
23 Reviews
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Spell (2020)
So many things that couldve been better
23 November 2020
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I honestly did like this movie, especially for the base storyline. I don't think African American culture is talked about a lot in films unless they are slave oriented when there is SO much more to that. I love seeing and hearing about ancient voo doo and the spirits and ancestor roots of magic and African and African American culture. I can see that they tried to portray this heavily in this film, but I feel as if they either missed or didn't add so much more to this story. I can't stand when films don't go into more depth about a subject or even the characters. What I would have done differently is, 1. I would have made the character more likeable, I couldn't relate to him in anyway and that made it hard for me to care about his character or what happens to him. 2. Where is the history? If they would have placed more history about his dad and his connection to magic, the main characters random knowledge of magic wouldn't have come as an unbelievably random surprise. And 3, some of the editing was pretty bad and choppy. It made me kind of dizzy, even. I love the actors and I think they are incredible at what they do, but I wish they would had given them more to work with. This film had every potential to receive 10 stars if it would have added those few changes.
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Canal Street (2018)
Watched for the Actors
24 October 2020
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Had me at the skits from Black Lives Matter and then I don't know what happened. I originally starting watching this movie because I hadn't seen some of the actors that I genuinely like in a while. There were so many parts that didn't make sense but then I couldn't stop trying to figure out "who did it." What was interesting about the movie was all of the opinions and it makes it kind of hard to watch but thats how social media is. Why can't people jus let the facts be heard? Either way, overall the movie was kinda poorly made. I wouldn't watch it again that's for sure. A reviewer mentioned it being clunky and I think thats the perfect word for it. I feel bad the actors just didn't have a better written movie. smh
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Black Box (II) (2020)
UH 10!!!!!
24 October 2020
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I can honestly see why this got less than a 10 star from others, however I LOVE movies and I am the type of person that enjoys a story line and visual more than the editing and being a perfectionist about movies. I don't even think a real movie reviewer should be a perfectionist. Film is ART and ART is beyond perfect to the average eye, right? Anyway, Blumhouse gets me every time. I agree that it's not horror at all. Nothing scary about it. Just freaky. I LOVE the idea. Reminded me so much of Jordan Peeles "Get Out" except this time, the black mom used someone who she felt was already brain dead to bring back her son. Where as Get Out was strictly rich white people luring innocent and talented black men to their home, hypnotizing them and then transferring their white mind into the black body. I still can't get over how Fd up and highly capable that could be :-(. I love the main character and actually looked for more movies by him because he did such a good job. He does have another movie I recommend to you guys called "Uncorked". Check it out!
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Emperor (2020)
Shields Green
24 October 2020
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See, this is why I love film and writers and directors not afraid to talk about the "little guy" or "untold stories". I didn't even know about Shields Green until I saw this movie. I hear people saying it's not historically accurate, okay cool, well let me go google and hit the library so I can get the correct information about this person. Either way, he sounded brave and any slave during that time that got away from the devils that actually did this to people gets a kudos from me. Only reason I didn't give this movie a 10 is because of the poor editing and like one reviewer said, I wish it was longer. I wish MORE was going on and it wasn't quickly carried out. Honestly as a fiction writer myself I would have added all the little quirks and maybe even MORE stuff that didn't happen, just cus. It's a movie people give the film a break from it being REAL. LOL! Love the actors too!
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Why I think you should watch this movie.....
24 October 2020
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I don't know who is behind the bad reviews, but come on guys did you even GIVE the movie a chance or just start hacking away at the film after ten minutes? There are ALOT of well known actors in this movie from Terrance Howard to Wesley Snipes and they all showed up at surprising times in the movie. I actually loved the story line in the beginning and middle but the end was definitly confusing and to be honest uncalled for. If I was the writer to this movie I would have left the ending at them getting away with starting a life over. It was brilliant and it left a sigh of a relief in the end for the boys. INSTEAD, THE writer ends up making the boys do one more robbery like in the movie "Set it off" and gets everyone killed. LIke for what? Why not just let the remaining 3 live and have them actually settle back into their lives? What I also liked was the important information about Katrina and how shady the government was with FEMA and the Ninth Ward. I mean it's a movie, but we all know that our government has a way of pushing out poor black people and protecting the wealthy rich. I didn't think any of the actors were bad actors at all! But some of the editing was weird and at times shifted from one to the other too fast. So this movie got 8 stars from me because I adored the actors and I actually think the story line had a lot of meaning but was just cut badly and the ending was just terribly executed. I think the audience would have been happier with them getting away with it. Either way, watch the movie please and don't listen to these haters who gave this movie a 4 and below. (rolling my eyes) They probably didn't even watch it. :-)
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Sacrifice (2019 TV Movie)
Poorly executed
21 October 2020
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Okay, so, Danielle Vasquez I believe is her name played by Paula Patton, is supposed to be this slick tongued, smart, diligent, sly, beautifully, well-dressed corporate wonder woman, I guess. I have to say I loved that her character was loved by everyone and she has this good rep in the streets to where she knows everyones business. Kind of your typical know it all business person that can throw anything in anyones face. She has a sister who is a triple platinum singer who is an obvious narcissist and has a terribly insecure boyfriend. Some SugKnight character accidentally kills one of his rappers and her sister(the singer) gets assaulted. The plot could have had so much more to it, but it was just so poorly executed. I was finding bits and pieces of the movie I liked, but then there would be a scene I totally just couldn't deal with. I like that she had an old relationship with one of the detectives from college which made the movie watchable because they both wanted to do right by people in their own way. The cute quotes that Patton(Vasquez) threw out were clever as well. Like "Don't get buried in your own, you don't have enough dirt."

The movie wasn't terrible, just terribly written. I hate when movies have a decent plot but use the wrong actors and the wrong direction. So for me, I gave it 4 stars for the effort and for at least keeping me a bit interested.
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Cuties (2020)
People Are afraid of the real world
20 October 2020
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Let's be REAL, women know exactly how horrific the realities of what a WOMAN should be are. Although this movie did a weird way of showing it, at the end of the day, little girls nowadays DO this. They mimic social media just like when I was a girl wanting to be like the women in music videos. It shows how easy it is for a little girl to be influenced, regardless of how she was raised. Seems like to me the people reviewing this movie didn't even really watch it. There are so many clear signs that this movie was SUPPOSED to make you want to throw up. Even in the end when the girls were bumping and grinding at the talent show, the audience shook their heads and boo'd. And then guess what? She had an epiphany? She just wanted to be a little girl again. And at the end of the movie, that's exactly what she did. I loved how they ended the movie with her jumping rope and laughing, on top of her getting a whole new set of friends just as quickly as she got her first friends. MAYBE you guys should actually give this movie and chance and some DAMN CREDIT! People are so afraid of the real world.
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Òlòtūré (2019)
Wheres the rest?
7 October 2020
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I absolutely hate movies that leave me stuck at the end. Especially when it was a good movie all the way until the end. I liked the story line, the actors, and even the plot. I liked that the main character, Oloture's roll in the movie as a Journalist. I kind of was hoping she WAS the police, but making her a journalist made her even that more vulnerable. I love the subject of trafficking because we just don't discuss it and the world needs to start showing everyone what happens, even if it's made up in a movie. One of the reviewers said that this movie made you see what goes on with people through their eyes and I agree. This is why movies like these are important, so we can stop and actually live in someones shoes for once. I wish that the ending was better, though. I wish that Oloture at least got out of it and I hope there is a part 2 with her struggle as she is now kidnapped. Overall I definitely liked it for what it's worth.
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Just Mercy (2019)
Harmonizing what our government wants to NORMALIZE
10 February 2020
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I admire Michael B Jordan's direction on this film. He has shown us time and time that he can create just as good as the great creators. Just Mercy tackled injustice humanizing what our government chooses to normalize. Amazing how many people didn't know that this actually happens. Bryan Stevenson (played by Michael B. Jordan) is a young African American lawyer who is fresh and new and ready to take on cases that matter. He picked death-row inmates who are and claim to be innocent.

One particulate case is Walter Mcmillan performed by Jaimie Foxx who was sentenced to death in a 1980 case where he was charged for murdering a young white women in a small town in Alabama. This film depicts another look at just what Black American had to go through, not even 50 years ago. The audience was waiting for not another black oppression movie with dynamic, bravery, justice, and elevation. I was proudly pleased from Michael B Jordan, the director, Destin Daniel, Jamie Foxx and all of the other actors. As as so many scenes were to watch, it was a great performance by all!
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Get Out (I) (2017)
Funny? No. Creepy? Yes
15 March 2017
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I think people hyped this movie up to be more than what it was. Don't get me wrong, it was a GREAT movie and I caught on to a lot of hidden messages; a couple on which I won't speak on. But, I think I went into watching the movie with higher expectations. I didn't think the movie was really funny like some people were ranting about. It was definitely more creepy. The creepy looks, the creepy eyes, and the creepy smiles. It was like, right away, you knew something wasn't right. The one thing that did surprise me about this movie was that the girlfriend was in it the whole time. I mean REALLY in it. All those photos of all the different black men she lured into heart and home only to make them internal slaves to the next bidder. I mean what?! How did I not see that coming? The more creepier thing was the whole transformation of her grandparents into those pour black souls minds. This brings me to the underlining messages that I hope doesn't offend anyone. But we do see from time to time how black people are always looked down upon for this or that when secretly we see white people loving the culture, the hair, the music, and the clothes. So the fact that Peele made it evident that this family took over a black persons life because of whatever reason doesn't surprise me. I love that he touched on these invisible factors because people act so blind to such when black people have been seeing it for centuries. I hope that people not only took this movie as a valid message but that black film is on the rise and have just as much talent as any other director, producer, writer, etc. Congratulations to Jordan Peele for grossing 100 million from this movie off a 4 million budget!
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Fences (2016)
Surprisingly Engaging
7 February 2017
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I never watched the stage play of this film but it definitely had a stage play presence in the very beginning as people stood around and talked in only two areas of the movie; the house and the backyard. At first I felt like it was going to be boring but I kept watching for something to finally engage me, and it did. When Denzel Washington(Troy), who also directed and produced the film, finally let out his frustrations to his step son, Cory (Jovan Adepo), I was interested in why Troy was so resentful and self centered towards the boy and even his wife. As the movie unfolded, we began to see why Troy acted the way he acted. And to some extent, I am sure a lot of the men in the audience could relate. By this time, I was hooked. I wanted to know what was he going to do as a man of the house now. He preached so much about how much he did for everyone and so persistent on putting up that darn fence, what was he going to do now? I was disappointed in his character but nonetheless very much enjoyed the movie. I do believe that August Wilson(screenwriter) would have been proud. Movie deserves a 9 from me.
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Moonlight (I) (2016)
26 January 2017
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Okay, so the only reason I gave this movie a 6 was because of the hype the media gave it before the release. I was expecting this extravagantly made film that would touch my heart but it did the opposite. The storyline was of course relatable to a lot of people; a gay boy with a messed up mother, dealing with bullying and coping with being a man all at the same time, but the way it was set up, personally I just didn't like. The co editor Joi Mcmillon is nominated an Oscar for best film editing, and I give kudos to her for being the first black female nominated, but something about this movie just didn't sit well with me. I can say when Chiron finally reached adulthood, the plot got somewhat better, and when his friend(who he had one experience with) reached out, I just knew would start getting juicy. It just didn't. I did love the acting, though, there were a few of my favorite actors in the movie, I just really wish the plot was done a bit better. More action, more drama, more suspense. Something. Overall, big ups to your Oscar nomination Moonlight!
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Sleepless (III) (2017)
Maybe a number 2?
23 January 2017
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For a movie lover like me, this movie screamed predictable but non-the-less it kept me interested with their being a question about who was behind the whole thing in the first place. Even in the end, it still left a cliffhanger which raises the question, will there be a number two? Basically this movie stars Jamie Foxx who is separated from his wife and has a teenage son who gets kidnapped because he stole some major product from a major person. Of course, there is an eager and overly active lady cop who messes it all up for him believing that Foxx is a dirty cop this whole time. This lead to Foxx creating havoc between cops and drug dealers as the middle man. Overall, the movie being mostly set in one big Casino was surprisingly still full of action, just wished there weren't so many predictions. Maybe they could've made it harder for the son to be rescued or not let the villain be so easily killed. But this also tells me that the head honcho, won't be so easy to be killed IF there is a Sleepless 2.
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Family Funny
5 December 2016
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Almost Christmas was traditionally funny in the sense where you have a family with relatable issues to any audience. Here we have a family who had a yearly Christmas tradition up until their beloved mother passes. Walter (Danny Glover) thinks that if his family can spend at least five days together it will truly be his Christmas miracle. But of course you have two sisters who can't get along, a cheating husband, pain pill taking football player, a son who's a congressman, and the vibrant and outspoken Aunty. This family recipe doesn't seem like it will work but in the end everyone comes out getting what was coming to them. And in the is all that mattered.
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Cheesily Hilarious
12 November 2016
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Okay, So Boo! Madea Halloween was a classic Madea masterpiece filled with silly acting, outrageous antics, and a cast full of rambunctious characters. I knew this movie would be nowhere near scary and prepped myself to be more entertained than shaken and this movie did not disappoint.

Madea and her friends end up in an unintended situation when she agreed to watch her son, Brian's(Tyler Perry), daughter(Tiffany) while he works. His spoiled daughter was supposed to go to stay with her mom but she refused, forcing Brian to make this determined decision. Tiffany being the brat she is decides to try and scare Madea and her friends by telling them the house was haunted instilling fear and paranoia in them. While they are freaking out, Tiffany and her friend Aday sneak out to a Frat party that they are way under aged to go to.

You bet Madea went and crashed that when she found out this was going on and ended up sending the cops(with her not around of course!). When this happens, the Fraternity was outraged and planned to get back at Madea which made the entire movie! I enjoyed the fact that instead of Madea doing all the bullying, she was being scared out of her mind! And later at the end, it all became a learning lesson like all of her movies.
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The Nice Guys (2016)
HIlarious & Ridiculous
24 October 2016
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So, seeing Russell Crowe and Ryan Grosling on the cover of this film ehhhhh, I wasn't sure how I would like them on this film together. I mean, the two just didn't mix with me. But they almost reminded me of a duo like Will Smith and Martin Lawrence in Bad Boys, except raunchier! So this story is about two characters, Jackson Healy(Crowe) and Holland March (Grosling) who are both private detectives who go on a hunt for a missing girl. Now, these two weren't work buddies. March was hired by the missing girls aunt to find her, but the missing girl hires Healy for him to STOP trying to find her. In the midst of everything, Healy is confronted by a couple of thugs who want to kill Amelia, so he decides to team up with March to find her together. NO, this was not a happy pair. March only cared about getting paid and also had a sassy daughter to take care of where Healy is still bothered by his divorce from his cheating wife. There are tremendous funny parts in this movie that will have your stomach hurting and asking yourself what would you do in the situation and glad it wasn't you.
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Honeytrap (2014)
Classic set up
24 October 2016
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I never knew this story was based on true events until I read about it after I watched it. It's actually really sad. Here you have this 15 year old girl from Trinidad (Layla), played by Jessica Sula who was taken care of by her grandparents. She was sent to London to finally go live with her mother who seems to be irritated but happy that she is there at the same time. There, Layla tries her hardest to do what her mom says and fit in at school. As I watch Layla, I can't help but think of other teenagers her age in the same situation. Wanting to change her clothes, her look, and her hair just to fit in. She finally meets a popular local rapper (Troy) played by Lucien Laviscount. Troy is immediately infatuated by Layla and puts her in his video. Another boy who likes her is Shaun, who is played by Ntonga Mwanza. For some reason, Troy and his gang don't like Shaun and almost bully him but Layla likes him as a friend and this infuriates Troy. Troy and Layla date but Layla soon finds out who he really is and who her so called friends are. But Layla is "weak" and gets caught up in a lot more than she bargains for. Classic set up. I liked this movie for the message and hoped when it ended that it all worked out for her seeing as the movie left off as a cliffhanger.
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Written, produced, and directed
17 October 2016
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Not bad for Nate Parkers first written, produced and directed film. This film had good and bad reviews, by word of mouth that is. People were saying they are tired of slave movies and others were finally happy to see slaves rising up and fighting back, seeing as a lot of slaves in those days did fight back. I personally enjoyed the change of story. Nate Parker plays Nat Turner, a slave who was taught to read and becomes a Preacher for other slaves. Turner is taken on a trip to preach to other slaves for profit for his "master" and during this time he is beginning to see how brutally mistreated they are and begins to lead a rebellion. Unfortunately as things start to look hopeful they go South real quick and this is where I start to lose hope in the movie. Although this movie was based on a True Story, I couldn't help but want them to succeed in the battlefield and escape into the forest free slaves. But I guess that was too good to be true.
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Bryan Cranston!
14 October 2016
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Bryan Cranston has once again found himself in another film in the drug business but this time as Robert Mazur, who works undercover as an US Customs Special Agent. He goes undercover as Bob Musella, a name he drafted from a tombstone along with his partner John Leguizamo ( Emir Abreu) who also goes undercover as Emilio Dominguez. Thanks to Netflix, Pablo Escobars name has become popular among viewers, from documentaries about Escobar to the famous Narcos TV series following Pablos life in the Colombian drug trade. Infiltrator follows Robert( Bobby) a family man by day and dirty money launderer by night. Bobby is determined to catch the big dogs and that means taking down Escobars money laundering business. What makes this interesting is that as Bobby gets deeper and deeper into the game, you see him wonder if he can really play it. I mean, with strippers, drugs, late nights, and the random killings that come with the territory, you admire why he is there in the first place. A scene I liked was when he had to totally pretend his wife was his Assistant on their Anniversary and actually showed his wife the face that he hides when he isn't home. Let's not forget his fake fiancé, played by Diane Kruger, who used her charm and good looks to accompany Musella through the whole operation. Infiltrator may not be as up to par as The GodFather but there are plenty of exciting scenes and mystery to keep you engrossed. And who doesn't love Bryan Cranston!
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Sully (2016)
Easy Going Movie
30 September 2016
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As soon as I saw the preview for Sully, it immediately took me back to 2012's Flight starring Denzel Washington. I was expecting somewhat of the same story-line before I really had investigated the story of Chelsey Sullenberger and the incredible story of that day in New York

I was nervous in viewing this movie, thinking that it would possibly be boring and predictable because we all knew what was going to happen in the end, right? But Clint Eastwood knew how to absorb the audience into Sully's life during and after the crash.

Tom Hanks was a perfect fit to play Chelsey Sullenberger with his calm demeanor and passion. I also loved Aaron Eckhart as Jeff Skiles who played Sully's wing man during the flight. These two made an absolute team as they underwent constant criticizing from the media and NTSB.

This movie will have you pushing for Sully and backing him on him doing the right thing while others looked for flaws on how to make it his fault even though he saved 155 people. Sully is a go see in my book and a definent addition to my DVD collection.
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Brotherly Love (III) (2015)
Hit to Heart
12 February 2016
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I came across Brotherly Love on Netflix. It had almost five stars, so I thought why not. I don't know why I readied myself to be disappointed, but to my surprise this movie hit to heart. Here you have a family, one brother who is a basketball genius, a sister who wants to go to music school, and a reckless brother in the gang life. Let's not forget the drugged mother, missing father, and forbidden romance between Jackie( Keke Palmer) and Chris (Quincy Brown). Stir all of these characters in a pot and you create a great big mess of issues. I felt this movie was cleverly created and left you hoping that in the end, somehow they would all overcome their triumphs. I flock to movies that keep me rooting for characters, even the bad ones. I give kudos to Director Jamal Hill for creating this movie that will surely reside on my DVD shelf.
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The 5th Wave (2016)
Familiar Tune
21 January 2016
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Like any other novel based movie involving the avid use of young adult violence and triumph, The 5th Wave has a very familiar setting. Nowadays I guess screenwriters are having a hard time coming up with original stuff to continue to turn novels into feature films. But I will give it to Sony for finally joining Lions Gate Films (Hunger Games) and Paramount (Twilight) for deciding to take this journey of sequels.

I was pleasantly surprised how simple and cliché this movie was made. The whole time I was watching, the audience and I pretty much knew what was going to happen the whole time and yet still, I could not stop watching it or awing and gawking at the two hunks (Evan and Ben) who reminded me very much of Jacob and Edward from The Twilight Saga Film series.

The lack of action in this movie is what made me rate the way that I did. Going into this movie you expect to see the 5 waves in full action, but instead they limit what they want you to see making it almost a downer. Instead this movie focuses mostly on Cassie and her long mile hike to this army base to rescue her brother from aliens, all the while running into different obstacles which eventually shape her into this strong, surviving, attractive young girl.

Will I continue to watch this trilogy? Of course, in hopes of a little more action. But even with Hunger Games there was minimal action up until the end. Be prepared to run into clichés but also a simple satisfaction that at least there are other sequels that hopefully bring good recognition to the novel.
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13 Hour: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi
13 January 2016
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I had to give the movie 13 Hours a solid 10. I am a huge fan of true stories and movies that are based off books, especially when the story is filmed true to the real. This thrill riveting masterpiece not only captivated the lives of these six soldiers and the people trapped between this battle between the Libyan rebels, but Michael Bay did an excellent job with his use of guns and sound system that he always does so well. You can't help but stay on the edge of your seats as you hope these brave men all make it to the end of the movie. This movie has non stop violence while these heroic soldiers attempt to rescue the ambassador as well as help the American residents escape. This movie will have you racing against time as we relive this Sept 11, 2012 event also called the "Battle of Benghazi."
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