
31 Reviews
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I very rarely give a film 10, but... WOW!
28 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Was it Godfather-level 10/10? No. Was I grinning like an idiot, saying "Wow!" out loud and fist-bumping my son throughout? YES! This is what I expect for my money- a literal bang for my buck.


Stuff I liked off the top of my head:

-Mini Kong was weird and creepy in the beginning, but I grew to love him. I couldn't believe Kong used him as a weapon!

-the fight in Egypt was incredible (poor pyramids)! The one in Brazil was almost as good.

-the multiple locations around the world made it feel like a Bond movie.

-I liked all the human characters, especially the grumpy (Scottish?) pilot and Bernie Hayes. The girl- Jia- was good as always.

-the fights were pretty brutal, starting from the first minutes of the movie.

-there are long sections of the movie where titans and other creatures are communicating without words but you understand everything they're "saying." Often reminded me of a Planet of the Apes movie.

-the music was spot-on and rocked throughout.

-not too many "talky," exposition scenes.

-this movie does ice threat well (which Ghostbusters Frozen Empire didn't quite manage).

-MOTHRA!!! (my favourite titan)

Didn't like:

-there must be thousands or hundred of thousands of people dead in Rio after the rampage there! R. I. P.

Overall, VERY happy to have seen this! Definitely catch it in theatres (although I had to stand up and tell some douchebag a few rows down from me to stop filming the movie on her phone).
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It's... okay. Some quick thoughts:
21 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Good points:

1) I thought Phoebe was the best character (she was also the highlight in Afterlife). I liked her ghost chess buddy too and their... friendship? (Was it only friendship??)

2) The opening modern day ghost chase was fun (unfortunately it went downhill from there).

3) Kumail Nanjiani was amusing. I liked his character and arc.

4) At least they had an original ghost (unlike Afterlife).

5) Paul Rudd had most of the funny lines. Quoting the song lyrics was cute.

6) Bill Murray and the other originals were okay (only Ernie Hudson looked spry though).

7) The opening scene in the early 1900's was cool. ("Cool," ha)

Didn't like so much:

1) Quite a few loooong dull, talky parts that weren't really necessary or interesting.

2) William Atherton did not need to be in this (very, very frail). Same with the chief librarian, library ghost, lion etc. Too many memberberries.

3) The evil ghost baddie was defeated too quickly/easily.

4) Podcast has grown out of his cuteness. Finn Wolfhard has grown into... something. And Lucky barely had anything to do.

5) Probably too many characters, as many reviewers have commented. Patton Oswalt and the guy who looks like Spengler from The Real Ghostbusters could have been cut.

Overall, yeah, it could have been worse. I'll probably buy the bluray eventually. Going forward it's probably a good idea to just focus on the new generation, make new stories and stop with all the nostalgia baiting.
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Two big problems
7 January 2024
1) Sigourney Weaver's character: she's rude, arrogant, smug, completely unlikeable.

...and yet we're constantly being told how beautiful, intelligent and desirable she is. Every man she comes into contact with seems to fall in love with her. Um, no.

2) Sigourney Weaver is woefully miscast. This role MIGHT have worked with another actress. I kept thinking what other 80's actress might have been able to pull it off. Jessica Lange? Michelle Pfeiffer perhaps? Not sure. But not Sigourney.

If you want to see Sigourney au naturel a lot, you might like this. Thankfully, Sigourney went straight from this set to another little film called "Aliens," which much, much better suited her abilities.
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No, it's not Shakespeare, but...
30 December 2023
As an independent filmmaker too (I have also directed Linnea Quigley) I was really impressed with this. The word "ambitious" keeps coming to mind. Explosions, car chases, multiple locations, assassinations, big cast... not your typical low-budget indie film. The behind the scenes extras are just as interesting as the film. The acting is average but the cast give it their best, and the female reporter and the "daughter" (who is clearly 20-something) are easy on the eyes. Oh, and Linnea too, of course. Decent amounts of blood/gore and bare flesh. Overall the cult story was fun with a couple of twists, and a (mostly) happy ending. The Visual Vengeance limited edition bluray is highly recommended.
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Helena Shaw and the Dial of Destiny
4 September 2023
I'll keep this short.

I watched it, it was pretty much "meh" all the way through. There were a couple of moments/lines of dialogue I liked but I have no recollection what they were now.

The main problem: this is called an Indiana Jones movie, but Indiana Jones does nothing. Nothing.

In the first action sequence, he escapes. In the "old days" Indiana ran into danger. Now he rides away from it on a horse.

For the rest of the movie he's basically being lead around by Helena, who is the main focus here. If you digitally removed Indiana from the movie, it'd basically be the same movie.

I completely believe that the ending was changed, and that Helena was meant to be the hero going forward. Just another Kathy Kennedy surrogate. Yawn.
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I wanted to love it but...
8 July 2023
To me, a new M:I film is an event. From Part 4 onwards, they've been spectacular (all 10/10's).

There's some good stuff here for sure, and overall it's a solid 8, but it's simply not as good as previous entries.

I kept noticing that a lot of scenes had just 2 or 3 people in them, and I kept imagining the crew all masked up, as well as the cast when the camera wasn't on them. It can't be easy to make a huge movie like this during a pandemic, but it definitely shows.

The A. I. plot is quite good, and Hunt's as-yet-unknown backstory quite intriguing, but the whole story basically revolves around: "I've got the key, now she's got the key, now he's got the key" etc. So much pick-pocketing.

Also, I really wish they hadn't ruined the motorcycle jump in the promos. If you've seen the promo, you've seen the scene. There are really only 3 or 4 action sequences, and nothing we haven't really seen before. I actually enjoyed the first desert shoot-out the best.

And- oh!- the exposition! There's a scene near the beginning that reminded me of a Neil Breen(!) movie, where powerful people sit in a room and just spout buzz words like "nuclear war," "economic collapse," "dogs and cats living together" etc.

THAT said, it's still an 8/10. Tom always gives it his best, the rest of the cast is good (especially all four female leads) and I thought the added humour with Hunt's character was a nice touch. I'd rather watch this ten times over than any blatant cyncial Disney cash-grab.
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Cocaine Bear (2023)
Elizabeth Banks Can. Not. Direct!
27 May 2023
Geezus, I like her acting but she needs to stop directing now.

Her camera angles are atrocious. Her blocking is terrible or non-existent. There's little camera movement at all (besides a couple of drone shots and some shaky cam). She has no comedic sense. The characters either have zero personality (mom, police woman, daughter) or are ridiculously over-the-top (the "gang," the ranger's male friend).

With a more competent director and a better script, this could have been fun. As it was, there were about 10 minutes of funny/gory bear attacks, and that's it.

The script... yeah... writing the F-word every other line is the laziest, lamest way to write dialogue. The characters were pathetic. Lame attempts at character arcs, or just discarded storylines (the traitor just goes back to work? The Eminem dude just disappears?). I have no idea who we were supposed to root for/against.

Again, I liked the bear at times, but I was hoping for a raging, manic bear most of the time, rather than a bear than rolled around harmlessly 60% of the time.

Big disappointment!
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Scream VI (2023)
Might be most brutal Scream yet
8 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a hardened horror film fan (and producer) but there were several moments here that made me cringe (a certain fall, for example). I saw the film yesterday here in New Zealand (first screening) in 3D (the 3D doesn't add to the film at all) with a decent crowd (half full theatre). I really liked the new characters, especially Ethan and Quinn and the neighbour, but the "old" crew were pretty solid. Ghostface was, of course, coldblooded and merciless. The reveal was good and made sense (kind of... there were massive plot holes as usual) and the New York setting was a nice change. Gail Weathers didn't need to be in this (her plastic surgery distracted me more than in Scream 5). Also, people seem to be able to get stabbed in the gut several times and just brush it off like a minor scrape. Hmm. Anyway, overall I had a great time. Nice entry in the franchise!
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Wrong Turn (2021)
16 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not joking.

As a "Wrong Turn" movie, this was awful. As a weird, cult-y drama (I got "Wicker Man" vibes), it was okay.

The acting was pretty bad, but the story kept me reasonably engaged throughout.

Then, during the coda, it looked like the movie was going to end a certain way and I was pissed. I was shouting at the screen: "You better not end now!! This is bull crap!!"

But it DID. The title card splashed on the screen. The credits began to roll.

I was furious. "Nooooooo!!"


The film kept going. And something happened that changed everything.

Not gonna say what happened, but my son and I were rolling on the floor laughing.

I'm not sure that was the filmmaker's intention, but it worked for us anyway.

Maybe the best bait-and-switch I've ever seen. Was it Shakespearian? Nope. Was it brilliantly hilarious and absurd? Absolutely.

That final minute or so made the movie for me. Genius.
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Not much to say apart from... brilliant. Doesn't get much better!
25 May 2022
Loved the cast, the story, the action, the romance. Brilliant, pure movie-making. Saw it in IMAX, the only way to go. See it! Oh, review's too short? Um, hiiiighway to the... danger zone!
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Musicians in Cars Getting Coffee
5 March 2022
The Beach Boys are my favourite band. I own every Beach Boys' album, compilation, solo record etc. I have all the DVDs and documentaries too, of course, so I had to buy this. It's..... good. I mean, I can watch anything Brian/BB's related. I just feel there wasn't much new here. All the usual talking heads saying Brian is a genius. Most of the new stuff involving Brian is him being driven around L. A. listening to Beach Boy's songs (and sometimes the same song more than twice). It's quite sad, frankly speaking, seeing Brian so aged and out-of-shape, but- hey- it happens to all of us eventually. The most touching bits were when Brian found out that Jack Reilly had died years earlier, and the part where Brian listens to Dennis Wilson's album (it blows my mind that Brian had never heard it before!). Some of the best stuff was in the deleted scenes... Brian going back to his high school, talking about his mother. I don't think Mike Love got one mention throughout the entire documentary haha.
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Joe Rogan: Triggered (2016 TV Special)
I only knew Joe from his podcast
12 October 2021
This special had me laughing out loud. Great stuff, Joe. Very impressed.
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So incredibly awful, what the hell??
22 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, random spoiler-filled thoughts:

1. If Tanaka wanted zombie blood, why bother with the bank heist ruse? Just pay a team to go in and snatch a zombie (they could've used the same net trap they later used in the first few minutes after entering). He's a billionaire, right?

So money should be no option. Hell, hire a SEAL team, not a rag-tag bunch of wannabe mercenaries.

2. For some reason, the daughter is willing to risk her life and everyone else's for some random mother (who dies anyway). There relationship is in no way established so why should we believe she cares?

3. Random army dudes change into zombies immediately, but main characters take minutes/hours so they can have lengthy emotional conversations (see #13).

4. SO much out-of-focus background shots, come on Zach! I felt like I needed glasses.

5. Chambers (the only character I really liked) was a 100% Vasquez (Aliens) rip-off, even down to the bandana.

6. For that matter, Martin was Burke. C'mon, Zach, have some originality!

7. How did zombies turn Las Vegas to rubble?

8. This is not a sequel to Zach's Dawn of the Dead (which I love). Having zombies enclosed in one city was incredibly dull.

9. I did not buy for a single second that these people were zombies. Most of them looked like Cirque de Soil performers. Where were all the "normal" zombies?

10. Headshot, headshot, headshot. CGI CGI CGI. Yawn.

11. German guy locks black guy in vault sacrificing himself when he could have easily jumped inside too.

12. Nobody attempted to shoot the small group of zombies attacking Chambers and stood around, watching her get killed. And why didn't Chambers shout "Martin tried to kill me!" when she had the chance?

13. Time for 2-3 sappy, pointless father/daughter chats when there's a nuke on the way?

14. There's a nuke coming. Let's pause and have a nice "You came back!" conversation with the helicopter pilot, when in reality everyone would be clambering on that chopper and getting the hell out of there.

15. Blonde girl could have easily gotten on the chopper while holding the gun to the zombie queen's head, then tossed it as they took off.

16. How can zombies have babies? If they're dead anyway, how can the baby die? Wouldn't it still be a zombie even without its mother's head?

17. I'm really confused as to why there are refugees(?)/a quarantine center right outside a zombie city. Um, perhaps move the camp a little bit further away? You know, for safety? And everyone's getting moved anyway to avoid the nuke, why would a mother need to go into the zombie city to buy her freedom?

18. If it was a 50 million dollar heist, why go in with duffel bags? There's no way they grabbed more than a few hundred grand tops.

19. Las Vegas bank vault has lethal booby traps?

20. Lone survivor wanders through radiation zone like it's a day in the park. That can't possibly be good for him.

There's so much more, but I'll stop here. Yes, it was overlong but with the right material (Justice League) that's forgivable.

This film was just trash.
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Fatman (2020)
Very Odd Film *SPOILERS*
27 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The premise was interesting enough I suppose, but here are the things I had trouble with.

-The hitman calls Mel "Fatman" (and it's the title). He's not the slightest bit fat. Did they originally intend to cast a fat actor? Or is it meant to be ironic?

-Santa flies around the world in a night on his sleigh (i.e. magic). Yet his face-off with the hitman is a gun battle. Why? Doesn't Santa have powers he can use? (apart from surviving headshots)

-The military want to use his elves. Wouldn't they be more interested in this guy's immortality? Or the fact that he has somehow discovered a mythological species?

-A single hitman kills an entire army unit? And why would he bother? He's only been paid to kill one man.

-The build-up to the face-off is slow, slow, slow. Hitman kills a lot of people. Santa moans about his finances. Yawn.

-The hitman buys Christmas presents. Because he only got a toy car as a kid? Um....okay. Oh, but he has a hamster. (??)

Was this supposed to be a comedy? I can imagine the Coen Brothers, for example, actually making it funny, but this version was laugh-free.
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Spoilers about that "song" that Bill and Ted "wrote"
4 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
You know, the song that united the world in the first two movies...?

Firstly, in this movie, it's not a song. It's an instrumental at best, and basically a jam.

Secondly, they didn't write anything. Neither did the daughters... they just kinda conducted it.

Thirdly, if the daughters were responsible for the song, how come Rufus didn't visit them instead of their fathers?

Fourth, they even have the nerve to say something like "it wasn't the song, it was people playing together." So major contradiction to the first movies.

Fifth, if the key to saving the world was everyone playing together... how the hell did everyone in the world suddenly learn to play a musical instrument?

Finally, Bill and Ted suddenly become amazing guitar players after basically sucking all this time. How?

Overall, I found this film pretty unfunny and uninteresting. Basically, they go to the future a few times then play the song, the end.

Oh, and apparently you can still use your cellphone to call the future when you're dead and in hell.
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How the hell did this cost 48 million??
1 August 2020
Bland, boring actors/characters. Really paint-by-numbers lackluster direction. "Action" sequences which are yawn-inducing. Terrible editing and scene transitions. Zero thrills, joy or excitement throughout. Lazy soundtrack. As for photoshopping Patrick Stewart's face onto all the previous Bosleys in the photo montage... I'm speechless. Trash.
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Ready or Not (I) (2019)
FUN idea, GREAT start, TERRIBLE finish!
3 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I was really looking forward to this. It started well and I liked the characters for the most part. I was laughing quite a lot, which is not necessarily a good thing. By around the halfway mark I was starting to dislike it a lot, then everything went to hell (not in a good way) in the climax. What I didn't like (SPOILERS obviously:):

-the lead has no backstory/character. It's mentioned at one point she had a foster family and we get that she doesn't come from a rich family but that's it. We know nothing about her. Same for the groom. "Get Out" set up the characters much, much better.

-I kept expecting the bride to "go Rambo." The trailers seemed to imply she was gonna be a badass. How cool it would have been if she had a secret past (ex-military?) that even her fiance didn't know about. Nope. She just lucks her way through the film mostly.

-I was looking forward to seeing the rich family knocked off one-by-one. Nope. We got one kill (on purpose). Which leads me to...

-Having the entire family explode at the end? Ooookay. Kinda funny, but a huge wasted opportunity.

-Having the finance turn on her at the end was kinda of a cool idea, but the scene with the fiance and his mother made this nonsensical.

-the whole supernatural aspect made no sense. Why mention that Alex had seen the ghost(?) of the business partner if that's not going to be a pay-off. The whole backstory with the great grandfather and his partner was not set up well. So Mr. Le Bail was supposed to be the devil? Were the family aware of this?

Anyway, I usually blind buy DVDs but luckily I saw this, um, elsewhere so won't be purchasing this time (even though I'm a huge horror fan!).
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Marmaduke (2010)
So awful I had to comment
4 April 2019
My son likes dog movies so I put this on for him (Netflix).

How this script ever got green lit is beyond me. Imagine a lame sit-com without its laugh track, and it would still be better than "Marmaduke."

One scene in particular stands out: the Dad (whose acting is atrocious) gets the brilliant(?) idea to sell organic dog food by putting dogs on surfboards.

Because... um... yeah, moving on.

So they force these poor animals onto boards and a huge tsunami comes... two dogs are launched towards the beach while everyone laughs it up (including a TV commentary crew). The titular dog goes flying up into the air and plunges deep into the water, where he could easily drown.

The commentator says something like "What a silly dog!" as if this is all hilarious.


This movie is trash. Everyone involved should be flogged for this atrocity.
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I didn't like it so much, here's why...
19 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a huge Queen music fan, though I was never interested in their lives so much. Still, I was looking forward to this. Unfortunately, it was a letdown.

Firstly, it tells us nothing about the characters. It doesn't help that they skip one whole year after the characters meet... what happened in that time??

We never learn anything about the band or Mary as people. The film makes the mistake of tell, don't show (as opposed to "show, don't tell").

They mention that Brian May is an astrophysicist... twice. But we learn nothing about the man. Roger Taylor's a lady's man apparently (we're told three times). Who was Mary before she met Freddie? We know nothing.

Of course, you could argue that it's supposed to be Freddie's show. Okay, but I just couldn't see Rami as Freddie... it was like a celebrity impersonation... very superficial. Acting with his eyes most of the time.

Also, silly cameos like Mike Myers saying something about kids in cars banging their heads to the song (yeah, I get it!) just took me out of the picture.

I also didn't like how they gave Freddie AIDS before Live Aid when pretty much everyone knows it was much later.

Overall it came off like a made-for-TV biopic. Very by-the-numbers and not telling us anything we didn't already know.
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Gives "Scarface" a run for its money
28 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Wow. The trailers made it look like a fun, family film. In the first 10 minutes I counted about 50 "f--k"s. No kidding. Add some neck-snapping violence and a conversation about penises/circumcision and... no thanks. I'm no prude but I was watching this with my kids and they actually asked me to turn it off (maybe they were embarrassed). Terrible film (what I saw... maybe it got better??).
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Halloween (I) (2018)
Haven't felt like this since The Phantom Menace
1 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I WANTED to like this film. I THINK I liked it... but I'm not sure. :( Some things were great (the smash cut to the opening credits, for instance), but some things were just... odd. So, the podcast guy is standing at the gas station and Michael just strolls past behind him in his white hospital clothes? Laurie seemed to teleport from location to location. So does Michael (how does he get into the closet, and why bother?). There's no cat-and-mouse stalking like the original... is Michael even looking for Laurie, or was that just a coincidence? Michael seems to be all over the place, with no purpose or direction, apart from killing anyone (even a kid). I loved the music and it was never boring, but I'm starting to think this was all style over substance. I need to see it again.. (I'll wait for the bluray).
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An abomination
3 August 2018
Amateur actors pretending that everything they say is hilarious doesn't actually make it so. Maybe I need to be American to get all the Canadian jokes. I mean... I understand them, but they're not funny. Anti-heroes work when they're funny, not just obnoxious. None of these characters are interesting/funny in any way. I only slightly enjoyed the Lynda Carter scene. Dear god, this film cost $13.5 million?? Just think of how many quality low-budget films could have been made for the same price.
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Like a McDonalds Happy Meal
19 November 2017
Reasonably filling and satisfying, but 30 minutes later you'll be hungry again.

I'm not going to get in depth into the plot etc. (other reviews have done that well), but I just wanted to add that I saw JL yesterday and I barely remember it now. It was so... slight.

The team gets together, fights some CGI due... The End.

No gravitas, no fist-pumping moments. I have a feeling the extended version (if & when released) is going to be much better.

My 2¢.
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Terrible, Horrible, Awful
13 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Here's the whole film: Renton goes home. Everyone's angry at him. Begbie escapes from prison, tries to kill Renton. The end.

That. Is. It.

The ONLY highlights in the film are flashbacks, nods or near recreations of scenes from the original film.

Even the music is terrible. What was Danny Boyle thinking? This "movie" is so far-removed from "Trainspotting" (one of my Top 10 movies of all time) it's almost inconceivable.

I will be doing my best to expunge the memory of this film from my mind.

1 star for nostalgia factor.
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Silence (I) (2016)
Jeebus that was long!
21 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe I'm the wrong target audience for this film (atheist). I love a good drama (even if it's slow-paced) and have enjoyed most of Scorsese's works (including "Last Temptation"), and religious topics don't put me off (unless the film stars Kirk Cameron!) but this movie just lost me. I'm not sure if we were supposed to empathize with the missionaries and admire their faith, or to accept the futility of forcing a belief on a foreign culture. All the pain and suffering in this film basically reinforced my belief that religion does nothing but divide humanity (even the Buddhists were blood-thirsty in this!) and create the illusion that life on Earth is a mere pit-stop on the way someplace better. On the plus side, I enjoyed all of the main Japanese actors, especially the translator and the main, somewhat goofy Samurai(?). It was probably only me, but I felt the first Japanese guy (drunk) was hilarious in the way he kept flip-flopping and asking for confession. It was like a running gag. Also, wouldn't the film have been better if Garfield and Driver had had their roles reversed? I feel Driver would have brought more gravitas to the main role, and Garfield would have been better as the supporting character.
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