
41 Reviews
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Documentary is Not the Proper Term
23 March 2023
I think the most devastating part is watching these poor families cling to any possible explanation while conspiracy theorists delve into highly unlikely scenarios. There weren't any cold hard facts that really solidified or provided an ounce of validity to these "journalists" opinions, yes they were opinions. Jeff Wise-when did he become an aviation journalist by the way?-was more in love with himself and the sound of his own voice rather than helping to make this series reputable. I really hope these families gain closure one day as what happened is unimaginable even for 2014. Do not waste your time with this series as it is a far cry from a genuine and reputable documentary series.
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Hocus Pocus 2 (2022)
Some Movies Don't Need Sequels
8 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'll start it out by saying that my kids mostly enjoyed it but "couldn't figure out why the mean ladies had a happy ending." Hubby and I are tired out by stories or movies having stories about how all the bad guys/gals are really good in the end. I get the message the movie was trying to send, but sometimes the villains don't always need vindication in a film/franchise. Our kids were scared of the first because the witches ate children, so I get where they are coming from in not liking the second film's ending. I loved the original, it came out when I was our middle child's age and was really rooting for this. There were very enjoyable scenes, the older trio was great, but it was a movie that really wasn't meant to be made. The movie also had cliche characters-aloof mayor, dumb jock etc. Just kind of a yawn for the adults in the end. We aren't expecting a Game of Thrones battle but it was really weak compared to the original film's ending.
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A Delightful Surprise
9 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, I'm a cynic, I'll get that out of the way, yet every holiday I can't but help watch the Hallmarkish (that has to be a word) holiday movies. While I know the plot formula, and the cast for each movie (there are usually about 2-3 casts that change up for each movie even down to the dog), and the cheesy music-I still watch them. And while this movie had a predictable plot and cheesy moments, I really enjoyed the simplicity of it. Brooke Shields and Carey Elwes are veteran actors who realize that less is more. We start off meeting the heroine who is an extremely successful author who just killed off a beloved main character in her book series and fans are not happy. She also just went through a very public and messy divorce. She decides to travel to Scotland to get away to a castle that has important meaning to her family. Elwes plays a well educated but grumpy and nearly bankrupt aristocrat and he immediately clashes with Shield's character due to a misunderstanding. The castle is his but he must sell it and she wants to buy it-so it's a frosty beginning. Shields seeks refuge in a charming neighboring village during her time in Scotland that makes for some heat warming scenes.

The scenery was beautiful and the supporting cast delightful. I like that the two main characters fell in love over months not two days or at first sight. Is it an Oscar winner? No, indeed it is not. But it is a movie where you can sit with your kids and spouse with cocoa and watch it without worrying about bad language, a sex scene or laughing your way through the entire movie because of it's ridiculousness and horrific acting. Yes, to an extent it does have some ridiculousness in it, but some of the greatest Christmas movies have a sense of ridiculousness in it. It's Christmas after all and even this cynic sometimes wants to throw some reality out of the window from time to time. My biggest critique is that I wish that Elwes would have said " As you wish" at some point in the film. But alas that is another movie but for the genre this film was a pleasant surprise.
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The Requin (2022)
What did I just watch?
22 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There have been extremely bad movies on Prime and Netflix these days, and this was no exception. It started out promising and then it went from highly unlikely, to unbelievable, to completely and utterly ridiculous. One of the shark scenes where Alicia Silverstone was battling the shark with a boat motor was vaguely reminiscent of Sharknado. And that train wreck became a cult classic-this film will be etched in my brain as one of the worst I have ever watched. I had no words for the second half of the movie because I was laughing so hard I was crying because it was so terrible.
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A Disaster
21 August 2022
When I watched the trailer and saw the cast, my hopes were very high for this film. Winona Ryder is a very talented actress and was probably the only delightful thing about this film. The premise is good, but Ryder's and John Gallagher Jr.'s characters do not make decisions that make any sense at all. The first couple of scenes are both awkward and aggravating and I nearly shut it off. Both couples are mismatched and unlikable. Dermot Mulroney's character was the only one that kind of earned the viewer's buy-in despite the uncharacteristically wooden acting from Mulroney. The entire film does not seem to really want viewers to engage with it and almost feels voyeuristic-an element that can work for some films but not this one. Ryder's performance put depth into a poorly written character but the character is awkward, apathetic and nonsensical. The second half of the film is a downward spiral that ends in a train wreck. The cliches and flashbacks made the film exhausting to watch and when it ends you ask yourself what the point of all of it was. Save your time and money and pass on this one.
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Can't get my time back
12 June 2022
The premise was good, how it was executed was a bloody (no pun intended) mess. The voice overdid not help the story, it seemed like a 1940s-50's detective show gone wrong. On a bright note, Ali Larter looked great and was the only actor who was actually trying. The cinematography was well done, the writing lazy. It helped us fall asleep though.
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Worth the Wait
30 May 2022
If you loved the original you will love this. The flying in this movie and watching the F-18s was stunning. I got choked up, it was a movie that brought me back to my childhood but also spoke to a different age where unmanned aircraft is becoming more common. It was entertaining, had a decent storyline and it definitely didn't loose that loving feeling. Very much enjoyed it and was happy to go to a theater to see it not just for the stunning jet scenes but to experience it with other fans.
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Marry Me (2022)
Self Indulgent Crap
18 February 2022
My goddaughters took me to this, and while I think Jennifer Lopez has many talents, but this movie seemed more seemed like a self indulgent 2-hour long album promotion. It was lazy, at some times cringe-worthy really making me miss The Wedding Planner character.
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Promising but Casting...
9 December 2021
OK we watch these movies for a reason, but I apologize if I say that the male lead didn't act and look like a serial killer. Could be with me watching too much CSI and documentaries but oh lort! The resolution is what you probably will expect it to be. But the lack of chemistry between two leads is lacking to say the least. Watched the whole film but would never watch again.
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Should Have Become a Librarian
4 December 2021
The acting was absolutely terrible, even for a movie such as this. A supermodel looking librarian, (by the way to all the librarians out there it's not personal, but how many of you wear designer clothes and own a car that is most likely more than your income in a year?) Hollow and tone deaf to me, even for the genre. Thumbs down.
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Ok, the remakes are getting ridiculous
1 December 2021
I was a junior in high school when the original came out, and it was horrible but at least somewhat entertaining. I felt like I was watching the Hills/Laguna Beach/I Know What You did last Summer remake in the first half hour and then I couldn't subject myself to the rest of it. Good God I hope this is not the generation that's going to take care of me when I'm even older.
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Dear Christmas (2020 TV Movie)
Like ir for what is was
24 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The acting was way better than most Holiday movies. I think Melissa Joan Hart she held the weight to carry the cast. My complaints are that everyone expected her to be engaged and have children and Villainized her because she put priorities and life first. Then as a healthcare m professional seeing as CPR On the baby was a healthcare professional nightmare. However cit was cute, acting very decent .
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A Bride for Christmas (2012 TV Movie)
14 October 2021
In all honesty, I watched this because Hallmark holiday movies help me to zone out even though the music, acting, and a plot that is terrifically horrible and predictable. But I honestly have to say, the plot was predictable, however the acting was actually pretty good for what it was, there is a somewhat plot which is unusual for these types of movies, and I was genuinely entertained. So for a hallmark movie adverse person, this was actually decent.
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The Inheritance (I) (2020)
So Dull
28 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There were so many subplots that brought up question after question but no answers. The female leads actions or lack of actions made her quite ridiculous and unlikeable. The spouse character was a jerk right out of the gate and just randomly leaves her alone and hardly talks to her for days knowing she is in an uncomfortable situation. And the whole archives scene made no sense at all. Actually nothing much about the movie really made any sense, especially the ending. I kept waiting for an explanation to tie ever and was disappointed and equally dismayed I had wasted my time.
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The Legion (2020)
And this, kids, is why you don't do drugs
5 September 2021
From the horrific acting, horrible CGI and having most of the plot watching someone run over various terrains-snore. Although Mickey Rourke had some great nails.
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Eat Pray Love (2010)
19 May 2021
In all fairness, at the time I watch this movie I was going through a very difficult divorce. I also read the novel. I found the woman pretentious, spoiled and cushioned. Guess what? After my divorce I had to work 3 jobs, go through countless amounts of therapy and went through grad school. So yes, I understand the mental health issues that were addressed in the film because I experienced them. But this saga this woman-who is basically paid to write a book about her post divorce experiences while traveling through three beautiful countries and getting to do yoga and travel are completely and relatable. Movie wise, it was well directed, cinematography was on point, Julia Roberts as usual is a fantastic actress, decent supporting cast.
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11 May 2021
I was really looking forward to seeing this, I felt that it had a promising premise and the casting really piqued my interest. There is no character development throughout the film which was disappointing. The writers did not provide material that made you feel engaged with them, the dialogue completely useless. I immediately disliked the character of George in the first five minutes who came off as arrogant, selfish and overbearing. I kept waiting for something to happen but everything was quite benign except for the large yawns coming from my mouth. It felt very What Lies Beneathish without the jump scares or story development. It was very lazily done, and the ending fell flat. What a waste of great talent.
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Code Black (2013)
Honest from limited perspective
5 April 2021
This documentary is very honest about what happens, but it comes from a doctor perspective. It does not address nursing concerns, in fact They ignore the factor of patient to nurse ratio etc. They don't discuss all of third the people that help out- laboratory, respiratory therapy, and nursing, etc. The one thing I loved about it is that it talks about excessive documentation- it takes away fro taking care of patients efficiently.
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Land (I) (2021)
A little slow paced, but Not bad.
7 March 2021
There were things that I both loved about this film and then scratched my head about. I'm glad that they didn't flashback on why she made the actions she took. There were flashbacks of things in the movie but they were poetic-that really spoke to me as this movie is about somebody's grief. The scenery is beautiful. I better understood the reason for her actions she did what she did towards the end, but thinking you're going to go roughing it in an unforgiving land that you know nothing about?? I really felt that was either some sort of symbolic ode to her journey through the grief path but again this is HER way of healing, not mine. The acting was phenomenal, especially in the solo scenes, it's really hard two entice people to Watch these and actors a must use expressions, movement, even a couple of sentences to keep an audience captured. All snd all i give the film a seven out of 10 perhaps because it made me think about the process of grief in a different way.
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Dream Home Makeover (2020–2022)
Doesn't Stand Out
21 October 2020
While they seem like a very talented couple, the show's cliche formula was very boringly done. Two episodes in and I was more distracted by everyone's bleached veneers, carefully matched outfits and tone deaf mindsets. Yes, I love design shows as much as the next, but it felt like a half-assed produced copy of so many other shows. Instead of showing the work that it takes to accomplish such remodels, they kind of step in the room and give their spiel to the contractors and show up at the end for the reveal in between their cozy couch moments. We get it, you're a cute family but I would rather see the design and construction process. Pass.
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Overboard (2018)
No Chemistry
30 August 2020
Yes I'm an 80s kid, so the original with Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell is hard to beat. While I love Anna Faris in Eugenio Berdez there was absolutely no chemistry between the two of them. The movie was still cute and heartfelt, and taught important lessons. As a sidenote, the nursing boards is not taken in a gymnasium it's more like going to the CIA headquarters in Langley.
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United 93 (2006)
A film I didn't think I could watch again
10 June 2020
I never thought I'd watch it again as great as it was, but so painful. I rewatched it tonight and forgot how well made it was and how well it paid respect to the heroes of flight 93. I don't have the words, but a phenomenal film in it's raw approach and simplicity that captures only a fraction of a tragedy.
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9 May 2020
Hubby is a first responder and I'm a nurse, and love this film. It gives a look at the demons many face while trying to do their job, the imprint lost lives have on us, and how we try to cope. Outstanding performances and I love how the whole film gives a sort of gritty feel than a lot of medical shows and films.
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No Common Sense
4 May 2020
Ok in all fairness my hubby and I are first responders and picked this movie apart from determining human behavior. Trying to throw that out, there are sone truly stupid and unrealistic decisions made by the leads. However the premise was ok. It just was really poorly written.
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Stepmom (1998)
I wanted to like it
18 April 2020
Short and sweet, the adults act like children so it's completely believable that the children act spoiled and angry because their supposed role models are busy taking off their gloves. The mother supports the children sabotaging the new relationship regardless of their actions, the new stepmom is egocentric and is desperately "trying" but it seems everyone including her aloof fiancé really just want her to fail. Aside from that, I have to say, no woman can replace my mom, she's mom, but wouldn't you as a mom want their stepmom to succeed for the good for the kids? Just had a plot design that vindicated everyone's bad behavior.
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