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Fresh takes, clever angles
28 April 2024
The thing is, when you're looking for a horror movie, what you're really looking for is the vibe, the feeling. This was perfectly creepy, and the idea was original enough to keep you fully engaged all the way to the end. You know from the start that it won't end well, this a classic horror device, good horror writers understand that horror fans will be anchored and secured by story predictability, that it gives us a sense of control amid the tension that is presented. This was its strength. There were a few surprises, many quite clever, and though the end result could be construed as a touch campy, I really enjoyed the few moments at the end where you kind of add up everything that happened and see the way it all fits together. The movies leaves you wondering what happened after as well, pretty trippy stuff. There were some nice subtleties in the mystery of how it unravelled that hit some high notes with me. Very fresh, subtle and smart, but you do have to use your head and look past a few plot holes and character flaws. Not a masterpiece, at times inconsistent and confusing, but very enjoyable.
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21 May 2023
Great performances by Jake Gyllenhaal, and the performance by the interpreter was spot on, he was calm solid, and I would want him keeping my six. I loved the dialogue, but the best part of the movie was the honour that so many people express. Whether or not it's an accurate reflection of the military, and all the other hogwash people are trying to throw at it, the story is a simple one about honour and the price we pay for loyalty. I thought it was poetic, beautiful tragic, action, packed and full of poignant moments. The best line of the movie was when Jake Gyllenhaal says I have a hook in me. I felt that in my soul. I believe there are good people who would go to those lengths... I do. I'd like to think I'm one of them.
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1923 (2022–2023)
11 March 2023
The Show is cleverly written, the characters delightfully three-dimensional. After watching all of 1883, the first few episodes of 1923 were spent subconsciously trying to piece together the Dutton in the family tree, which was pretty fun. You slowly get to know Spencer Dutton, and wonder how he fits. And then he meets Alex. Enter one of the most excitingly depicted romances ever brought to the screen. I've rarely felt like that, like I was in the relationship along with them. The viewer really comes to love their flaws and qualities and you see how beautifully they accentuate each other, different kinds of boldness personified. That exciting feeling of them being perfect for each other somehow suffuses into you, and you feel like you're really taken along on the ride, as if the romance were not just witnessed, but somehow felt. And it's not just Spencer and Alex, the relationship between Harrison Ford and Helen Mirren's characters are equally as brilliant ; a similar kind of love, but more mature. You can feel the wildness in their history, you can sense that they were just like Spencer and Alex once. Each episode has one "Bang-Pow" moment where you jump off the couch, kind of freaking out a little bit. It's fantastic writing. Equally as impressive, each episode has at least one beautiful insight that shakes you to your core, whether it be political, poetic, philosophical, or otherwise. All the characters are vulnerable and accessible. The villains are perfect, impeccable, human. More importantly, the action and pacing keeps a very strong tension throughout each episode, and each episode's conclusion is a climax leaving you panting for more . 1883 was the exact same. Taylor Sheridan is an absolute genius. The plot, story, pacing characters, and all of the development are braided together so expertly that while you watch the show, you just feel like the world makes sense, and that makes for a great television! I have absolutely nothing to fault the show... The only flaw I can find is that I'm left wanting more, a lot more! (Season two confirmed - fewf!)
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One Shot (III) (2021)
Why the low ratings? This was filmed in one take!
17 November 2022
Great surprise. I was positively dazzled. The action was next level, really blood rushing stuff, the story was well paced, and well written, some of the actors were really really solid - the movie was pretty much shot in one take, maybe two. I thought it was incredible and was constantly marvelling at how ambitious it must have been to produce. Wow. They knocked it out of the park!! The main actor is such a powerhouse, I was grabbing my face and shouting at the screen. The low scores are just baffling. What more do you people want, man!? This was killerrrrrrr. I would say the only drawbacks are that the start of the movie is really awful, there are no subtitles on Netflix, and some of the actors are absolutely terrible. But all in all, I just can't believe how good it was, and how low the ratings are here thank you and good night.
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Killer Sally (2022)
People are not two dimensional video game characters
7 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I absolutely loved this mini series, full disclosure, though, I'm a sucker for true crime and I loved all the 80's wrestling stuff. Sick!! The central question: "did she or did she not have battered woman syndrome?" The answer: that's not the central question. I think this fascinating woman has the same problem as me; too honest. She told the truth about everything, including about being confused. The DA jumped on it. I don't think she is capable of lying. They asked her why she fired the second shot, and she said exactly what was going through her mind and from that, you have all your answers. 25 years was too much but she is happy and there for her kids again and karma seems to have blessed her, she seems very happy. Her kids are strong and I felt very proud of them despite their pain. This tragic story shows the devastating power of generational abuse, but also the beauty of life and redemption. As Colum McCann wrote: "I don't believe the world's a particularly beautiful place, but I do believe in redemption." This was beautiful to watch, the people were beautiful, the kids, Ray's friends, even the remorseful TV lady, Diane Dimond. Loved every minute. Thank you.
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I Came By (2022)
Very solid, don't be fooled by the haters
1 September 2022
I just wanted a good thriller to sink its teeth into me and I got what I wanted. It was captivating, my heart was beating out if my chest. I thought the directing was fresh and the plot was nicely unpredictable; a rarity in the thriller genre. The actors were solid. Jay and Naz were especially beautiful. I'm haunted by the tragedy, won't say more. I'm always baffled when imdb has so many insanely bad reviews for what is obviously a good movie. There might be some cringey cultural references but we're talking 3, maybe 4 eyerolls total. The substance of this film more than makes up for it. Solid thriller. 8.5/10. Some weird smear campaign stuff going on here.
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Old (2021)
Fresh and bold with a strained but commendable execution
25 September 2021
Hardcore skeptics need not apply. The concept and execution is very different from all the other movies you'll see out there, and the cinematography is pretty exceptional. It's a beautiful movie. There are a lot of surprisingly touching moments, and to my surprise a few funny ones as well. People said they hated the dialogue, but I found a few lines to be refreshing. It's not an absolutely amazing life-changing movie or anything like that, but it's definitely entertaining and though the ending was a bit lacklustre with some unnecessary scenes, it's still delivered. The plot holes were a pretty big problem: If you're the kind of person to get hung up on details, then you will not have a good time with this movie. There are a lot of basic things that don't make sense, but if you're able to ignore them, the movie is nice to watch. I just wouldn't want any other directors to shy away from creating entertaining movies like this just because a few grumpy grumps out there Are just foaming at the mouth waiting to tear anything innovative and thought provoking apart.
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Cherry (I) (2021)
How did pills and coke get shot?
2 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The bank f#$&@ of america scene is driving me insane. How did he manage to get out of the bank and omg who shot yellow jacket guy?? Why does no one care that I will never sleep again. I googled it and NOTHING. Great movie though. Loved it.
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the road to hell is paved with good intentions
7 March 2021
The two leads, both law enforcement but in different jurisdictions, work the same case, try to do good, and obsessively so. They are "good cops" who are giving their souls to the job.

Being good doesn't stop them from being human; they make mistakes, big ones and the theme of the film is revealed here. Just because you work hard and you're smart doesn't mean you will automatically win.

The movie has a lot of heart and though many people were confused by some of the plot lines and character decisions. I feel like it was this subtle, nuanced direction that actually made it so good. It felt authentic, like real life.

You hear a lot of people complaining here that movies try to hold your hand and spell it out too much.... this is more of a connect-the-dots approach which I like because it actually keeps you busy for a few hours post-movie while you continue to work out the details and make up your mind about what the film gave you.

This is a generous movie, it gives you alot and the fun is in pieceing it together. In that sense the film is a bit haunting, as it should be.

I found the end to be immensely satisfying. Apparently not a popular opinion, but Deake (Denzel), who is a good man, decides to help vindicate Jimmy (Malek) by slipping him a bit of peace of mind. Even though it was a lie, he didn't want Jimmy to be haunted because Deake saw so much of himself in him.

I think the closing scene with Mary and the Autopsy shows that someone did something somewhat like that for him, and it may have been the most kindhearted thing anyone did for him.... so he passed it on and did in kind, but went one step further and in a way made Jimmy feel vindicated.

My only gripe with the film is what happens when the bodies start to pile up again. How will Jimmy reconcile everything. But who cares.

Sometimes you see people struggling and they don't deserve it and all you can offer them is lies and a kind gesture to help.

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Fracture (2007)
When I want a murder mystery, this is where the bar is set, and that's high
7 March 2021
Total classic, simple and yet perfectly executed.

It's exactly what you want in a courtroom drama, and more. All the components are strong and come together to form a masterpiece.

Really great character development - super original arcs, punchy dialogue, ingenious methods of casting light on dimensions of their personality. I loved Romanud Pike's character. Though rather short and sweet, even hers was an original take as an offside love interest.

Incredible acting - At the time Ryan Gosling was just an up-and-coming actor but this movie really cemented him into stardom, he held a strong presence alongside Anthony Hopkins' nuanced performance, and that is no small feat.

Storyline & plot are perfectly paced; the movie takes its time, but that's courtroom thriller for you.

Best part of the movie for me was the chemistry. The two lead performances really delivered and their chemistry with all the others was intensely believable and that is the wholepoint of movies.

I simply loved this film, as simple as it was, I can equate it to a perfect bowl of pasta. Nothing fancy, but a perfectly executed bowl of pasta sure does hit the spot sometimes.
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Grabs you then makes you cringe
20 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It starts out interesting. The historical factoids and place and setting were well done. You really do get shook watching the footage. One of the first thoughts I had was "she is mentally ill" but then I thought, "no, they wouldn't make a documentary is that was the answer. That would be in bad taste."

The fact that they even made a documentary pointing out all the idiots and baseless theories when this story is really an extremely tragic story of a woman with mental illness is just bad. Bad people made this. They give you the most relevant details in the last 20 minutes and I literally facepalmed. Why did they even make this?

Listen. I have someone near and dear to me who takes meds and suffers from psychotic breaks and they just laugh it and make people with mental illness seem like baffoons. "Hey let's all stare at the sick lady!"

I feel like a dirty peeping tom having watched these people make a spectacle of mental illness.
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The Blackout (2019)
Absolutely loved it knowing it was not for everyone
13 June 2020
7/10! Non-stop insanely stylistic military ultraviolence, very original premise (Prometheus meets World War Z) and beautiful production values, this Russian Sci-Fi thrill ride is fresher than anything Hollywood has put out in a long long time. It has its flaws, many, but they are blinded by the film's raw ambition. Do subtitles not dub! Also it is very (very!) science fiction-y, so not for everyone.
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With a bit of patience, It all comes together perfectly.
7 June 2020
I admit to being super put off by Kerri Washington's facial expressions. I actually googled it out of curiosity and was LMAOing when I saw all the reviews about it here on IMDB. It Was almost a pass for me but I pushed through and in the end it was worth it.

The best way I can think to review this interesting show is to recall my husband asking me what was going on as he passed through the living room. It was so complicated to explain to him how all the storylines (the little fires everywhere) were intimately braided into one another in such a complex weave that it would take hours to explain.

At first it seems like it lacked focus, but everything comes together very satisfactorily. Satisfaction is a good word.

Reese Witherspoon is a powerhouse as usual and solidly wields the power and vulnerability of her character. In fact all the actors deliver powerhouse performances except you-know-who... and it's not that Mia Warren isn't beautifully portrayed, Kerri Washington is a fine actress... it's just that there is a visage of disgust constantly washing over her face in waves and it made me look away all the time with discomfort. Maybe that was the point.

Final note: my only other qualm is that the Bebe storyline was insanely frustrating. Personal opinion. Did not appreciate her character. At all.
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Climax (I) (2018)
Some good, some bad... not his best work
1 June 2020
Loved the dancing, the character development through dancing style was really awesome. Was nice to discover the characters in such a natural and entertaining way. Ditto the interviews and dialogue snippets. Really unique way to set up plotlines and setting. I was excited throughout the first half and third quarter thinking it would all come together.... but... what a mess.

After they realize the sangria is dosed, I don't understand what he was trying to convey. You watch the suffering and torment from the outside and keep waiting for a way in; a bottom line, a punchline. The movie has no end or meaning to it. No conclusions are drawn other than "wow sucks to be them".

Gaspar Noé's other works contain clear messages, And I love them. This movie I liked, but I don't know what the message was. Maybe there was none. Felt pointless and very definitely ungratifying. Meh. The esthetic and dancing were still great!

Also - Sophia Boutella is a revelation as usual!! So much gravitas - fantastic - dare I say amazing performance that not just anyone could have pulled off. (The tantrum) Her performance was 10/10.
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Slow burn to a bonfire
21 May 2020
All these people saying "i guessed the plot at 5 minutes / 13 minutes / 20 minutes".... what are you, 10 years old?? Smh. Bunch of weirdos.

Not super predictable though I did guess the punchline a few MINUTES before the reveal at the very end. The movie was slow but not so slow that I was pondering the plot twist the whole time. Maybe if I treated the viewing that way I might have beat their scores. I was too busy being mesmerized by the mood and suspense.

Despite the cool mood, this slowly becomes a very emotional movie and really finds its heart at the end. Points for that. Hard to do. The twins are sensational.
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The Sinner: Part VIII (2020)
Season 3, Episode 8
Not sure why 6.2
27 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Play with fire you're gonna get burned. That completes the saga of Jamie playing with matches all season. In the end Ambrose finally opens up and finds a deep connection with Sonya, partially due to their equally unhealthy curiosity for all things Jamie. They will always have that to bind them. So a good sense of completion for Ambrose and Sonya. Jamie even said goodbye to Leela in a touching way. I'm not sure what else people could want? Jamie's Bullheaded struggle to find depth, meaning and purpose led him down a murderous path and in the end he just wanted for someone to hold his hand and tell him that he's a good boy. And I believe that this happens with a lot of lost souls. We all want to feel alive. We all get that feeling. Jamie's arc was tender and innocent to start then he turned into a spoiled child with it and took everything for granted. It's an arc that is both beautiful and symmetrical and it plays up the Sinner's promise of delivering 3 dimensional characters that polarize and captivate you. So I gave it a ten. Haters gonna hate.
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Dark (2017–2020)
Finished it in November - its February and I still think about it all the time
13 February 2020
I'm waiting for my brain to forget just enough details that I can watch it again and feel that similar feeling I had throughout the show. So trippy and deep, exactly what a series about time travel should be.

I still can't find any flaws in it... I mean maybe some plot stuff? I honestly don't care. The character arcs are perfect, the storylines are perfect, the theme is perfect, the premise is perfect... LOL ...anyways you get the idea.

Just watch it on Netflix and don't worry about noticing that the german dubbing and subtitles don't match up, I came to find it part of the charm of watching.
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The Outsider (2020)
Amazing first two episodes... then not sure what happened... remains to be seen
3 February 2020
This is the second show that I watch and give a similar review to; I gave an eerily similar review to Dracula mini-series on netflix. I guess some people just aren't finishers - GREAT starters... poor finishers.

Episode three it goes downhill. They essentially replace an intriguing centerpiece character with a really nerve-grating character with ZERO gravitas that takes up so much time and space in the show that you will undoubtedly find yourself reaching for a phone or something to keep your attention. In one scene this new lame character spends almost 40 seconds staring at a mall parking lot camera which leads you to believe that it is important to the story somehow. So you bookmark that in your mind and think they will come back to it. Nope! They don't.

And they do that "extra long shot for added depth" thing many times subsequent to that, I guess to make you think? But think about what? It seems as though its done for "look and feel" only; it seems to me to be meaningless and I find that type of thing to be a betrayal of viewer trust. (maybe I just don't get what they were trying to say, too. I admit that.)

You should trust that when a director does those too-long shots, it's for a reason. But here the longpan shots are meaningless and everything just starts to take way too long, and the less you trust, the less attention you pay. Before long, you're listing your groceries in your head and thinking about a work email and what to reply to your boss. Just like that, you are bored. They spend so much time on this brand new character who is so completely different from the others that the tone of the whole show suffers and feels like it takes a swerving hard right.

The first two episodes I wanted to know about many things. I had many questions. I was veritably intrigued. Soon, the answers become too akin to something like "the boogyman did it". Which is fine. Not my shtick, but fine. My gripes aren't with the supernatural-seeming elements.

There is a romantic relationship that starts to burgeon and it's so boring and displaced within the scope and premise of the show that it made me literally pause and question the whole thing. Maybe it's a question of taste but holy cow man, feels just like filler. YO GUYS!! I want to know what is happening with the murders and characters of episode one and two! ... why would I want to see an off-tone, brand new character develop feelings for another off-tone, brand new character? You had my attention! Hook line and sinker! But alas it was squandered.

I will say this.... In the first two episodes, the atmosphere is fantastic. It's just about as gripping and brilliant as you can get. The camera work is top shelf. Jason Bateman is a brilliant genius and we haven't even seen the best of him yet. Finally, I love Ben Mendelsohn. So so much. Always have. Bloodlines! OMG! He was incredible! NOW THAT was a great show!! Focused premise and mood! Tight script! Expertly written, directed, produced, casted, acted... it's like black and white.

Ben Mendelsohn is an underrated, brilliant actor and I will probably watch the rest of the series just for him... as long as the new character and the love interest angle are squashed... and they find a way to return to the intrigue of the story in a more focused manner. But I doubt they will pull it off. I don't think the show will get any better. I feel certain that this early on, at episode 4, I have already figured out what is going on and my guess is that that the next 6 episodes will be one long detour / stall from the prematurely revealed denouement with writers scrambling to keep me interested / guessing with cheap tricks and red herrings.

If it doesn't get worse I will edit this review and apologize. Promise! But don't hold your breath. If something better comes along, I will likely just drop it, as I'm sure many others will too.
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Dracula (2020)
2 thirds of a masterpiece. First two episodes were groundbreaking!
9 January 2020
Watch for those episodes alone, they are both masterpieces! The last one was a let down. It felt so rushed to completion, the themes were unclear, characters were unevenly portrayed, given lopsided attention. There was very little cohesive structure, it all felt thrown together. On top of that, the youth portion was very cringey to watch, yikes. Seriously, yikes. The "beauty" character had all the likability of a wet sock and the ending was vague and unsatisfying. Still I wholeheartedly recommend for the first two. What a strange mini series. Actual score is 6.6, for 10/10 on the first two and 0 on the last. LOL Wish it had ended differently!
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Euphoria (2019– )
Intense, dazzling, contemplative and unashamedly raw
6 November 2019
I've always been attracted to the seedy underbelly of things. This show is so raw and voyeuristic that I found myself looking around to see if anyone was watching me watching this. Felt like a peeping Tom and loved every minute of it.... behold life, love, longing, heartache, joy, struggle and the unbearable lightness of being. I feel connected after watching this. We really are all in the same boat. Extra points for a killer score and the expert juxtaposition of music and scene. Really intense. Had goosebumps often. Loved it so much so that I wonder if I will have withdrawals tomorrow LOL

One point deduction for structure. I'm not sure what really happened and what the point of certain scenes were, but I don't really care. I'm dazzled anyways.
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The Kill Team (2019)
moral dilemmas with a backdrop of war
24 October 2019
8.5 rating. Snitches get stitches. I liked this movie because even I felt like I wasn't sure which side I was on at times.

Acting was seriously on point - Nat Wolff was great and I can't wait to see more of him. His presence was really nuanced and subtle but his character held all the emotional weight and you were right there with him, even though the script was sparse for his character...most of what needed to be communicated was done wordlessly and really effectively. Adam Long was equally talented, of course the great Alexander Skarsgard never dissapoints and his character manages to be charming and seductive as always. The acting was really top shelf. I suspect the angsty script and lush characters really inspired the strong performances. It was pretty gripping.

I didn't like it as a "war movie". The setting is in Afghanistan and so you expect action (my mistake), But really the war is there only as a backdrop to flawless character studies. I suspect many people will be falsely drawn to this movie, hoping it is something else when really it's a drama. I look at the poster and feel it could be misleading. There is no action is this movie. Well a bit, but not enough to warrant the plume of smoke on the poster. The marketing may have been misrepresentative here. Question of managing expectations; it just so happens I love good acting, engaging storytelling and Alexander Skarsgard - so I wasn't so dissappointed.

I really loved the jealousy and vying for attention that the characters had for Sargent Deeks (Skarsgard) The whole situation was entirely plausible and it shouldn't have been, which is why the story was so good.

I think the low scores are from people who like action stuff like Hobbs & Shaw and didn't read up to understand what they were about to watch. This is a really solid movie and some of the concepts are still lingering inside me. (the conscience bullet)

I loved it.
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Altered Carbon (2018–2020)
gorgeous aesthetic and artistic direction wasted on poor script and vapid acting
17 February 2018
Joel Kinnamen was the reason I finished the season, and even my crush on him wasn't enough to stop the eyerolls from coming. What was good was really really good: aesthetic, vibe, trippy concepts that translated well to the screen, beautiful backdrop and set design, great futurism in general. BUT WOW. what was bad was really really bad: irrational science, terrible fight scenes, unexplained acronyms in every episode, caricatures for main characters, very strange motives left unexplained, it all leaves you with the feeling that you always accidentally skipped an episode, beacuse you're lost EVERY EPISODE. no you're not dumb, the writing is just awful. And boy oh boy the predictability of it all.... I was shocked to be honest. The completion of the series main plot arc has all the freshness of sealed hockey bag left in a hot car. Probably unbearable for most people. What a let down. And yet the good stuff was REALLY GOOD. So please don't stop making this stuff, just hire a better writing team. Please?
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Finally a credible piece on post-apocalyptic survival
17 September 2017
Extraordinarily well executed, fresh, replete with lots of smart details bring it all to life. The characters are believable; raw and wild, running on their baser instincts, struggling to be civil in a world where gnash-toothed animals survive and civility only gets you dead. They try to be civil! Oh bless their hearts they try.

What I loved the most is the transformation you see in the characters; they go from feral, viciously unlikeable creeps to slowly warming up and right before your eyes they bloom into something like humans again, full of love and empathy and hate and greed and loyalty and all the paradoxes of the human condition. The setting is well fleshed out, with enough mystery regarding the details of society's breakdown to suspend any disbelief you might have about the premise. You feel like it's real. The characters further help you sense the desperation and anxiety of the world portrayed here. It's very somatic; you feel the hunger, the distrust, the anger and the violence of revenge.

I was left feeling grateful for the world I live in, which is the purpose of theme I suspect. It really could be worse. Watch this movie and feel intense gratitude for your humdrum life. Enjoy!
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Get Out (I) (2017)
Brave theme, skilled pacing, great direction, awesome plot
17 September 2017
It's very refreshing to enjoy a masterpiece, obviously. This is an art piece. Just because horror and comedy don't get labelled as art very often doesn't mean it isn't possible. Why? The movie doesn't care what you have to say about it, it just wants to be itself, get its message through, which it does in brilliant fashion. So many layers in this movie will inspire you to reflect on people and society from a fresh perspective. The leads' performance and character development is the kingpin holding it all together. Here you get a brilliantly subtle portrayal of a well fleshed out main character. I'm not a fan of Key & Peele so I resisted watching the flick out of expectation that the humour would turn me off. So glad I gave in and watched it as this film in fact presents a well balanced, thoughtful and expertly wielded theme; one which most are too fearful to touch with a ten foot pole. It must be tough to create a clear, focused vision with topics that are so controversial, but clearly there is much more to Peele than the lighthearted comedian, for here he has have crafted and directed a bold, mature and most of all, important piece of cinema. All the while the horror is still good horror and the humour is still good humour. Smart. Very very smart.
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A tough theme, presented well but left unresolved
17 September 2017
I'm not sure if the message of the film is nihilism or what. The characters don't grow or change, the struggles exploited in the film are left clinging to life by the end and you wonder what the director was really trying to say. If the purpose was to make you feel the hopelessness that the characters felt in their difficult situation, then fine, that's a great message. But the development of the characters is so lacking that in the end you actually don't get to experience that. They make poor choices and you don't understand why. The motives are very weakly executed. Fatal flaw. There is no intimacy with their actions, no empathy, at all. They are just strangers that you don't know. So while you are watching something with fantastic cinematography, tackling an important topic with touches on the darkest, furthest borders of human experience, you're left just watching it from the outside, not ever getting the sense of what the characters are feeling or thinking. There is no lesson. You don't learn from them. You don't want to because there is nothing special about them. It's like watching a stranger make mistakes but not caring because its none of your business. Except that in my opinion, a well crafted film should make you feel like it IS your business. I love the stark, hopeless theme, but it's poorly executed. Check out the Road if that's what you're looking for.
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