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Kyle XY (2006–2009)
Started out great but got boring
20 December 2012
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This show started out great! It was interesting to learn who he was, although they never really tell you who he actually is, you sort of figure it out. It also started to get interesting when Jesse came into the picture, however it started to get boring after a while and I could see why the show did not last that many years. It seemed like they did not know what to do with that show. They had the one episode where the mother got injured in an accident and kyle saved her, after that it was just boring, even the episode where the children were raising money for the mother's medical care. The show became less about the children or the family and more about the parents. It seemed the Dad didn't know what he wanted to do with his life, and left a lucrative job to become a college professor. Even though he was the main provider of the family, and it was a huge pay cut, his wife was supportive and didn't seem to mind, I'm not sure how realistic that is on either end, but just boring and who cares? In earlier episodes when Nicole was depressed over loosing Kyle she was contemplating quiting her job, but she realized therapy for what she was meant to do, and then her husband lost his job (which I think was connected to the whole Kyle situation) but he found a good job shortly after and Nicole continue to work. This was at least interesting because it was all interconnected and all had to do with the family, but later it was just pointless boring, unrealistic nonsense. It just got to the point where there was nothing left to do with the show, so it was just about making this up as they went along. I kind of understand the whole idea of not saying who Kyle was, because it was kind of a mystery. I was glad the family accepted Jesse, because it was kind of depressing seeing the life she lead and she was jealous of Kyle, who was loved and probably why he was kind. Well all in all a great show that lost its touch.
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20 December 2012
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There was no happy moment or good moment in the movie, just depressing. Okay not all story lines should always be happy, but the whole thing was sad. Charlie was looking after his brother when his mother I think was working late. Charlie gave his brother a ride somewhere or something which the movie was kind of unclear on. The brother both get into a car accident and I think both die, but I think they were able to bring Charlie back and not his brother. So he is able to see his brother and visit him every night at the grave, the whole scenes are just dark and depressing. He finally gets a girlfriend, hard to believe, a grown man who is intelligent and has a reasonable job in his 20s never had a girlfriend. He gave up his whole life just to visit his brother every night, he worked at the cemetery instead of going to college, I guess because that is the only way he could visit at night. Then he has to choose between his girlfriend or his brother, and can never see him anymore, sad, depressing. There is no point to the storyline, it doesn't teach anything or put a happy ending to anything.
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A Stand Up Mother (2011– )
could have been much better
4 September 2012
This show is okay but could have been much better. I know its a reality show, so they cannot help the events that followed, but the show seemed over-dramatized, like they were acting and trying to be funny, not like reality, like the episode where they were having the "wedtismal" it seemed staged and like they were trying to be comical not candid though I know that might not be the case, they did not seem to be themselves. All the conflicts were funny and not genuine. Also Tammy is not the most likable, but she is not unlikeable either and she could be funny. She is very attractive and charismatic, but seems kind of snotty, like complaining about being a wife and mother and having to move to PA all the time. Most want to be wives and mother and many woman wish they could. I watched the show not knowing who she is, so I don't get why she is considered a wellknown comedian, cause I only knew who she was when I saw the show and she is probably close to my age, in her early thirties. Perhaps if this show was better, it would have stayed on the air. I would have liked to have seen where it would have lead, but never continued. There were funny scenerios, like the episode where they were trying to fix Tammys mother in law up with their friend and she missed the point and did not understand what they were doing. Tammys mother in law was funny but she seemed to have a mean streak, which I know cannot be helped, as it is reality based, but at least she added comedy.
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Half a Dozen Babies (1999 TV Movie)
Turned it into a chick flick
15 March 2011
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Although the movie is interesting to watch, they obviously turned it into a chick flick; I could tell it was not all true, other than the fact that she took a drug to get pregnant and had sixtuplets. I am sorry for the family of the movie and I guess people should realize no movie is 100 percent true. I think the only thing the writers knew about the family was the main plot, could not get pregnant for about six years, took a drug to get pregnant (invetro was probably a new thing in the late 80s early 90s and probably even more expensive now) and they had six children. The writer probably just worked from there and made their own story out of it. They did not include other family members, such as the siblings who helped the family out and did not know the mother's character so therefore created their own character. In a way it seems like the family is exploited, but I supposed we all should know an ABC movie cannot be all real.
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1000 Ways to Die (2008–2012)
Terrible exploitation of people, no lessons learned!
9 March 2011
This show does not teach safety and is just making a mockery over people's final moments. It is such an obnoxious show! My heart goes out to the families of these victims that are being exploited. Also, this show is not geared towards children, the vocabulary and content is not at a level that children would understand, let alone the fact that they have episodes about sex and other contents that is too mature. Also, again, its really not getting into detail on how to prevent the accident, most of these are just freak accidents that just happen and probably can't be prevented in the first place. I think it was made by religious nuts that want to preach about how its a miracle that we are alive and show in a subliminal way how some are punished! Its not like a show like Sesame Street or those after school specials that teach children the consequence and warn children of dangers; its not even teaching adults of dangers. Its mean and preachy and should be off the air!
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Who Wants to Be a Princess? (2001 TV Movie)
I hate that lady
15 January 2011
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I only watched the show because it was fun to see the girls transform, but I HATE THAT LADY, if this is the show I am thinking of, with that nasty lady with the short blond hair, fat witch acting like she is better than everybody else. I HATE THAT LADY, she is fat, ugly and nasty and is always telling other people they are fat, I Don't CARE WHO SHE IS! I would want to go on that show just to tell her off. She exists just to put these girls down because she is so mean and stupid. She says she used to be a model, some model fat and ugly and she has a manly hair cut! She acts like she is curing cancer, Get OVER YOURSELF! I HATE shows where people put others down and it does not even appear to be for a good cause.
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American Princess (2005–2007)
obnoxous and cruel
15 January 2011
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I would never be on this show because I cannot stand how that ugly lady treats those woman! Its like some of the other stupid shows on WE Or Wedding Central! I hate those stupid princess shows and these aristocrats act like they are curing cancer or something just because they are rich! They put these woman down and treat them badly! If I was on that show I would tell those nasty witches off! These girls are not all that bad and many of them are intelligent and she not be changed! I do not know why anybody would ever want to go on a show like that! You must have to have very low self esteem! Who would want to be put down and yelled at? I thik think these people think who they heck they are!
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Glee (2009–2015)
Great show
3 November 2010
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This is a great show with actresses that have great talent! If you like musicals, you will like this show. The singing is great, and the acting is great. The actors and actresses who play the high school students all seem to be in their early 20s and or in an 18-to early 20s age range and it would be nice to see some younger characters, but at least they are still young actress (its not like Foot Loose or Greese where 30 year olds are playing teenagers). I just saw the Rocky Horror pictures show episide and it was great! I am in my 30s now and I usually think shows like this are silly and pointless, but this is a very entartaining show. Not the most realistic show, but I wouldn't have minded going to that high school because it looks like a fun school! Watching this show brings me back to the days when I was in high school, watching my friends in school plays, decorating and painting for school plays and hanging out with my friends. This show focuses on the Glee clus, so its all the fun part of high school and not the most serious show, but it definitely supports great talented young actors and actresses. That little girl who plays Sue's (teacher's pet) the cute girl who follows her around and tattles on everybody, is so adorable and talented. All in all, great show!
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Hilarious and great writing
28 May 2010
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Wow so many bad reviews! I love the acting and I love Sarah Jessican Parker, she is so beautiful and has such a nice personality in the movie. She always looks so glamorous throughout the movie as do the other woman. All the characters are unique and different but all friends and it is so interesting to see all of their personalities blend together. This was better than the first and better than the TV show! I loved seeing them in another countries interacting with the other cultures. Many thought they were being prejudice and that Americans don't always respect other cultures. There is some truth to that in that Americans tend to think they are superior and that they were visiting another country and just mocking them for wearing burqa (is that what they call the coverings?)but they later made friends with them and learned something about them.While I am not for woman covering themselves (and perhaps many women in that country are not either) I do not feel it would be my place to visit a country and point and mock their culture, but I think they were taught that these housewives had personalities and opinions and refuting any stereotypes they might have. I can honestly say I have never even heard of that country they visited, but it was awesome to see it. I loved the part at the end when Carry gave the butler money to visit his wife. There were some faults of the movie, like they never really explained what happened to Aidan. (By the way he changed; I thought it was a different actor until I heard his voice). They were vague about why Davis resolved her feelings about the nanny; I thought they were implying she was a lesbian, but I was not clear. Also when the one (I forgot her name) but you will know what I mean, went to jail, they never explained where her boyfriend went and why he was not helping her out, like if he was in jail it would not be his fault But he was back with her at the end. Also, some of the scenarios make you unsympathetic of the characters but they are comical, and make you laugh. Like when Davis got the kids painted hands on her skirt cause she wanted her mother to give her more attention, I was laughing. I know how stressful kids could be, but its hard to be sympathetic to a woman who's biggest problem is a ruined skirt (who wears a designer skirt around the home, and that did not seem like her personality in the show or other movie) but yes I know she was really stressed about caring for a baby and it was nice that they showed her like a real mom, I liked how she was not so perfect like she seemed in the first movie. And as far as sympathy goes, she was a stay at home mom with a nanny. Staying home with kids is stressful, but she has hired help. And there whining over having to ride coach was a little annoying, oh my coach, the one who did most of the whining used to be a bar tender, but she is above riding coach? Now it just sounds like I bashed the movie, and most of these things are what made the movie funny. Still all in all it was an interesting movie with great acting.
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Predictable but interesting and show the beauty of Italy
18 May 2010
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Italy looked so beautiful in this movie! After seeing this you really feel like you were there. Some things are predictable, like you just knew she would find Lorenzo, cause you just knew it would not be a love story if she didn't. They would not have a whole movie of searching to not find him, but still it was played well, it was so funny, when she saw the Grandson as was like that is him! You could also kind of tell she would end up with the other guy. For one think the fact that her and her fiancé were on seprate pages; he understandably had to put in a lot of time to open his business, but in every way, they just seemed on separate pages; he was just always distracted. At the same time they were just so polite with one another, nobody yelled or fought, which in movies usually is a sign of a poor relationship. I find in love stories, the ones who fight in the beginning are the ones who end up together, so that was a hint right there, like I guess they are comfortable enough with one another or that they just care for one another enough to fight. There was so much comedy. Sophie was so beautiful; she is a great actress.
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Funny, entertaining, but not the best lesson for children
30 March 2010
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I am in two minds with this movie; on the one hand, this is a movie that children like Junior could relate to. Even if you are the child who cannot fit or the child with a poor family situation. (spoilder for both movies) Not to get into the first movie, but it is hard to write about one and not the other, since they are both connected, but I like how in both movies the father seemed to stay on his side for the most part. However, this movie is not a great influence for children in some ways. For example, the father seems to encourage bad behavior instead of, for example telling junior to be nice to little girls. In the first one, I do not like how the father received the ransom note and was practically throwing a party, even if in the end he saved junior. I know his wife was mean, but that does not make it right for him to blow her off and leave her in a dangerous situation like that. And his fiancé was mean in the second one, but it did not make it right for the children to almost hurt her or to put themselves in danger. I could understand if it was doing some little funny things, like in Matilda, but this movie went a little too far. Also, I thought it was a little insulting to women to have all those women lining up for the husband at the door to meet the father like women are all just so desperate that they will go to any man they see. For all they knew he could have been a looser.
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good movie, could have been better
18 March 2010
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spoilers for movie and book They changed a lot from the book, but it was a good movie. They changed the way Norah learned about her daughter except that she found out after David passed away. Also, in the movie, they ended it after Norah and her son met the daughter, and there was nothing to indicate that she would still have a relationship with her mother and trin, whereas in the book they went on after they met, and even though Norah was living in Europe, without her daughter (who understandably did not want to move to Europe with her) she was still going to visit her and be a part of her life. (Don't forget they they could afford to fly her to visit regularly). And her bother moved close by to his sister. I guess the movie had to edit a lot, but the ending was unemotional; it was just like they met, excepted it and it was over; I mean I guess they figured it was implied that she would be a part of their life after that. In the movie, Carolyn's husband seemed more loving; I didn't really like his character in the book, pushing Carolyn into putting her daughter in a group home, before they were both ready because he didn't want to have the responsibility of raising her anymore. Sure he was right, but he was just too insensitive about it; he never once said that he would miss her or that they could still be a part of her life. He did address the issue of her moving into a group home, but he was kinder about it; he wasn't all, I want to travel the world and leave her in a home. The story line was a valuable lesson about how a decision made at a spur of the moment could ruin the life of yourself and the people around you. They portrayed David as a decent man who made a very bad decision that ruined his families life and could have ruined Pheabes life. Sure Carolyn's taking the baby might not have been purely a selfless act, as she really wanted a baby, but her life was a lot better because of her love for that baby. She could not hold the baby in her arms and leave her in that horrible place, which showed her kindness and love for that child. Sure, she could have told Norah who probably would have kept the baby, but she was caught in the middle and also, she did not know what the end results of that would be. So while she might not have been totally selfless, she obviously had the child's best interest at heart. The fact that she loved David might have influenced her to want to help him, but in the end, she did what was best for the baby. In the movie, David seemed to barely notice her. Actually in the book they implied that he did show some interest in her, but never acted upon it and it was never explained why and why he chose Norah instead of her. The movie does not even get that the fact that Carolyn loved David, just that one part where she told him he loved her, during that interaction where he was just insensitive saying, "What did I have to do with that?" In the book he was more sensitive and kind about the issue. They also addressed the issue of people with Down Syndrome getting married, but I felt they were too one sided on the issue; they just showed Carolyn say no and ended it from there, I felt it should have been more controversial. I mean Carolyn did a great job raising Pheabe to be independent and smart, but it seemed she did not have any confidence in her, maybe she was overprotective because she loved her. When Carolyn was saying she would be raising another baby if her daughter had a child, it seemed to me like she was not giving her any credit (or herself credit for how well she raised her daughter). People with mild mental retardation are able to get married and sometimes raise a child, often better than people without a disability.
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Son in Law (1993)
a funny blast into the 90s
9 February 2010
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This was such a funny movie, which was soon forgotten about, probably because there are so many teen and young adult comedies, such as this. The movie is not quit as predictable as one would think. Crawl is an unattractive, but fun and caring and most importantly a very devoted friend. Still, an unlikely match for Rebecca, who has an attractive and seemingly kind boyfriend back home. When he helps feel more at ease at school, by showing her around the neighborhood and encouraging her to socialize more, they become buddies, but it is completely platonic. When she realizes her boyfriend might propose, she does not feel ready, he seems to like her boyfriend, but she seems to be enjoying her free laid back party life at college is not yet ready to live a life of marriage and responsibility. You kind of learn what a good friend Crawl is when he tells her he will help get her out of getting married. When her boyfriend proposes to her, in front of the whole family, she kicks Crawl and puts him on the spot. He tells the whole family that he proposes to her, and gives her his diamond ring, which it tunrs out was his the whole time (he must have come from money or something. Well they never really show a close up of the ring). The message of the movie seemed to be not to judge people by their looks and not to judge people before you get to know him. Rebecca's boyfriend, who her parents love, turned mean when we find out he druged his new girlfriend after Rebecca,(Amber Thesan) and Crawl, so that Rebecca would have broken up with Crawl, thinking they were a couple. Although they were not, Rebecca was mad at him, which when you think about it, was kind of unfair, since they were not a couple, but I think they were starting to like one another. And I think she thought there was more. The movie never showed them actually become a couple, they left it open for the viewers to decide. They never even actually kissed at any point, although there was one part where they almost did. That was one thing most viewers seemed to misunderstand. Many people saw it and said, that he would be a nightmare for fathers to see their daughters bring home or a shock, but they were just friends the whole time, even towards the end. And she did not introduce him as her boyfriend; still they never told her parents they were not engaged. Rebecca almost did. Even if he would never become her boyfriend, they could have still been friends. In the 90s for some reason femanin men were in, and there was this big stereo type that woman liked femanin men (not that there is anything wrong with that), think it came from the fact that women like the kind sensitive type, which Crawl proved to be, through his friendship with Rebecca. but when I saw the movie, I must admit, if I went for looks, I thought I would have gone for the first boyfriend. Still it was a creative movie, that tried to teach a lesson on friendship and judging others.
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The Old Maid (1939)
Delia is mean and selfish
11 November 2009
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Interesting movie with great acting. Delia is a very selfish and mean person (the actress did a great job at portraying the character). She is spiteful and manipulative. She ruins charlot's life and almost ruins her daughters just because her cousin had a baby with the man she broke up with. She married, but unfortunately her husband died. Instead of moving on, she ruins Charlot's chance of marrying a nice wealthy man by making up a lye, even though Charlot was going to tell the truth about her daughter, which he probably would have accepted. She lets Charlot and her daughter move in, but never discourages her to tell her she is her mother (she was only like two then) and makes her believe she is an orphan who came to live with them. Later, when they find out that her being an orphan would prevent her daughter from marrying, her Delia convinces Charlet to allow her to adopt her. On her wedding day she was going to tell her the truth, but never does.
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Great show especially in the end
9 November 2009
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Spoilers I loved the later episodes from college and on, but I wish I could get the last season on DVD. Unfortunately, the latest I could get is the first college season. Still the teenage years were sweet; although they focused a lot on magic, they also made her into a character that teens could relate to, deeling with the stuggles of teens, and children in divorced families. This show was very innocent; they did not get into the morbid teenage problems such as sex and drugs, but they did deel with pressure to fit in. I loved watching her grow up and cope with her magic on her own and trying to convince her Aunts to let go as she left the nest. The older episodes were cute, but it was just so much better to see her as (well not really a teenage witch anymore) but an adult witch. I loved Roxy and Mortgan; they were so talented! In the earlier episodes the Aunts were great actresses, but they were so strict, kind and loving, but they treated her like a young child in some ways, but not in every way. I mean they grounded her for every little mistake she made with her magic, I mean let her learn from her own mistakes for once! That was what I liked about the college episodes; she was able to learn from her own mistakes without be grounded over everything; that was annoying. Not to put down Hilda and Zelda. Melissa Joan Hard is beautiful and was perfect for the Sabrina with her Perky personality. I liked the last episode where she ran off the marry Harvey, but as somebody else said, it would have been nice to see what happened after. I mean I believe it was obvious they were getting married; where else would they be running off to in her wedding dress? But I would have liked to have seen it. I supposed they wanted to leave it up to the viewer to choose the ending though rather than spoon feeding it to us as most comedies do. Somebody said they could have shown them marry and go to school in the house, but they already graduated college. Sabrina had great job for a magazine and I think Harvey had a good job, because he lived in a nice apartment that we only see at the end, but they never say what he does. As a child they always talk about how he does not want to be an exterminator like his Dad. When Sabrian moved into the house that season, they never really explain how it happened. Actually, there is a lot the show does not explain, but I supposed it is supposed to be to leave it up to us and give it some mystery. Prior to Sabrina and her friends moving into the house, they show Hilda getting married and this whole spell that ends up with Zelda turning into a child. Hilda comes back in the last episode (and Zelda is there in some other form, but Beth is not on the episode) but they do not show Zelda's husband or what happened, like did they have children? Maybe they didn't want too much going on in one episode. I also liked Hart's sister who played her spoiled cousin! She was pretty and a great actress and it was interesting to see her grown up! I cannon believe it has been six years since the show went off the air! I still love the reruns! Also, I don't know if anybody noticed this, but in the earlier episodes, the town was called Westbridbe (a made up town I believe, which was supposed to be close to Salem) but in the later episodes, they don't mention the name of the town being caled Westbridge and I think they call it Boston, unless that is just where she worked. Also, I wanted to add, I found the episode, "Wild Wild Sabrina" where she is taught about the importance of rules, to be insulting. She was 18 and too old to be grounded; I would have been insulted if my parents grounded me at 18. And I think while an 18 year old might mess up how she did, they need to learn the consequences on their own. I think at 18 they know rules are important.
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Not such a great show anymore
29 July 2009
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Spoiler This used to be a great show and an excellent influence for teens. The first two seasons were brilliant and I am an adult; I only watched it because Molly Ringwald was in it. First of all, it is insulting for teens in this generation. It portrays teens as lazy, unreasonable and always thinking about sex. Actually, most teens I know today would not even think about having sex! Most of the characters on the show are not the least big likable! Neither Anne nor Amy seem to be working at improving the future of little John. Anne wants Amy to be more indenependent, which is understandable, considering we do not know what the future holds for Ricky or Ben and we do not know what roll they will play in Johns life years to come. But she just expects her to do the right thing by barking at her rather than teaching her. She was not even that likable in the second season, but she get worst. She's almost 16 and she is not old enough to decide to get married (or at least have some imput in the decision) but she is old enough to work five days a week and go to school, that is nonsense. Rather than helping her find a suitable job for her, she barks at her to get a job, and then decides at the last minute to hire her for this job she hates without even discussing it with her first, and when she is pregnant. I don't even think she had a maturnity leave, she just went right back to work, which is not fair to John. Amy is failing in school because she is working too many hours, but her mother does not even consider that. Like it would do John any good if her mother failed school, hello! Amy has too many faults as well; she wants her mother to raise the baby and she expects her mother and her little sister who is not even in high school to take care of the baby and take over her job when she is gone. I do not think most teen mother are like that. Her sister seems more mature than she does in some ways. Ben wants go marry Amy, but he expects his father to take care of everything financially for him and does not want to do anything himself. Now, all he thinks about is sex, even though Amy really does not want to have sex. I like Ben's father though; I like how he is teaching Ben to be responsible. Ricky is more mature this season, but still not that likable; he seems a little distant at times and has unrealistic expectations of Amy. He does provide for John, which is great. And I thought it was nice how him and Ben told her not to worry about working because they would support the baby. Of course her mother made her work anyway, because she is technically a single mother. I never liked Grace, even when she did help Amy; I think she only did it so she could feel better about herself and hate her family. She is bossy and her whole family treated the brother's girlfriend like they were all above her. During the first season, the father had the nerve to tell Adrian, their friend that the right thing for Amy to do is put the baby up for adoption. Of course you expect characters to have faults and mothers tend to not always be right, but in this show, I feel like they are preaching and they are trying to say that Anne is such a great mother, without faults. Additionally, I do not like how Amy lets her mother control her all the time. I hope if the show goes on till she is 18, she moves out and marries Ben. I felts the movie "For Keeps," with Molly Ringwald did a great job and teaching about the consequences of teen pregnacy without patranizing or preaching teens. The parents were definitely not perfect, but they were not trying to say the parents were so great. I know this show is trying to make teen prenacy seem unappealing, but they just make it depression and I think it is insulting for teen moms. They could make Amy seem more heroic, a model teen mom, not that I think you should encourage teen pregnacy, but encourage teen moms to be better. They could use this opportunity to show how Amy works hard to do well in school and wants to be a good mother for John. I am not saying be unrealistic; they should show how hard it is, but they could also show the characters making the best of the situation. I mean it is like they want Amy to be punished because she got pregnant and I feel like they are saying teen mothers should be. If anybody should learn to take responsibility for the actions I think it should be Ricky; it seemed like Amy did not have a clue what she was doing and her mother should have taught her not to have sex with boys! But I think Ricky has learned his lesson; now he is working hard to supporty little John. Perhaps he should participate more in the expenses of little John. He should be the one to pay for the diapers and the day care instead of Amy having to work for her earnings, so she does not have to feel like she owns them, but they do not really show whether he does or not. I will continue to watch the show to learn whether or not it gets better.
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The Guardian (1990)
predictable and annoying
27 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was totally predictable and not that entertaining. By predictable, I mean the scary part of it, you know the nanny is going to be a bad news, you know they are going to find out and eventually save the baby, as scary movies tends to end that way. But even the method of saving the baby was not surprising, as it happened so fast. I saw this because my fiancé wanted to see it so I did not have any interest. The movie starts with the Alan wanting Molly to go back to work even though she has a baby and does not seem to want to leave her him and they seem to have enough money. Yet Molly goes along with Alan and hires a guardian without any questions. I would have expected her to argue or refuse (well refusing wouldn't work because the nanny is how the story starts). As a matter a fact, Molly makes a joke about how she does not trust her husband with the nanny they interviewed (who they eventually hired) because she is so pretty. At that point they were leaning towards this other woman they interviewed who seemed ideal; a college student majoring in education,with an ambition to teach the child to swim. After she dies, they automatically accept this woman no questions asked, even though to me she seemed very strange, getting to involved in things that should not be her business, such as her obsession over her belief of breast feeding. Regardless of all this, the very protective mother, who didn't even want to leave the child in the first place, accepts this nanny and does not even bother to check her references. After that, she lets the nanny practically raise the child, letting her take baths with him naked and the father waled in. Although I have family in England and they are not as uptight with nudidty, (which is fine) I think a nanny bathing with a baby naked would be questionable. This movie contained such annoying nonsense. The nanny actually wanted to kidnap the baby so she could feed it to the tree, and actually she was the spirit of the tree, which is not a particularly scary or interesting story line. They had this really weird sex scene; it is not uncommon for horror movies to have sex scenes, but this was weird. Alan had a dream of the nanny magically appearing and having sex with him, without his concent and it was not like some fantasy or anything; he seemed freaked out. He never seemed interested her that way and she never showed any interest in him romantically or any men for that matter, so what was the point of that scene? As a matter a fact, her only focus was feeding the baby breast milk so she could feed him to the tree. They tried to hook her up with their friend causing him to find out that she was doing something strange in the forest, which he learned when he followed her out one night she had off, to ask her to go out with him. This is not a story line that would be scary for adults; it sounds likes something from a children's fairy tale.
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Interesting, entertaining and sad. Great movie
26 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers! (Those who want to see the movie or book might not want to read this).

I read the book and it was interesting, while some things were different, many things were the same. They edited a lot out of the book, such as the story of Julia and Campbell (that was boring and cliché anyway) but I would have liked to have seen her character. Breslin did a great job playing Anna! I think she is a great actress and perfect for the role. The actress who played Kate was great too; we should see more of her. I heard Dakoda Fanning was considered for the role, but didn't want to shave her hair, whether that's true or not I don't know. Cameron Diaz did a great job! This role was completely different than any I've seen with her; this was the first time I saw her play a mother and she did a great job. She is a talented actress and is usually played in comedies or cartoons; its nice to see her play a serious role. One thing in the book that was different than the movie was Kate died in the movie, (if you didn't read the book don't read this part, its a spoiler for the book) Anna died in the end of a book as the result of a car accident with the lawyer Campbell who drove her home that day. Either way it was sad, but in the movie it was more expected. Many people were angered by the ending of the movie, but I think both were fine endings, either ending could happen. However, the author left the ending of the book for interpretation and there are many different ways to interpret if. In movie they sort of spoon fed it. I would have liked the sisters to live, not just because it would be less sad, but I wanted to know if She would have donated the kidney, neither the book nor the movie gave that opportunity. Another thing different in the movie, which you may feel is not important, but made a difference to me was that Sarah only gave up being a lawyer when her daughter had cancer; in the book she gave up law to raise her family and had not practiced law since Jesse was born. The reason that made a difference to me was because she fought as Kate's lawyer and in the book they mentioned she was rusty and had not practice law in a long time. Even in the movie it had to be at least since Anna was born, because she gave up law to take care of Kate, but they didn't really mention it her not practicing law in a while (I don't think) and it seemed like she really knew what she was doing. Also, Kate mentioned how much her mother gave up for her and how she gave up being a lawyer; perhaps that was why they changed it. At the end of the movie, they mention her going back to practicing law; in the book she didn't; either way is fine, just different. Sarahs sister (Kate's and her siblings aunt), whose name was changed in the movie, played a bigger role, which was interesting; it was more interesting to see another adult other than the parents playing a big role in the whole thing. In the book,although Sarahs sister (named Kelly in the movie) stayed over a lot and helped a lot, she did not move in with them and give up her career for them, which is not bad, just different then the movie. The actress that played Kelly was very talented! She was a beautiful actress; for some reason she looked tiny in the movie, but I looked her up after seeing her and she is on the tall side, but probably because she is so thin she looked tiny. I liked how they changed judge De Salvo to a woman, played very well by Joan Cusack! I don't know why but a woman who lost her daughter seemed to have more in common with Sarah and she understanding of both of them. She is a great actress! I heard a rumor that she was supposed to play Julia, but for some reason I could not picture her playing that role; she is beautiful, but just different than how I pictured Julia. Although Alec badlwen did a great job, his character, was not as likable in the movie and he did not have as much of a relationship with Anna. He seemed to have no sympathy for Sarah or Brian, whereas in the book he seemed more compassionate. All in all, great movie and great actress! Abegail Breslen has really grown since Kid Kiterage and American Girl!
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For Keeps? (1988)
Better that the Show Secret Life of the American Teenager
14 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers Secret Life of American Teenager to me is kind of like a modern day "For Keeps," but for Keeps is much better. It does not patronize teens or make it seem like they are constantly thinking of sex, it shows the consequence of teen pregnancy. This movie seems like it intends to entertain teens while teaching them a lesson. Also, it teaches a lesson without seeming that way; it is a lot less preachy than secret life. Unline Amy, Ringwald (who ironically is Amy's Mom is secret life) marries the man who gets her pregnant and does not want any help from her mom, neither of them look for their parents for help. They both get jobs and work hard to make it on their own. It shows how hard it is for both of them not to be able to pursuit their dreams, but how they love their baby more than anything.
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Taken (I) (2008)
Interesting movie and I don't usually like actions
28 March 2009
My friend saw this movie and recommended it; she said it was a good movie for young girls to see. I am not into actions and I am not at that age of meeting strange men (or strangers in general) or traveling with a wild friends and getting into mischief but it was very interesting and kept me hooked! It does teach a lesson on not trusting people who might seem charming; even if you don't picture yourself in a situation like this, it teaching a lesson on trusting people in general and it teaching a lesson on not doing anything you do not feel uncomfortable with. The main character's mean mother convinces the father to allow her to go on the trip; he agrees as long as she calls him and there is a guardian (which the friend thinks there is, as her friend said her cousin would be there) Spoilers: When the girls arrived to France and shared a cab with these charming men, her friend tells them where they are staying. The main character seems skeptical and implies to her friend that she shouldn't have done that, but she's like, its fine! She also realized her friend lied that her adult cousin would be there. Her father calls and she confides to him that there are not adults on the trip but kind of tells him its all fine; then she witnesses her friend being kidnapped and tells her father; his daughter gets kidnapped shortly after, while on the phone, but the father goes to France immediately to save her. The whole film is fast paste and interesting! Unfortunately her friend died, but her father saved her.
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Fireproof (2008)
Great movie!
9 October 2008
spoilers Great movie! I am not really religious but the storyline was terrific! I was surprised when I realized the little girl in the beginning was Catherine as a child. My boyfriend and I were trying to figure it out. At first I thought it might have been there daughter years later, but the actress who played Catherine looked too young (although I was not sure whether her character was in her 20s, because her mother looked really elderly. Later they said her mother had her when she was older) My boyfriend figured it out by the fact that she wanted to marry her father and he was a fireman. It was interesting to see Cameron again after many years; he has a lot of talent. He was not so likable in the beginning of the movie, but he turned out nice later. The ending was surprising and happy! It showed how a good person could turn around.
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Mamma Mia! (2008)
Great movie
9 August 2008
I loved the movie a lot; the music was great and the acting was great. Although Street acted well in the movie, I did not think she was a great choice. She is a very beautiful actress; however, based on the storyline, I thought they would have wanted a younger mother. Watching the movie and play, I kind of pictured the mother as being young and carefree when she had her child, not an older mother. But she does look great for a woman of almost 60 and her and Seyfried look a lot alike, which could have been a factor in her having the part. But I think maybe Christina Applegate would have been better for the role, as she has played on Broadway and sings well. Street was not the best singer (not bad though). Perhaps Nicole Kidman could have been good for the role; she is sings well and she's great actress; she looks young enough to be a younger mother. Seyfried was great for her role; it was nice seeing her where she played a big role, unlike Meangirls, where she was funny, but she just played a ditsy girl who did not get a lot of lines. She is a beautiful and talented actress! I liked the old ladies who were friends with Street; they were funny! It was nice to see Firth in another movie, as he is talented. All in all, it was a great movie.
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Labyrinth (1986)
Interesting movie for children who are old enough
22 July 2008
I saw it when I was six and it was a little scary but I understood it and kind of liked it, once I got over the scary part. So I guess it depends on the child. I believe HEnson left this movie for people to interpret in maybe different ways. Some people say the girl was a spoiled brat who learned to think of others. Some say her wish was revealing her hidden fears. I do not think Conolly's character was spoiled or selfish. She was a little immature for a fifteen year old, but at the same time very bright. But like a teenager, she appears self centered on the surface, but when it really mattered, when she was missing somebody she loved, she learned what was really important. I think it also showed her fears like somebody said. Also, her character was kind of a loner, and I think they implied that she had some issues, perhaps with her parents divorcing. Her parents seemed so rapped up in their own lives, going out all the time and hardly paying attention to their children. It did not seem like she had a lot of friends and it seemed she spent most of her free time in a fantasy world, reciting lines from that book. So I think this movie was sort of showing troubles, her fears as and her capability of facing them and how you appreciate somebody you love when they are gone. However, I think he made it evasive so it would be up to the viewer to interpret. The most clear message is how you realize you love somebody when they are lost.
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Army Wives (2007–2013)
Sad and keeps you hooked!
23 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers I love this show; I love the characters; even Joan, who a lot of people might not have liked after what she did (not letting that soldier save that girl) she has a soft kind side to her. I saw a commnet where somebody said they hated her, but she is showing a different side in these later episodeds. It was so sad when Amanda died; I loved her character; she was one of the most innocent, but I believe that was the whole idea, innocent people die in war and terrorist attacks. Poor Geremy; they didn't show him as much after that; the father just mentioned how hard it was for him, which is expected. I was hoping to see his characor more; I guess they kind of took him off the show, or he was unable to do it. When I first saw the episode, I thought she was alive and her mother was taking her to college, but I guess it was supposed to be a surprise ending. I had to watch it twice to get it, but that just shows what a great show it was, that you get hooked even the second time! I mean I would have rather had Betty die, but in the last episode, she showed a kind side, and it seems all of the characors at some point show a good side. Joan did when she told Roxy that her husband was okay and when she decided to keep her baby knowing how much of a good father Roland would be. I loved how in last episode, they showed God on the episode helping Claudia and helping that little boy to help her. It was hysterical seeing that sweet little boy accompany her on a date; in a way he was sort of helping her!
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Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves! (1997 TV Movie)
Not half as good as the first movie
31 March 2008
I just saw this movie recently with my boyfriend. This movie was okay; it was funny, but not half as great as the 1989 "honey we shrunk the kids". The only actor I believe to be from the first movie (or even the second) was Moranis. The actress that plays Diane is too young to be the same mother that was played by Strassman, who is much older and does not look anything like her. The movie was kind of funny and creative though. I guess since they had amovie with the kids being shrunk and blown up, they had to do one with the adults. But the first movie was made a decade before and the second one was made like five years before, so it was like the first one (and maybe the second one) was forgotten by the time this movie came out. I mean when the second one came out, it was only a few years later, so the same genration of children were still familiar with it. But I guess it kind of brought the first movie back so the next generation of children could enjoy the Szalinskins.
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