
21 Reviews
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How It Ends (2018)
Good film, Bad ending.
2 February 2022
The film was full of excitement and enjoyable all the way until the end. Where it does one of those "Cliffhanger" endings that just leave you hating the film. If it had a REAL ending. Then it would get probably 8 stars.
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Cowboy Bebop (2021)
Started good but quickly died.
23 November 2021
Like so many other netflix shows. Their forced sexualization of all the characters ends up ruining the original plot. Straying from the source material to add in sex scenes and forcing social issues into the show.
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Into the Night (II) (2020–2021)
Interesting show, Horrible characters.
11 September 2021
EVERY single character in this show is beyond stupid. They make every possible wrong choice they can. Not a single character has even one possitive character trait. Everyone is mean and evil to each other for no other reason than racism. The characters complete ruin any possibly chance this show has to be enjoyable by just making you angry with everything they do.
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Metal Shop Masters (2021– )
Good show annoying host.
10 September 2021
The show is fun. The art is awesome. The co hosts are great. But the main host knows next to nothing about metal working and could not be more annoying to watch. They really should have gotten a host that has some sort of knowledge or at least interest in metal working.
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Skylines (2020)
Horrible Prop design ruins any kind of realism
20 March 2021
The movie wasnt bad. But their prop guy is total garbage. He just slaps some puddy on airsoft guns paints it purple and calls it a day. They had a rotating barrel mini gun. But instead of a mini gun, it shot flames.... Made the rotating mini gun sounds... but shot flames...
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Seoul Station (2016)
Okay movie, infuriatingly stupid characters.
10 March 2021
The movie itself was good with decent plot. But the main character that it follows around was infuriatingly stupid and useless. By far one of the least useful people i have ever seen in a movie. They were put there solely to make drama and get people killed. Their complete inability to shut any door ever was by far the most frustrating thing to watch in any zombie movie i have ever seen. They just lack all basic skills.
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Hungerford (2014)
Crappy found footage trash
29 December 2020
Total garbage. Shaky camera work does now = dramatic camera work. Worst found footage style recordings ive seen, not even the edited in static was believeable.
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Radioflash (2019)
Good story. Bad main character.
4 December 2020
Usually i love these adventure survival movies and while the premis of the story was good. The roll of the main character was unbearable. They were completely useless all the way to the final scene of the movie. 100% reliant on others to have her at all times.

So...good plot, bad characters.
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Predictable all the way though. But not bad i guess.
10 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The movie was really predictable. It was obvious what her powers were right from the start. And just the way the one girl dressed and had her hair immediately screamed lesbian before they ever had their first kiss. Over all the movie was bland and the best part was just seeing some mutants and their super powers. It was a different take on the usual Marvel mutants genre though. The main actor of the movie was by far my least favorite person in the whole movie. Their acting was sub par. Even when they would go to run, it looked like they were faking it. They don't deserve another feature film role. Its worth a watch if you're bored.
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Stargate: Atlantis (2004–2009)
Great still but not SG-1
6 October 2020
Still a great series, the enemies were not as enjoyable as in SG-1 but it continued to have fun adventures throughout the series with likeable characters and plots.
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Stargate SG-1 (1997–2007)
One of the best Science Fiction series ever made
6 October 2020
This series is one of the best science fiction series ever made. All the characters are very likeable. The story never grows dull through all 200 sum episodes. They always find a new way to keep the series going without abandoning the old plot to start a new one. The old arcs always continue to have presence throughout the series. Worth a watch, then a re-watch, and maybe one more.
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Boring movie with unlikeable characters.
6 October 2020
Firstly, the characters are the most obnoxious characters ive almost ever seen in a movie. They have no likeable characteristics what so ever. The movie itself was slow with nothing ever feeling like a truly climactic point in the movie. I don't recommend this movie if you have any other option of something to watch...
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The I-Land (2019)
Unwatchable garbage
15 September 2019
The show starts off and all the characters are immediately thinking about screwing each other and trying to murder each other instead of you know... even trying to survive the island... No one wants to do anything other than party and have sex. I was excited for a show similar to maybe "Lost" but no. Its just garbage filled with horrible acting, spoiled children and sex.
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Zoo Wars 2 (2019)
Its just bad.
30 July 2019
Nothing positive to say about this movie. Animation is garbage and the rating of 9.7 is pretty misleading....
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The constant high pitch screams.
30 November 2018
Its nice they took the time and spent the money to get Jack Black in the movie. But that child actor for the main kid was just horrible. Unconvincing at every point and the constant ear piercing girly screams... I don't recommend this movie unless you want a headache.
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Corny and predictable. But watchable.
13 August 2018
Okay movie if you don't have anything else to watch. Had its cute moments. But the majority of the movie was very bland. Id pass this up if you're not watching it for your kids.
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Defective (2017)
Even the fake profiles hated it...
3 July 2018
Movies so bad that even the actors who made imdb accounts just to review it couldn't bring themselves to give it more than 8 stars... Don't waste your time on this one. Even Mystery Science Theater 3000 would pass this one up.
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Desolation (I) (2017)
Typical Horror movie
8 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is just a bad movie not worth your time to watch. Bratty kid. Over protective mom. Bad influence friend of mom. Innocent hiker trying to stop them from littering by murdering them.

Save yourself an hour of your life and do something else.
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One of the greats.
3 May 2018
This anime is just amazing. There is not a single scene in the entire movie that is not enjoyable. The art is fantastic and the story unique.
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Titan A.E. (2000)
Loved this movie as a kid and still do.
26 April 2018
Great movie totally under rated. Family friendly while still being something you can enjoy as an adult.
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Batman Ninja (2018)
Its just bad. Plain and simple.
26 April 2018
This movie was garbage. The entire thing was just every anime cliche thrown into the mixing pot. The character design was just dumb. The animation even took a strange turn in the middle to be something completely unrecognizable. It was a waste of my time and i would have rather went back and watched the 1997 Batman and Robin.
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