
66 Reviews
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Loot (2022– )
Comedy Succession?
13 September 2024
Hard not to draw a connection to succession for me and this show comes up lacking in every single way possible.

The main characters dominating quality is the amount of cash, and how it warps reality.

So to me the writers started off making it a similar setting as Succession yet they want to force this story to be Ted Lasso. A feel-good comfort watch.

Everything would is forgiven in a comedy if its funny. Funny is ofcourse subjective but some comedies catch on a kind of culture wave and almost everyone at that time finds it funny. This is not that perfectly timed comedy show the Seinfeld of its year.

Think its the feel-good nature of it that makes it so incredible boring for me. When the comedy did not land it becomes incredible boring.

I blame Ted Lasso for a lot of bad tv shows, there is a large demand for Feel-Good tv shows. But most copy the successful tv shows without understanding how it works. Its a shame as think there is to little feel-good comedy shows. Its one of those genres you think would be hard to fail but then when you go over the success rate you realize most fail, its deceptive like most comedy it "looks" easy.
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The Big Door Prize (2023–2024)
No Focus
23 May 2024
This is like a single happy Twillight zone episode stretched out over 3 seasons.

There are hints at a big magical mystery happening but its never revealed this season whats its its all about.

It has this weird two drugged/medicated psychologist talking to each other vibe to it, everyone in the small town do it example:

-"im feeling very mad right now you need to respect my feelings" -"oh your mad, im so very sorry. Was just running around naked here as a new years promise for my dead wife" -"oh your have a dead wife im so very sorry, should have known running around naked had a deep meaning for you" -"oh its fine, many years ago she died. Still wake up crying but its fine. Still wake up crying every day for the last 19 years but its "fine"" -"Im also the same "fine", maybe the whole town should go run around naked and we would all get over our life long trauma" -"yes that makes perfect sense and is not weird at all"

And the weird thing is most of the people who do these weird things are very boring characters. Deadly boring characters.
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Bodies (2023)
Im not a "logic nazi"
30 October 2023
Im very split on this tv show.

Think the lighting clothes and mood of the show pulls of different time periods, a non trivial task.

Acting is good and on the whole its engaging if slow and at the same time rushed since it uses so many characters.

But at the same time cant help feeling as a logic puzzle this is a disappointment.

So im left hanging is this MUCH better then most similar tv shows true or is it very far from the peak of shows like Dark.

Gave it a high grade since its a limited tv show so it does offer resolution and a end in a fair amount of time. If there were a LOT of time travel puzzels id skoff at this, but there isnt to reach this level is actually rare. Most are a lot worse and id like a lot more of similar quality if it offered.
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Barbie (I) (2023)
Deeply flawed core
26 July 2023
Ambitious mess, its not a polished jewel without flaws.

Can see this having true potential and understand people admiring the fearlessness more then the result and giving it a 10.

Think you can go watch this if you expect it to be a 5/10 that is flawed and with a good mood you can still enjoy the experience. Go to it expecting a 10 and think your doomed.

There is certainly things in this movie to enjoy indeed think it has to many ingredient. The acting of Ken and Barbie are great ironical they get to show off their range by literally barbie/ken.

This site really need to lower the minimum review number of words as could have certainly made the same point with half the words, given the option.
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Shrinking (2023– )
Perfect round shape of feel-good, what was cut to make a perfect square?
25 March 2023
Its sacrificing everything else for the feel-good. The humor and characters gets fuzzy edges to make the whole show a comfort blanket feel-good vibe.

Since need to write 600s words to waste your time with details whats below:

Its lacking punchy humor and real bite and seriousness/realness all sacrificed for the goal of feel-good. Ill say this about it someone from above really pushed this into a perfect round shape of feel-good and cut everything that did not fit.

Apple tv shows has a feel to them the same way Disney animations or Hallmark shows has a feel to them. Some shows seems to have more freedom but its always there.

The actors are great, it looks amazing. Technically its great it oozes money, someone threw money and talent on this. Not in love with the sound not at the same amazing level as the rest technical aspects.

The writing is like a really good script toke a LOT of calming drugs and what was sharp now has this pleasant fuzzy edge to it. Someone makes a biting remark but its a half smile and a nudge and we're all friends here at the same time feel. So kind of no real errors of writing other then a overwhelming numb feel to every single thing a wet blanket over the whole thing which is clearly entirely intentional.

Think Ted Lasso is casting its shadow over this show and not in a good way.
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The Sandman (2022– )
6 August 2022
Im not going to defend liking this. Its dumb and has dead ends and irrelevant characters that just hurt the story.

Yet to me it was still a fun time watching so ill forgive it since its fun and entertaining.

Got it down as a failed ambitious adaption but it managed to remain fun but you cant help being disappointed over what it could have been.
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Men (2022)
Emperor naked?
28 June 2022
These kind of movies (experimental-art) tend to be hard to review since you open yourself up to the "you dont understand", "its a allegory..." never ending critic of you as a viewer not being a good enough watcher basically.

Sometimes a bad movie is not genius level deep, or require hard focus to not lose the thread. Sometimes a bad movie is just a bad movie.

Remove Garlands old movies "goodwill" and this movie would never stand on its own. Think fans of the director is being to generous to him.
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2 June 2022
Probably to complicated to be popular and to dumb to be loved by a small niche.

Basically think it needed to pick a lane and stick to it.

Its pretty decent 5/10 isnt terrible ive seen much worse. Suppose Queens Gambit was to successful for its own good.
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Is it a comedy?
18 May 2022
It failed to get me at the start and then it imploded without me on the trip. Stood outside of the ride bored.

That is the drawback of ambitious weird movies sometimes you get duds do hope hollywood keeps making weird stuff.
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Foundation (2021– )
8 February 2022
Its incredible uneven in quality. Writing-pacing-acting-even backgrounds/visuals.

Came to it expecting to follow the fall and rise of humanity over generations yet im watching a entire episode over couple of days.

Clearly misunderstood the premise of the show.

Lee Pace as the Empire is exceptional in his role.
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
Never understood the hype for this
16 January 2022
Lowered the grade significantly after the last season.

Its sad there is no economy in making a finished large epic tv show. For me i got this as canceled this last 6 episodes are not a a proper ending.

Feel bad for the viewers who was deeply invested in the show its clear to me that it had a core audience who has the logo tattooed on their neck.
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10 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Came to this movie knowing nothing about it other then there would be violence and secrets.

My guess is just watching a trailer of this would likely lower the grade of the movie.

While feel seen this movie in three versions by Tarantino, give me a cop movie and id say ive seen it 50 times before. So is 3 times really that many can live with watching this done a 5th time even if anyone else ever does it again.

Its hardly a perfect movie but had a very good time watching it so gave it a very good grade.
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The Morning Show (I) (2019– )
15 October 2021
This is heroine in digital form.

One can deconstruct a show or you can inform on the effect it has on oneself.

If this was big candy box if eat the whole box thinking just one more bite.
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Gaia (2021)
28 September 2021
Like this type of movie so this worked for me.

That being said think lot of people will just not want what this delivers.

If you go to a romantic comedy your not going to say "this is terrible if you dislike all romantic comedies". But with this movie people do not have as clear a picture what they getting so its relevant.

A slow paced horror of the mood, atmosphere with some philosophy to add spice.
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Holy trinity
18 September 2021
Director. Music and Main Character make the holy trinity of this movie each make sum of the parts bigger then is parts.

It needed the music and the actor clint eastwood and the vision of the director make it a whole movement.
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Free Guy (2021)
Different strokes for different people...
18 August 2021
Did not enjoy the pacing, it rushed when wanted it to linger and it was to long. Cant think of anything it actually took its time on.

Reynolds is still great and he and "millie" the female actors dont know the name of was really good.
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Wide spread
6 August 2021
This is a shotgun movie it has a lot of fun stuff some hits and some misses.

In many ways its a funny war movie with super heroes.
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Good list!
11 July 2021
I'm a huge fan of time travel and especially seek them out.

Think this is as far can remember is the best short list ive seen for "offbeat" time travel movies that does not feature the common everyone already seen movies. It would be very easy to miss these movies and simply never hear of them.

Its surprisingly hard to hear about a new time travel movies if that is your jam.
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Manifest (2018–2023)
11 June 2021
Does the show have Alzheimer.

I get that confused angry and frustrated feeling it does not know if its morning or night if its just ate or if its hungry. Were it lives or if it has a job.

First season was still on a track with hints and mysteries but season 3 is a Alzheimer patient lost in the woods in a hospital gown and no shoes convinced it is late for work it has not had for 30 years ago.
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Chad (2021–2024)
Is it a comedy?
14 April 2021
Im left unsure if this failed to be a drama or failed to be a comedy.

Its so far from both cant tell what they were aiming for.
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The Watch (2020–2021)
15 February 2021
Non of the moving parts fit each other, its just a complete and utter confusing mess. Not sure what went wrong in writing, casting and directing and post production. This must have been a very troubled production

Normally always say id rather have a ambitious mess then a boring and safe movie/tv show but this goes well past my pain limit for incompetence.
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5 January 2021
My guess is this show captures the country and likely Africa to some extent accurately, from what little ive seen firsthand of Africa. Sadly it does not scratch my detective story itch. And that is what i came for the detective part not the Africa part. Wanted the setting to give life and enhance the detective part not overpower it and diminish it.

So to me this is a case of a cooking show not having enough of cooking, it fails in its key aspect. Like all my reviews this is according to my taste.

Would be willing to test another show with similar setting
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4 January 2021
Liked that is does not take itself to seriously. There is no real attempt to make a logical story.

Feel they lack in characters. most of the characters are there since the story needs them to be and they change to fit the story. To me the show needed more memorable characters that adds flavor not just exists to take the story from A to B.

To me the last season is just as good as any of the other seasons, probably better then S3. But then did not hold the other seasons up as great.
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Twin Peaks (2017)
29 December 2020
This show requires the patience of a saint.

Had i not been willing to give it 400% more effort and a second re-watch based on my love for the original series this would been a 1-2 for me.

Left confused by how to rate it, its not terrible and its not great. The first show had mysteries this show tries to have a answers. Lynch does not do answers well.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Ensamble vs Chosen one
15 October 2020
Never felt a star trek had a main character in any show before, it always kept switching perception and narrator. The fact you have a wide lens telling the story does shape the story. For a show that often ran many seasons this was to me a key aspect of the show as it let the even the smaller side characters grow over the seasons and was one reason often it was not until season 3 or higher the show peaked.

Discovery or as ive become fond of calling it STD has a chosen one, a main character that have that classical hero aura around her. But feel her sharp glow hides the other characters on the ship and lessens them in comparison as the hero always solves the issue.

The fact the Hero with capital H is unlikeable also. Not sure how they managed to accomplish that feature as since the main character is the POV you tend to take his/her side even when his clearly in the wrong.

Its a shame as do feel it is a part of the show that keeps it from improving from a single weak first season, it does not invest in building a stronger foundation. It wants every single episode to be a peak even at the cost of the future. If not for this inherent flaw feel this show might have been able to come into its own if it just ran long enough now though it has nothing that invested that will build it blew everything it had going and stands naked with a full cast of unlikeable characters nobody knows anything about and a Hero that is not stepping up and carrying the show but even being its weak point.
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