This is one of those stories that makes one feel hopeless about humankind. A couple of self-involved, lusty individuals stick together for several years of unhappy relationship. Eventually, even though they both wanted out, neither left until the bitter end.
Ray and Sally were two bodybuilders so wrapped up with their "career" that they kind of forgot about her two children destined to follow in their footpath of broken families and violent upbringing.
Sally gets the lion's share of the documentary and gives her own - biased - version of the story. Even if Ray was violent towards her, she did not leave. Especially her statement about being ready to move back with her parents rings false. She stated that "It was too late" without explaining why. What actually stopped her? Certainly not Ray, who was ready to move on with his lover...
Anyway, in true Netflix spirit, they try to turn Sally into a sort of saint martyr, and they manage because the audience seems not to have noticed the extremely relevant part of her reloading the shotgun to put another round into Ray, who was lying on the floor dying. That was what made her spend 25 years in prison - like it or not, reloading and shooting somebody on the ground rules out self-defense.
However, this is a depressing story were all the parties involved are equally repulsive and pathetic, a bunch of people totally unable to exercise any form of self-control or restrain and capable only to follow their instincts in a savage and brutal way.