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Weird , nonsensical story lines.
6 May 2021
Mishmashed story lines, just not well done in the end. Just couldn't be pulled together and so was not a great movie.

Maybe not the worst move, but clearly not great, I can't imagine you could rank this even a 7 in the end. Even those ranking it 7, probably know its not really a 7. Its sort of entertaining at spots, but since its so non-believable and most of the characters, have no real character building , you really do not care what happens to them.

If they moved slower to start with and built up to the action with some actual plotting points and character building, it would've been a better movie.

Reminds me of Overlord a bit, but well , like 70% less awesome then that movie was.
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Artemis Fowl (2020)
If this had 50% less budget, it wouldve been 4-5 stars.
25 June 2020
But when you have a tremendous budget and fail at almost every level, it removes stars. Simply put, this concept film, supposedly made as a sequence starter, was just horrendous and in no ways, deserves to continue. The whole thing needs to be rebooted correctly (after a few years so this failure can be ignored and forgotten)

The only pro's, is that it is extremely light, (though lacking in humor at every level, not at all funny) clean and can be watched by a wide variety of the family, though , even then, it is so lackluster and boring, that is contains very little in terms of wanting to do this.

This reminds me very much of the failed fantastic four, special effects, does not carry a movie, character development, plot points and story telling do. Sadly this lacks all three of those, insane cgi and special effects, then can add to it.

A sad and vapid movie, done poorly.
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Kin (I) (2018)
More questions then answers.
9 April 2019
What exactly is the movie, is the question, its presented fundamentally as scifi, but the elements of scifi in it are, well minimal, it offers very little and is a bit frustrating .

If you look past the few scenes with these scifi elements (like 5% of the movie) its more of a crime drama, wrapped up with some morality lessons.

Hard to pin down exactly, but frankly you replace one zap gun with a pistol.. and it wouldn't have anything to tag it into that genre at all.

Once the actual story starts rolling, its not that bad however and its a little fun and unique film in the end.

Overall.. worthy of a watch.
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The Mummy (2017)
Mediocre affair...
9 April 2019
Is not the worst movie, but considering the star power, money spent on this , it could be considered a bit of bust.

Tom Cruise, is great.. in many movies, but this seems completely miscast for him, there were attempts at some comedic sequences, that do not fit his personality at all.

This movie, is one that you can point to , that a big names do not always fit every movie type, this is definitely one of them.

It offers less from the Brendan Fraiser movie everywhere, except more advanced CGI effects.

Overall? its ok, you can skip it.
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Bright (I) (2017)
Future of Cinematic releases via Streaming.
22 December 2017
Good Pacing and Entertaining modern fantasy dust up, set in a urban Los Angeles area, mixed within the racial aspects is the corrupted cop vs fair cop storylines. Its good, with well developed pacing.

But aside from a mostly solid effort, what really is instrumental here, is this is the biggest release of a movie that Netflix has done, thinking about this the other day, there are so many middling solid, but otherwise uselessly released movies to the theaters every year, failing to find a solid audience, usually because its not one of the more solid blockbusters. These movies could all be released direct to stream instead.

This really is the future of Cinema, those that jump on it, will do themselves a favor.
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Not without imperfection, but vastly better then some are complaining about.
20 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
First off, there are huge holes in this story line, in additional not all the written story script and lines fit together nicely.

There are supposed to be parallels and new lessons, but sometimes, they are nonsensical at best, the galaxy seems tired of war, in fact it mostly seems like they would prefer most of the rebels to go away, while in the old films, it was a story of liberty versus totalitarianism, there is no subtle hints about it here, there was more berating over war profiteering then standing up against the first order dictatorship regime.

The scenes and sequences between Adam Driver and Daisy Ridleys Kylo and Rey are fairly resplendent, in fact without the two of them, the movie falls fairly flat, not wholly the fault of the actors, the story is the main culprit, where the first movies, are a series of extraordinary heroic events tied together with a faith that the force will eventually set a balance again, the series of events that happens in the movie seem, well odd at best.

The second tag story line between Poe, Finn and the new addition of Rose, goes no where, but its half the movie by itself, each of the characters actually work well, it was the story that let them down, hard, the final fight between Finn and Captain Phasma, seems very anti-climatic. You say to yourself after thier parts are done.. like, why did they bother? that was the best they could come up with?

Mark Hamill, is fairly dark comedic in this story line, by himself and the moments pin pointing this new aspect of his, worked fine. Where it did not work, was Mark Hammill playing Luke Skywalker, Jedi Master.. this was my take on that "Dude is seriously messed up, the sum of his whole existence was that he is a whiny brat, who going through a series of events, learns nothing and feels like his 18 old petulant self from movie 1, age, experience , patience, shouldve have thought him a few lessons by now " Again, was it his take, or was the script calling for a deeply angst and angry Skywalker.. I do not know, but it didnt play well.

Carrie Fisher, was just a afterthought in this movie, she mostly tried to reign in the irascible (but well played) Oscar Issacs Poe character, who is brash,arrogant at times and bold. But overall, she spends most of the movie in a coma , meh.

There are other minor characters, but they do not add that much overall to the story , in fact Vice Adamirals Holdo played by Laura Dern, was kind of off putting, she had a plan, she had no reason to share it per say, but , really, overall it was a unnecessary character, I dont want to pin that on Laura Dern per se, it was just a superfluous character, giving screen time, that had no overriding prerogative to be in the story line, all of her story, could've just been done by Carrie Fisher, if the elected not to put her in a coma.

But again.. these detract , but do not necessarily destroy everything good about the film, its Kylos and Reys galaxy now, everyone else doesn't shine as bright in the film, either via bad story telling, bad writing, or incorrect methodology from the actors to bring them around. That is ok, at least the two main stars carry most of it.

Worth the watch and re-watch a few times to get it all in.
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Journey to Promethea (2010 TV Movie)
Not very good, really low budget.
18 December 2017
While you can get away with low budget movies, trying to do so with a cast this large, produced a very bad result. Hackney scripting, acting and story telling. Bad props, terrible makeup, horrible voice effects.

I do not blame anyone really, when you try to do a fantasy epic on 2 million dollars, Boom, this is your end result. This is ok for say, some friends who got together and did a fantasy movie, for almost zero dollars spent (because in reality 2 million for something of this scope is nearer to Zero dollars then not. )

Not good, not worth your time watching really.

Compare and Contrast this with something like Saga, Curse of the Shadow ..

That was "low" budget done right, I am sure its budget was bigger then this, but still, it was done right.
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Middle of the road franchisee type movie.
17 November 2017
Obviously, they wanted this to make a billion dollars worldwide and soak in a gravy train.. but its pretty flat. One stars is harsh, but its not much better then a 5 or 6 at best, story is slow , explanations week, preponderance isn't bad.. if its directed and written well.. this isn't.

Story is weak and it shows, acting is acceptable in the midst of such drivel, they did a OK job.

I wouldn't bother watching it again really. Wasn't worth the time the first time more or less.
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Near perfection for a Superhero flick.
7 November 2017
While the maddeningly depressing superhero films Logan and to a lesser extent Wonder Women have higher user average reviews, I actually think GotG2 is better then both, mixing as much humor and vitriol together with conceptualizing the thought of a farther might be, to what he is, and what you are , are all mixed together, this is a "finding" yourself movie more then it looks when you skim the surface.

Not every deep self exploring voyage , has to be done dour like, and GotG 2, proves you can do it with hyper speed humor on crack.

Its really one of the better Marvel Universe movies, and doesn't feel tired out like the Iron Man by #3.

I would say out of the 17 so far Phase Marvel movies, GotG2, is by far the most fun, it even surpasses the original.

Overall, Worth the Watch.
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One of the better Marvel verse ones for kids.
7 November 2017
Its not great.. its not in the top ten out of the PHASE movies, but its better then some of the more recent spider man flicks.

Spider man is hard anyways, frankly, not 100% sure why they push so hard to re-release a new spider man every 2-3 years.. its mostly the same story retold over and over..(like DCs batman.. jeepers creepers.. how many batman movies do you need to make.. cant even wait 15 years between.. just push push push push.)

Overall though, this is way more kid friendly, which I do appreciate then some of the other films. The humor is friendly enough for most pre-teens to get and the action isn't anywhere as dark and foreboding as the some of the latest other Marvel verse films (age of ultron, winter soldier) both of which was too much for younger viewers.While I think those films have their place, I do appreciate something a bit lighter as a opposite.

Worth the watch.
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Life (I) (2017)
Much more substantial and entertaining then expected.
7 November 2017
In comparison and contrasting Life with the newest Alien Covenant movie, Life, not only blew it away, it also was quite entertaining. It was a refreshing take on the monster in space concept, updated in a way that every Alien movie seems to have missed since Alien 3 at least.

In reality its probably closer to a 7, but, I give it a point, for not only being better then any other monster in space movie format in the last few years, but beating my expectations.

Overall? Worth the watch.
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Logan (2017)
Solid and entertaining effort, better then the rest of the Wolverine stand alone's.
14 August 2017
With a bit more depth and dramatic flair then its predecessors, this is perhaps one of the best three or four superhero movies ever made, however it really could've explored those depths a bit further and flushed them out. While, I appreciate the effort, those giving this movie a ten , seem a bit enthusiastic about the overall scope of this film.

At the same time, I will find it hard to believe, anyone , could in reality bring The Wolverine more to life then Hugh Jackman did, some actors, seem born to play certain roles.

Overall? Worth the Watch!
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The Host (2013)
Solid , a bit panned, more then it should be.
14 August 2017
The critics did not treat this film well, however, after re-watching it a couple of times, I will admit, I find it mostly a entertaining and solid effort, with the impeccable impressive Saoirse Ronan headlining the cast. I cannot think of one thing I've seen her in, that Im not impressed by her acting abilities, including this.

While not per se, a great movie, it deserves a solid rating.

Mildly entertaining romantic sci fi dust-up.

Overall? Worth the Watch
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Marginally entertaining, failed in its second half.
14 August 2017
While entertaining and fun and even appealing in its first 60 or so mins of the movie, it seems to bog down as discoveries are made , it feels like a political spy thriller more then a action sci fi movie in its end. Its parts are good, but not great, it could've been better, however it is fairly solid and worth a re-watch now and then. Even though the CGI effects are solid, they could've delved so much further into concepts of cyber with cyber worlds.. they seem to miss that mark a bit.

Considering the tepid and dismal movies pawned out every year to the viewing public, I would say this more or less achieved better then average status.

Overall? Worth the watch.
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Bokeh (I) (2017)
Terrible non revealing , post apocalyptic story
25 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Sort of, for starters, something happens, well to most of the people in iceland, what happens to the rest of the world, who knows, we really do not even know what happens in Iceland, except , two people who are apparently in some sort of semi serious relationship, end up being one of 3 people left in iceland.

Great.. one is clearly under stress, wishing for others to appear, while the other, is quite happy to live in the moment, neither moves towards an appropriate realization. Depressingly sad and entirely maddening, maybe it was supposed to convey the age we live in, sadly , if they are right, the youth of today, might as well throw in the towel.Forget about any future, because if they are all like this young couple.. why EVEN bother!

The only reason I gave it 3 starts, was that the scenic landscape shots were actually amazing, just , unfortunately the vehicle to deliver them to us was horrendously boring.

I love how people want to bring up a whole bunch of artsy words like minimal (hint, a key word for, this picture delivers a bare minimum of actual story plot and development. ) Thought provoking (yes, like how did they actually get away with this in the final editing and how did netflix pay for this drivel to start with )

Clearly not every movie, is for everyone, but this time, this entire mess, misses the mark, for mostly everyone.
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RWBY (2012– )
Consumable Anime type animation, for free!
16 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
First , people, this was a web series more or less, and it was darn fun to just consume through, it has some tragedy in it, so be prepared to discuss that if you are watching it with your kids (at the end of volume 3 especially)

Considering these types of materiel heavily favors, those who want to watch it anyways, Im not surprised at such a high rating it has garnered, I would give it a very solid 8..

I know some are knocking this as a bit less professional quality then some other current anime projects, but frankly they are missing the overall concept and themes presented, while also glossing over the fact its western conceptualized, allowing you to listen without having to read subtitles all the time, is a nice change of pace.
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The Postman (1997)
Much better, then average reviews would suggest.
16 December 2016
I am uncertain why, or how this was eviscerated to the extent it was.It is a wholly solid effort, with more then apt acting from the leads.

The story concept via David Brin's novellas, is a loose translation of that work, and as the story advances, differs greatly from the 2- 3rd novellas in that story line. However, the overall concept, is conceived accurately of symbol of civilization combating oppression of freedom via the overreaching tyrants of the eight (in the movie).

Every once in awhile, both critics and audiences, seem to miss the mark on a review rating, though rare, I would consider this a exception to both ratings.

Its far superior to what the usual lambasted professional critics gave it, and I would think the average audience reviews should be a bit higher then it is.
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Haven (2010–2015)
Erratic presentation, average conceptually.
15 September 2016
The show slowed down over the course of a few seasons, I think (as many shows before them) less ratings over time, forced them to change story directions, speeding up planned story lines and it showed.

It took variations of monster of the week themes, with story arcs, while adding in campy type scifi elements, borrowed from other shows such as fringe, x files and eureka. The result, is at times entertaining , but overarching results , make it a paler shade of any of those aforementioned shows.

Worth watching? yes, its not as bad as some have made it out to be, but neither is it as good as any of those other shows (with the monster model, done better in both x files and fringe and the campy feeling , no other show could probably be more campy then eureka, and still entertain you.
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Android Cop (2014)
Terribly produced, low budget "futuristic" action flick.
2 February 2016
This is supposed to be a sort of apocalyptic future, but its highly convoluted, what is the real tragedy, is that Micheal Jai White really could be a fairly good action star, when you see movies like Never Back Down 2, you see the potential for it.

BTW.. this isn't a ITS such a BAD movie, its sort of good movie.. its a BAD movie and its really BAD.. it follows on the heels of other MJW movies I have seen lately.

I have a hard time even finishing his last few.

This is overall poor performance from the cast, with cheap production and a rip story-lines as well.

This isn't the sort of independent low budget movie, that you say, "hey, that is sort of cool" no.. its horrendous.

Recommend "skip it"
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Falling Skies (2011–2015)
Uneven story telling , plot mechanics, lead to average overall ratings.
12 January 2016
Please bear in mind a few factors on Fallen Skies, It is obvious it was made inexpensive, the cgi effects , props and background materials, do not hold up to more polished Scifi shows, nevertheless, character acting is always the first and foremost rated item anyone should take into account.

For the first three seasons of the show, its clear they are trying to blend lessons from history into this current war, related and approached materials of American revolution, Vietnam and even American colonialism are broached during this, this marriage of course , under scrutiny doesn't always hold up to the story lines they tried to merge with them, but overall it was a satisfying attempt. In fact, if they kept this to three seasons, my personal ratings would be slightly higher, the reflective reasoning behind actions and the attempt to invoke deeper meaning , wasn't what ruined this show.

It was clearly, de-scripted and re-imagined from season 4 onward, without revealing much of anything, suffice it to say the overall series ground down, hard to watch the last two seasons compared to the fourth.

That said, its not a terrible series, so would recommenced you catch up on it if you haven't seen it yet.
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Strange Magic (2015)
Atypical , family animation film. Wildly different, fun and exuberant!
20 November 2015
Full Definition of FUN (Websters Dictionary)

1 : what provides amusement or enjoyment; specifically : playful often boisterous action or speech (full of fun)

This is what this film provides, its flavorful, exuberant, different in so many ways that a lot of animation films lack.

This can be enjoyed across a very wide spectrum of audiences, it doesn't even need to pander or highbrow adult humor, it is so subtlety applied to the context, whomever was responsible for this loose adaptation, should have loads of more work in the future.

Hits the mark!
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What can I possible add?
16 November 2015
Sometimes movies, based on titles alone get unjustified reviews, this clearly isn't one of them.

A hackneyed script, jolted, terrible actors, who clearly didn't attempt to put a serious professional attitude to their roles.

Even a fine actor Jeremy Irons, did not buy into this, it is clearly so over the top horrible, it would be fun if it wasn't supposed to be a serious attempt at a fantasy movie.

How, or why this treatment was allowed to continue after a week and wasn't totally abolished and re-cast, re-director-ed, is beyond me.

I originally saw this movie in the theaters, and sometimes after time, re-watching changes impressions, this clearly did not, a review after so much time, confirmed my early memories of this move.

Its just terrible, it is no where even in the top ten of all time fantasy movies, even before some of the more serious recent and more modern works have come out.

The one saving grace, was this early on CGI effects, did not look that horrendous, but it didn't even have that much of it.

You should have a fine balance between the two, which this movie "could" have had, if the actors and script were not just so horrible.
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Predators (2010)
Surprisingly, good effort.
9 September 2015
In hindsight to the predator 2, this movie was well directed and acted by a ensemble cast led by Adrian Brody, even has former UFC champion Oleg Taktarov, (who was another surprise, acting decently)

I wasn't expecting it even to be as good as predator 2 and I missed this when originally released, as so happens with these titles , I finally caught it on one of my streaming services.

I quite enjoyed the fact that it was better then my pre-conceived notions of it would be. Sci-fi dark action flick, its not quite as good as the original, but its a better effort then the second in the story and was a pleasant surprise.
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John Carter (2012)
A shining example, of the worst advertising campaign to fail a really good effort.
11 August 2015
This movie deserved not only a sequel but to be a blockbuster hit, it is really that good, I have no other material to shed on the movie itself, many other reviewers have already brought forth that.

What I would like to comment on, is the marketing campaign, or the lack of one.

First off, they didn't have a clue how to market it, they wanted to go after female audiences, so they dropped John Carter of Mars, to just John Carter (does that explain anything to anyone?)

Instead of revealing parts of the story, they literally had no ideal , the trailers, led to know where, was nonsensical at best.

NOTHING leading up to the film portrayed how GOOD the film was, nor did they target core audiences, in fact they went out of their way NOT to target them.

What a shame, this would've been one of the best trilogies of all time, but sadly is saddled with the title "BEST FILM to be destroyed BY ONE of the WORST MARKETING campaigns ever"

Whomever, directed this campaign, hopefully learned a few lessons, other then destroying a fine work.
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The Collapsed (2011)
Its really low budget...
13 July 2015
Considering how much they spent on this, I guess you would have to give the crew and cast some credence to their work. Its not overally terrible , not the worst of the low budgets you might see, but not really as good as many others.

It was probably minimal takes as well, shot in a short duration.

Overall, the people posting more then 5 stars on this is just ridiculous, its really poor production by today standards (not even TV quality) it has some poor acting in places. Its plodding, conceptually slow with minimal payoffs.

If reduced down to a hour, it wouldn't be a half bad episode of something akin to Twilight Zone etc.

There isn't much reason to watch this, if you have others on your list, just skip it.
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