
10 Reviews
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Manifest (2018–2023)
Mystery, Intrigue, and I'm hooked
25 November 2018
I disagree with the so many posts that said it went down hill from the pilot. I really enjoy this series and would be bummed if it canceled without conclusion. I started watching weekly then stuff got in the way so I just easily binged four through eight. It's a slow burn, but that should be expected. It focuses on relationships and that too should be expected. I think the characters and the writing make it easy to suspend reality about a plane that disappears and comes back five years later without the passengers aging who didn't go through five years in flight.
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Another little piece of her heart
22 April 2016
Maybe it's just me, but I can't seem to get enough Janis. I have read a biography on her and watched other films, as well as attended the stage play "Love, Janis" and I'm always wanting for more.

I rated this a nine because a near perfect documentary about Janis would be at least four hours, imho. There could have been more interviews with her sister and brother and others who knew her intimately. It focused on her person and her heart more than other things I've seen. I was only ten years old when she died and my family was as straight laced as Janis' and Port Arthur, so I don't remember any fan fare regarding her. I didn't fully experience her music until I was eighteen and I fell hard as a Janis fan.

Interesting point to younger generations is that the media always focuses on the San Francisco scene when it talks about the 60's and the hippy era, when most of the rest of the world at the time was really closer to Port Arthur.

Strongly recommend this gem for any Janis fan. You won't be bored and you will find another little piece of her heart you may not have known about before. I imagined that she had a big heart for people in general, and this documentary solidified that belief.

A comment in the film about the level of emotion she reached in her singing was at a high price and that was a prefect summation of the art that was Janis Joplin.
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Self/less (2015)
13 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This was an interesting sci-fi. It was believable, well executed and well paced. It's no mind blower but it certainly is worth a rental. There is no big twist or big reveal. Just a good story.

I found it more interesting and mature (not in cussing or sex) than Ex Machina. I think the premise would make an interesting TV series with a few tweaks.

My review is complete now I have to type filler to get to ten lines. I wanted to write a review because of the low IMDb rating. I'm glad I read other good reviews here and took the chance to check this movie out. It's a serious sci-fi, which are the type I prefer.
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It Follows (2014)
It really is as silly as the premise.
7 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this even though I thought the premise was absurd. I went by the reviews.

The characters make the typical stupid choices unlike the Gieco commercial.

I don't think I can spoil this. A group of teens with no adults is what this centers on.

This is more time than I wanted to waste to warn the more sophisticated horror fans to not waste their time. I wish someone warned me.

I don't understand why people wrote that it was an old fashion horror. There is no CGI, special effects, nor is it a slash and hack so maybe that's what they mean by like the 70's.

The only thing that reminded me of older horror films was the obvious low budget.

The acting was good enough ... but the premise is so stupid and everything else was not strong enough to override that.
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The Last Man on Earth (2015–2018)
Very funny and I don't usually like sitcoms
29 March 2015
The reviewers here needed to give this more of a chance. I can't see it when it airs because of the time slot.

I watched the premiere and thought it was amusing enough. Then four weeks later I got to wondering about it, as I really liked the premise and think Kristen Schaal is hilarious.

So I actually binged a catch up. That's the first time I EVER went back to watch a 1/2 hour comedy let alone watch four episodes in a row.

It is funny and fun. I like that two new characters have stepped in and look forward to watching what next will happen. Will Forte plays a perfect jerk when the very pretty January Jones steps in.

If you feel like a light comedy that isn't stupid, give it a try. You may be surprised. I chuckle quite a bit through each episode.
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Searching for Mr. Goodbar via internet.
8 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I was going to stop watching within the first ten minutes. First of all I didn't like the format of it. The story is told mainly via video cameras.

I Picked this movie out of hulu to watch before I went to bed and wish I had read reviews first.

At the very least, for the audience, it could had concluded better or with finding the freak. I understand that finding such twisted perverted stalkers who murder their victims don't always get caught in reality and probably most don't.

Was it realistic? Too realistic and not entertaining.

The only merit for this film would be to put some fear and maybe sense into some wild and misguided teen.
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The After (2014 TV Movie)
Kind of bad, but I couldn't stop watching
9 April 2014
It felt like I was watching something filmed in the 70's ... kind of cheesy, but I must admit it had its elements of humor. Kind of cultishy.

I couldn't take my eyes away.

The usually group of humans stuck together ... the hot head, the macho w/the big heart, the snob, the mom, the old crazy lady

... except the writers do seem to do good with the characters by showing their various sides in just one pilot.

I love the old lady who was so annoying at first, but funny.

Then all of a sudden at the end of the episode another element comes into play. And that was ... no spoiler here ... but I will say it was the ultimate wtf.

It you like bizarre, dark comedy (though I'm not sure the comedy is always intentional or not) and like the crazy irritating group of humans trapped together who are all from different backgrounds type stories, you may like this.

It moved fast and kept my attention.

I don't think the story takes itself too seriously, which make it fun in the horror/thriller/sci-fi/weird/cult classic genre.
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Bad Boy Bubby (1993)
Amusing but would not recommend to any friend or family member
3 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I love dark comedy and twisted sick humor, however there is one taboo subject that I personally can not cross over to find any humor in.

The abuse from the mother and the incest in the beginning was tragic and totally killed the tone for the rest of the movie as far as humor. At least for me.

And I'm quite open minded w/a sick sense of humor and love dark humor. I loved World's Greatest Dad.

The film itself was worth seeing and was well done and well acted. I couldn't give it higher than a six due to how repulsed I felt with old sagging mommy banging her son.

If you can handle that then the rest of it is will be easy.
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True to form
6 June 2013
... and that's why I gave it a 10. Is it really a ten comedy rating? No, not really ... it's more of a seven or an eight. I don't understand why it got clobbered so badly in IMDb ratings.

First of all I thought it was funny and my grandson also enjoyed it. Okay, the story line is a bit hokey ... but so were the real Three Stooges movies and their shorts.

It deserves a ten because the actors playing Larry, Moe, and Curly were excellent and so believable as the originals. There will always be a special place in my heart for the Stooges and this movie did them justice.

If you never liked the original Stooges, you won't like this. But any die-hard Three Stooges fan from the 50's and 60's who grew up watching them on TV will surely enjoy this.
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The Woman (I) (2011)
Not anti-male. Anti-human and horrible
1 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
It started out good but it turned too freakish and the ending was horrible. I did not see this as a feminist film. I'm a feminist.

I guess the writers/directors thought the climax to the end was a good twist, but it was horrible.

And what an idiot the lawyer was. He goes to feed a feral human its first home cooked meal in a bowl. Oatmeal. yeah.

The family was completely dysfunctional, but I had hope for the older daughter until at the end she just lets her younger sister get taken away. The teacher should have been saved and all the women and girls in the film ... then maybe I could see this as a feminist theme.

Too bad. This movie could have gone in so many other directions. I gave it two stars because I did like it up to 3/4's of the film. Maybe I could have given it at least three or four stars, but the last 1/4 was just so bad. Did I mention that it was horrible.
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