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Capone (2020)
Another hollywood liberal cop out
9 May 2021
Instead of giving the public some actual story and entertainment its yet another lazy smug meant to be insightful psychoanalysis bore-fest. It taught us nothing. No joy no story no fun no reason no showing us any of capones charm or criminal genius just another lazy cop out to show us yet again the perils of mental health and so on. Hollywood you are a joke. Every Capone film ever made was light years better than this, every scarface too.
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streep ruined a good movie
16 March 2021
Heck of a cast , wonderful scenery, nice pacing, great acting, reasonable script Only bug bear , streeps hamming over acting totally ott and inappropriate for the film roberts excellent, lewis cameo but top notch, copper class, mcgregor solid
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Spartacus (1960)
16 November 2020
Infinitely better than any of the nonsense so called movies theyve made this millennia
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This is a 10 star classic
9 November 2020
Ive no idea why everyone does see this as 10 star Its got everything needed to make a classic and everything new movies lack Authenticity, originality, location, the film and filmography is stunning, it has a genius of a comic actor in the role of his lifetime. Hogan stars and wrote the whole brilliant idea. Its also a concept movie, wild crocodile man in the outback talks to the animals lives off the land. New work reporter goes in search of the legend and fives the love of her life. In the film and in real life. This is a gem of alifetime movie a sort of australian tarzan with charm comedy and romance. Love it. No endless cgi gadgets needed. Holllywood are you listending? didnt think so lol
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Selma (2014)
Mediocre movie of an epic tale
20 June 2020
It was a typical modern remake .....Way too many camera tricks way too much noise over the speeches ...Way too much moving camera. Just listen to the speeches and words. You dont need tricks.
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Hannibal (2001)
Grotesque but hopkins and moore gave it gravitas
27 February 2018
Exciting sequel lost some subtlety from the first movie Hopkins was immense again, Moore was impressive and sexy I particularly liked the part where she intimidated and threatened ray liottas ignorant character to a bare fist fight in the gym and he bottled out Very unusual scene that It got really brutal later on but the pacing and acting was good and the shooting was easy on the eye and slightly less formulaic than most similar movies
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Brilliant subtle comedy- Deniro awesome
9 March 2015
It was a movie I had to see twice to fully appreciate it Its really hilarious The nonsense involved in Hollywood movies, the double talk, the hard core money brokers, keener great as always. The English director was like Johnny rotten on heat. Lots of nice cameos, Tururro funny, Penn solid. in the end though its yet again the genius of Deniro that holds it all together. The bit when the girl seduces him in the bathroom, thats a good school lol he holds such a straight face too...He has about 1001 facial expressions on his world weary road map of a face, he was uptight overworked, his whole skit with the shrink and his wife had me in stitches too....Wheres my couch, we talk about the past but what about the now, the now now? no I didn't cheat, well erm there was this time and that time, but no, but well there was a time in that party the bathroom.....Has any man in movie history carried as many movies on his back as Deniro?
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Evan Almighty (2007)
Wonderful movie
4 January 2015
The cast was fantastic. The animals superb. The art work, the unparalleled attention to detail, the extraordinary sets. The special effects worked. The story was superb, the film was a rare mixture of story, imagination, great comedy and somehow even this most fantastical of tales worked. It kept you guessing the whole time and the story tied up nicely. Political corruption, greed, avarice, moral bankruptcy.

To those who scoff. I say to those cynics, where is your imagination? Why have you chosen to become so cynical? If you can do better, then you try writing such a story, you herd up thousands of the worlds animals and you build an ark. if you do please invite me around. I promise to keep an open mind, not to mock, nor be cynical.

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True Grit (2010)
The girl ruined the movie
29 October 2014
Sorry but why do Hollywood have to shoe horn in a politically correct one dimensional unrealistic tedious role into every movie nowadays? This role for this girl totally killed the entire movie. Great movies have complex multi faceted ambiguous often contradictory characters. She was none of these things. She had all the answers to all the situations and the male character obviously had to be made the fool. Political correctness, even disguised has ruined yet another art form. The original was great, the duke played a multi faceted character , not this liberal nonsense where we have to pander to politically correct committees and lobby groups. Movies should be real politic.
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Hitchcock (2012)
Mirren ruined the movie
1 June 2014
Just like the reagans series disaster, this was yet another movie trying to depict the man as a total imbecile and the wife as all the brains behind everything. Totally over simplistic, totally stereotypical , all the clichés and the undercurrent of sexist man hating misandry underneath it all, as we always get with the radically liberal Hollywood. Hitchcock according to this was a totally clueless puppet who did nothing and never put nay thought into anything. His wife was really the genius director and knew everything about everything.

Identical to the reagans series where the wife also strangled the life out of the whole thing. Here the pro feminist Hollywood liberal radicals claimed,it was all the wife's idea to strangle Janet leigh too. Utterpoppycock, Hitchcock was a genius, period. Poor old Tony Hopkins he didn't get a look in here. We came for a cinematic genius and all we got was more disingenuous feminist lies and propaganda.
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Nixon (1995)
this movie gets better every time so does Hopkins
31 March 2008
Great movie 9 out of 10

Stone pulled a masterstroke in choosing the independent fiery Welshman to play Nixon. stone said he knew about wales being fiercely independent and he knew that the welsh felt the same and that suited Nixon who was part welsh from the old quakers of north America

whilst Nixon is viewed as an anti hero I think the complexity of the movie and the vast array of influences within the complex man that was Nixon gives this movie a long term value. the lies, the deceit, the pride, the bitterness, the regret, the guilt, the torment, the confused values, the warring parties, the self interested advisor's, his haunted past, his long suffering family etc etc brilliant cast, brilliant direction and unlike any presidential movie |Ive ever seen oh and Hopkins is the best actor in the world
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Torchwood (2006–2011)
I loved torch wood
15 May 2007
cant be bothered to study the whys and why not I just loved it. very entertaining, total escapism, imagination, fun new unique stories, interesting quirky characters, interesting backdrops, I love the setting too its very varied sort of looks like Britain yet seems semi modern semi urbanated semi futuristic, this adds a lot. I also notice that each episode the story the backdrops and dialogue varies hugely. this is part of what keeps it edgy. like the best shows like sopranos its all quirky shocking surprising and entertaining and vitally unpredictable. If it was on TV now Id be watching it over almost everything else. surely thats a sign of quality entertainment Not sure why some hate it, I respect individual opinion. I just think this is fresh and new. its not British time period it's just weird and interesting isn't it. Before we were brainwashed by DIY shows and reality TV, this is the exact show TV viewers round the world have been waiting for. A grade
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Love Actually (2003)
yet another awful English film
30 December 2006
sorry but the English aristocracy cant do comedy (the working classes can the elitists cant) Hugh grant and others are a 1 trick pony the trick?

posh man says F*** END OF

pathetic even worse than the dreadful Monty python the least funny bunch of upper class boring elitist snobs I've ever seen.

They got the keys to England with years and years of airtime and public funding and never made me laugh once. My granny was funnier, much much funnier.

Back to this one note bore. its crass its predictable it's interminably false, manufactured, unoriginal, superficial Oh mercy I can't go on.
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The 100 Greatest War Films (2005 TV Movie)
Zulu is miles ahead as the greatest
29 December 2006
The story of the welsh regiment at rourke's drift is a timeless epic of movie making and story telling

visually stunning great characterisation wonderful true story respectful of both sides

The way it takes the right amount of time to build the tension story and characters, the situation, the drip drip drip effect

I loved the quirkiness of the characters, the drunken Welsh preacher and his daughter, the maverick rogue James booth who rose to the occasion, the homesick welsh farmer feeding the lambs and longing for Bala in wales. the twittish under officer played by Michael Caine who sorts of grows up as it goes along and all held together by the stoic and wonderful Stanley baker.

whilst Caine hams absurdly, bakers performance is fantastic and gets better with every viewing, hes human, hes serious , hes dark and broody. This is a game for the rulers of the British empire who demand this bridge be built. But it sue ain't no game for the Zulu warriors or the welsh regiment most of whom die in the battle

the bets line in movie history as the Zulus finally allow the welsh regiment to survive?

"Its a miracle sergeant."

baker stares into the abyss

"It it is it was loaded with a gun."

People can always find holes in any movie and they will here. Do the fight scenes date? probably a little who cares, being stabbed with a bayonet or shot leads to death and sickness, we get the picture why do we need to spend hours watching the blood drip? would the welsh really sing in battle? ask any soldier whose served with a Welshman or woman you bet they sing all the time. usually an ancient welsh hymn like emen of harlech as in this movie

historically accurate?

yes very accurate. Stanley baker paid to produce this epic tale and nearly went bankrupt as he got no support from the British film industry or the government. as usual? sad

anyone who visits Wales should visit the beautiful brecon. there is the welsh regiment which exists today and trains in the nearby mountains. there is a huge museum there detailing specifically this battle at rourke's drift in s Africa

Pls note also this may have been a welsh regiment but there were also a great number of Scottish and Englishmen in the regiment and this is a British story not just a welsh one.
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Braveheart (1995)
Wonderful pro Scotland anti-monarchy film
29 December 2006
This magnificent piece of film making shows clearly how tortured abused and murdered so many of our forefathers were from Scotland Wales and Ireland The monarchy were so unbelievably inhumanely ruthless and greedy. It was barbaric. The tower of London was a torture chamber and everyone with any rights was exceceuted such as the real Prince Of wales, Prince Llewellyn in 1271 and the princess of Wales. All lands, palaces, his crowns, all the jewels and valuables of wales, Scotland and Ireland was taken and remains with the Quene to this day. His relatives were all butchered and distant cousins imprisoned forever.

These titles and lands are all still in London so much for brave heart being an old story. this dreadful history of butchery and oppression is alive and kicking and the monarchy is more powerful, wealthy and owns more land than ever thanks Mel Gibson and the backers for this wonderful factual movie that spoke about the human spirit , about bravery, identity, equity. and the eternal spiritual need for freedom. true freedom.
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Wonderful unique Burton on form
28 December 2006
Won't bore you with the details or spoil it But this is yet another great Burton movie and role. He's just got such class, he never hams, he never tries too hard yet he always steals every scene. he reminds me of other great Welsh actors like Tony Hopkins, Ray Milland, Christian bale, Jonathon pryce, Stanley Baker, Ioan Gruffudd, Rhys Ifans, michael sheen (plays Blair in "The Queen.") etc His class integrity intensity discipline animal like charisma fuelled this great movie. As did a great plot and great setting. Let's hope for more of these quality pictures instead of mainstream drivel and greedy producers. let's buck trends, let's back the writers and the talent. let's be meritocratic and we can all benefit
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August (1996)
Beautiful original witty characterisation Welsh too
28 December 2006
Must say I really enjoyed this Wish they'd make more original remakes and bringing older scripts back to life Wales always makes a fascinating back drop and with Hopkins involved his sheer quality brings every above the ordinary in beautiful settings such as this in wales or train spotting in Scotland or Commitments in Ireland or Amelie or Ronin in France and the Holiday in the peak districts. Check out other British and welsh classics like; Twin Town, last Days of Dolwyn, Zulu, Saturday Night Sunday Morning, Sporting Life, Run for Your money. Sadly it's all middle class rubbish since then like Love ACtually and posh controlled grim up north dramas. Why do the elite try and write working class plays? Get the working class to write about it. Because they know the truth is the poor have way more laughs and less obsession with power and greed.

It just adds so much and shows the world is far far richer than just shiny old Hollwood, London and the big apple (much as I love New York mind) Great stuff keep making them tony
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Awful appalling dreadful English film
27 December 2006
The unfunniest so called comedy I've ever seen

Not a patch on the naturalism of the hilariously dare Twin Town

Vegas I ;like normally but this script is so dire so predictable so well English in the worst way (In recent years the English films have been awful all of them) Ireland at least produced the commitments, Scotland with Braveheart and Trainspotting 2 stand out great movies and Wales had Twin Town, Zulu, Last Days of Dolwyn , Torchwood, Doctor Who and Under Milk Wood etc

The comedy is paint by numbers, the actors are dead men walking because there is no characterisation and no originality and it's just so unfunny

England is falling behind no matter how many grim up north movies they produce. It's the old class system that destroys English films. The Oxbridge graduates spewing endlessly clichéd scripts about working class people they've never lived with. It is pathetic. Monty Python wasn't funny, neither was anything from Oxbridge.

Let guys like Jonny Vegas and Peter Kay, Rob Brydon, Billy Connolly or write their own dialogue and forget the archaic failed class system let the working class people and the real talent that comes through the system properly take over the writing and the British and English film industries will rise again what next prince Edward to write a modern day Oliver Twist?
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artistocratic awful unfunny boring unoriginal
27 December 2006
The unfunniest so called comedy I've ever seen

Not a patch on the naturalism of the hilariously dark Twin Town or most dark American comedies. The best comedy is anti-establishment anyway which Python certainly are not.

Vegas I ;like normally but this script is so dire so predictable so well English in the worst way (In recent years the English films have been awful all of them) Ireland at least produced the commitments, Scotland with Braveheart and Trainspotting 2 stand out great movies and Wales had Twin Town, Zulu, Last Days of Dolwyn , Torchwood, Doctor Who and Under Milk Wood etc

The comedy is paint by numbers, the actors are dead men walking because there is no characterisation and no originality and it's just soooo unfunny

England is falling behind no matter how many grim up north movies they produce. It's the old class system that destroys English films. The Oxbridge graduates spewing endlessly clichéd scripts about working class people they've never lived with. It is pathetic. Monty Python wasn't funny, neither was anything from Oxbridge. it's just not funny.

Let guys like Jonny Vegas and Peter Kay, Rob Brydon, Billy Connolly or write their own dialogue and forget the archaic failed class system let the working class people and the real talent that comes through the system properly take over the writing and the British and English film industries will rise again what next prince Edward to write a modern day Oliver Twist?
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Unfunniset piece of aristocratic drivel ever dreadful
27 December 2006
The unfunniest so called comedy I've ever seen river had more belly laughs than these greedy spoilt middle class bores

Never have I been so bored or laughed so little. Even the mighty Taxi D Not a patch on the naturalism of the hilariously dark Twin Town or most dark American comedies. The best comedy is anti-establishment anyway which Python certainly are not.

Vegas I ;like normally but this script is so dire so predictable so well English in the worst way (In recent years the English films have been awful all of them) Ireland at least produced the commitments, Scotland with Braveheart and Trainspotting 2 stand out great movies and Wales had Twin Town, Zulu, Last Days of Dolwyn , Torchwood, Doctor Who and Under Milk Wood etc

The comedy is paint by numbers, the actors are dead men walking because there is no characterization and no originality and it's just soooo unfunny

England is falling behind no matter how many grim up north movies they produce. It's the old class system that destroys English films. The Oxbridge graduates spewing endlessly clichéd scripts about working class people they've never lived with. It is pathetic. Monty Python wasn't funny, neither was anything from Oxbridge. it's just not funny.

Let guys like Jonny Vegas and Peter Kay, Rob Brydon, Billy Connolly or write their own dialogue and forget the archaic failed class system let the working class people and the real talent that comes through the system properly take over the writing and the British and English film industries will rise again what next prince Edward to write a modern day Oliver Twist?
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Unfunny unoriginal aristocratic drivel
27 December 2006
The unfunniest so called comedy I've ever seen

Not a patch on the naturalism of the hilariously dark Twin Town or most dark American comedies. The best comedy is anti-establishment anyway which Python certainly are not.

Vegas I ;like normally but this script is so dire so predictable so well English in the worst way (In recent years the English films have been awful all of them) Ireland at least produced the commitments, Scotland with Braveheart and Trainspotting 2 stand out great movies and Wales had Twin Town, Zulu, Last Days of Dolwyn , Torchwood, Doctor Who and Under Milk Wood etc

The comedy is paint by numbers, the actors are dead men walking because there is no characterization and no originality and it's just soooo unfunny

England is falling behind no matter how many grim up north movies they produce. It's the old class system that destroys English films. The Oxbridge graduates spewing endlessly clichéd scripts about working class people they've never lived with. It is pathetic. Monty Python wasn't funny, neither was anything from Oxbridge. it's just not funny.

Let guys like Jonny Vegas and Peter Kay, Rob Brydon, Billy Connolly or write their own dialogue and forget the archaic failed class system let the working class people and the real talent that comes through the system properly take over the writing and the British and English film industries will rise again what next prince Edward to write a modern day Oliver Twist?
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Dalton is THE best Bond
27 December 2006
Wonderful movie this 10 out of 10 why? Dalton, characterisation and story

Dalton is the serious brooding dark humoured real agent This film stands up on its own as a wonderful espionage movie, it's also the best Bond movie ever Its not pantomime, it's not double entendre, it's not corny carry on toilet humour like the tedious dreadful non actor Moore. How a man with no acting talent no character no backbone did 7 Bond's is beyond me

Connery was great Brosnan was pretty darn good Dalton is the best actor to have played the role. He's a stage legend and he has the charisma, charisma, character and subtlety that makes a great actor.

yet another great Welsh actor with black humour and hidden depths. From Burton to Hopkins to Ray Milleand to Stanley Baker to Christian Bale and beyond. How do they produce these talents from little old Wales?
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The Machinist (2004)
Welshman Bale best young star in Hollywood
26 December 2006
What is it about Welsh actors? We know about their singers like Tom Jones, Shirley Basset, Charlotte Church , Kathryn Jenkins, Harry Secombe etc But for a tiny country they produce extraordinary amount of world talent. Especially in the arts.

Burton? Hopkins? Bale? Ray Milland? Stanley Baker (Zulu)Zeta Jones? Jonathon Pryce? Ian Gruffudd? Rhys Ifans? Michael Sheen (plays Blair in the Queen) etc These aren't just B listers who make a living these are the absolute elite of the elite. You don't't seem to know about trash Welsh actors they all seem to be the leads.

Bale's family are chameleon artists, circus acts, actors, entertainers, mavericks. yet like all welsh actors he has that kind of mystique, strength and sort of inner steel that's impenetrable. He IS batman, he is American Psycho, he IS the Machinist.

So what's the secret with Wales?
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Welshman Hopkins best actor in world amen
26 December 2006
I love De Niro. I love Pacino. I love Nicholson. I love Penn. I love Chris Bale. I love Norton.

These are the 7 best actors in the world today apart from Hopkins

De Niro is not at his absolute peak at the moment neither is Pacino. But Hopkins is.

Every single part Hopkins has played for years and years he has been absolute pure gold. Even when the part doesn't initially suit him. His ability, character, talent, work ethic and sheer integrity/sincerity carries him beyond the rest

Hopkins on current form is the bets actor in the world and this movie is yet more proof of this

Hopkins is enlightened. I won't ruin the plot but it's just genuine joy, deep fulfillment, it's living a real dream not a fake plastic dream sold to you on TV commercials. This is a maverick playing a maverick

Hopkins is always a Welshman that alone makes him unique. But America gave him the opportunity of a lifetime. He was sick of the British and English class system and stage and theatre protocol and stiffness.

Wales and America delivered to the world Hopkins talent and for that we should be thankful
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Grand Slam (1978 TV Movie)
wonderful unique quirky character based hilarity
25 December 2006
Loved this movie absolutely loved it I wish there'd be a sequel Maldwyn Pugh was hilarious "he's here he's there he's everywhere." Windsor spot on Dewie morris as playboy son of undertaker was superb and of course the legend that is Tenby's Hugh Griffith's of Hollywood fame no actor said more with his eyes and eyebrows in the history of popular entertainment.

It seems Mr Griffith's made a few other welsh and rugby films as well as British classics like kind hearts and coronets. A run for your money is hilarious welsh rugby movie too.

Great to see a welsh film though. Makes a change there's so few of them and they're just so original the best types of movies in my humble opinion are the ones which bring in a lot of balance , qualities and true culture. If I see a British movie, the best ones are the ones that have the best variety and balance, story and characterisation are huge too in Britain the best movies combine the Irish, Scots, English and welsh and throw in a few American and European influences and you get magic like, remains if the day, Lion in winter, Zulu.

This is what puts the great in great Britain
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