
24 Reviews
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Goey Ratings: GAM (Good Action Movie)
26 July 2005
This sequel was a lot better than i was expecting. Of course my expectations were very low. I wasn't a huge fan of the original Triple X and with a change in the main character i was intrigued to see how they fit everything into the theme of the movie. I however was pleasantly surprised. Now this was no "great" movie by any means, the plot was thin, the characters had little depth, and the acting was only adequate. But the action sequences are another story. they were great, they were very well done and definitely unique. The action was really the only portion of this movie that really worked. Unfortunentaly the ending of th is film fell into the usual trap of setting everything up for another sequel. How sad that Hollywood can only see dollar signs and not make good movies.
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Goey Rating: GM (Great Movie)
26 July 2005
Wow this was a great movie, and more impressive is that it was a made for television movie. The special effects were really good and the plot was excellent. This is another of those "disater" movies where lately i have felt let down by the endings. After a movie of intense build up the endings have been lame and worthless. However Category 6 does a great job of wrapping everything up and still being very excited. You really get involved in the lives of these characters and feel for them as the suffer and try to survive. However there are quite a few characters to keep track of and at times things start moving at a quick pace.
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Goey Rating: WOT (Waste of Time)
26 July 2005
This cartoon was a bore. It didn't follow the "Tom Sawyer" book very well. The musical numbers were oddly placed, didn't make any sense, and lacked any entertainment value. There was no real storyline or plot to the whole movie, it was more like they took random pages out of Tom Sawyers diary. I had a real hard time caring about anything in this movie. I didn't care about any characters or even about the non existing story. I could only watch this movie in in like 10-15 minute intervals. It was a complete waste of time. It amazed me that this movie could pick up the name power that they got, with the voices of Kirsten Dunst and Christopher Lloyd.
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Goey Rating: GFF (Great Family Film)
26 July 2005
This is a great movie for families to watch together. This is a story about a boy who is trying to stop h is mom form being with her new boyfriend. Of course nothing is ever easy and things never go as planned. To add to everything the new boyfriend has a dark secret. One that he doesn't want the boy or his mother to know. When the secret does get out everything blows up and the story gets very interesting. Jonathan Taylor Thomas does a great job playing a kid who whats to keep things with just himself and his mother. I was really impressed with this movie and was really entertained by it. It is definitely worth watching.
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Man of the House (I) (2005)
Goey Rating: YBW (You've Been Warned)
26 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
A movie that looks like it's filled with funny moments that totally fails to entertain. I was disappointed in this movie. It didn't even come close to the expectations I had for it.

This movie is about five female college cheerleaders who have witnessed a murder. They are placed into protective custody with an aging man who is in charge of the investigation. well you can image a single older man with no sense of fun. As you can see this will cause quite an uproar in the house as they all try to survive each other and an attacker who seems to finally to have found them. This movie was predictable, and all of the funny parts of the movie were as usual shown on the trailer, and were actually funnier on the trailer then they were in the movie.
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Ice Princess (2005)
Goey Rating: GFF (Great Family Film)
25 July 2005
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Cute movie, another family hit by Disney. Using there pull on the girl market with the Princess title this has a very Princess Diary essence surrounding it. However it was a cute movie and definitely worth of a couple of watches. I'm sure the younger girls will love it and i will tell you and didn't mind watching it a couple of times.

The story is about a girl who uses her brains to teach herself the physics of Figure Skating. as if that alone wouldn't be enough there is also the emotional struggles of changing her life around and where her loyalties lie. This was a great movie and the song at the end performance by Diana DeGarmo is absolutely beautiful.
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Home Room (2002)
Goey Rating: NFK (Not For Kids)
25 July 2005
How emotional, this movie tears the heartstrings and cuts to the very core of emotions. A "Columbine" type film this is a movie that shows the difficult process of moving on after such an awful experience. I would love to recommend this movie to all high school students except there is one small problem. This movie has one large language problem that goes far far beyond the realm of every day talk.

This storyline was ingenious, it also is something that everyone can relate to. The subject matter is how people in this case two girls deal with a very dramatic and horrific situation. It was interesting to see how these very different characters reacted to the happenings going on around them. The last 30 minutes of this movie are so powerful. It shows the pain and hurt that these two girls are facing and how they help each other through it.
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Meteor (1979)
Goey Rating: MS (Must See)
25 July 2005
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This is an old "End of the World" film about an asteroid that is heading for Earth. The storyline for this movie was ingenious. The US and it's cold war Enemy the USSR work together to rid themselves of a common enemy, a killer asteroid. However the special effects couldn't keep up with the direction of this movie. They didn't look the least bit realistic though for a 1970's movie you can't expect much. This is a classic case of a movie being made before it's time.

I really enjoyed this movie as the story was more realistic than many of the other "end of the world" movies that are out there. This was definitely during a time when movies where made because of good story's instead of special effects.
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Goey Rating: MS (Must See)
25 July 2005
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Watch out for the aliens. This save the world from killing alien movie was great. Action packed and thrilling this movie keeps you entertained and on the edge of your seat. I really enjoyed this movie. It was a fresh version of an alien attack and how the world unites to rid themselves of the invasion.

The plot line of this movie was ingenious showing both the political side and the military side of this invasion. Then pulling them together along with a bit of a love story to tie the story all together. Independence Day will keep you on the end of your seat throughout the movie. It is a constant movement between characters and situations all moving up to the "last stand"
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Goey Rating: DM (Decent Movie)
25 July 2005
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What a movie. This unique film is about one guy who teaches kids in a very unorthodox way. Jack Black fakes being a substitute teacher in a private school using music to reach and tech these kids. As crazy as it sounds it also works on the kid's parents. While Joan Cusack who is the principal in the school is tricked by Jack Black into thinking he is teaching the students other accepted subjects.

I was impressed with this story as it seemed pointless until almost the end when all of the pieces of this odd puzzle start falling into place. Jack Black plays on over the top aging rocker who is trying to prove he still has the stuff to rock hard. In fact it's the kids that make the movie.
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Goey Rating: NFF (Nice Family Film)
19 July 2005
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An entertaining swashbuckling movie. This movie really doesn't supply any surprises, there are not any unbelievable twists or turns. The actors did do a good job and the scenery was nice but the movie never really stands out as anything spectacular in any way.

This movie revolves around three odd ball musketeers who are the only three whom have refused to turn in their swords upon the order from a government that has abolished the position of musketeer. Then joined by a new recruit the four of them must survive as outcasts in a society trying to kill them and still they try to protect the king. In the end obviously they all work together and magic happens just as it does in all of these types of films. There is one thing to be remember from this movie though, i'm not sure that this is the first movie to use it or not but it definitely needs to be quoted. "All for one and One for all"
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The Core (2003)
Goey Rating: SFF (Sci-Fi Flop)
19 July 2005
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An interesting "end of the world" disaster movie that claims the core of the earth has stopped rotating. which in turn is causing the atmosphere to start breaking down. The only way to save Earth is to in essence jump start the core. So a group of individuals work together in an experimental vehicle to travel to the center of the earth and try to jump start the core. but obviously not everything will go as planed, if it didn't we wouldn't have a movie.

I wasn't all that impressed with this movie. I do have to admit that it was entertaining but the plot was thing, the acting was weak, and the special effects were extremely sci-fish and not that believable.
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Goey Rating: GM (Great Movie)
19 July 2005
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I was very impressed with this made for TV movie. This movie is based on the true events of the Fall of 2002 in the Washinton DC Area. For 23 days a sniper bullied and terrorized the citizens of Maryland, Washington DC, and Virginia. With multiple people shot and killed the violence grows as the sniper gets more and more cocky.

The feel of this movies is very authentic. The acting was good as was the way that the movie was able to show both side of the story. I really felt like I was experiencing those days all over again. The story is filled with emotions and facts that can be followed and understood.
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Goey Rating: WWM (Worlds Worst Movie)
14 July 2005
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What a waste of film. This movie was probably the worst move i've ever seen. Phantom of the Paradise is a blend of Phantom of the Opera, Austin Powers, and Rocky Horror Picture Show. The story was irritating, i could only watch the movie in like 20 minute increments before i'd start loosing interest. The acting was awful, and the props were lame. Based in the 70's this is about a music composer who gets cheated by a producer. and then the rest of the movie is nothing but revenge. And the main actress in this movie, first of all she can't sing, and her dancing, it looks like she's being shocked by the electric chair. So if you ever happen to see this movie anywhere, do not, i repeat DO NOT watch it, your time will be wasted if you do.
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Fantastic Four (I) (2005)
Goey Rating: FF (Fantastic Film)
14 July 2005
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This was a great movie, i loved the humor in it. I also enjoyed the relations between the characters how they already had working relationships before the movie started and they were able to explain those relationships very quickly to give you a nice back-story. This is the first movie in hopefully a new franchise of Fantastic Four Films. The movie is really just the five main characters learning about their new powers and couping with what has happened to them. While this movie isn't as action packed as other super-hero movies are it was a nice change because this was more about the internal struggles of the characters and then also about the relationships within the group.
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Robots (2005)
Goey Rating: GFF (Great Family Film)
29 June 2005
Robots was a great movie. Made by the creators of "Ice Age" this movie is a fun movie through the whole thing. Rodney a teen trying to find his place in the world lives in a world of robots he strikes out on his own to become an inventor. He makes some great friends that help him achieve his dreams. They are also a bunch of misfits who have a variety of unique problems. The colors are vibrant thought-out, the songs are entertaining, and the theme is strong. "See a need, fill a need". This is a great movie for small kids and for older kids alike. Even the parents will enjoy this movie. I loved this movie and will enjoy it forever and ever. One of my all time favorites.
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Goey Rating: GHM (Great Heist Movie)
29 June 2005
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If you like the James Bond movies do not get confused and think that this is one of them. However it is a lot like the Bond movies just from the view of the bad guy whose really not that bad. I really enjoyed this movie of 2 jewel thieves who are trying to retire and yet can't seem to. for those of you who like the Heist movies this one tops the list, with the obvious twists and turns and just plain ridiculous moments who would ever believe that the Thief and the FBI Agent would become friends? Only this movie would ever be able to pull that off. One of my favorite parts was that every time the FBI Agent and the Thief would be talking they were always double crossing each other, and then other people kept thinking they were a couple. It was great to watch the interactions of these characters.
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Goey Rating: FM (Funny Movie)
29 June 2005
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The sequel to the smash hit comedy Miss Congeniality about an FBI agent posing as a Beauty Pagaent Contestent this movie continues the life of that Agent Hart. While not as good as the original this movie had it's moments that were a hilarious and yet irritating at the same time. I wasn't a huge fan of Agent Hart's attitude through the middle part of the movie. For those of you who loved the first they didn't quite make par on this one but you still need to watch it, as the movie progresses it definitely gets better so stick with it. The jokes in this sequel just didn't hold up to those of the original and the whole plot was just a little weak. I however did love the addition of a second female agent to the mix.
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Hitch (I) (2005)
Goey Rating: OFM (One Funny Movie)
29 June 2005
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A Comedy about a man who is known as the Dating Doctor who teaches guys how to make there ideal woman fall in love with them. And as any comedy goes everything must fall apart somewhere. The main thing to remember here is that the guys found something that would impress the girls and make them take notice, this really isn't anything underhanded or sneaky. I loved how at times the guys that Hitch was tutoring would totally ignore his advice. This movie definitely had it's high points and funny moments and i'm sure you girls will love it, as a guy i just found it entertaining. Will Smith does a great job in this movie it great to seem him switch between his action movies and then be able to do a great comedic part.
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Goey Rating: DM (Decent Movie)
28 June 2005
A sequel to the original Batman movie, this movie is a dark super-hero movie. of course that really fits in with all of the batman movies. i will have to admit this movie didn't hold my attention quite as well as i would have liked but it was pretty good. The storyline was creative having two villains instead of the normal one villain that super-hero movies tend to have. I wasn't a huge fan of the Panguine and the whole story plot was just a little to complex for me.if your into this newly lighted super-hero crazy this is a definite movie to watch before the new one comes out. however those with kids should beware it does have some adult themes in it.
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Goey Rating: GM (Good Movie)
28 June 2005
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A nice addition to the batman franchise this is the first movie to introduce Robin. The unique story, and a different feel then the other Batman movies this one isn't quite as dark. Again as in the other movies there are multiple characters to try and keep track of. i really enjoyed the addition of Robin because it brings a younger face to the movie. The storyline for this movie was a little weak but over all not disappointing. The addition of Robin creates a special atmosphere as to having another character trying to keep the identity of "Batman" secret. It amazes me how easily Bruce Wayne seems to find girlfriends yet can never seem to keep one between two movies. This movie is a definite watch for everyone who's seen the other Batman movies, and for those interested in the new one "Batman Begins"
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Gunner Palace (2004)
Goey Rating: SKIP (Skip this movie and make believe it never existed)
28 June 2005
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Wow, and not in a good way, this documentary while i know they didn't try to do this totally made our military over in Iraq look like a bunch of Frat Boys. First you hear a rapper with some very colorful language (swearing) then you get some personal moments with a couple of guys, next thing you know they are relaxing in a swimming pool. OK the whole background for this documentary is that it follows a troop of the US military based in Iraq following the months after the end of major engagement in Iraq. they are based out of a bombed out palace of Saddams. It follows the guys on their routine's through the streets of Baghdad and then out on some of the raids, then to the post raid parties that were thrown. Now i understand that these parties are really just morale boosters, and i have no gripes against our service men and women who risk their lives serving our great country, but the editing and direction of this film is not very positive looking towards our troops.
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The Pacifier (2005)
Goey Rating: FMNI (Family Movie but Not Impressed)
28 June 2005
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What a unique movie, nothing like what i was expecting. Come on Disney time to wake up. This was a great idea for a movie and yet they somehow did the Disney thing and let it slip through there fingers. I will admit that there were some funny parts in the movie but as the previews showed the little girl falling out of the fan crying "Land" well it doesn't happen like your expecting, quite a let down if you ask me. Second of all the movie bounces quite a bit and has a lot of "important" characters, like the wrestling coach, and the principal. they both had great opportunities for character development but i'm guessing that would have taken to much time. also there were not as many funny moments with the kids as i was expecting. So as a wrap up a great family movie that just doesn't stand up to expectations.
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Batman Begins (2005)
Goey Rating: MS (Must See)
22 June 2005
What a great movie, this is a great way to relight the Batman franchise. This is the story of the formation of Batman. While i'm not a huge Batman fan this one definitely was worth watching. The story was entertaining and believable. But like all Batman movies this is a dark movie, and a lot of the scenes are at night. By the way I'm stealing Batman's new car! The action sequences were great the storyline was unique and entertaining. I will have to admit that there were times throughout the movie in which i had troubles staying seated in my chair at moments it just got a little slow but then things would pick back up. the best thing i liked about Batman Begins is that they portray Batman as a real person and not a superhero with powers.
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