
12 Reviews
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Not good
11 May 2022
This movie was hard to watch. The acting was so bad. The only thing that saved this movie was Ellie Church. She literally carried the movie. I mean, I had to make myself continue to watch it and I LOVE campy cheap made B style movies. Unless your a big fan of Ellie, I would pass on this one.
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Fun movie
11 May 2022
I enjoyed the movie. I must admit that I am a sucker for B movies regardless of year. It was funny, fun and a decent story. The direction was great, nice shots all around unlike many B style movies this generation. Practical effects are a go to in my book. Very little CGI and I love that. The acting was better than most and there was beautiful women dancing. The only thing missing was full nudity. If you are going to make a real B movie, you need to be showing it all to get that rating up.
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The Titan (2018)
One of the worst movies ever watched
1 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously what the heck is going on in at Netflix? We are not in the early 19th century where none of us are educated. OK, the first half hour was ok, but then it all goes to crap. The science is so bad that its hard to watch for the average person. We all can google the moon titan and within 20 seconds knows that the surface is -175 Celsius. So lets just say that they were able to genetically alter this person DNA to live in that kind of climate. The amount of heat that he would have to generate, he would be a fireball on earth. That is just one thing that is so terrible. Why would they send just a single person to the moon? Can he reproduce himself? Where is the procreation for the survival of the race? So stupid. How did he get there? Wouldn't his kid at the end of the movie be like 10 years older? I would have rather spent my time watching a 70's B movie than this.
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Just what the doctor ordered
23 June 2017
You have to like B style movies to appreciate this flick. It was hilarious throughout the whole movie. The practical effects with minimal CG effects gives this a bump up in stars for me. While there was some fill in with CG, it was done tastefully. I loved the story, it was outrageous, funny, and entertaining. If there was more boob action it would have been the perfect B style movie. The only real complaint I had was the overdub of audio, I don't know what they did, but it sounded as if the audio was rerecorded. This is defiantly going on my list of best B movies of 2016. Just be prepared for outrageous, campy fun!
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Fun movie but not as good as the original
7 October 2016
I cant honestly say why so many people are so quick to shoot this movie down. I am pretty open minded and enjoy all varieties of film. Was this a bad movie? No. Was it better than the first movie? No. I think people that are reviewing this movie and rating it so low are too critical. Its a fun movie that made me laugh many times throughout the movie. I don't get offended by sexist jokes or racist jokes because you have to take everything with a grain of salt. I loved the cameos of Bill Murray and Dan aykroyd so they must have signed off on the movie. I suppose us eighties kids would find this more amusing and fun than the millenniums do, they want everything to be so high budget, a list actors and want it yesterday or they throw a fit. The movie was semi forgettable but it was not bad at all. It made me laugh, the CGI was not terrible but could have been better and the actors were OK. More of a nothing but trouble film. Got terrible reviews but ended up having a cult following.
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Fun but could have been a lot better
4 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The plot and story was solid. I think the revenge plot the story gives is pretty good and entertaining. With that being said, the only redeeming quality of the movie is the gratuitous nudity throughout. The actors especially the men, was atrocious. The directing was absolutely horrible and the sound editing was so bad, I wanted to turn the volume down so I wouldn't have to hear anything. I think if the movie had a better director, better sound editing, and decent actors and more production, it would have been a cult classic. The score was pretty good but generic. The women actors in the movie were mediocre at best, the only nice looking boobies throughout the movie were the paid strippers they hired for the movie. The movie tries to pull off a Quentin Tarantino style movie but fails pretty hard. The story, the nudity, the dumb humor gets this movie a 3 in my book. I really don't mind the nuns with guns, but they really could have dropped the whole raping nuns thing out of the movie, it just didn't come across as funny or fun at all to watch at all.
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What? (1972)
3 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This was a cool movie. It almost seemed like a dream to me than a movie. It really doesn't warrant and X rating or even adult rating. I would say its a R rating at best. Sydne Rome was pretty much nude the entire movie, and she was stunningly beautiful back in 1972 so that was a definite plus in my book. Marcello Mastroianni thoroughly convinced me during the movie. I felt disgusted by him. From the bites on his legs to his pimp past, he did an awesome job acting in this movie. The entire time I was lost and laughing so the movie did its job. I was saying What? the entire time! Loved it! Because of this movie, I am compelled to watch more of Roman Polaski films. Oh and Hugh Griffith is in this movie too, so that deserves a star on its own!
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A nice 70's horror drama
3 August 2016
It was OK. The lead actress is beautiful. The story was a little hard to follow but at the end it all makes sense. Is she a vampire? what the heck is she? Are there more like her? What is the background? These questions were never answered. To me because the story just didn't have enough substance, I have to rate it low. I was asking questions the entire time and never got answers. The last 10 minutes pretty much sums up the entire movie, the rest of the movie is a lot of drama with some bloody scenes. Its really funny how the 70's treated bisexuality, there was one scene that kind of explained the bisexual summary but in today's time, its just laughable. The actors were OK, the direction was good, there was some nudity which added to the score. The story was short and lacked any substance. Just overall an OK movie in my book.
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A decent slasher
3 August 2016
Low budget, all girl slasher. The plot is already laid out in the beginning so no confusing story-line to follow. No flashbacks just right to the point. The actresses in the movie do a pretty convincing role. There really isn't any chemistry between them but they all seem to have some good acting skills. Direction was decent, there are few scenes that were really enjoyable to watch. No shaky camera, no extreme closeups, I would give the director a thumbs up for sure. Reminds me of a low budget 80's slasher film. Most people reviewing these low budget horror movies must not have been fans of the genre. People have to realize what they are watching and if its not in the class of movies they enjoy, just don't watch it and post a 1 star rating. I have actually never rated any movie in my life a 1 star. I have seen way better movies, and I have seen way worse, but it defiantly deserves at 3.5 to 4 stars solid. What I really liked about this movie and deserves more than 2 stars is the use of practical effects. Practical effects add more of a realism to the movie and of course looks way better. Too many times have I watched a modern horror movie with digital blood and I just down right sucks and looks so bad. So props for practical effects and I hope more directors and special effects people move far away from digital effects for horror movies. Overall a good movie for someone that enjoys low budget 80's style slasher films. 4 stars for me!
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Bitch Slap (2009)
Instant Classic
26 July 2016
I love B movies, but I would probably consider this a C movie with B movie quality and direction. This movie is an instant cult classic in my book. Its got the sin city vibe going on (which really makes this movie), a semi solid story, beautiful women, guns and gore. What is not to like about this movie? The actresses that lead the movie are actually very good actors and make the story entertaining to keep focused and engaged to keep watching. You really have to be a sexploitation fan to appreciate this. If not, its not going to be entertaining at all. I just hope there is a second movie in the future. Awesome flick!
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Great movie
6 June 2016
Strange at times but a most delightful tale of 8 stories from the mother land. I am confused as there isn't any x rated content in the movie. There is some nudity but nothing that warrants an x rating for sure. I would say its a mild R rated movie. Very humorous and at times strange. I enjoyed the adventurous tales but most of them are ended prematurely and with questions still unanswered. It would have been a better movie if they told 4 tales with more story to them. I never read the actual tales, but if they are anything like whats in the movie, it might be a good read. I have always enjoyed movies from the area depicted in the movie, I just wish that the stories had more content to keep me engaged more. I found myself wondering away from the movie more than once which tells me that the stories just were not interesting enough to spark my interest. That is why I think it would have been a much better movie with each tale telling more of a story then just cutting to one, 10 minutes later your cut to another story wondering what happened. Over all I would still give it a 6 out of 10 for the slapstick English humor.
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Absolutely love it!!
10 September 2014
Either you love it or hate it. You know not every movie has to be a Titanic and not every movie has to be groundbreaking. This movie is a cult classic that rates in my personal top 20 movies I love to watch more than once. Dan Akyroyd is not your every day common comic. His eclectic style really shows in this film, and should be praised. I understand why it flopped in the theaters, everyone was expecting too much. I bet Dan, Chevy, John and Demi wanted to make a fun, very off the wall movie and wanted to take a break from the grind of Hollywood expectations, and I love them for doing it. A must see!! I wish Dan Akyroyd would make another one!
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