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Smartly done slow paced action thriller.
3 June 2024
Not the usual fare as far as action movies, a young mother is in the wrong place at the wrong time and gets trapped in a rather unique situation that seems at first like a hostage deal for lost drug money and then changes to something far different, very believable story, well acted and told. Nothing questionable, no nudity or graphic violence with exception to a scene where a persons fingers get cut off. Put yourself in Olga Kurienko's (Karina) place as she navigates her way along without getting herself killed or her daughter as well from a violent drug kingpin out for revenge. After all is said and done , what happens at the very end will surprise you. Fun slow burner movie, don't expect a lot of action, chases or any of the usual Hollywood stuff, this one was well written and directed and actually feels realistic without all the flash. Enjoy.
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Die Hart (2023)
A course on misdirection
1 June 2024
Quite a funny movie about Kevin Hart wanting to be the next Bruce Willis. What he doesn't know is everything he's about to do is being watched and filmed by the action movie director ( Jean Reno) who wanted him to go to action star school run by John Travolta. Lots of foul language and lots of action and comedy. Nothing questionable, no nudity or graphic violence at all. Fun romp that is attempting to be a parody of Die Hard, but not. Starts a bit slow and picks up as it gets near the climax. Very surprising plot twists and other elements make this seem like something else but not, that's why it's a good example of misdirection. You'll be surprised. Kevin Hart's movie "Lift" was an excellent action movie and placed Kevin firmly in a good action character role. (See my review here on IMDB) enjoy!
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Max Steel (2016)
Not a terrible movie, but...
1 June 2024
Kids sci-fi romp with a bit of alien tech and out of this world powers. A bit confusing as this gets going and leaves you wondering how come this gifted kid didn't have issues with this unique alien power earlier in his youth than only getting it as a teenager in high school. Cute alien CGI with a goofy attitude which is a bit "Disney" as far as I'm concerned. Action is fair and so is villain. Maria Bello plays the awesomely beautiful girlfriend who we never see her parents or any other siblings which is kinda strange. Ben Winchell plays the main and does a good job navigating his new power and association with the little alien. A bit forced, but not a terrible adventure, good for kiddos. No questionable content, nudity or foul language. Violence is low and not gory. A good nothing to do but see a movie movie. Enjoy!
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Kwai Chang Caine meets his destiny.
31 May 2024
Awesome first directing debut from Keanu Reeves which takes you to China where a young Tai Chi prodigy learning the craft from a wise Buddhist monk at a dilapidated 600 year old temple is put to the test to determine his path in life by fighting in illegal tournaments which Donaka Mark (Reeves) sets up, which by the way is not what learning tai chi is all about, tai chi is a slow movement calisthenics that teaches one the discipline of body movement in a controlled and precise way, in this sense our hero must develop his own style which he incorporates tai chi into a very powerful form of a kung fu which he then uses against his various opponents. Well written, well acted, you begin to truly care about "Tiger Chen" played by Tiger Chen Linhu as he navigates his development in knowing what is right and wrong and his honor before his master teacher the Buddhist monk Master Yang (Yu Hai). Lots of well choreographed fighting scenes, great plot. One of the best king fu movies I've seen in a great while. Reminds me a lot of the original "Kung fu" with David Carradine except in a more modern setting. Nothing questionable, no nudity or foul language. Ok for the kiddos. Enjoy.
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City Hunter (2024)
If you enjoyed the Anime you'll love the live action version
29 May 2024
Totally unbelievable action movie about an unstoppable anime character called city hunter as he navigates the landscape of Tokyo looking for a unique girl who has the ability to withstand an injectable drug that is wreaking havoc in the city by causing others who cannot withstand it to go insane and die painfully. Lots of fun action, fights, chases, acrobatics and gunplay. Nothing questionable, no nudity or foul language, lots of violence and killing throughout. We watched the original language version with subtitles which I recommend because it fits the story and the actors lip movement far better than any dub. Crazy fun movie if you like Anime. If you don't, you may not understand the story. Enjoy.
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Freelance (2023)
Fun movie. Well written too
29 May 2024
Totally unbelievable adventure, but that is what escapist action movies are. This one is quite creative as an ex military and also part time lawyer returns to action as security for a ambitious journalist going after the interview of her career with a dictator who runs small country with a secret resource that certain corporations are after at all costs and who are attempting a coo to remove him, but they are all in for the surprise of their lives as this very intelligent and resourceful dictator had a few surprises of his own as he takes care of his people and his enemies all while reinforcing his leadership and place in the world. Well written script, lots of action, suspense, many twists and turns, nothing questionable, brief nudity, some foul language, excellent fight scenes, lots of comedy and creative humor throughout. A fun movie for everyone. Enjoy.
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Atlas (2024)
Beautiful well done entertaining sci fi feast.
27 May 2024
Absolutely a fun ride, CGI is incredibly good and so is the acting, story, action, characters, you name it you have it in this epic story of an AI that acts like the current global agenda of wiping out humanity and starting over following its plans for the future. Atlas, (Jennifer Lopez) does a kind of "Ripley" (Sigourney Weaver) as she is accompanied by a well trained elite force as they go to a strange inhospitable planet near andromeda galaxy to hunt an extremely dangerous rogue Robot. Most everything goes wrong that could go wrong as she is forced to "trust" the AI system currently in her possession. Not an easy task for Atlas. Great redemption story, awesome effects and fighting scenes as well as lots of pyrotechnics. Nothing questionable, no nudity, no horror or lots of gore, some graphic violence and some foul language well placed. Ok for young adults, may be a bit extreme for kiddos. Don't let the bad reviews ruin a fun and enjoyable adventure that may seem like other movies ( terminator, colossus, Hal) but this outing is quite a bit different and unique in its own way. We will see this several more times for sure. Enjoy!
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Civil War (2024)
Not what you would expect in real life in America
26 May 2024
Basically a story about war journalism and traveling across a war torn America as the western forces take back the country from what is believed to be a rogue government which by the way our constitution gives us the people the right to do. That is our 2nd amendment the right to bear arms against a tyrannical government. What is sad is we are truly very close to a real civil war if a particular president does not win and a certain one gets in by cheating, me thinks that this movie shows the horrors, anarchy, madness in areas and all out war in others just like it would be if it really happened. I do not think that we the people would be very merciful to most anyone we would come across as we "take it back" if and when it actually happens. . Cailee Spaeny plays the young immature brat of a journalist who seems to have little care for her colleagues as they get killed off especially Kirsten Dunst as she even gives her life for this upstart. You don't care much for these characters with exception to Wagner Moura who plays "Joel" who actually seems to have a head on his shoulders. Lots of gruesome scenes that remind one of the holocaust ( mass grave) and the Willy nilly killing of innocent people. No nudity, lots of foul language and gross scenes, blood and gore and vomit. Not for the squeamish or kids. Tells the story well and fits the task it was designed for which is war journalism and getting the proof so history can be recorded and not forgotten. Could have been done far better with a bit more logic and common sense as far as these journalists as they travel and come across danger instead of being in a stupid party attitude when things seem to be not dangerous, if it were me I'd be well armed and way way more careful than they were. Not so many would have died needlessly. Lots of action , but this is not an action movie so don't expect that. It's is a story only about war journalism and its dangers. Enjoy!
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Heart of Stone (I) (2023)
Sneakers on steroids
25 May 2024
Imagine having a device that can hack anything on the planet and can control or destroy anything it is in contact with and you have the heart. A device that is similar to the movie "Sneakers" in which that device could access anything and circumvent any password. A group called the charter watches over the world and takes out evil using this heart. Enter a disgruntled survivor of one of the charters recent attacks on evil who survived and is hell bent on getting the heart to wreak havok on the charter who attempted to kill him. Lots of twists and turns, chases, fights and lots of gunplay. No questionable content, nudity or foul language so family friendly. Kind of like a mission impossible but not. Great fun and very action packed adventure. Will see this a few times. Do t believe the bad reviews. Enjoy.
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Not as good as the actual book
24 May 2024
This needed to follow the actual book to the letter to be a believable account of Hitlers escape to Argentina. He most likely did escape and there is overwhelming evidence that an imposter was left to be identified as his dead body. Basically the third reich was just a huge smash and grab of all the wealth of the Jews and any undesirables that were just killed off as well as all the art and wealth of any countries that the nazi took over. Typical of tyrants, to take from those less fortunate and amass wealth and luxury for themselves as the populace suffers. What happened to Mussolini should have happened to Hitler but he got away with it. But in the end he actually did not as far as Gods judgment was on him after he died. I'm sure he's not in a good place today and forever.
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Awesome cast and awesome fellowship
24 May 2024
You can see in this documentary that all the people involved in the making of galaxy quest loved doing it and had a lot of fun in the process. I totally agree that this is an official Star Trek movie and should be included in any Star Trek movie collection. It is sad that Rickman died and they could not make a sequel that would go over well without him. This is how movies should be made, collaboration between actors and directors to insert own ideas and improvisation like Robin Williams always did in everything he made. It is always nice to see an epic movie such as this made by people who loved making it. As you watch this you will definitely want to see the movie again. Enjoy.
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Lost Phoenix (2023)
Not a terrible movie, a bit strange but not that bad.
23 May 2024
An amnesiac awakens from a coma only to find that people want him dead for stealing a lot of money which he has no clue about, so basically throughout the movie he's being hunted down by a mysterious hit man squad and another mysterious sniper woman. All done around the Covid 19 plandemic and many are wearing masks. Lots of "OK" fight scenes and gunplay, but the bad guys always pause too long when they are about to kill "the good guy" so he gets the advantage, not realistic in the slightest, but still rather entertaining to watch. No questionable content or nudity, some foul language and fight violence, but no gore. OK watch while doing other things. Enjoy.
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Absolutely fantastic totally different concept movie
23 May 2024
Nice to see creative writers develop a totally new and different sci-fi adventure that doesn't copy from any other movies. The story is about a guy who is not known for being brave or aggressive and how he desires to trek 85 miles to find his lost love that was separated from him during a biological outbreak that causes the food chain to reverse order. Lots of life lessons are gleaned from this movie as the young man develops courage and grit during his trip to the coast. He picks up a cute dog along the way which becomes his best friend. On arrival things are not as they seem and where he left was where home truly was all along. Excellent plot, acting and action. The CGI is excellent as is the creature designs. Especially the air jellies. Nothing questionable, no nudity or any foul language, some graphic creature violence and some gore but not real excessive. A real treat. Will definitely see this a few more times. Could easily have a sequel if they keep the actors and don't screw it up. Enjoy!!
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The 50 foot woman meets a cigarette girl.
21 May 2024
If you like buff ladies you'll love this lesbian love movie all about a body builder lady Kate O'Brian and her new found friend and lover Anna Baryshnikov who just happens to work at a gym. Very erotic and a lot of soft porn in this movie so definitely not for the kiddies. Things escalate after Anna Baryshnikov's character's brother in law gets killed violently by her new lover the very muscular Katy O'Brian (who would do well to ditch these kind of movies for her own "beekeeper" or "bricklayer" role as an ass kicking martial artist, but oh well) lots of gore and excessive steroids use throughout as Kate works towards a championship in Las Vegas for bodybuilding, things get weird as the steroids get her quite sick. The plot radically changes to a sci fi at the climax which is rather strange to say the least. With exception of the ending it moves along rather well. Lots of erotic sex and foul language, as well as gore. Crazy movie for sure.
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Arcadian (2024)
Strange kind of hopeless sci-fi.
16 May 2024
A single man raises two kids on a dystopian nightmare end of the world type of scenario first in a bunker then at a well secured farmhouse with very strange neighbors near them. No one dares venture out at night because of strange wolf like creatures with elongated finger nails run rampant everywhere and can even burrow through the ground. They are quite vicious and are hell bent on killing mankind. Nothing is said on how these creatures got here or why, so one must guess it's some kind of demonic union of animals of some kind. Anyway lots of suspense and battles with the creatures. One thing that did bother me is one of the boys was kind of a loose cannon and ventured to this neighboring farm a bit too much to be comfortable and by doing so put his dad and brother at risk. Things escalate rather quickly one night and the two boys and one girl must leave to find a new home. If it was me, I'd go to a city and take over a bank and use the vault as a base. But that's me. Enjoyable cage movie. Not one of his best, but not bad enough to not watch, and not bad enough to give it a horrible review like so many did. Some graphic violence and gore, not for the squeamish, no nudity or questionable content. Not for the kiddos.
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Blended (2014)
Divorce and cancer are never fun, but....
16 May 2024
This is a touching story of a blind date that grows into a wonderful romance and second chances for two people and their kids. Starts out a bit rough but as it progresses it gets quite funny and things really get good when the two people without each of them knowing it use a rich friends trip to Africa. Lots of cute situations and funny interactions with the wild animals and the two sets of kids. Many heartfelt family lessons to be gleaned from this movie that tell of how a family must be there for the kids at all times and to take quality time and quantity time at the same time to make a relationship truly flourish and be healthy. It's good to see something good for a change and this film fits the bill. Hope you enjoy it as much as we did. No nudity, nothing questionable.
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A truly fun "bondish" WW2 adventure
11 May 2024
Put together a group of the most dangerous misfits in 1940's world war 2 with a bit of Ian Fleming, a lot of creative planning and execution, mix in a beautiful lady who's a crack shot with any gun and you have a wild ride adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat with fun, laughs, great fights and battles as this rag tag group of five tear a hole in Hitlers submarine operations in the Atlantic. Reminds me a bit of Kelly's heroes except with a bit more flash and finesse. Babs Olusanmokun is awesome in this as the unusual owner of a large illegal goods running business, you may remember him on Star Trek Strange New Worlds. Exceptional cast all play together well and are awesome at their tasks. Lots of graphic violence and gore, nothing questionable, no nudity, some well placed cuss words which are very funny. Definitely a fun and entertaining watch. Will see this again for sure. Enjoy!
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When greed and intelligence meet
11 May 2024
Quite the story. The movie follows a great tragedy several miles out at sea in the Caribbean on a huge mobile drilling platform called "Deepwater Horizon" owned by the huge oil corporation called "BP". Typical corporate greed here as the elite executives visit the rig and systematically approve of the station's safety with no regard to tests that must be made to insure a safe drilling operation can proceed and because of one smart , wise operations manager (Kurt Russell) the required tests are made. However when the obvious readings show that the tests failed, the greedy elites push forward regardless and that's when all hell literally breaks out. The sad thing is this is a true story and it actually happened and even sadder is that this kind of thing will most likely happen again. Greed is greed and where large amounts of money are involved and perks for key people are set up, innocents will always die in the process and even if the ones who cause the deaths are arrested, tried and convicted, they seldom ever finish out their prison terms as in the case with these evil men in this disaster. Lots of emotions, struggle, heroism, selflessness and courage abound. Nothing questionable, no nudity with brief exception to Kurt Russell in the shower briefly, and a few cuss words appropriately used, and a bit of graphic tragic bodily violence, it's a great watch. Enjoy!
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A seared conscious
7 May 2024
Quite a riveting film. Lots of action. Suspense, many twists and turns as you are placed in the position of ultimate judgment on a young criminal who's being taken to a rendezvous for execution by his viscous criminal boss, put yourself in the drivers place as he wrestles with what he is going to do with his unsuspecting passenger, and his guilt in sending a possible innocent to certain death. Sam Neil plays quite a vicious money launderer as he thinks he's immune to being ripped off, pride goes before destruction in his case, and does not go well. Many chases, gunplay, and confrontations occur as the driver makes his way to the rendezvous. What would you do in this case? Not deliver the youth? Deliver him and let him die? Take his place? These questions come to light in the finale. Quite a wild ride to say the least and very realistic in its plot execution. Excellent cast as well. Nothing questionable, no nudity, some foul language and some extremely violent scenes and gore. Not for the kiddos. Enjoy!
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If you love dogs
7 May 2024
Absolutely beautiful story and true to boot. Mark Wahlberg brings a stellar cast on a very long trek through some of the most beautiful and difficult areas to run a 450 mile race. This is not just any ordinary race, one must run, hike, climb, bike ride, kayak and navigate a route to hopefully beat several other teams to the finish. For Marks team they suddenly acquire a most unusual dog who mysteriously seems to be able to track them over long distances after just eating a simple meatball treat which causes the dog to bond with Mark and follow them through thick and thin as they race to the finish. Lots of emotions and other issues hamper the trek even though they are doing quite well. What no one realizes is that the world is watching this new 4 legged member of the team as they get closer to the goal and even if they do not win the race they win something far far more valuable. I won't spoil it for you, so you'll have to see it for yourself and it will be worth the watch. Be sure and see it with friends or family. Nothing questionable, no nudity or foul language or violence whatsoever. A good family movie for everyone. Enjoy!
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6 Underground (2019)
Crazy Action
3 May 2024
Just think if you were a billionaire inventor and were "legally" dead as far as the rest of the world goes and you had all the tech you wanted at your fingertips and still had access to your hidden wealth to keep you going, what would you do? Rid the world of the most evil people on it? Or do nothing? This fellow decides to do what no one will do, eliminate the very evil people in the world using a rag tag team of exceptional warriors who all have special talents at either driving, gymnastics, shooting you name it. Lots of very violent gore and killing throughout, so not for the kiddies. Lots of raw humor and very funny lines from movies and songs especially from Ryan Reynolds's (character One). Everyone is a number and not a name for "safety". So they do what nobody else will do or can do because of all the red tape that would normally stop them. Watching this movie you can only hope that there are still patriots who would do the same to free all the countries being run by evil men. Remember what happened to Mussolini? That needs to happen to quite a few evil people today. Great movie. One of the best "serious" roles for Ryan Reynolds. Enjoy!
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Excellent. A very "different" ghost story.
2 May 2024
This is not a horror flick at all. But is more of a murder mystery with a very unlikely hero who is a ghost. Starts with the typical haunted house idea but moves on from there rather quickly as we learn that "Earnest" is not at all a scary ghost but a lost soul in search of his lost memory of who he is and why he is. He cannot say a word but can with a little effort affect real time things and persons at will, but he cannot be affected at all or so it would seem till a screwy CIA special ops division of a kind of ghostbuster shows up to capture him. Things get rather crazy and fun as well as very funny too as the family learns to trust each other, love each other and mend past mistakes as they attempt to solve Earnests murder. A really well written script and all actors are top notch in their roles. You may notice that the dad was an avenger. Nothing questionable , no foul language, no nudity or other garbage. Great for the whole family. Wish they'd make more of these. Enjoy with a friend or family member. You won't regret it.
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Time Addicts (2023)
And now for a strange
2 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This has got to be the most strange time travel movie I have ever seen, the plot is all over the place weird with time paradoxes and butterfly effect issues everywhere. The entire movie takes place in a single house it would seem and no one ever gets "outside" at all which is a bit unnerving and also all the windows are papered up. The language is extremely foul with the "f" word used more extensively than most any other word. I definitely would not recommend this for any kids or even young adults as it would just encourage this kind of trash talk from them. So discerning adults only. The main idea is very interesting and how it is worked out is rather innovative in a strange kind of way. Great movie to get stoned on for sure. I've known a few friends who were very much like these idiots in this movie. I won't say it's a waste of time, but it does take patience to get through the bad language and enjoy the movie.
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The absolute best trek story ever written and acted
1 May 2024
This is the number one best trek episode ever written in my opinion. Far exceeds expectations on emotion, story, actors you name it. Picard who is known as a "loner" and not interested in getting married or having any sort of family let alone kids is given the opportunity of his life when he gets to live an entire lifetime in 20-25 minutes via an invasive probe from a long dead civilization that the Enterprise encounters deep in space. He gets to experience marriage, Children, Grandchildren, community, being a part of a town and lifestyle totally simple and beautiful on this distant now long dead lost culture, which he will go on and remember as if he actually lived it the rest of his real life as well as his new talent of music, particularly played on the only remnant of his life there in a flute which was also included in the probe as a musical remembrance of his long life there and will hauntingly remain with him forever. The tune he plays is epic and by hearing it you will cry as to its beauty and its ability to take you there. Think of what God did for us in Jesus as you watch this. You will discover that the very BEST way to get to know a people is to live as one of them till you die as one of them! The old adage goes if you want to truly communicate with any species you would need to become one of them and live as them to truly understand them and know them intimately, This episode alone could easily be made into many movies using the same theme in different ways and it would still get the point across. Please be sure to watch it with loved ones and friends. I can't emphasize it enough just how awesome this episode is!
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One of the great classic movies of all time.
1 May 2024
Spencer Tracy in anything is a great movie. No matter how it's written. This one is a gem of a story and it actually got high honors from the Japanese government for honoring the Japanese people in the period of time that many were being sent to internment camps during world war 2. Tracy plays a one armed man which by the way was the gimmick that got Tracy to play in this movie. He refused to do it if it was just a regular guy. Playing a guy with a handicap was the clincher to get him on board. Great cast and plot, lots of power plays and deceit throughout. The set is incredible and has been used before in other movies. Nothing questionable or bad in this movie at all. An excellent choice for a good mystery with Spencer Tracy. Enjoy!
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