
22 Reviews
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Ever Wish You Could Be Someone Else? Now You Can!
9 January 2011
There are some films whose plots are so obvious from the very beginning that it is a wonder why they are even made. You know the movies, the ones that begin "Once Upon a Time" and end with "Happily Ever After." And, to a certain extent, there is a chain of events that most films follow whether they mean to or not. Being John Malkovich is not such a film. If the film poster—which shows an auditorium filled with the actor John Malkovich head in front of various bodies—makes you feel strange or makes you say, "That looks too weird for me", then this may not be what you are looking for. If you are someone, however, who wants to see something very abnormal, very original, and very brilliant, then welcome! Feel free to jump inside of the head of John Malkovich.

This is a crazy film, and the worst thing to do to a crazy film is to reveal too much of the plot. It starts off with a struggling puppeteer named Craig Schwartz who finds an advertisement in the newspaper for "a man with very fast fingers." As he is used to working with his hands, this is the perfect job opportunity for him. On the first day of work, he finds that his office building is located on the 7 ½ floor (which can only be opened when the elevator is stopped between the 7th and 8th floor and a metal wrench is inserted into the doors of the elevator.) Shortly after working there, he discovers that there is a portal in the office that leads to the head of actor John Malkovich. Once inside the portal, you can experience life through John Malkovich for fifteen minutes. This was all I knew before stepping into the world of Being John Malkovich and I believe that it is all one should know. What follows is an insane film filled with great acting, great directing, and genius writing. The characters are strange, yet they (eventually) become very real and their uniqueness soon becomes relatable. This did not feel like a film that was strange just for the sake of being strange. Everything that happens seems to fit perfectly. As with any unique idea, there is always the risk of being too ridiculous or having the results be a disaster. Never once does this film venture off into that territory. It could have been a giant mess, but instead it manages to be beautiful. The motive that the characters have is one of the most universal wants there is: to be able, if only for a few minutes, to be someone else, to live life through the eyes of someone else. This is a seemingly simple task. It is not. One of the great things that this film highlights is the "domino effect" that all of us are a part of. We cannot live our lives without interrupting the life of someone else. Every action we commit affects someone, which in turn affects someone else, which in turn affects someone else. It is a continuous circle that never stops, no matter our age, gender, or position in life. And just when we tell ourselves, "It can't get any stranger than this," it does.
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The Circus in Life We Need
2 January 2011
A warning before I begin: So far, in my quest to see all Woody Allen films, I have only seen the following: Annie Hall, Crimes and Misdemeanors, Manhattan, Vicky Christina Barcelona, Whatever Works, and Hannah and Her Sisters. I felt that I should have stated that before I went any further. While I enjoyed this film, it was not my favorite that I have seen of his. There were some great moments, but it did not feel like an instant Allen classic. The plot is very simple, yet very complex at the same time. Woody's character has been woken up in the middle of the night and is told that he is a part of a plan which he knows nothing about. The viewers do not know anything more than he does, and so we constantly learn with him. From what we do know: there is a killer on the loose, the killer only attacks when there is fog on the island, and there is currently fog on the island. Woody is then thrown into the adventure, completely unsure of what will happen next. It is very much a circus film, in which anything can happen. Not all films are able to maintain that spontaneity, yet—in this film—it works. The supporting cast is wonderful. There are a ridiculous amount of cameos. Because of the spontaneity described above, however, I did not feel that WA was trying to "star up" his film in the hopes that more people would go see it. Madonna as a curly-haired adulterer? Kathy Bates, Jodie Foster, and Lily Tomlin as hookers? Mia Farrow as the wife of a sword swallower? Whatever. It works. There were, however, some elements which did not fit as easily together. The tone changed several times throughout the film. Because of the fact that the film was about a killer on the loose, it would have made more sense for the paranoia and fear aspect to travel throughout the entire course. Instead, it seemed that there were interruptions of philosophical moments. While this great in films like Crimes and Misdemeanors, they felt like Woody Allen was reading philosophy books during the writing of the script and became temporarily distracted. I was hoping for the moments in which characters question reality to fit more with the plot. They did not, and the film suffered because of it. Mind you, the rest of the film was created in a fashion where these small slips were forgivable. This film was not a mess in any way and is still better than much of the material that is being released today. In the film, we are introduced (or have we already been introduced) to what WA has said is his personal belief: that we are destroyed by the absence of illusions in life. To those who have not read that much on WA, this may be a very great concept. For those who have heard it before, however, it feels a little...ordinary. Though what do I know?
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Have We Reached The Seventh Continent Yet?
29 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
If I could go back, I would never have seen this film, yet I know that such a thing is not possible, nor is it really what I want. I am "glad" I have seen this film like I am "glad" to be informed about the suffering of others in the daily newspaper. This is not a happy film. This is not a film that will make you feel good. If you feel that everything in life will be wonderful after viewing this film, you have missed the point. If, on the other hand, you become so frightened at your life and what you have failed to make of it that you instantly shoot yourself in the bed, you have missed the point. I do not believe that this film was made to show suffering just for the sake of suffering. Why would any film do that? There are far too many hints and visual clues for there to be no meaning. There are reasons why the camera angles are the way that they are. There are shots of objects instead of people for a reason, which is to show the materialism of human beings and the ways in which humans try to define their life through media sources and other sources instead of human contact. There are daily rituals, such as eating, cleaning, listening to music, and writing letters to family, that add up to nothing because no meaning has been given to them. These characters try to find meaning, but they never give meaning to anything. And because of this, they suffer.

This is the basic plot: a daughter tells her schoolteacher that she cannot see. The teacher contacts the parents and asks the daughter if she is blind. The daughter says she is not. After this, the family slowly (and I put emphasis on the word "slowly") deteriorates. This is, essentially, all that happens. Subtle does not even begin to describe how slow this process is. Subtle should be banned from the list of adjectives used to describe this film. For those who like to see a family deteriorate by means of arguing, shouting, and phrases such as "You never loved me!" and "I just want our family back!", this is not a film for you. I cannot imagine how short the shooting script must have been, but I imagine it was so small that it continuously got lost during shooting. A lengthy script is never a requirement for a film, which is (after all) a visual medium. The lack of a proper story leaves the viewer with a large time to think. Very little is really explained. It is not a "blame" movie, by which I mean that this is not a film that makes references to why something happened. "Oh, she started crying because her boss is mad at her and they just got into an argument." "Oh, he just destroyed that lamp because he was upset over the death of his mother eleven years ago." Because there is no explanation, I found myself constantly trying to make one. I was obsessively trying to understand why the characters did what they did. Was it because of something in the past? Were they upset over the prospect of their future? When no answers could be found, I looked for even smaller details, such as colors and micro-expressions on a person's face. In this sense, the film is brilliant in that you cannot stop thinking about it. Is this what the filmmaker wanted us to do? There is a good possibility that it is. If this is the case, then the film succeeds on more than one level. At the end, I found myself not just thinking about the lives of the characters (which, knowing that it is based on a true story, made it even all the more disturbing), but also about the lives of others and, eventually, about my own life. This is not an inspiring film, but it is a motivational one. There are two types of motivational films: those where the characters get beat up by the world but decide to fight back and those where the characters just get beat up. Are both inspiring? No. Are both motivational? Yes, especially the second of the two. Sometimes the image of seeing someone fail can become so frightening and so nauseating that we think, "But how can they do that to themselves?" The most frightening part of the whole thing is not when we see their lives, but when we look at our own lives and notice the similarities. This is The Seventh Continent.
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Blue Velvet (1986)
It's a Strange Lynch World
29 December 2010
There are some movies that reminisce on the "olden, golden days", the movies that look back at what we do not have anymore, a time period that has vanished before us. Blue Velvet does not do this. Instead, it makes us look at what we failed to see, or at what we saw a glimpse of and turned our backs against. It must be, in this case, a version of the "real" world. There are murderers, there are pain-aholics, there are those who pretend to do good while secretly smiling only to themselves. David Lynch knows that some of us prefer not to look at this side. It is easier to shut our eyes. With this film, Mr. Lynch makes us open our eyes (almost) as wide as they can go. It is a disturbing experience.

When asked to give a rating, I gave this a four out of five. By Netflix standards, this means I "really liked it." That is not true. I wanted to only give it three stars, but that would mean I "liked it." That expression is too dull for my ears. I liked it. Just liked it, as if I could just shrug either way. No, I neither liked it nor really liked it nor did I hate it. It was a film that I may not ever see again, but I am glad that I have now seen.

Why? Some films glorify violence. The creators show naked women and naked men to "show how wrong" something is, whether it be an action or a gesture or a slam towards a particular sex. This film really does just want to show something about the world, but it neither wants to claim it as being "right" or "wrong." The phrase, "It's a strange world" is repeated multiple times throughout the film. This is what the director most likely wants us to think: that we live in strange times filled with strange people doing strange thing. It is up to us to decide whether or not this fits with our moral code. Among this line are other redundant or seemingly off lines. The script is not the main attraction to the film. If one only read the script (which I did first before seeing the film), it would be easy, although untrue, to say that the film is horribly written. Somehow, though, with the exception of a few scenes (most notably the one where Jeffery tells Sandy what he saw when following a murderer and Sandy replies by giving him a vivid account of a dream she had in which robins flew around happily and represented beauty in the world), the script does work and make sense for the situations. It is fantastic directing from Mr. Lynch.

Just like Mulholland Drive and Eraserhead, sound plays a large role and accounts for many of the creepy scenes. A fair amount of suspense is generated by playing sounds of strange noise in the background of select scenes. It sounds very mystical and somewhat dangerous, which does add tremendous amounts to the film.

While I hate to say it, the style beats the substance here. It should not be the case, but it is. Some reviewers have said that they felt like the film constantly went from humor to darkness to humor again. I did not see any humor whatsoever (although I have only seen one viewing.) Instead, I felt like some of the images of the blue water and the blue sky and the sounds of a Donna show just added to the irony of the situation. After all, there is a murder/crime trying to be solved, and yet people can still wake up to the "cool, jazzy" sounds of the Lumberton radio? And it is those small details that really summarize the film as a whole. There will always be those who whistle and those who kill, always those who do good and those who do bad. There is no resolution or explanation of why people do the things they do. Because this was the case for all of the characters, I did not feel cheated at the end. By not telling us, we are less able to judge (or are we more able?) and are more likely to think about it long after it is over. A fair warning to all those who have not yet seen it: you will never be able to hear the song "Blue Velvet" in the same way again.
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All About Eve (1950)
We Never Stop Acting
26 December 2010
All About Eve. It seems that there are only a few films that really can be called classics. People have heard of these films and they refer to them when mentioning or suggesting films for others to see. They creep up into the conversation. "Oh, but you have seen _____, haven't you? That's a classic film!" It appears that All About Eve is one of these films. There is nothing more enchanting than fame—at least to the people portrayed in this film. The world of acting is continuous. All of the characters act. There is not a single moment when any of them are through acting, not even at the end. If the performances seem strange or an account of 'over-acting', that's because there is no such moment when the actors are not performing.

This leads to performances. Above all, Bette Davis is the true star. This is the very first film I have seen her in, though it will not be my last. Yes, people call her a legend and she is famous, but this movie shows just how much she deserves to be a famous legend. She knew exactly how to play Margo. I do not know if there is any other actress that could have given the performance she did (at least in that time period.) It may be called All About Eve, but I was really mesmerized the most by Bette Davis/Margo. That being said, Anne Baxter, or Eve, was exceptionally good. At first, she seemed a little stiff, but by the end of the film I understood why she behaved the way she did. Her determination to get exactly what she wanted was very apparent throughout the whole film. Finally, Marilyn Monroe, who played Miss Casswell, was only in the film for two scenes, yet she was one of the most memorable—which really does prove something about her performance. She was great at switching between Miss Casswell the Woman and Miss Casswell the Actress (though who in this film was not an actor/actress in some way?) There really were no bad performances, which is a very rare thing for a film.

Of course, you cannot review All About Eve without discussing the script. I have not seen every film ever released, so my claim that this is the greatest script I have ever found may not be entirely accurate, but I do not know how else to describe it. The dialog is just wonderful. So many wonderful lines have emerged and become well-known because of this movie. ("Fasten your seat belts, it's going to be a bumpy night!") The script alone could have made this a brilliant movie. Some of the lines may not feel completely realistic, but is that really the point? The great thing about the dialog is the way that it "snaps" from line to line, thereby adding to the entire experience of watching the film by engaging you further in the story. This is not a film for everyone. This is only a film for those who have ever wanted something in their life and have been willing to destroy others in order to get what they desired. This is a film about passion and the way that we act in order to protect that passion of ours. If this feeling is familiar to you, then go to the nearest DVD store and rent (or buy) it. You won't be able to forget it.
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Doubt (I) (2008)
How far would you go to protect the truth?
4 January 2009
Doubt. It's something all of us will face in life. We doubt ourselves as people. We doubt our friends and what they mean to us. And, as this film shows, we doubt the truth, and whether or not we have gone too far to protect it. In case you are unaware of the plot of the story, "Doubt" takes place in 1964 in a Catholic (or a religion very close to Catholic) school. The priest Father Flynn (Philip Seymour Hoffman) is well-respected, giving convincing sermons, and is liked by all but one: Sister Aloysius (Meryl Streep.) Sister Aloysius is a strict, old-fashioned nun. She detests the idea of upgrading anything, which includes ballpoint pens, sugar in tea, and Frosty the Snowman. Father Flynn, however, has the opposite view. One day Donald Miller, the only black student in the school, is called down to the rectory. When he comes back, his teacher Sister James (Amy Adams) finds him to be uneasy and somewhat troubled. When she hears about this, Sister Aloysius is convinced that Father Flynn has molested Donald. And from there the pressure builds up and up and up, until, somewhere in the middle, it explodes. And what comes out is one of the best films of the year. There are several remarkable elements to "Doubt." One of them is, of course, the acting. Meryl Streep, Amy Adams, Philip Seymour Hoffman, and Viola Davis all make the movie shine. Another great thing is the writing. John Patrick Shanley can easily switch from humorous to intense without making the audience exhausted. It would be a shame if he does not at least get nominated for an Oscar for writing and directing. The atmosphere plays a large part in the story, and Shanley is able to capture it flawlessly. But perhaps the most outstanding thing about this film is how realistic it is. In this film, people get interrupted mid-sentence, people talk over each other, there are no "big" Hollywood lines of dialog that, once you hear, you know some big shot writer in Hollywood wrote in attempt to get an Oscar. There is no overly-dramatic music, there are no moments that seem out of place, the swearing, violence, and drinking are kept under control, and, most importantly, there is not a single moment when you are bored. So, in short, I'm only saying one thing: You must see this film.

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Yes Man (2008)
Can one word provoke an entire movie?
26 December 2008
When I first heard about "Yes Man", I was intrigued. In case you don't know, the plot line is pretty simple. It's about a man who has to say "yes" to every circumstance. I instantly started imagining Jim Carrey being thrown into ridiculous and crazy situations because he can't say "no." Yesterday, after finding out that "The Spirit" was not playing, I decided to see this movie. And I have to say that my original outline in my head isn't that far off from the actual film. There's no need to bore you with the details of what the film is about, so instead I'll cut right to my opinion: This movie had a lot of potential. It's one of the most unique ideas that I've heard about in years (and yes, I have seen Liar, Liar.) And there are some great scenes in this film. For example, there's a bar fight scene where Jim Carrey completely looses himself in his character. However, for a large amount of the scenes, one of two things happens. Either the scenes don't go far enough or the scenes don't connect at all to the movie. Yes, this is confusing, so let me explain. In some scenes, I felt as if the actors did not go far enough. They simply rushed through an idea, but did not extend enough to give the scene it's full potential. There were also moments when things didn't really connect, and it felt like the filmmakers randomly selected scenarios and copy and pasted them into the movie. My only problem with this is that it's not realistic. Yes, this is a comedy, but I personally believe that movies should still be realistic. My final concern with this film is the lack of a problem. This is the kind of movie where you walk in to the theater knowing that some sort of conflict will occur 3/4 of the way into the film. And, of course, it does. I don't want to spoil anything, so I will simply say that when the conflict does occur, it feels so small that you barely recognize it for what it is. But I've focused too much on the negative part of the film. I must say that all of the actors gave very good performances and got into their character. And, as stated previously, there were moments of comic genius. The plot line is so simple that it's almost daunting to know where to begin, and I applaud the filmmakers. And, out of everything, the message is clear: Live your life to the fullest.

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Juno (2007)
Simply Amazing
1 February 2008
When I first heard about this movie, I wasn't sure as to whether or not it would be good. I saw the previews and saw the attention it was getting, but I was still not sure. When I walked into the movie theater, I was still not sure. It wasn't until the first shot of the movie that I was impressed. After that, I was blown away. "Juno" centers on the story of a teenage girl named Juno (Ellen Page) who finds herself pregnant at the age of sixteen. She looks at ads in the paper and finds a couple who are in desperate need of a child, yet cannot get pregnant. While the plot line may seem very simple and short, the actual plot of the story is quite emotional, yet still humorous at the same time. The acting in this movie is completely suburb, as well as the direction, the writing, the lighting, the settings, etc. Of course, one large question that some people have is how does the film handle the fact that Juno gets pregnant. In my opinion, they actually handle it quite well. "Juno" is one of those movies where you think you know the outcome of it, and then it suddenly takes you by surprise. It's also one of those films that is, if anything, very underrated.
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27 Dresses (2008)
Easily the best film of the year (so far...)
1 February 2008
Ever since I first saw the trailer, I became very excited for this film. Everything from the acting to the plot line had me convinced that this film would be a very pleasant treat to devour. It seemed as if January could not come soon enough. When I finally saw it, I only could think of one word to describe the film: Fantastic. Even though the plot seemed extremely predictable, I still wanted to see the film. But at times I found myself guessing as to what would happen in the end. However, "27 Dresses" is a film you can watch even though you are extremely tired. You don't have to use your mind, even though the film has many twists and turns (if that makes sense.) In case you don't already know, the film is about a woman named Jane(played by Katherine Heigl) who has been to 27 weddings, so, in turn, she has 27 dresses, since she keeps each one. She is basically the wedding planner for each wedding. She makes sure absolutely everything is perfect. One day, her younger sister comes to visit her. While at a club, Jane is about the express her love for her boss, when her younger sister suddenly pops in, and the two hit it off. A few weeks later, they are engaged, and Jane must plan the wedding. Of course, there are many more elements in the plot than that, but I won't spoil it for you! So, all in all, the next time you're thinking about going to the movies, you must see this movie!
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The best out of the three!
4 July 2007
When I went to see this film, I was actually very nervous. I heard it was going to be gory, especially the beginning, and I am one who does not prefer those types of movies. However, after the first minute or so, I started to really enjoy the movie. It felt darker than the first two, and the acting was sensational. I didn't actually think that the acting would be that great, for the trailers seemed to say otherwise, but some VERY good performances were performed in this movie. Without spoiling anything, a lot of secrets are revealed and a lot of twists and turns take place. I actually had no idea how the film would end, and I find it a very, very enjoyable ending. I hope there isn't a fourth movie, actually, because I don't think they can beat this. It was incredible. Especially the special effects. They literally will shock you on how great they really are. While a lot of reviews tell the story of the movie, I actually don't want to say anything, for I knew almost nothing about what would happen in this movie and I think it is better that way. This is definitely a film I will be buying on DVD and seeing more than once!
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A very interesting film and one that defines fashion
22 December 2006
This movie, the devil wears Prada, is an interesting film. The plot seems to be predictable for the first hour of the film and you feel as if you know the exact ending. However, the film then twists and bends into something you didn't predict, something you never would have imagined, but nevertheless something that is genius; sub plots. The devil wears Prada is a great film with very different moments. Comicial moments, happy moments, sad moments, even surprisingly touching moments that grab your heart. The acting is fantastic. Meryl Streep is, of course, fantastic. You can't even tell she is acting she plays her part so well. You feel as if you are REALLY looking at a mean and cruel boss instead of a person simply stating lines. Anne Hathaway is also wonderful, and she brings us moments of comedy, joy, satisfaction; tons of different feelings inside of you. Emily Blunt plays her character very professionally and with elegance and, of course, somewhat fear of her boss. She plays her part perfectly. Everyone plays their part perfectly. From the main character do a guy who walks into a party. As you watch the film, you realize that this film does define fashion and the fashion world. The mandatory requirements are being skinny and being beautiful. This film I would have to say meets those requirements. It is somewhat short and doesn't waste time on scenes that are pointless, so one could say it is skinny. And more importantly, it is beautiful.
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I just saw it and....
29 August 2006
Okay I have heard terrible feedback from people who saw this movie. I will tell you though that you won't find any TERRIBLE feedback in this review. I really liked this movie. I thought it was EXTREMELY unpredictable and that made it great! This is a really enjoyable film. The acting was GREAT! The Duff sisters are meant for acting! On screen they are just beautiful! I will admit that some parts were a tad bit boring but that is alright! And I will say that some funny parts in the trailer are mixed up. For example when the sisters go on a bus, and in the trailer the bus driver says it will be $1.35 and then Haylie Duff says that she isn't tipping him till she knows how good his service is, well in the movie, they get on the bus, the bus driver holds them back, Haylie says her line, and then the bus driver says how much it costs. But I thought it was funny and surprisingly emotional at some parts. So I encourage you to see this movie!
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Cars (2006)
The world of cars
27 July 2006
I was lucky enough to see this movie on it's opening night. I have not got a chance to comment on this movie. However, I can now!When I first entered the theater room, I saw both teenagers and little kids with their parents their too. It was something like a 7:45 showing or somewhere around there. I could tell that everyone was excited to see this movie. It was a truly excellent film. It has some humor that is meant for kids, and some for adults, but anyone can laugh at any of the jokes. It definitely deserves its G rating, for it was not inappropriate at all! The fact that the story is very easy to follow and you understand everything, is probably only one of the reasons people love this film. The animation is incredible!! When you watch this movie, you don't feel like, okay this is a silly little movie with talking cars. You find yourself in the world of cars. And it's a great world to be in. The fact that the characters all have real personalities is probably what traps you the most in the world of cars. Everything in this movie is just great!!

The story is about this race car named Lighting McQueen. He has this big race to be in, and when he accidentally finds himself in a small town, he tries to get out of the town. Unfortunately, he ends up destroying some of the town. He must now rebuild what he has broken, if he wants to get out of this town. I won't spoil anything so I will just say once again, the world of cars is a great place to be.
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Elizabethtown (2005)
A really good movie!!
15 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I really liked this movie!! I saw it a week or two ago and thought it was superb!! The beginning may at first seem very gloomy.

After the first 45 minutes everything gets better and you soon learn that the beginning HAS to have a cheerless feeling to get to the fantastic ending!! I rented this on DVD and almost didn't watch the rest of the film! I saw the first 45 minutes, didn't really like it, and was going to return it. Then a couple of days later I picked up where I left off, in hopes that the movie would get better, and boy did it!!


The story is about this guy named Drew Baylor (Orlando Bloom). It starts with Drew having a very unfortunate day. The shoe company that he works with looses, you could round it off to, $1 billion, due to him. His designed these shoes and the company spend a lot of money on them. What happened? No one wanted the shoes, and money was lost. A lot of money. Mr. Baylor then learns that his dad has just passed away. He must go to Elizabethtown to put his dad in his blue suit.Drew feels that he should end his life. On the plane ride, he meets a flight attendant with the lovely name of Claire( Kristen Dunst). She talks to Drew and even makes a map for him so he can find his way to Elizabethtown. When he meets all of his cousins, he doesn't seem to have a good time. So he rents a room in what looks like a hotel. Drew's girlfriend calls him and tells him some news he may not like. They are breaking up. Luckily Claire calls Drew and they have an all night phone call. Claire has a very happy personality. Throughout the next couple of days, Drew and Claire develop a friendship and maybe more....... The decision on whether or not the dad should be buried or cremated is a big one in the family. The decision in the end is very creative. In the end of the film, Claire shows Drew how great the world is after all, and Drew doesn't end his life. That was my favorite part and the movie is really uplifting!!
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Glory Road (2006)
"Glory Road is sensational, one of the best movies of 2006
9 July 2006
Last night, I watched this movie. From the previews, I was expecting another sports movie. I was expecting it to be just like "Remember the Titans", which by the way is a fantastic movie. I was happily proved wrong! What I witnessed was a terrific movie! It was not at all like "Remember the Titans." This movie was its own original piece of work. The movie is based on a true story. The plot is about a girls college basketball coach, Coach Don Haskins, who picks boys to play basketball for him. The story is set in 1965, when racism was unfortunately high. What Don says is that he doesn't see color when he picks for boys to play. He picks skill, hard work, etc. His family has to move into a mens college doormroom so he can coach. He picks seven African-American boys to play for him. They have skill, and they can work hard. Don picks five white boys to play for him. They work hard, and have skill. Unfortunately, some people only saw color. They didn't see hard work or skill. They only saw the color of their skin. The team faced racism. A ton of racism. However, their incredible story made history.

This is a very high quality movie. It is a great movie for anyone 12 and over. The acting is superb! You didn't feel like you were watching a movie, you felt like you were watching the real story as it really happened.
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A Fantastic Movie!!
25 June 2006
I saw this movie last night and it was wonderful. The acting was sensational! The acting was extraordinary! Every character seemed entirely real! I have never read the book, but now that I have seen the movie, I really want to read the book! It was sometimes hard to hear what the characters were saying and sometimes they talked so fast, I could not comprehend what they were saying. That is basically the only reason I give this movie a 9/10. The visuals are stunning. What I mean is that, for example, the sunsets, the star nights, etc, are pulchritudinous. This is just a great story. I highly recommend you see this movie! One of the best movies of the year!!
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Two Brothers (2004)
A little confusing, also a very slow beginning but a great ending!
28 August 2005
I didn't really understand the whole movie. It was hard to follow the storyline. Plus the beginning of the movie was extremely slow. It was boring. But as the movie went on it got a lot better. Freddie Highmore was great! Once he popped into the story it made more sense. I won't give away the ending but i will just say it was a great one. The cast was good. The tigers were very cute. When the end came you realized that the beginning wasn't that slow for you got a lot of information that you needed to know. But it could have been a little faster.

In the end i give this movie a 4 for the ending, a 1 for the beginning, and a 1 for following the story.
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Great family Movie!
14 August 2005
I was expecting a pretty good movie. Maybe some funny parts and some sad parts. I was expecting a simple little movie about a dog and a girl named Opal. But when i saw it I was touched, and shocked. So many movies these days have swear words and all kind of stuff that does not need to be in movies. But this movie was an actually movie. It has heart and soul. I think families should see this movie. And not just little little little little kids. Teenagers. Why not? Yes i do admit it was boring in a couple of spots but it still was great. What i really loved was the ending. I won't say what happens but i love movies were you don't know what will happen in the end.
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Seventeen Again (2000 TV Movie)
This movie rocks
27 July 2005
This movie rocks! It is a good movie! If you like sister sister then you will love this movie! It is about a grandma and grandpa who come to watch over the kids while the parents go away to visit their friend who just had a baby. The grandparents don't get along and fight. Willie does an experiment and aciddenlty leaves the soap that he worked on on the grandparents bathroom. The next morning they wake up to find they have turned seventeen. So the grandma goes to school with Sydney and the grandpa makes some new friends. It has a good message in it. Everyone does a great job in this film and it is not just a kids movie! Give this movie a chance! You will be surprised!
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26 July 2005
At first i thought it would be just another little kids movie. I thought that maybe i would get a couple of laughs in. But i just saw it today and the movie was incredible. Much better than i expected it to be. It has a wonderful message about trying your best and following your dreams. The cast is wonderful! Everyone did such a great job. I admit that in the end it is predictable but you can still enjoy it. A family film that everyone can enjoy. Just to let all the people who (like me) do not like gross stuff well the bugs get into and do a couple of gross things. And Goose. It is a good film with a great message!
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Pretty good
13 July 2005
I haven't seen a film like this in a while. It is a little predictable in some spots but not all. It is a good family film. There is hardly any language which you don't see in a lot of films now days. The movie is about Holly (hilary duff) and her family who move all the time. The mom is single and every time she thinks she has found the perfect man he isn't and they move to a different place. When they get to New York Holly becomes friends with Amy (Lengies) (who does a fantastic job in the film) Amy's Uncle Ben seems like the perfect man for Holly's mom. Then holly get's the idea to create a man that is perfect. Every night Holly goes to her friend's house and writes emails's to her mom ,with the help of Ben who doesn't know this. A pretty good and rare movie.
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Titanic (1997)
A True Masterpiece
2 June 2005
This movie is fantastic! Everything is just about perfect! Leo was a fantastic Jack Dawson! Leo made the character so believable. Kate Winslet was fantastic! You could always feel her emotions! Sad, angry, happy, scared, etc. She brings such a powerful performance. It leaves you speechless!! To save space I will just say that not one of the characters in this movie was unbelievable! Fantastic cast! The special features are amazing! If the ship is about to leave port, you feel as though you are actually watching the Titanic leave port in the massive waving crowd. I know this has been said before, but I must say it again. You truly feel like you are on the Titanic! The script is extremely fantastic and unpredictable! I want to just say thanks! Thanks to the cast for all of their outstanding performances! Thanks to the people that cast the cast! Thanks to all of the crew and anyone that helped in any way to make this film possible. Thanks to James Cameron for writing, producing, directing, etc. This fantastic film! If you have not yet seen this film, I recommend you rush to your local videostore and watch it! It will leave you speechless! You will wonder how you ever went through life without seeing this incredible, superb film!
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