
189 Reviews
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Oxygen (2021)
Superb script, acting and suspense
22 June 2024
A young woman wakes up in a type of cocoon device where she is held by straps and fed intravenously and her brain and all body functions are monitored, she has no idea why she is in this thing and by interacting with the computer interface provided in the device she attempts to make heads or tails of what is going on. You never quite exactly know what she is in till about 2/3 in and then you get an even more amazing revelation about her that was totally unexpected. Quite a riveting ride. Well done for such a very low budget movie with only one actor and just the immediate environment she is in. Nothing questionable, no nudity, violence or gore. Ok for the kiddos if they can grasp the concept. Sci-fi at its best. Enjoy!
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IF (I) (2024)
Brings back the kid in all of us.
21 June 2024
You ever have an imaginary friend? An "IF"? Most of us as young kids had one or two or many. This movie is all about the forgotten "IF's" that kids left behind when they grew up and how a young girl who "thinks" she has grown up enough to not need an IF, discovers she actually does. Very cute and well written story, all imaginative characters are just stunning and quite imaginative in their designs. Great for all family members especially adults who have forgotten their IF. Nothing questionable, absolutely no nudity or violence, nothing scary or frightening at all so OK for very young kids. Highly recommended for a real good wholesome watch that all will enjoy many times over.
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Can't put a Zero
20 June 2024
Another Asylum rip off. Amazing this company is still allowed to rip others ideas off and NEVER create ANYTHING original. I truly believe that resources should ALWAYS be used to make a QUALITY product, whether it is a material item, a movie, a song, anything, and anyone who squanders resources by making absolute garbage that breaks after a couple uses or makes one despise going to the movies because of fear of being ripped off or whatever should be ashamed of themselves. This movie as with ALL asylum releases plays off other blockbuster films, in this case the latest Mad Max Movie "Furiosa" that actually is good, in hopes of drawing that crowd who may "think" this is the movie they wanted to see, but then its just a rip off copy with horrible acting and everything. There should be laws against this type of scam. Anyway, see it if you have the money to waste, but I'd recommend the authentic Mad Max movies instead!
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Paul (2011)
Was great for the first 15 minutes...then...
19 June 2024
Started as a cute movie till they started bashing Christianity and creation and push evolution. That was just wrong and a very mean thing to do. I could not finish the film after this point simply because it was so blatant and demeaning to Christians, God, Jesus and that belief system and it was tantamount to hate speech so I could not get through it any longer. It was not funny any longer at all. I guess if you fast forward past this part it may be watchable, but after that tyrant, I couldn't justify watching it further. So sad. You should never make any movie that puts down others and demeans them especially for belief in the Bible. I cannot recommend this film, sorry.
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Parallel (2024)
Not what you'd expect in a multiverse movie
19 June 2024
Very creative and also disturbing film about a young woman who tries to get away from her depression by going to an awesome forest cabin near a unique scientific facility that has been recently shut down due to "weird experiments" known to have gone on there. What she doesn't know and will soon find out is that somehow the space time continuum has been fractured at a single spot in the forest located at a hollowed out tree trunk. What happens next is quite a maddening ride into other possible realities that borders on insanity as she attempts to find a universe that does not include the loss of her son which brought her out here in the first place. Exceptional cast, great acting, very believable story and stress levels, lots of suspense and mystery, with a very surprising finale. Nothing questionable, no nudity, no foul language, some mild violence, no gore, ok for young audiences if they can follow the confusion of these alter universes. Would see this again for sure. Grab some popcorn and enjoy the ride. You won't be disappointed.
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Excellent adaption of the Dutchman legend.
18 June 2024
In this version the Dutchman is a man and not a ship and is cursed to roam the seas until he finds a love so true that it will die for him. He is allowed every seven years to set foot on land and live among the living for a short time in hopes that this true love will find him. Ava Gardner plays Pandora a socialite and a real tease of a woman to any man that is in her orbit, all of which want to marry her rather than share her with other men. She is drawn to a mysterious schooner that is anchored in the nearby harbor and takes a nude swim out to visit it. ( if Ava Gardner swam nude out to my ship, I think I would be a bit more attentive) she gets on board and only finds the Dutchman (James Mason) and no crew whatsoever. She is immediately taken by his mysterious demeanor and supernatural calmness as she navigates two other suitors ( a matador, and a race car driver). What happens in the end is a bit of a reincarnation type story with a romantic twist and fate. Very well acted and the scenery is beautiful as well as the story and all characters involved. A worthwhile watch for sure that will keep you captivated. Nothing questionable, nudity is implied but nothing shown, no foul language or graphic violence. A good movie mystery for everyone and a fine twist on the Flying Dutchman legend. Enjoy.
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Overlord (2018)
Excellent mix of war, zombies, mad scientists
17 June 2024
Not a true zombie movie, but a very well written World War 2 fringe mad scientist style flick about a "Super Soldier" drug made from the tar found in an obscure French village. It seems to bring back the dead and enhance them with super strength kind of like the hulk, but no big green guy, It also works as well on the living and renders all wounds painless, similar to what a zombie would experience. They did get a bit of the World War 2 history wrong as black soldiers seldom if at all fought with white soldiers during this period in history. The blacks had their own squadrons, but other than that it was a fun and creepy ride. (frankly I believe in one race, the human race, and there never should be segregation of anyone especially because of color of skin) Nothing questionable, No nudity, quite a bit of violence, blown up bodies, gore, missing limbs, heads etc. Not for the squeamish or little kids. If you like a lot of war action, this movie fits the bill as well as undead action. Enjoy!
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OtherLife (2017)
Deep Space Nine Season 4 Episode 19 "HardTime"
17 June 2024
Quite a "trip" of a movie about a unique "drug" that when taken through the eyes gives one a "dream" that is in realty an actual experience as if you had actually lived it in real time. The potential uses are endless as well as the potential evil this drug could be used for. Jessica De Gouw (Ren Amari) is the genius behind the "code" that makes the drug work, however, her partner T. J. Power (Sam) is more interested in money than dreams and has more sinister ideas for the drug as a way to make criminals serve very long prison sentences like centuries on end in their minds while only in reality being a few hours. Hence the title of this review. Miles (Deep Space Nine) has a similar experience when he returns from his "sentence of the mind" on a distant planet. Crazy effects, and no real action other than the drama of a prison cell. Great plot and acting, no questionable content, no nudity, sex is assumed but nothing shown, mild violence and suspense. Could have easily been far better, but it wasn't a bad movie. I would see it again. Enjoy!
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Mission impossible but not.
13 June 2024
A truly great character for Tom Cruize as a type of secret agent out protecting a gifted prodigy inventor of a unique power source that supposedly doesn't run out. He picks up quite at random a young beautiful mess of a girl who has never seen action like she's going to see in the next couple of days of her life as she (Cameron Diaz) gets to know Roy Miller (Tom Cruise) and learn to trust him with her life. Lots and lots of crazy over the top action and stunts that are way beyond most other action movies and makes this feel like a mission impossible episode , but it's not. It's well written, has a lot of cute humor and fun unforgettable scenes that will wow you. Excellent cast, story, plot, action, an all out fun movie for everyone. Nothing questionable, no nudity, very little foul language if any. Ok for the kids as long as they can handle a lot of action. Great fun! Have seen this many times. Enjoy!
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Wild Target (2010)
Bill Nighy at his best.
13 June 2024
One of Bill Nighy's best roles as a wanna be retiring hit man who comes across his latest hit contract against a young wild crazy beautiful girl (Emily Blunt) who he falls in love with and which changes his life for the better. Lots of cute humor, wit, and great dialog as these two mismatched people fall in love and begin retired life anew. Excellent cast and characters that grow on you and which you actually care about. Fun story as well. No questionable content except a few references to gay lifestyle, no nudity and very little foul language, some violence but not really graphic. Good humorous fun. A real gem. Enjoy.
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Mr. Right (I) (2015)
Perfect Sam Rockwell character.
13 June 2024
Sam Rockwell is the perfect person to play this crazy unhinged hit man with a moral compass. He's got a "gift" which is almost supernatural that he discovers in his new girlfriend (Anna Kendrick) as well, who is quirky goofy fun with an odd streak for the seriously bad ass action type lifestyle. These two meet up in a seven eleven type market and hit it off together as they navigate a very strange relationship towards true love that far exceeds anything either of them has ever found before in anyone else. Quite a lot of humor, very well done choreography fight scenes and lots of absolute craziness. This could easily have a sequel as long as Sam Rockwell and Anna Kendrick retain their roles and they don't screw it up. Nothing questionable, no nudity, lots of foul language and violence so may be a bit much for younger audiences. A really fun watch and not too long also. Moves very fast after the first 15 minutes or so. Have seen a few times and it still makes me laugh. Enjoy!
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Smartly done slow paced action thriller.
3 June 2024
Not the usual fare as far as action movies, a young mother is in the wrong place at the wrong time and gets trapped in a rather unique situation that seems at first like a hostage deal for lost drug money and then changes to something far different, very believable story, well acted and told. Nothing questionable, no nudity or graphic violence with exception to a scene where a persons fingers get cut off. Put yourself in Olga Kurienko's (Karina) place as she navigates her way along without getting herself killed or her daughter as well from a violent drug kingpin out for revenge. After all is said and done , what happens at the very end will surprise you. Fun slow burner movie, don't expect a lot of action, chases or any of the usual Hollywood stuff, this one was well written and directed and actually feels realistic without all the flash. Enjoy.
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Die Hart (2023)
A course on misdirection
1 June 2024
Quite a funny movie about Kevin Hart wanting to be the next Bruce Willis. What he doesn't know is everything he's about to do is being watched and filmed by the action movie director ( Jean Reno) who wanted him to go to action star school run by John Travolta. Lots of foul language and lots of action and comedy. Nothing questionable, no nudity or graphic violence at all. Fun romp that is attempting to be a parody of Die Hard, but not. Starts a bit slow and picks up as it gets near the climax. Very surprising plot twists and other elements make this seem like something else but not, that's why it's a good example of misdirection. You'll be surprised. Kevin Hart's movie "Lift" was an excellent action movie and placed Kevin firmly in a good action character role. (See my review here on IMDB) enjoy!
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Max Steel (2016)
Not a terrible movie, but...
1 June 2024
Kids sci-fi romp with a bit of alien tech and out of this world powers. A bit confusing as this gets going and leaves you wondering how come this gifted kid didn't have issues with this unique alien power earlier in his youth than only getting it as a teenager in high school. Cute alien CGI with a goofy attitude which is a bit "Disney" as far as I'm concerned. Action is fair and so is villain. Maria Bello plays the awesomely beautiful girlfriend who we never see her parents or any other siblings which is kinda strange. Ben Winchell plays the main and does a good job navigating his new power and association with the little alien. A bit forced, but not a terrible adventure, good for kiddos. No questionable content, nudity or foul language. Violence is low and not gory. A good nothing to do but see a movie movie. Enjoy!
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Kwai Chang Caine meets his destiny.
31 May 2024
Awesome first directing debut from Keanu Reeves which takes you to China where a young Tai Chi prodigy learning the craft from a wise Buddhist monk at a dilapidated 600 year old temple is put to the test to determine his path in life by fighting in illegal tournaments which Donaka Mark (Reeves) sets up, which by the way is not what learning tai chi is all about, tai chi is a slow movement calisthenics that teaches one the discipline of body movement in a controlled and precise way, in this sense our hero must develop his own style which he incorporates tai chi into a very powerful form of a kung fu which he then uses against his various opponents. Well written, well acted, you begin to truly care about "Tiger Chen" played by Tiger Chen Linhu as he navigates his development in knowing what is right and wrong and his honor before his master teacher the Buddhist monk Master Yang (Yu Hai). Lots of well choreographed fighting scenes, great plot. One of the best king fu movies I've seen in a great while. Reminds me a lot of the original "Kung fu" with David Carradine except in a more modern setting. Nothing questionable, no nudity or foul language. Ok for the kiddos. Enjoy.
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City Hunter (2024)
If you enjoyed the Anime you'll love the live action version
29 May 2024
Totally unbelievable action movie about an unstoppable anime character called city hunter as he navigates the landscape of Tokyo looking for a unique girl who has the ability to withstand an injectable drug that is wreaking havoc in the city by causing others who cannot withstand it to go insane and die painfully. Lots of fun action, fights, chases, acrobatics and gunplay. Nothing questionable, no nudity or foul language, lots of violence and killing throughout. We watched the original language version with subtitles which I recommend because it fits the story and the actors lip movement far better than any dub. Crazy fun movie if you like Anime. If you don't, you may not understand the story. Enjoy.
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Freelance (2023)
Fun movie. Well written too
29 May 2024
Totally unbelievable adventure, but that is what escapist action movies are. This one is quite creative as an ex military and also part time lawyer returns to action as security for a ambitious journalist going after the interview of her career with a dictator who runs small country with a secret resource that certain corporations are after at all costs and who are attempting a coo to remove him, but they are all in for the surprise of their lives as this very intelligent and resourceful dictator had a few surprises of his own as he takes care of his people and his enemies all while reinforcing his leadership and place in the world. Well written script, lots of action, suspense, many twists and turns, nothing questionable, brief nudity, some foul language, excellent fight scenes, lots of comedy and creative humor throughout. A fun movie for everyone. Enjoy.
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Atlas (2024)
Beautiful well done entertaining sci fi feast.
27 May 2024
Absolutely a fun ride, CGI is incredibly good and so is the acting, story, action, characters, you name it you have it in this epic story of an AI that acts like the current global agenda of wiping out humanity and starting over following its plans for the future. Atlas, (Jennifer Lopez) does a kind of "Ripley" (Sigourney Weaver) as she is accompanied by a well trained elite force as they go to a strange inhospitable planet near andromeda galaxy to hunt an extremely dangerous rogue Robot. Most everything goes wrong that could go wrong as she is forced to "trust" the AI system currently in her possession. Not an easy task for Atlas. Great redemption story, awesome effects and fighting scenes as well as lots of pyrotechnics. Nothing questionable, no nudity, no horror or lots of gore, some graphic violence and some foul language well placed. Ok for young adults, may be a bit extreme for kiddos. Don't let the bad reviews ruin a fun and enjoyable adventure that may seem like other movies ( terminator, colossus, Hal) but this outing is quite a bit different and unique in its own way. We will see this several more times for sure. Enjoy!
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Civil War (2024)
Not what you would expect in real life in America
26 May 2024
Basically a story about war journalism and traveling across a war torn America as the western forces take back the country from what is believed to be a rogue government which by the way our constitution gives us the people the right to do. That is our 2nd amendment the right to bear arms against a tyrannical government. What is sad is we are truly very close to a real civil war if a particular president does not win and a certain one gets in by cheating, me thinks that this movie shows the horrors, anarchy, madness in areas and all out war in others just like it would be if it really happened. I do not think that we the people would be very merciful to most anyone we would come across as we "take it back" if and when it actually happens. . Cailee Spaeny plays the young immature brat of a journalist who seems to have little care for her colleagues as they get killed off especially Kirsten Dunst as she even gives her life for this upstart. You don't care much for these characters with exception to Wagner Moura who plays "Joel" who actually seems to have a head on his shoulders. Lots of gruesome scenes that remind one of the holocaust ( mass grave) and the Willy nilly killing of innocent people. No nudity, lots of foul language and gross scenes, blood and gore and vomit. Not for the squeamish or kids. Tells the story well and fits the task it was designed for which is war journalism and getting the proof so history can be recorded and not forgotten. Could have been done far better with a bit more logic and common sense as far as these journalists as they travel and come across danger instead of being in a stupid party attitude when things seem to be not dangerous, if it were me I'd be well armed and way way more careful than they were. Not so many would have died needlessly. Lots of action , but this is not an action movie so don't expect that. It's is a story only about war journalism and its dangers. Enjoy!
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Heart of Stone (I) (2023)
Sneakers on steroids
25 May 2024
Imagine having a device that can hack anything on the planet and can control or destroy anything it is in contact with and you have the heart. A device that is similar to the movie "Sneakers" in which that device could access anything and circumvent any password. A group called the charter watches over the world and takes out evil using this heart. Enter a disgruntled survivor of one of the charters recent attacks on evil who survived and is hell bent on getting the heart to wreak havok on the charter who attempted to kill him. Lots of twists and turns, chases, fights and lots of gunplay. No questionable content, nudity or foul language so family friendly. Kind of like a mission impossible but not. Great fun and very action packed adventure. Will see this a few times. Do t believe the bad reviews. Enjoy.
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Not as good as the actual book
24 May 2024
This needed to follow the actual book to the letter to be a believable account of Hitlers escape to Argentina. He most likely did escape and there is overwhelming evidence that an imposter was left to be identified as his dead body. Basically the third reich was just a huge smash and grab of all the wealth of the Jews and any undesirables that were just killed off as well as all the art and wealth of any countries that the nazi took over. Typical of tyrants, to take from those less fortunate and amass wealth and luxury for themselves as the populace suffers. What happened to Mussolini should have happened to Hitler but he got away with it. But in the end he actually did not as far as Gods judgment was on him after he died. I'm sure he's not in a good place today and forever.
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Awesome cast and awesome fellowship
24 May 2024
You can see in this documentary that all the people involved in the making of galaxy quest loved doing it and had a lot of fun in the process. I totally agree that this is an official Star Trek movie and should be included in any Star Trek movie collection. It is sad that Rickman died and they could not make a sequel that would go over well without him. This is how movies should be made, collaboration between actors and directors to insert own ideas and improvisation like Robin Williams always did in everything he made. It is always nice to see an epic movie such as this made by people who loved making it. As you watch this you will definitely want to see the movie again. Enjoy.
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Lost Phoenix (2023)
Not a terrible movie, a bit strange but not that bad.
23 May 2024
An amnesiac awakens from a coma only to find that people want him dead for stealing a lot of money which he has no clue about, so basically throughout the movie he's being hunted down by a mysterious hit man squad and another mysterious sniper woman. All done around the Covid 19 plandemic and many are wearing masks. Lots of "OK" fight scenes and gunplay, but the bad guys always pause too long when they are about to kill "the good guy" so he gets the advantage, not realistic in the slightest, but still rather entertaining to watch. No questionable content or nudity, some foul language and fight violence, but no gore. OK watch while doing other things. Enjoy.
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Absolutely fantastic totally different concept movie
23 May 2024
Nice to see creative writers develop a totally new and different sci-fi adventure that doesn't copy from any other movies. The story is about a guy who is not known for being brave or aggressive and how he desires to trek 85 miles to find his lost love that was separated from him during a biological outbreak that causes the food chain to reverse order. Lots of life lessons are gleaned from this movie as the young man develops courage and grit during his trip to the coast. He picks up a cute dog along the way which becomes his best friend. On arrival things are not as they seem and where he left was where home truly was all along. Excellent plot, acting and action. The CGI is excellent as is the creature designs. Especially the air jellies. Nothing questionable, no nudity or any foul language, some graphic creature violence and some gore but not real excessive. A real treat. Will definitely see this a few more times. Could easily have a sequel if they keep the actors and don't screw it up. Enjoy!!
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The 50 foot woman meets a cigarette girl.
21 May 2024
If you like buff ladies you'll love this lesbian love movie all about a body builder lady Kate O'Brian and her new found friend and lover Anna Baryshnikov who just happens to work at a gym. Very erotic and a lot of soft porn in this movie so definitely not for the kiddies. Things escalate after Anna Baryshnikov's character's brother in law gets killed violently by her new lover the very muscular Katy O'Brian (who would do well to ditch these kind of movies for her own "beekeeper" or "bricklayer" role as an ass kicking martial artist, but oh well) lots of gore and excessive steroids use throughout as Kate works towards a championship in Las Vegas for bodybuilding, things get weird as the steroids get her quite sick. The plot radically changes to a sci fi at the climax which is rather strange to say the least. With exception of the ending it moves along rather well. Lots of erotic sex and foul language, as well as gore. Crazy movie for sure.
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