin Akerman isn't just a sexy face to look at. She actually does a pretty damn good job as Silk Spectre II. And Jeffery Dean Morgan is fascinating as the sadistic, brutal, cynical Comedian. The biggest surprise for me though was Carla Gugino who did a great job as Sally Jupiter. Not to mention, she's an absolute fox in the Minutemen scenes.

Overall, this is definitely the best adaptation Watchmen fans could have ever asked for out a theatrical cut. It has its bad moments, but in the end you realize that this was just a monumental achievement. A movie that was in development hell for 20 years has finally come to the big screen in gorgeous fashion.
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Hot Fuzz (2007)
"Fuzz" Is Flat-out Fun!
29 May 2007
"Hot Fuzz" is one hell of a comedy, and one hell of a fun ride. The story about a police "officer" who is just too damn good, that he puts everyone to shame in London, and is a threat to their jobs, is sent to Sanford. Nicknamed, "God's Country" by the local civilians. The main character, Nicholas Angel(Simon Pegg) soon finds out that not all is well in the community. He befriends, and teams up Danny Butterman(Nick Frost), a PC, who obsesses about awful action movies like "Point Break" and "Bad Boys II" and dreams of being involved in high speed pursuits, shootouts, and other adrenaline-rushing situations. Together they team up, to clean up, the crime-ridden city, where offenses are listed as just "accidents".

"Hot Fuzz" is from the same guys that brought you "Shaun of the Dead", and this one has just as many laughs, more even. You'll see the quick cuts, and editing that you're familiar with from their previous adventure. "Hot Fuzz" is just an absolute riot, filled with non-stop laughs, and high-octane action. If you are a fan of "Shaun of the Dead" then you'll love "Hot Fuzz". And, if you haven't seen "Shaun of the Dead", then you're in for even more of a treat.
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Grindhouse (2007)
The Best Movie-Going Experience of All-Time
18 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I walked into Grindhouse with high expectations, and not only did it live up to my expectations, it surpassed them. Grindhouse is truly the best film of the year and possibly of all-time. It's violent, gross, disturbing, but above all else, it's FUN. We go to the movies to be entertained, and Grindhouse delivers that in more ways than one.

Before the first film starts, we get to see the first of four faux trailers. This one is called "Machete" written and directed by Robert Rodriguez. It was my favourite. I absolutely loved it. The lines were terrific(B-movie greatness), and the action was a blast. I am so excited that Rodriguez is making this film, even if it is a direct to DVD.

The first of the two films, Planet Terror(Rodriguez's), in my opinion, is the better of the two films. Set in Texas, it's about a chemical that's infecting the town and turning them all into zombies. Pretty much everyone is infected, save for a handful. The main character El Wray(Freddy Rodriguez) is just flat-out cool. He's so bad-ass as he's killing zombies left and right throughout the movie. His co-star, Rose McGowan(Cherry Darling) plays a Go-Go dancer who loses her leg to a group of savage zombies. Throughout most of the movie she walks around with a table leg in her stump, and it provides for some hilarious moments. Near the end, she gets her gun, and levels zombie after zombie. It's pretty awesome. Bruce Willis plays the bad guy, who tries to explain the little story the movie has. Josh Brolin, Marley Shelton and Fergie(from the Black Eyed Peas) co-star and do a great job. The movie is filled with laughs from it's cheesy B-movie lines, to it's missing reels and everything in between. You'll laugh, cry, squirm and cheer by movie's end.

But wait, there's still another full-length movie ahead. Just one minute though, first we get treated to 3 fantastic faux trailers during the intermission. Up first is "Werewolf Women of the SS" which is written and directed by Rob Zombie. Easily the most bizarre of the 4 trailers. A werewolf firing a gun? What's up with that? But, that's what just makes it great. It's really out there, but it's very enjoyable(especially the end when a big name star shows up). Next is "Don't". This one provides laughs, but overall isn't near as cool as the other three. It's written and directed by Edgar Wright(Shaun of the Dead). The last one, and the most well-done trailer, is Eli Roth's "Thanksgiving". It recreates the feel of the 70s-80s slasher films brilliantly. The filter over the camera is scratchy, and the voice-over for the trailer has that low serious tone that makes it so cool. It's definitely the most uncomfortable to watch of the trailers, but that doesn't make it bad. "Thanksgiving" is filled with decapitations, sex and over-the-top corny lines. I really hope Eli Roth ends up making a full-length movie out of this, and puts into a, hopefully, Grindhouse II. These trailers were just unbelievably good.

Now, onto movie number two, Death Proof. Yet another excellent film by Mr. Quentin Tarantino. Does this guy ever make a bad movie? I'll admit though, as great as Tarantino is, DP is a little slow starting up, but once it gets going, Quentin's back! Most of Death proof revolves around groups of girls that, mostly talk about, *ahem*, things of, relating to, the sexual nature. They talk about this throughout the movie, that is, until, they meet the villain of the story, Stuntman Mike(Kurt Russel). Russel is back, and once again, he's kick ass! He plays a stuntman who did various work for old t.v. shows and movies, but now, well now, he just likes to take girls in his car for their last ride ever. Eventually though, a group of girls catch up with Mike after he tries to make them his next victims. DP is one wild ride filled with excellent dialogue and possibly the best car chase scene ever in a movie.

Grindhouse is just all-around outstanding with it's missing reels, awful lines, pops, clicks and grainy screen. Odds are, you're going to love it. It's crazy, extreme, and over-the-top. It's what movies are supposed to be! Grindhouse brings something to the table that movies today really don't, originality. This 191-minute masterpiece filled with violence, swearing, sex and gore is truly amazing. If I try explaining the movie too much, you'll only be left confused. So, I'll just tell you this, like I tell everyone else, don't judge it, just go see it!
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A Stunning Disappointment
3 April 2007
How could this have happened? How could we have received to epic 3D Zelda games(Ocarina and Windwaker), only to get this "dud" of a game? After all the delays and years of waiting, how come we're left with this? Oh yeah, that's right, Nintendo just remade Ocarina with better graphics, and a re-hashed soundtrack. To be frank, I am utterly disappointed in this game.

Twilight Princess fails on many levels. No more so than it's atrocious story line. Pretty much every Zelda has a pretty good plot, but not this one. In TP, they've added an uninteresting, confusing, jumbled tale that will bore you by game's end, and leave you unsatisfied.

Zelda has always been known for it's outstanding melodies, and orchestra. For some reason though, new music really wasn't created. No, instead we're left with remixes of Ocarina tunes that were released about eight years ago. And, it's a pretty sad thing too, because based on the game's setting and massive environments it just screams for a truly outstanding chorus, and we are not given that.

As if it isn't bad enough already, Twilight Princess just isn't that fun to play. And since the game takes about anywhere between 30-50 hours to complete, you'll feel like it keeps dragging on with no conclusion in sight.

TP doesn't fail on all levels though. The visuals, though they clearly look dated, are somewhat impressive, especially the water effects. Also, the game translates very well onto Wii, and controls, for the most part, are very fluid. But, sadly, these things aren't enough to save this uneventful, pale and just overall bad game.
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The Holy Grail of Video Games
27 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
One word wraps up Metal Gear Solid 3 perfectly: perfection. This game is the closet one can get to having a perfect video game. MGS 3 is in a league of its own compared to any other game out there. It's beautifully written, brilliantly voiced, and stunningly composed. This game truly shows that video games are a form of art. To the critics who say otherwise, I have one question for them, have you ever played Metal Gear Solid?

Metal Gear Solid 3 takes place in the 1960s in the midst of the Cold War. Once again, you resume the role of the hero Snake, but this time, it's not the Solid Snake we've all come to know and love. No, instead, it's Naked Snake, or, as the name you might know him by, Big Boss. Yes, that's right, Solid Snake's father. But, have no fears, David Hayter supplies his voice for Big Boss as well, and the young Big Boss is an exact duplicate of Solid Snake.

Big Boss is sent in on a mission to retrieve the famous rocket scientist Nikoali Stepanovich Sokolov who is working on a top-secret project for the Soviet Union. After you retrieve him though, the real story begins. While Snake is escorting Sokolov out of the jungles of Soviet Russia, his mentor, The Boss, betrays him, and the United States, and steals two miniature nuclear shells as a "gift" for her new host, Coloner Volgin. Colonel Volgin then deploys a miniature shell at a design bureau, and now Russia thinks the U.S. is at fault. Snake now must head back into Russia, and prove the U.S.'s innocence in the matter. Throughout Snake's journey, he runs into a cast of bizarre characters, and a familiar face to the MGS series, Revolver Ocelot. Except this time, Ocelot is about 40 years younger.

The story of MGS 3 proves to be the best one yet, filled with twists and turns, as Snake unravels a conspiracy, and more details to the ever-epic storyline of Metal Gear Solid. Once you finish the game, you'll stand up, applaud, and ask yourself, "Can a game get any better than this?"

Well, I guess we'll have to wait 'til MGS 4 to answer that question.
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Right Up There With The Original
8 July 2006
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest is the sequel to highly popular POTC: The Curse of the Black Pearl. And the sequel does not disappoint. It keeps almost all of the magic of the original. The music, action, and acting is just as good as it was before. The comedy is a little on the short end in this one. A few too many jokes about rum in my opinion. But that doesn't effect at all.

If you liked the first one, you surely will go see this one, and you'll enjoy, or at least, I hope you will because I did. It starts off a little slow, and sometimes can get a little crazy during the film but it's great nonetheless. It is s little long but in the end comes together perfectly with one of the greatest cliffhanger this movie-goer has ever seen. POTC:DMC is a movie the whole family can enjoy. Don't listen to what critics say about it being too cartoonish, too scary for little kids, and boring. This movie is none of those.

The Summer isn't even over, but Pirates 2, in my opinion, is the best movie the season has to offer. Savvy?
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The Lion King (I) (1994)
Not Only The Greatest Animated Movie Ever Made, But In My Opinion, The Greatest Movie Ever Made.
21 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The Lion King, to me, is like no other movie. It's a movie that gets better every time you watch it, and one you never get sick of. A movie you can't stop watching, and one that you wish would not end, it is that good. It's a movie that both adults and kids can enjoy. The kids will enjoy young Simba's adventures and Timone and Pumbaa's jokes. The adults will enjoy those as well, but they will also enjoy the great dramatic Hamlet-like story, the music, and the great voice cast. The Lion King is a phenomenal movie and has something to offer for everyone.

The Lion King succeeds on every level. From it's award winning music to it's superb voice cast. Hans Zimmer does an excellent job with the score, causing me to have goosebumps at certain points in the movie. Elton John's talent for writing songs really shows in this movie with songs like, "Can't Wait To Be King", and Hakuna Ma Tatta." After you see this movie you'll know why the music was award-winning.

Not only is the music good but the voice acting is superb. With James Earl Jones providing a commanding voice for King Mufassa, to Jonathan Taylor Thomas providing a high-pitched eccentric voice for young Simba. Matthew Broderick is excellent as well as adult Simba, and Jeremy Irons provides his devilish voice to the villain Scar fantastically. Rowan Atkinson is great also as the charmed Zazu, and Nathan Lane is hilarious as Timone.

The music and voice casting, as I mentioned earlier, aren't the only great parts movie, the plot shines just as bright, maybe even brighter. As I also mentioned before, The Lion King has a Hamlet-like story with a king who has a son that will one day will take over as king and rule the Pride Lands. The king though, has a jealous, mischievous brother who schemes against him in order to obtain the throne by killing the king, and his would-be king son. The son after surviving his uncle's plot to kill him, and after running away from the Pride Lands because he thought his father's death was his fault, must return to the Pride Lands and reclaim his rightful place as King.

The movie has plenty of drama, to if not make you spout some tears, at least feel saddened by some elements of the movie. The movie also makes you laugh, and makes you happy. The Lion King even has romance in it, with Simba and his life-long friend Nala. The Lion King is the complete package that gives you everything. It is movie that you will not walk away disappointed from. To me, it's wonder why this isn't in IMDb's top 250, and it's also wonder why this movie didn't win Best Picture.
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Fantastic, Brilliant, Amazing, and Downright Awesome
18 March 2006
V For Vendetta is the story of a man who rebels against a dictatorship government in the future. The movie has close ties to reality, and provides a very strong message. All I can say about this movie is WOW! Now I went into the theater expecting a good movie but I was expecting something this good. Hugo Weaving (V) really comes across as a bad-ass rebel in this movie. Natalie Portman (Evey) is great once again, this time portraying an innocent, scared girl who eventually comes face to face with her fears. John Hurt (Sutler) really makes you believe that he actually is a dictator in real life, he is that good. The acting overall in V4V is sensational.

The acting isn't the only good thing in this movie, the action is phenomenal. It will keep your interest for the entire 133 minute duration of the film.

The story is excellent. It is hard to come across one as good as V4V nowadays. About a very dark, grim look into the future where government rules absolutely everything and everyone is at its mercy. But there is one who fights, our beloved V. Thus creating the ever, enticing story.

So, all in all, I STRONGLY recommend you see V For Vendetta. It is the best movie I've seen in a long while, and the best movie I've seen so far in 2006.
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Freedomland (2006)
Leading The Category For Worst Film In 2006 So Far
19 February 2006
Now I usually don't write reviews for movies, but this movie was so bad I just had to write one. Freedomland sucked on so many levels. All the movie was was really just people fighting and spewing the "F" word. Now it didn't bother me but it just wasn't helping the film at all and it was starting to get very annoying. Other than Sam Jackson, and Julliane Moore, the acting was bad. Also, the plot was really bad, and was just a sinking ship from start to finish. At the end of this movie, you will come out of the theater with an enormous headache. This movie was so bad, the review that I've written sounds really bad. If I could give Freedomland a zero out of ten, I would.
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Very Funny But Don't Watch It Too Much Or It Will Wear Thin
25 December 2005
For What It's Worth is a great performance by Chappelle. Not as funny as Killin 'Em Softly but this one manages to provide some side-splitting laughs. If you watch this for the first time you will laugh your ass from his jokes about crack heads, to plastic surgery. The one bad thing about this stand-up is that after you watch it once, and go back to it, it isn't near as funny as it was the first time. You really can't re-live the jokes over at all. Overall though, this will give you an hour an absolute entertainment. The show does include a lot of swearing but it seems so casual you will hardly even notice. For What It's Worth is probably only 10 dollars, so go get it because you will really enjoy the first go around.
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Yet Another Disappointing Potter Film
20 November 2005
What is it now 4 bad Potter movies? Man, they just can't seem to get it right. I mean the first one they left out too much. Second one was boring, and didn't go in to detail enough. The third one could just be a different film not even based on the book they forgot so much. Now the fourth one could've been good but everything is just rushed. Well, what do you expect from a 734 page novel in to a 156 minute movie. They did leave out a bit of stuff but for the most part left a lot in. All the good parts take about 4 minutes to explain and then they jump to next scene. I'm a Potter fan so I will see all movies no matter how bad they be but I am starting to get a little tired of these mediocre films based on magnificent books.
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Sin City (2005)
Perfect Comic Adaptation Is Not Enough To Save This Disappointing Film
21 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Sin City is a film based on Frank Miller's black and white graphic novel of violence, sex, and dark humor. The whole movie is shot in black and white with the exception of a red car, and some yellow, or blue here and there. It is a word for word adaptation of the novel and told from a narrative perspective. Now this is the most stunning looking film I've seen in a while and the most perfect comic book adaptation I've ever seen. This doesn't necessarily make the film good. No the film actually turns out to be quite bad.

Sin City is comprised of 3 of the many tales Frank Miller has written and with the exception of Mickey Rourke's story they all fall flat. All the stories are are constant decapitations, drinking, swearing, stabbing, shooting, and sex. After a while it just gets old, and dry.

Mickey Rourke, Clive Owen, Rosario Dawson, and Bruce Willis help lead the stories. They all do a fantastic job except for Clive Owen who just doesn't seem gritty enough for the role he plays. Willis plays Hartigan, a roughed up ex-cop. He nails it by one, looking like it, and two sounding like it. Mickey Rourke plays Marv a kind-of "giant", and sure knows how to play a big killing machine. Rosario Dawson plays a hooker with a heart of coal and plays it perfectly. Clive Owen plays some regular guy who seems to never be able to kill anybody and can't act his way out of a paper-bag in this one. All together though it combines to create one hell of an acting performance. This movie is not for the kiddies but that shouldn't matter because don't even bother going to the store to get it for yourself because this one should be left on the shelf.
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Four Brothers (2005)
Four Brothers Gets 4 Stars In My Book
20 August 2005
As the Summer is winding down that means a couple things. One is that Fall/Winter feel-good, and more animated movies than you can count are coming to theaters. Also, it also means that the Summer Movies of 05 are closing. HOO-RAYYY!!! But wait hold on, before it is gone one of few good movies sneaks in. It is the new John Singleton movie Four Brothers, and what a good one it is.

Four Brothers is about four adopted degenerates whose mom is murdered and they come back to their old camping ground to, one bury her, and the other, to look for her killers and bury them as well. It starts out fantastic, then loses a little steam, and at the end comes together perfectly to have you talking about it at the water cooler the next day.

Mark Walbergh, Garrett Hedlund, Andre 3000, and Tyrese Gibson play the four brothers and do a fantastic job as playing the delinquents. They really look like they're right out of the mean streets of Michigan. They also act and speak like it as well. So if you're thinking about taking little kiddies (5-12) you might want to make sure they can handle it because there is enough profanity and shooting to go around. So, if you are looking for a good film this Summer, check one out you might pass over called Four Brothers.
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"Bears" is a laugh-a-minute riot!!!
29 July 2005
This "Bad News Bears" is a remake of the 1976 classic of a bunch a juvenile kids that lack basic motor skills that have a once pro-ball player turned loser drunk as a coach named Morris Buttermaker. The kids are stubborn and don't listen to Buttermaker and threaten to disband the team until Buttermaker acquires the help of his fast-ball throwing daughter Amanda Whurlitzer, and biker bad-boy Kelly Leak. Then the team bands together to reach championship caliber.

Billy-Bob Thorton plays Buttermaker from the original movie who was played by Walter Mathau. He plays the role perfectly and provides almost all of the laughs in the movie. The other laughs are provided by Mike Engelberg and Tanner Boyle. All these two do is bicker and call each other vulgar names. Engelberg is always jumping on people for calling him fat. Boyle will never miss an opportunity to throw his glove at someone, or start a fight with a fellow teammate.

Bad News Bears is one of the few remakes in Hollywood that manages to live up to the original. Sure it might not have the magic the 1976 one did but it is really close. Also, some of the jokes are re-used in the 2005 version but it's nice seeing it delivered by a new actor or actress. Also, the new jokes more than make up for the twice used jokes. In the end, if you were a fan of the original, or are a newcomer than have no fears this new updated version will have you laughing all the way out of the theater to your car and on the way home.
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Batman Begins (2005)
The Best Movie Of The Year So Far
23 June 2005
There was a lot of speculation on how Batman Begins was going to turn out. All I heard from people before the opening was how the people working on this movie were going to make this worse than the others. Well, let me tell ya folks everybody who thought the movie was gonna be a bomb and be as bad as the others was dead wrong. Batman Begins is the best batman to come out, and it is also my favorite movie of the year so far.

A lot of people said that this movie dragged on. Oh it did not drag on at all. It kept my interest the whole film. I was disappointed to see the credits roll. I've seen all the batman movies and I'm usually bored halfway through, but not this one. This movie will keep you hooked because it combines drama with action, while all the other batman's just had mindless action and dumb plots. It really shows in this batman that the producers, writers, and director took their time in making this film and making those years that it took them to put it together pay off. This movie also shows that you can make excellent sequels in Hollywood if you JUST TAKE YOUR TIME. Apparently most writers and directors don't hear that and just rush a movie and make it only a one year gap from the previous film. Us movie goers do not need a sequel year after year, but apparently in Hollywood they think we do.

Christian Bale is magnificent as Batman. It seems like he was made to play batman. He is built like batman, and he has that same gruff voice as Keaton had when he was batman. He really nails it when it comes to this role. At first I was kind of worried that he was playing batman but my worries were put to rest after i saw the movie. I prefer the story line but a lot of parents will not want to take their younger kids to see this as it is a little frightening and dark. Also kids will not like the length of the movie because it is close to two and half hours. But for all you who have no problem with the darker story or the length then get out and go see this movie.
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