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300 (2006)
For Sparta?...Unfortunately I'm Not
12 March 2007
300: **1/2 out of ****

300 is the tale of the 300 Spartans who stood up to and defied the grand army of the Persians. This is about all the story you get for the film but I'll touch on that a little later. First lets start of with the good. This is a gorgeous film. The nicely polished green/blue screen effects are wondrous. They make the film look like the graphic novel has come right off the page and onto the big screen (it takes a true director to make film look like paper). The acting in this film is very good. I loved Gerard Butler's commanding performance as the Spartan king. He elevates the movie by leaps and bounds. In fact the film has no real weak performances at all. Everyone in the film looks absolutely of the time. The Oracle was amazing, and I loved the character of the hunchback, though I do not recall his name. Therein lies the first problem I had with this film. There was no strong character development. Beyond the hunchback and maybe one or two of the other characters they were all cardboard cut outs with biceps.

I loved the opening of the first battle where they are running at each other and they collide into mass chaos, but then it swiftly transferred into one overly stylized battle scene after another. The slow motion fighting was cool the first time you saw it but wore thin very quickly. If all the action had been sped up to real time the film would have been substantially shorter.

I also couldn't stand the digital blood. I found it distracting and cheesy. And what was with that random sex scene? It served no purpose to the story. But it was the monsters that really slammed the nail into the coffin. I just couldn't buy into the time period and the peril of the story when you had the Immortals running around looking like Dracula. I also didn't like that they introduced that giant globular looking beast who came in and decapitated on of the Spartans and you never see him again. i'm sure he's somewhere on the cutting room floor but it would have still been nice to see something happen to him. I'm also not sure why they increased the size of the Elephants. For some reason they are like three times as big. Same thing with the rhino.

I also thought that the two times that the heroes get attacked with arrows was right out of the film Hero, and they were put to better effect in that movie. My biggest problem had to be that I didn't find the film engaging in any way. The action didn't even grip me. I was bored and couldn't help feel I'd seen it all done before. Pretty much everything I liked about the movie I had already seen in the trailer. But a movie with a goat-man can't be all bad. It is worth taking a look due to, mainly, the look of the film but I'd definitely wait for DVD!
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School's Out! (1992 TV Movie)
Tessa Campanelli? You've Been F***ing Tessa Campanelli?
16 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Today I watched School's Out. It is the 1991, surprisingly graphic (containing tons of sex, nudity, language and all on public TV), TV movie made to bring closure to the series Degrassi Junior High/Degrassi High. This has to be one of the most depressing films I have ever seen. I'm talking The Empire Strikes Back depressing! It follows the students of Degrassi High in their first summer after graduation. Joey decides to propose to Caitlin on the anniversary of their first date, a commitment she isn't sure she's willing to make. After getting the brush off, Joey gets driven into the arms of a lonely Junior named Tessa. Soon after Joey and Tessa have sex Caitlin decides to rethink Joey's proposal. Not knowing what to do he decides to play both fields. Joey's friends Snake finds this infuriating and becomes distant with Joey.

Meanwhile, Wheels has procured a shoddy car that he plans to fix up and go traveling with across Canada. Snake is concerned for Wheels because he has picked up a nasty new habit, drinking. Just four years prior Wheels' parents were killed by a drunk driver and Snake is afraid Wheels just hasn't gotten over it.

Spike, having further problems with her daughter Emma, is stuck working non-stop. When her co-worker Tessa tells her she is pregnant with Joey's child, Spike advises her to go to a Woman's Clinic. Unable to tell Joey the news Tessa decides to abort the child and dump Joey.

The film culminates with a big end of summer party where tensions come to a head. Wheels and Snake have a row and nearly begin to throw fists when Lucy interjects and asks a drunk Wheels to take her out for fries. Later, Snake accidentally tells Caitlin that Joey and Tessa have been sleeping together all summer. Then comes the most famous scene in Degrassi history:

Snake: Let's recap the Jeremiah summer, shall we? See what a swell and decent human being you've been! Joey: I don't have to listen to this! Snake: No, you're gonna listen to me!

(Joey's fiancé Caitlin enters the room unseen by Snake) Snake: Joey Jeremiah spends the summer dating Caitlin... Joey: SHUT UP! Snake: ...and f***ing Tessa! Oh, what ethics. What a hero you've been! Let's have a big hand, shall we? Big round of applause, eh?

(Snake stops suddenly when he sees Caitlin. He storms out.) Joey: (trying to laugh it off) Snake's got a weird sense of humor. Caitlin: Tessa Campanelli? YOU WERE F***ING TESSA CAMPANELLI!

After we see Caitlin dump Joey we get a slam cut to a horrible car accident. Lucy is being taken away by ambulance in a stretcher. Police wrap up the dead, bloody body of a two year old child. Wheels, seemingly unscathed, is taken away in handcuffs. Joey rushes to see him in prison and is told that Wheels is facing 10 years for the death of the child. He tells Joey he's pleading guilty. Joey informs Wheels that Lucy is partially blinded, from glass to the eyes presumably, and that she is probably going to be paralyzed for life.

The film wraps up months later at the wedding of Alexa and Simon. It is here Joey and Snake come to terms in a moving Chasing Amy-like moment. Then Caitlin arrives. Joey and Caitlin talk about their long history and decides to call a truce and be "just friends" again. The film closes with a beautiful dance between the two ill-fated lovers.

For how depressing and tragic the film is, it feels right somehow. It captures the feel of the show and the long lasting relationships between the characters and cast perfectly. It also, more importantly, creates a beautiful sense of closure that brings a tear to one's eye. I really rather enjoyed the film and respect it for its raw ability to show teen life in the transition from high school to college.

This film was followed up 10 years later by Degrassi The Next Generation following Spike's daughter Emma and having many guest appearances by former Degrassi folk such as: Spike, Joey, Caitlin, Snake, Mr. Radditch, Liz, Shane, Lucy, Wheels, and Heather & Erica.
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Haven't we really said all we needed to with the first two "I KNOW" movies? Must we "ALWAYS"?
7 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is, for those who don't know, the third installment of the I Know franchise. This one follows a group of teens who hear of the legend that a man in a slicker with a hook takes to killing people every July 4th. They stage an attack at a carnival which leads to the accidental death of a young man, so they decide to cover it up. The cops and everyone else thinks that there is a madman out there who is responsible. They destroy the evidence and make a pact never to tell the story. But surprise surspise one year latter they start getting threatening messages that someone knows their dirty little secret. They do have a nice little "who is the killer" mystery going but the film fell HARD with the reveal of the killer. Here it is...IT IS THE GHOST OF THE KILLER FROM THE FIRST TWO BLOODY MOVIES! What the *rhyms with PUCK* was the writer thinking when he pulled that out of his bottom?!? You don't build up a mystery for an hour and a half and have the killer be someone completely unrelated to the story you have presented to the audience. I'd give the film 1/2 of a star out of four. I was never really a fan of the "I Know" series, but this was astonishingly bad. The big surprise reveal of the killer was mind numbingly stupid! I am ashamed to actually have seen this film. The first ones at least worked on the so bad they're fun level but this was just a mindless retread of the first up until the redic ending. What the holy hell were they thinking. They turned it into a Friday the 13th drone. If you haven't seen the flick yet, please for the love of balls DON'T!
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Click (2006)
It didn't Click for me
7 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Let me get this out of the way first: I am NOT an Adam Sandler fan. I think his films are yawn worthy and often crass, though I did love The Wedding Singer and Punch Drunk Love. This film is no different. It takes a concept that is very entertaining and doesn't go anywhere with it. I felt that the concept was entirely misused. This could have made for a great drama but decided to go in the direction of humor, which itself took a misstep when it decided to delve into the realm of slapstick-y buizzle and going further down the realm of stupidity when it started making fun of the Islamic people, which I found borderline offensive. The film for those who don't know is about a family man, played by Sandler, who gets a remote that can control the world around him. He can pause, fast-forward, rewind, slow down, and listen to audio commentary on his life (from none other then James Earl Jones. I do have to hand it to 'em...that was funny). He starts abusing the power of the remote fast forwarding just in order to get to the next stage of his life. The film picked up leaps and bounds when the remote gets stuck on fast forward skipping through all the important points in his life. It was real moving when he learns of his father's death, played excellently by Henry Winkler. I did get a little misty-eyed during that. The film worked when it went for the drama. Adam Sandler is a very good dramatic actor. Just see Punch Drunk Love or Spanglish or even 50 First Dates. Here, too, it is his strong point. When the remote skips through his son's wedding I was moved. When it skips to his death I must admit I let a tear fall. But the unfortunate truth about the film is it spends far too much time with the comedy, which isn't that funny, and takes too long to get to the moral. I give the film ** out of four because they had the idea, and a good enough cast, they just missed the point.
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The Descent (2005)
Spelunking into Madness
8 August 2006
I'd give the film a ***1/2 out of 4. It was an excellent little ultra-violent horror pic from Britain. It followed 7 lovely young women who go spelunking into a cave that collapses. Soon they find themselves trapped in a cave feverishly searching for an exit with man-like, or Gollum-like to be more exact, creatures who have perfectly adapted themselves to their environment. The film had some immensely terrifying moments, my favorite being a scene in which they main character is trying to see all of the cave using the night vision mode on her camera and being attacked by one of the creatures. The film suffers from having such a great opening scene that it makes it hard for the rest of the film to live up to. Overall I found it to be a rather well written and gripping little horror adventure and a must see for fans of the genre.
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Clerks II (2006)
A Poignant Tribute For Fans, Unfortunately, No Giant Spiders
21 July 2006
Clerks II:**** Clerks II is a strong and poignant retelling of the story of when two slackers grow into adulthood. In many ways this is writer/director Kevin Smith's most adult film in that we see four characters that we've grown up with over the past 12 years finally grow themselves. It opens on the final day of work for Dante who is finally getting up and out of Jersey with his fiancé, leaving Randal figuratively alone at Mooby's. Randal hasn't changed much over the past years, and in many cases neither has Dante. Randal still wrestles with the customers in pitiful pop culture debates, among them whether the LOTR trilogy is better than the Star Wars trilogy, but this time around he has a new foil in a 19 year old gamer-geek named Elias. The banter between these two is really funny especially when Randal tells him what he has planned for Dante's departure gift (but you'll have to see the flick to find out what that is because it is too gross for me even to write). After a short stint in re-hab Jay and Silent Bob have found solace in the Lord but this doesn't stop them from the dispensing with the drugs. Its odd to find that in the past decade it is Jay and Silent Bob that have changed the most, true they still are up to their perverse antics such as ass rubbing on the window and the disturbing recreation of "The Silence of the Lambs" dance but they have grown more sensitive to other people's emotions and needs, especially Jay. I haven't mentioned Rosario Dawson, who gives a very charming performance as the clerks' boss. She brings a lot of presence to a slightly underdeveloped character. But it is Jeff Anderson, Randal, that deserves the full attention this time around. He gives an award worthy performance and delivers it with an astonishing amount of sympathy. He's loosing his best friend which, though he'd never show it, absolutely devastates him. The last 20 minutes are really tear jerking, I know I was in tears and couldn't stop the flow. This film sort of keeps to the feel Smith created with Chasing Amy and Jersey Girl in that they lay the drama on thick and it almost works better than the comedy, an oddity for Smith proving he too has grown as a writer. It isn't all drama though you do get great comedic scenes such as, my favorite, the "porch monkey" scene. I nearly had laughing tears during it. This is probably Smith's best looking film elevating it to the quality one would get whilst watching a really good episode of television. The camera even moves! And a neat little digital effect is shown at the beginning where the clerks' world seamlessly transforms from black and white to color, I was shocked because I didn't even realize it was happening. This is one of Smith's best films and one of the year's best. I give it a high recommendation but I ask that you stick with it a little while because it moves at a slower pace then any of the other Jersey Chronicles, it may take a bit of getting used to for some, but this is a film that can not be missed.
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You can touch me chest but not me booty!
8 July 2006
This past week I saw the midnight showing of Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest and found it rather mediocre. This film just didn't deliver as the first did. The comedy was much more sharp and edgy in the first film and it just wasn't as clever as the first. The biggest disappointment though was Johnny Depp's Jack Sparrow. He was turned into a bumbling fool where as in the first go around he was a good pirate and captain though a drunk and ever so slightly burnt out. In this he's suddenly gone daft with no explanation, it was irksome. My favorite character from the series has always been Will Turner and he has been given a far meatier role this time on an expedition to save Keira Knightley's Elizabeth from imprisonment. He has to team up with Jack to get the Dead Man's Chest from Davy Jones. I must say that the special effects in this film were nothing short of astonishing! Davy Jones, a big octopussy lookin' thing, looked absolutely real and life-like constantly moving with excellent fluidity, yet you could still tell that it was Bill Nighy. His eyes had such a penetrative presence, he really worked for me, he was vile yet likable. With the poor script that was lacking flare, it was the special effects and fantastic action sequences that saved the film. In my favorite scene, three of the film's heroes are having a tri sword battle in what appears to be a giant hamster wheel rolling across the island's forest landscape. It was scenes like this that allow me to nudge my star ratting to a *** out of four. Where the first half was lacking, including a ridiculous and unnecessary island scene reminiscent of King Kong, the last half more than made up for in terrific imagery and entertaining action sequences. So over all I give it a very mild recommendation.
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Unfortunately no Giant Spiders in this one...
28 June 2006
Tonight I saw Superman Returns and had an enjoyable time. I'd give the film *** out of four stars. The problem I had with the film is that I simply am not interested in Superman. I find his character and world boring. That said I think Brian Singer did an excellent job with the film. It is a direct sequel to Superman 2, forgetting that 3 and 4 ever existed. Superman returns to earth 5 years after the events of Superman 2 to find that nothing really has changed, that people have found a way to survive with out him. Lois Lane is engaged to a man, played by the cat who plays Cyclops in the X Men franchise which explains his absence from that film, and with a 5 year old child. Lex Luthor has been released from prison because of a genius loophole in the system where during his appeal they called Superman to testify as a witness but because he was gone they had no evidence to keep him in prison. Things in the world kind of suck for our favorite Kryptonian. Brandon Routh is swell as Clark Kent and exudes an enormous amount of power and grace as Superman. He really filled Christopher Reeves role well. Lois Lane is a lot less edgy this time around but surprisingly this didn't bother me. Kate Bosworth played her closer to the Noel Neil version from the 50's in that she was gentle and sweet. The real highlight in the film is Marlon Brando's scenes which were omitted from the original and were restored for this release. The film had entertaining action scenes, though a few too many, and some real shocks (all I have to say is "piano") which brought the film to a fitting dramatic conclusion. Overall it was the best of the Superman films and if you were a fan of the original 2 this one won't disappoint because it stays very true to the spirit of them.
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The Abyss (1989)
Special Edition is Superb! The theatrical cut...not so much
8 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of my all time favorite films. James Cameron knocks it out of the park as he did with Aliens and The Terminator just prior. It works on so many levels and is one of the pioneers of CGI special effects. But for some reason this film gets no love, and today I found out why. Today I saw, for the first time, the theatrical cut of the film which doesn't even compare to the far superior director's cut. The whole extraterrestrial storyline seems so out of place and it would have almost worked better if he hadn't included it at all in the theatrical cut. The theatrical cut just didn't work for me and I can understand how the critics weren't so sweet on the film. The special edition director's cut is something no one should miss! With the added 28 minutes you get more colorful/in depth characters, a film that carries a stronger dramatic punch, a greater sense of wonder when the E.T.'s grace the screen , and reasoning behind why the beings have traveled to our earth and do what the do. This is a film that doesn't get the recognition it deserves based, probably, on the far inferior theatrical cut. This film is a real gem and a must see.
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About a Boy (2002)
****! A great comedy.
5 September 2005
After going through a summer with varying degrees of crappy movies I decided to hit up this film which I haven't seen in a while. I realized I was watching nothing short of magic. This is a romantic comedy with a true heart and it knows how to tug at it. Hugh Grant gives a brilliant performance as Will, a rich bachelor who befriends a young boy who is having parental issues much to his dismay. But he actually grows attached to this child. The story is a bit predictable but it is the relationship that this man and boy share that is captivating. Once you start this film you become engrossed in it. The film is genuinely funny and insanely sweet. This is a film not to be missed especially when you have re-hashed rubbish being recycled over and over again. It is a true breath of fresh air.
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