
13 Reviews
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Forever (I) (2018)
Its a good show, but not a comedy
26 October 2018
When I started watching this show I had no expectations, I didn't even hear about it until Amazon suggested it for me as a "comedy". In a lot of places, this show made me cringe, but there is something about it that made me want to watch the next episode. One thing...its not a comedy in any shape or form. Sure, it has some jokes and some out of place swear words, but those things, no matter how funny they are by themselves, don't make the show a comedy. Even when the main character drops F bombs 10 times during 1 minute conversation, still not a comedy. Despite everything mentioned above, "Forever" is charming and sad, and is worth watching.
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Nine Lives (I) (2016)
its not as bad as people say
9 August 2016
I've read some awful reviews about this movie and my expectations were set low. I was expecting to be dragged by my kids to a mix of "Baby Geniuses 2" and "Battlefield Earth". But I was pleasantly surprised. This movie won't win any Oscars, but its a reasonable kids movie. Kids liked it, and I was OK with it. Yes, the plot is predictable, and the jokes are pretty flat, but they are geared toward 10 year olds and adults who really like cats, and that is what is expected from a kids movie about a cat. If you hate cats, well, don't see it, see "Shaggy Dog" instead, its virtually the same plot, except its a different type of a pet. I think this movie is OK and I look forward to seeing new incarnations of the same plot in the future movies, such as "Being Goldie" (hint, hint movie studio, in about 10 years we will be ready for another one of those plots)
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Interstellar (2014)
a Sci-Fi masterpiece
5 November 2014
It doesn't matter if this is rated as Christopher Nolan's best or worst work. What matters is, this movie, though it is a sci-fi movie, is a movie about love. Its up there with Space Odyssey 2001 and Solaris (the original, not the remake). Its a Sci-fi movie that made me wipe my eyes. This is a true Nolan movie so there are unexpected plot twists and physics explanations that is confusing at times. They did hire theoretical physicist to make this movie and sci-fi events are based on his theories. For non physicists, just take things at face value and enjoy the movie. For those who are expecting this movie to be similar to: Armageddon, Transformers, Edge of Tomorrow, etc, you will be very much disappointed. Its not that kind of a sci-fi movie. Its more of a Cloud Atlas (not only because its almost 3 hours long) sci-fi than Guardians of the Galaxy action pack mindless entertainment.

I am sure this movie will make it to top 20 movies on IMDb, despite a large portion of people who will hate it, because they expected to see something similar to Startrek, and didn't count on this movie to be so sentimental and didn't bring tissues.
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In Time (2011)
What is this Communist propaganda
28 December 2011
I generally like sci-fi movies, especially the ones that portray somewhat dystopian societies, like in Brasil, Brave new world, or Gattaga. This movie tries to do the same, but it fails miserably. Though it has entertaining moments, the background drop is just weak. Most importantly, the message of the movie is just a bunch of communist garbage. The movie tries to be a social commentary on the wall street protesters and the message is similar: banks are bad, anyone who have money are bad, those who don't have money deserve more and all good. (where money is replaced by the new commodity in the movie, - time to live) It gets so ridiculous at some point, that its impossible to be taken seriously. Here is the test on whether you should see this movie or not, if you agree with this statement "no one should have millions of dollars if somebody has no money to buy food", go watch the movie, and don't forget sign over all your savings to the homeless shelter on the way out. For the rest of us, stay clear!!
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Drive (I) (2011)
not what you expect
17 October 2011
Judging from the name of the movie and from the limited trailers I've seen, I was expecting to see something similar to "Fast and furious" or "Ronin", but I was mistaken. This movie is done in pretty unique Art Deco style, which I have never seen in a movie done to such a degree. Its slow paced and grotesque. Even more violent scenes are done in a very slow paced subtle manner. Watching this movie is like looking at the dark superhero comic strip drawn by Lichtenstein. You would have to be in a certain mood to enjoy something like that, and I can see how a lot of people would find this movie boring and uneventful. With that said, I am truly amazed that the entire movie is done in the same unique style so well and in such a detail and with such superb acting. Despite being considered boring by some, I enjoyed watching it, it made my evening, and I am giving it 10 stars :)
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Inception (2010)
Go see the movie, will ya
19 July 2010
I had really really high expectations for this movie. Nolan's previous original plot movie "Memento" is one of my favorite movies. This movie is great and entertaining, the special effects are Matrix-worthy and are visually stunning. The idea of entering dreams and reality is pretty unique, however, the point of the movie "reality vs. dreams", is not new by any means. Conceptually, this movie is a mix of Memento/Matrix/Brasil. As far as DeCaprio's performance is concerned, I find it a bit weird that this is the second movie where he is playing a "widower stricken with guilt over his wife's death, for which he is indirectly responsible", first movie is Shutter Island. Hopefully, that doesn't mean that he is turning into 1 trick pony. With everything said above, this movie is worth seeing in the movie theater, you will be sucked in into the world of dreams and special effects for a little over 2 hours and will be wildly entertained.
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Avatar (2009)
a visual must see
11 January 2010
I am sure that my comment will be lost somewhere in the thousands of comments out there, but I will write it anyways :)

The movie is visually amazing and its the best 3D movie I ever saw. An alien planet and an alien race created so beautifully, vividly, and real, that watching this movie is like watching an artwork in the museum. It doesn't matter whats drawn on it, and it doesn't matter if you agree with what it says, you can't look away from the screen because its beautiful.

As for the plot, well....its very very similar to Pocahontas, except, the indigenous people here are the blue aliens. The name of the planet and its characteristics taken from 1960s Russian science fiction series Noon Universe. Its hard for me to believe that some people like this movie for the fairly primitive plot, you can pretty much guess how this movie is going end, about 10 minutes into the movie, but it doesn't take away from the movie or from a fact that this movie is a must see for a 3d movie theater or IMAX.
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City Island (2009)
Great movie
21 December 2009
I stumbled upon this movie accidentally and haven't even heard of this movie until the night of watching it. All I can say is WOW!!! This is such a great movie. Andy Garcia performance is amazing.

This movie is not a Hollywood mainstream. In a way, its similar to Little Miss Sunshine: dysfunctional family, every character is a weirdo, Even grandpa from Little Miss sunshine is in this movie, but its different. Similarly to Little Miss Sunshine, its a low budget independent film. If you didn't like Little Miss Sunshine, and you don't like that genre in general, you probably won't like this movie.

Personally, I loved this movie and in my list, it is in the top 10 of this movies I've seen this year.
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Wow. I can't believe this movie is not in the bottom 100
27 July 2009
I am writing this warning to you. I caught this movie on TV and thought, Hey Bruce Willis, Holly Barry, this movie should be decent. But NOOOOOO. Its is really awful, pointless, and stupid. I should have turned it off in the beginning, when it was really boring and looked like its going to be a stupid movie. I watched this unique piece of cinematography all the way to the end titles. When they started rolling, I threw up inside my mouth a little. Without giving away the plot of the movie, in case some of you despite my warning would want to see it, this is how its going to unfold...Boring, Boring, Confusing dialog, More Boring Stuff, Little More Boring, "Whaaat?? That is so dumb" ...and then the end titles roll in. Yes, It is that bad.
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Star Trek (2009)
Its good. But I did find few things kinda weired
15 June 2009
I was a fan of star trek when I was a teenager, but haven't watched it for years. I did catch the previous star trek movie (resurrection??) on TV, and was surprised that I actually watched this crap when I was little. I was somewhat reluctant to see this movie, but I am glad I did. Its an entertaining movie, great plot, excellent visual effects. The first half of the movie seems a bit better then the second half. The second half seems kinda odd. The ending battle just seems out of place. And another thing...what is up with shooting scenes with the top portions of the heads cut off?? Was I the only one who noticed it? The shots of faces seem to end at the eyes, and the forehead and hair are cutoff. I guess it was done on purpose, but its annoying. If the close ups scenes are like the exclamation points, then "Do you really need that many exclamation points"? Comparing to the previous star trek movies, this is a masterpiece. Its an entertaining movie even for non Trekkie's. I am expecting either a second movie or a new TV series within a couple of years.
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a bit disappointed.
13 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Well....Its not that I have high hopes and expectations from a James Bond movie, but these movies are suppose to be funny and witty, with lots of new gadgets, beautiful girls and horrific villains. Where is "No Mr Bond, I expect you to die", where is "shaken no stirred", where is "I thought Christmas comes only once a year", where is "Q" or "R" with laser lighters and exploding pens? None of these elements where in this movie. This was just another action movie, nothing really spectacular or memorable. You wouldn't think its James Bond, if the title wouldn't say so. Now about the Plot. What? All this work, overthrowing the government, dealing with the CIA just to sell a fresh water to Bolivia at higher prices? Those damn utility companies. Is it me or does it seem like the writers ran out of the ideas. Again, I don't expect the Jams Bonds plots to be plausible, but at least it should be something grand like: "villain is trying to suck,compress, and liquefy all the world's air into the underground chamber, so he will sell it back to public." . Instead of increasing the water bill utility by 50% in Bolivia, what is it, the whole $7000 more a month. I guess in these economic times we have to kill a lot of people for $7000 a month.
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Babel (I) (2006)
Really really really pretentious
29 July 2008
OK, I finally watched this movie. I typically like unusual and complicated movies withe different plots, but oh boy, I really really hated this one. I liked "Amores perros" (same director/writer as this one), for example, for its unique style and twisted plot, but this movie simply copied that style, so stylistically, it wasn't anything new. The plot was boring and character development weak. I didn't like any of the characters, by the end of the movie I was hoping that, like in Dr. Strangelove, the movie would end with a nuclear holocaust, just so all the characters in the movie would die. The story was so boring, and primitive, you could guess what is going to happen next. I found nothing that this movie could offer except its own pretentiousness. Watching this movie, is like going on a date with a really stock up girl, who keeps on talking about herself for two hours and you don't get the opportunity to say 1 sentence during her monologue. I couldn't wait for the final credits to roll on the screen.
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In Bruges (2008)
A great movie
30 March 2008
I saw this movie yesterday. After reading the reviews here I thought that I am going to see a crime comedy, similar to that of Guy Ritchie's Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. Its not. Its a drama with comic reliefs, and I am not sure whether overusing "Fu*king" and "Bruges is a sh*t hole" is that funny or just suppose to ease the tension that the movie would have imposed on the audience otherwise. With that said, I really enjoyed the movie. It got a Tarantino like dialog, though its not a rip off. It has a beautiful setting of Bruges and I enjoyed Hieronymus Bosch references. Colin Farrell's performance is amazing and plot is interesting. There are few movies which I will think about months after watching them and I think this will be one of these movies.
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