
26 Reviews
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Young Rock (2021–2023)
12 December 2022
Seems to me to be all about that over- inflated ego of yet another semi- good actor. He is patting his own self on the back. Television is just so bad these days. Nothing good and family friendly any more. They are all fans of themselves and also their own worst enemy. You can't even trust good old Disney anymore. It's really sad what Hollywood has come to and it's hard to find decent entertainment at all these days. If tv is not trying to infect our children with immorality&perversion,then it is movies,even Disney. I know very few people(I have a large circle) that are watching TV,but are also keeping their children from it.
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16 July 2022
The most ridiculous excuse for a movie..... EVER! Jane Campion. You weirdo......., YHGTBKM. Academy........ this proves to everyone everywhere that you have zero common sense about what is good to watch. More of your wokeness crap. I think you are ALL SICKOs.
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Nick Cannon (2021–2022)
12 January 2022
Anyone giving this more than 2 stars has zero moral compass. It is beyond explanation. Nick Cannon is a sorry excuse for a human. To think he has fathered children(many by all different women) is just wild. He shouldn't be allowed to reproduce&should NEVER EVER be allowed around children. How could anyone think differently. It doesn't say much for their character.
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American Idol (2002– )
7 April 2021
Enough already! First of all....... Katy Perry as a judge is just preposterous. In fact,the talent on the judge panel is just so so. It is mind-numbing just seeing the commercials.
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Nick Cannon: F#Ck Nick Cannon (2013 TV Special)
Not Sorry
7 April 2021
Nick Cannon has zero talent and he is a sad sad excuse of a human. I cannot believe that anyone is still giving him a time slot anywhere or anytime. What a waste of space.
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Tucker Carlson Tonight (2016–2023)
25 July 2020
Tucker tells the truth! He doesn't make up stories like CNN. He simply reports the truth;no bias,no fake stories. He and Greg Gutfeld tell it like it is. If you want to find out what is really going on,watch this shoe&avoid CNN MSNBC and other such biased fake news.
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Young Dylan (2020– )
25 July 2020
Love Tyler,but this show is bad!Nick is a pretty fair so much better than Disney.This show is not just bad,but embarrassingly bad. Script awful,&acting is worse. I think Tyler's willingness to help people out with a job,is costing him good reviews.
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The Disney Family Singalong (2020 TV Special)
9 July 2020
Again Disney you put together family music singalong,but this lineup is full of gangsters and perverts. Do us all a favor Disney........just stop. This is about family as much as the Manson family. You have done so much wrong for family. I'm not surprised though,you've been perverted since ABC got involved. This so not about family.Just have let families down in a big way. Your image is ruined forever .
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19 February 2020
This film could be fun if a certain Jim Carrey wasn't in it. He just needs to throw in the towel. He is just a mess in this film.
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Cats (2019)
10 January 2020
You could've put real felines in this embarrassment and gotten better performances. How did good actors get mixed up with this joke?I guess since Hollywood becomes more insignificant each day,actors must be desperate to work doing anything.
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Little Women (2019)
Wrong cast
10 January 2020
You ruined a somewhat good movie by casting Meryl Streep. She is so overrated and just boring to watch. After her embarrassing performance in a horrible movie Mama Mia,I'm surprised she is working.She's just gross.
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Western Stars (2019)
No Longer the Boss
11 November 2019
Actually I have never been a fan,therefore I'm not sure why they refer to him as The Boss. Guy can't sing! He just screams and you can see the veins popping out in his neck.
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11 November 2019
Love Ed&Willem,hate Alec.He ruins everything he touches. William Shatner can act better than he can! I don't recommend!
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Hustlers (2019)
1 November 2019
Actually about par for JLo! Never could act......but this script is right up her alley! She's trash trying to sell trash! It doesn't say much for the people giving it good ratingsLOL! It's a shame for the couple of people in the movie that can act. Give it up JLo! The only thing you can do half decent is dance,even though it must be difficult to drag that giant _ss around! Julia Stiles is actually a decent actress&Keke,but how did someone like Mercedes Ruehl get mixed up with this script?
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Grey's Anatomy (2005– )
Bad Dream
28 September 2019
This show is laughable¬ because it's funny!Poor acting,but even worse the writers are just at a loss for anything good!Maybe if you go back to when Patrick Dempsey was still on the show,you'll find decent acting from Dempsey alone,but the writing was just as bad then too!Soap opera at its worst!Ellen Pompeo is just a big nobody who's never been good in anything&now she's just washed up and looking equally as bad as her acting!I can't believe it still has a time slot,but tv networks are losing ground&are obviously desperate !ABC has the worst lineup in the history of television!
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Selena she isn't
4 September 2019
Jennifer is such a joke ! She could never sing& mediocre at dance! Oh& don't even get me started on her acting!Her block-wide _ss is too big for her to be good at anything,but sitting! Give up Jennifer at least if you quit now you may come out with a little tiny bit of dignity. You are an embarrassment to those with talent.
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The Lion King (2019)
It's Familiar
19 July 2019
Jon Favreau just thinks he can direct! He does nothing special! Disney needs to leave these movies alone. Live action doesn't make anything better. The fact that they cast Beyoncé just ruined it. Donald Glover is like able& he is talented! If animals are talking,it just should be animated!
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The best I've seen
9 July 2019
We watched the whole season in one day! We couldn't stop! Waiting will be so hard. This has it all.........romance,comedy,horror,&drama! You will not be disappointed. The last chapter was the best thing I've watched in awhile. The cast is superb&they have a great script.
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Long Shot (2019)
4 May 2019
Really bad acting,but really really bad script. Charlize just needs to retire and Seth Rogen just needs to give up.
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PAW Patrol (2013– )
No Law
4 March 2019
My granddaughter loves this show,but where is the discipline? What are you teaching children when all these mischievous characters don't even get punished for all the mayhem they cause. You should really think about that. It's important for children to know that there are consequences for their actions.
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Grace and Frankie (2015–2022)
10 January 2019
Perverse and disgusting just like Hollywood! Since the death of 'Golden Hollywood', nothing is decent to watch! Everyone is determined to add every perversion known to man to sitcoms that are actually aired in family time slots.
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2 January 2019
SB is not funny! She's crazy and spends her whole show bashing our POTUS. She's rude,disrespectful and classless. She's not even creative,and she uses the same unfunny blah blah blah as every other unfunny talk show hosts.
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Second Act (2018)
Wannabe Anything
2 January 2019
Jennifer Lopez hasn't been good in anything since Selena! She is a horrible actress and brings everything she touches into the dumper. Poor Milo is good,but being in this eyesore with JL can only bring him down. She cannot sing,cannot act,But if she didn't have so much junk in her trunk,she can sorta dance.
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Where's Johnny?
19 October 2018
What was NBC thinking? Jimmy Fallon is not funny! It's an embarrassment to that great institution.Jay Leno did his best and actually paid homage to the show. Late night comedy is a thing of the past now. Nobody is funny.......only using their venue to spread hate.
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The Conners (2018–2024)
17 October 2018
Conners is a joke,but what else should we expect from ABC! Did anyone really think they could go on w/o Roseanne? She is the soul&glue of this sorry family! Honestly ABC What were you thinking?
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