
20 Reviews
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Stillwater (2021)
Awesome surprise
26 August 2021
First, they did mess up by calling the movie a thriller. Nothing about this movie is thriller like. Not sure how they messed that up. Other than that, the movie is an awesome slow burn drama with amazing acting and heart wrenching moments. These types of movies can feel too long sometimes, but this one was a pleasure to watch all the way through. Again, only watch it if you are in the mood for a drama. 9/10.
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Hellboy (2019)
21 August 2021
David Harbour really struggles as hellboy in this. To be fair, the script is bad, cgi is awful by today's standards, and the supporting actors are rough. There's not much else to say. Kinda sums up this movie.
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Birds of Prey (2020)
Who is editing this? Terrible action scenes.
20 August 2021
It's like someone waited 2 seconds after every scene to call cut. Either Robbie is terrible at action scenes, or there's an editor that can't fit circle pieces in square holes.
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Felt like I saw a different movie than all the people with high ratings.
19 August 2021
I am not sure what everybody loved that I missed in this movie, but it really just felt a bit boring and long. There isn't much plot, the jokes mostly missed for me, and the action scenes were just your standard affair. Even Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn didn't really hit the mark in this like she did in the first movie. You could tell they tried to focus on her a lot in an attempt to save the movie, but the character wasn't given enough to do to justify the screen time. They stretched Harley Quinns/Margot Robbies act to the point that it almost became annoying and repetitive. Which is weird, because she was such a highlight in the first movie. I dunno. In the end, Margot Robbie is still gorgeous, the action scenes are fairly entertaining, and it is not as bad as the first one, but it is just not good enough for me to recommend it to most people.
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Sweet Tooth (2021–2024)
I really didn't think I was going to like this show
12 June 2021
First, the virus in the show is beyond ridiculous, even for a comic book. They ask A LOT from the viewer to accept this. I almost didn't watch the show because I thought it was just too stupid. I'm very glad I gave it a chance. Within the first 20 minutes I was hooked. The story telling, plot and characters are just well thought out and interesting. I always wanted to know what happened next. I also came to realize that the virus and how crazy it is was just a very interesting set up to be able to create a lot of intriguing situations. It isn't perfect by any means though. Sometimes the costumes look a little cheesy. It also can be a bit kiddish from time to time, though at other times it is definitely very "adult". It's like they couldn't decide exactly what age demographic they wanted to go for, so did a little of everything (I wouldn't recommend it for kids under 13 at the very least). All that said I'd definitely recommend it. It was a fun ride with some situations that you'll find yourself thinking deeply about without even realizing it.
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Cruella (2021)
Fun movie
4 June 2021
Fun movie. This is more of a reboot of the Cruella character. It doesn't really fit with the old Disney movie, but it was a pretty fun ride. It was a bit over the top and the soundtrack was a bit intrusive, but overall a solid entertaining film. Nothing groundbreaking, but I'd recommend it for a rainy day.
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Entertaining and well done
25 May 2021
Been a while since I could recommend a zombie movie. This one was a lot of fun. A great movie to turn off your brain and grab some popcorn. This is what the resident evil movies should have been.
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One time watch
24 May 2021
Nothing stands out about the movie. It has all been done before. This is a straight to TV type of film. Worth a watch if you have nothing else on your watch list. Not terrible, just not good either. Solid 6 out of 10 stars.
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The Marksman (2021)
It is OK for a movie to be simply entertaining
14 April 2021
Not every movie needs to be Oscar worthy, make you think deeply about life, or be a fresh new idea. This movie was entertaining and good enough to grab a bowl of popcorn and let you forget about real life for a little bit. That's fine by me. 7/10.
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Mix of good and bad
23 February 2021
Watchable show but not overly enjoyable. There is something good here, but it doesn't come together fully. They ask a lot from the audience as far as suspending disbelief. There is a LOT of footage that could be cut. This would have been better as a 3 hour movie. There is just a lot of set up for things that never really pay off. Then they take the cheap way out for a plot twist. You'll know what I mean when you see it. And what's with the counting to 10 on your fingers trick that makes you instantly fall asleep. Just way too much stuff like that in this show. Also, the twist has been done before but better. I wanted to like this and recommend it, but I just can't after thinking on it for a day. There is a lot worse out there to watch, but there is also a lot better out there to spend your time on. Sadly a pass or at best a show to put on in the background while you are browsing your phone.
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I Care a Lot (2020)
Frustrating and not worth your time
23 February 2021
A movie that is simply not enjoyable to watch. The ending helps it a little bit, but it's far too little too late. Unlikable characters, no real message, and just gives you a bad feeling throughout the whole movie. I'm not sure what they were attempting to accomplish here. Why would anyone want to watch a movie about two terrible people doing terrible things while trying to act normal about it. There are zero people to root for in this movie. If they all got tortured and died in the end it might have been OK, but the payoff never really came. Just not fun to watch, not thought provoking, and a fairly unbelievable plot. I'd pass.
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Passable but unsatisfactory
11 February 2021
Watchable but not recommendable unless you have nothing else on your watch list. The movie just never really came together. The two cops relationship felt awkward and unearned. The editing and flashbacks felt sloppy and forced. The ending fell flat and was just kind of boring. The bad guy was the most entertaining part of the movie, but even that was underdeveloped. The actors did their best and it is watchable, but it's just not satisfactory. I expected far more from this cast.
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The Dig (2021)
Good all around, though not what I expected
4 February 2021
The acting was great. Characters were fully fleshed out and relatable. The story, though not riveting, explored some of life's deeper meanings and trials. Very good all around. It did seem like it could have used a few more minutes at the end to wrap things up a little better. Also, a little more information and focus on the history of what they found was expected but not delivered. This is less of a history focused movie, and more a movie focused on the complexities of human relationships. That said, it's not a typical love story. It does have various "love" stories within it, but also focuses on the fact that our time is fleeting and precious, so we should consider how and who we spend it with wisely. I came for the history, and though I got a full on drama instead, I was not disappointed. It was done in a fresh way. One last warning, I wouldn't call this a feel good story. It was a bit sad. So save this one for when you are in the right mood for it.
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Above average but not great
19 January 2021
Good for a one time watch. The story is extremely basic, and is fairly slow moving. I did feel for the two main characters though, and the acting was well done. Basically you get to go on a road trip across the desert with Tom Hanks. Not a lot happens, but hey, it's still Tom Hanks. I ultimately enjoyed the film, but have no wish to watch it again at any point. 7/10
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Greyhound (2020)
A bit of a let down, but still entertaining
19 July 2020
Entertaining enough, but doesn't feel complete. I can't help but feel that this movie needed to be an hour longer. The characters needed a bit more development, and the story needed to be more fledged out. What's there is worth a watch, but it just feels a bit hollow. It's a solid 7/10 movie.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
Entertaining enough
18 July 2020
Good one time watch if like me the movie shortage caused by covid has you searching for anything you can get your hands on that is at least watchable. It has some plot holes if you look too closely, and I will likely never watch it again, but it was entertaining for what it was. I don't regret my time spent watching it.
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The Bad Batch (2016)
Different, but in a good way
18 July 2020
This movie was a pleasant surprise for me, but I do understand why others are leaving some bad reviews. The movie doesn't shy away from showing you the slower parts of what life would be like in the world they created. I found the slower parts personaly helped bring me into that world though. It was interesting to think about what I would do in each situation presented, and you really felt the hopelessness of the main characters situation at times, as well as her strength as she continued on. The best way I can describe the plot is that they simply took an uncut portion of a person's life and turned it into a movie. This means that the plot doesn't exactly have a clear direction or a traditional layout with a buildup, climax and ending per say. If you like thought provoking dystopian movies and enjoy just seeing what a broken world would be like, I'd recommend this movie to you. If you like the more traditional approach of movie story telling, than I'd probably pass on this one.
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The Rover (2014)
A movie with no real substance or plot
18 July 2020
There is so little here in the way of a compelling plot. The ending made the already ridiculous main characters motive to do what he did almost more ridiculous. The actors all did well enough, but they were so simply written one note characters that it is not really saying much. You know that movie you randomly find and give a shot because it sounds interesting at a glance, and then it actually makes you angry that it wasted your time? That was this movie for me.
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Extraction (2020)
Great action movie. Didn't expect it to be this good.
24 April 2020
Action movie that somehow felt fresh, even with the plot being standard. Other movies should take note and replicate how the action was done in this movie. The camera wasn't all over the place like a lot of these types of movies try to do, which made me able to take it all in. It was also realistic with a nice minimal touch of over the topness. The plot was simple but solid, and rarely took me out of the movie. The acting was good as well, and the characters were cast correctly. Hemsworth plays this role well. It wasn't perfect, as there were a couple times where you are asked to sort of "just go with it", but overall really good. Very pleasantly surprised.
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Devs (2020)
Good show. OK ending. Lead character annoying
16 April 2020
Overall great show that is worth watching. I only have two complaints. The lead character annoyed me and I found myself not caring about what happened to her. I'm not sure if she was purposely written this way, but I found myself just tolerating her for the story, which was mostly great. This leads me to my second complaint, the ending. It wasn't bad. It was just a "yeah that's fine I guess" type of thing, which is not what I had hoped for after such a great story up until than. These two complaints are still well worth putting up with to watch the show. Also, Nick Offerman nailed his role in this.
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