
35 Reviews
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The Killer (2023)
Disappointed as this movie had huge potential
12 November 2023
Fincher is one of my favorite directors and Fassbender one of my favorite actors. So naturally i was so hyped for this movie because i also like the crime, atmospheric, neo/noir genre. But i got disappointed. Not because the movie is bad but because it had way more potential. It's not a bad movie but neither a great one. I think the revenge story simple plot of the movie brings this movie down as we have seen the same trope in countless films, with nothing unique in this movie to elevate it to a higher level.

The concept of the movie by Fincher's ambition is to bring us to the mind of a professional hit-man, how he views his daily life, his people around him and what it takes to finish the task in hand. He achieves this with many internal monologues, expressions and feelings of his facial expressions, his struggles both physical and mental. As a concept is cool yes, but it isn't enough to elevate the movie to something special.

One thing i really hoped the movie had was not a revenge story. A good plot thread would be how he slowly loses it mentally by the constant pressure of all these killings to both innocent people and not. How a big toll and burden is for him mentally with each new assassination. Because that can happen to the most cold blooded serial killers. How he slowly losses it and isn't well to operate to a professional level anymore. And as a result he decides to quit his job. But the people who he worked with need his skills. So he has to hide and face them all one by one coming for him. That is an example of a better concept at least for me.

Another concept the movie that could have explored in combination with my first example or separately from it is the assassinations. After his last hit, he is already burdened mentally from all these years working, he realizes that his contract that's assigned to him is to kill a whole family including little kids. And he refuses because he has at least a red line. And his decline to the contract spirals a manhunt through the entire movie. I already gave two examples of how the movie could have worked far better than a simple revenge story plot.

The cinematography of the movie was just a ok, nothing that blew my mind, have seen better honestly even from Fincher himself, and the musical score could have been better. It is a movie that i recommend watching one time in your couch and that's it. Nothing less nothing more. My dream neo-noir crime movie would be a Max Payne adaptation by David Fincher as the plot is already complete from the games and Fincher would do the perfect adaptation with his unique style but i know it will never happen sadly.
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Onimusha (2023)
One of the best Netflix shows this year
6 November 2023
I have played hundreds of single player games but never touched the Onimusha games. So i can't compare this adaptation on how faithful it is to the Capcom games. So coming unfamiliar to the lore and story i am generally pleasantly surprised about how good the anime turned out with just a few minor flaws.

Overall i liked this show way more than Castlevania Nocturne which i watched recently too. And the reasons are many. This show had extremely well written dialogues, the pacing was right and the protagonist was very intriguing and grounded. The art style was also fine to me. Nothing spectacular but i didn't have a problem with it at all. It felt unique on its own. It was like watching different sets of paintings. Like it was hand drawn art style and animation. Different doesn't mean bad. The rest of the characters besides Musashi were also quite good, with each one having different personality, motive and skills. The fantasy elements in the show was also done in a way that it didn't feel bloated and it balanced the realistic action fights very well. The action felt 90% on point with only in a few occasions becoming over the top. But i also have to point out some flaws too.

First flaw for me was that the villains were not interesting. The reason is that half of them either didn't have clear motives and backstories for them to care about, or their characters were simply very straightforward and one dimensional. Second flaw for me was that the show didn't took the time to explain some of the lore and mythical elements such as the gauntlet's origins, who made it and when, how Musashi knows about it to begin with and wanted it so badly that he fought countless men risking his life to obtain it and how the monks gave it so easily based on how valuable it was. I would also have liked to see the history and the conflict from flashbacks of the gods of this universe (Oni Vs Genma) and what each one represents with their different powers. A backstory through flashbacks of Musashi when he was young fighting through duels and wars, his training and upbringing and how he became the best swordsman would have been cool to see too, even if it was for a couple of minutes. This would be such a cool idea for a prequel series without having to rely on fantasy elements and the show would work just as good or better in my opinion because Musashi was a very well written character with a great voice actor.

Overall i am satisfied with the show, because it had most of the things i asked for. Great action, art style, voice acting, writing and pacing all amazing with only flaws being the villains and the very little explanation of the fantasy elements, powers and gods of this world. Feudal Japan is such a cool concept to adapt into live action, anime or games that i really hope the trend continues. I look forward to the Shogun live action Remake TV show, Ghost of Tsusima movie but most above all i look forward for the Sekiro anime adaptation that was announced just a couple of months ago. It is very similar in concept to Onimusha . If it has that kind of passion like these creators showed in this show with just higher production values it can easily be one of the greatest animes of all time. The Fromsoftware game that won Game of the year 2019 is still considered one of the greatest action games of all time and one of my favorite games.
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First half great, second half falls of a cliff
3 November 2023
The movie was sadly my least favorite out of the trilogy. First half of the movie was great because the pacing, humor, writing and action was on point. I was seriously impressed by how good things were developing. But the movie falls off dramatically after the 1.5 hour mark. The humor, writing and overall plot becomes tedious, repetitive and boring compared to the first half of the movie. The editing is also terrible with scenes cutting off constantly to show another scene with more pointless dialogue and action. The action scenes are terrible to the point you can't see clearly what is happening on screen with very fast camera cuts and weird angles. The main villain of the movie is quite interesting with his overall ideas and motive, but his big drawback is that he isn't intimidating at all because he doesn't seem powerful enough to cause a threat to the Guardians squad, he or his soldiers.

The movie's runtime was extremely long based on it's plot and premise and should have been at least 30 min shorter. That would have helped the movie tremendously on being more tight and cohesive. Also the fight scenes and choreography needed to be a lot better. But that is a constant trend on recent MCU movies compared to the action scenes of Phases 1-3. If i had to rank the trilogy i would say Guardians 2> Guardians 1> Guardians 3.
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Too little too late
20 October 2023
Sadly that's exactly how i feel about this show. The original Castlevania show was one of the most pleasant surprises because it was the first successful video game adaptation. It had great writing, art direction, animation, action scenes, pacing, music and character development and chemistry. While this show has amazing production values too it falls flat to the most important things.

First is the writing which took a big hit. Every dialogue seems forced, not fitting at all, no chemistry between the main protagonists, no interest villains that have no clear motives. The show also doesn't expand on why the revolution started, how it expanded, how it operates. Also the reason why the aristocrats are bad are because of the slaves? That's only one of the reasons not all. In that time period the problems that pushed the common people to their limit were way more than slavery and religion as this show portrays. Also it's borderline criminal that the show's main protagonist (Richter) gets so little screen time and instead focuses so much on Annette. Her character was the most boring thing out of the entire season. All of her scenes dragged down the pacing of the show. Why there are no flashbacks on the backstory of Maria, her mother and Ritchter when they were young, how they grew up together and their training in magic, combat and lore from Belmont family and history ? Annette of course has almost half of the season dedicated to her and her flashbacks. Not building a backstory or explaining who and what here motives of the Devourer of Light are was big mistake making her one dimensional villain.

Overall i have to say i am very disappointed after how good the original Casltevania was. I really hope they fix some of these many glaring problems next season.
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One Piece (2023– )
I felt a little kid again after watching this show
6 September 2023
I have to say that i know very few things about this universe because i have not read any of the manga and from the anime i watched only a couple of episodes as a little kid in the early 2000s but never bothered to watch it as i grown up. Many of my friends are big fans of the anime but they all started it years ago when it was very easy with very few episodes to pick it up. I have to say that after watching the live-action adaptation of Netflix i enjoyed it so much that i started the anime too. I felt a little kid again in a very nostalgic and positive way that i can't explain. (I am 29 years old) The first positive i have to say for this show is that all the actors that worked on it and most of them are not well known did such a wonderful job. Especially Buggy the Clown character, Luffy, Shanks, Mihawk, Sanji, Zef and Garp were outstanding. They seem so invested and passionate about this show and their characters while giving such good performances. The second positive is the lore and world building. They did a great job introducing all these things to newcomers like me. The third positive is the music. Each different song matches very well the theme of the Pirates and the Marines. And the icing on the cake is the action scenes and the blend of practical effects and cgi.

I have nothing major negative to say about this show except that in some dramatic scenes they overdid it a bit with the cheesy lines that kinda ruined the momentum. But overall the comedy was very spot on in almost all scenes. The show has also good messages to teach to all ages of people to always chase your dreams, never give up, be good and kind to others and protect your closest friends and families. And never afraid to defend yourself when you know you are right.

Highly recommend it, one of the best pleasant surprises i had for this year. I really hope Netflix renew it for not only a second season but many more because the source material is big and deserve such a good live action adaptation.
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Bloated, Overhyped and Dumb
3 June 2023
The latest edition of John Wick follows the same disappointing footsteps of Chapter 3. The first two John Wick movies were the best because they were more grounded and realistic. Their plot even though it was simple and straightforward it made way more sense than the latest two movies. Having also better writing, being more focused and having better villains helped them quite a lot. Also the fight scenes were far better than this movie

As we see in Chapter 4 the John Wick franchise follows the same path the Fast and Furious movies took. The first movies were the best for obvious reasons as i mentioned above and the more deep they expanded their universe and characters the more dumb the movies became. In this movie we have Daredevil fighting enemies without breaking a sweat and John seems to have complete invulnerability like he is Superman. There isn't any tension, or a sense of thrill or dread and fear in any of the fight scenes they show. The fight scenes in the first two chapters were way better because John/Keanu reacted faster so age does play an important role and most importantly they were directed better being more grounded and realistic. Being smaller scale helped them shine more, and in this one being having big scale set pieces wasn't the best choice. Moreover the villains in this movie they are straight from a fan-fiction cartoon acting incredible dumb, having the worst lines possible that it becomes not fun to watch at all. And don't make me laugh, i cringed so much with the dog and the guy who chases John especially in his last couple of scenes.

I generally don't recommend this movie at all and if you are a truly fan of the action genre that respects both the writing and the choreography and fight scenes of these movies i don't recommend this one at all. At least this movie had great cinematography so that's a positive. But in all other aspects from writing, directing and pacing, it did such a bad job.
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Enjoyable, fun and emotional
13 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Finally a movie worth watching in your free time. The film does a very good job of mixing fun, action scenes, set pieces and world building while having some key emotional scenes too. Chris Pine is the star of the movie and the best performance from all the actors by far while not undermining their roles at the same time. The movie feels like Guardians of the Galaxy in a Medieval fantasy universe and i loved it. The supporting cast is great and the two main villains as well. I really liked Hugh Grant's character being not good but not evil too. More of a grey anti-villain character. He is just a man who will do whatever it takes to be rich. That's all he cares about. But he will keep his promise to protect Edgin's daughter.

I had only three problems with the movie that i can't give it a perfect score. First the pacing feels kinda off towards the end of the movie like the final act of the movie was rushed. Secondly the introduction to the world wasn't the best thing for a newcomer as i am not familiar with D&D and as a result i didn't understand many of its regions, races and places they mention. Third and final negative the cgi isn't the best and it shows. It's just tolerable.

Still the movie was blast to watch in your free time and i highly recommend. The writing hits the notes really well and the actors had an amazing chemistry between them.
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Technical achievement is held back by bad writing
3 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So lets start first with the positives. The movie had great sound, and of course visual effects. Also the different locations and creatures designs were pretty good. The direction and fight scenes were also great and for the fight scenes i was impressed positively cause i didn't expect them to be that good. The movie also had some emotional scenes and i don't know why people say it was completely lifeless. Of course it isn't something groundbreaking or amazing in that regard but still it was decent with some key emotional moments.

Now lets go to the cons of the movie and what turned me off. First of all the pacing a.k.a film editing of the movie was so bad. The most important scenes just rehash and are on repeat over and over the whole second half of the movie. The one kid who always gets into trouble like a dozens of times and the hostage situation which happens three times in the whole movie. The kids get into trouble, they caught them and then they rescue them. Again in a continues predictable boring loop. How creative script! Also i suppose that the main villain of the third movie is gonna be the same guy for the third time in a row? Another creative direction.

Also the female general says in the beginning of the movie that they need all people who live on Earth to come to Pandora, and live here because Earth is dying. And what is their main focus out of all possible solutions to achieve that? Catch Sully? That is what will save humanity and make people adapt easier on the planet? Burn the forests and destroy the planet? Kill the creatures? Yeayyyyy. This movie forces political things so hard into the plot that nothing makes sense in a realistic situation. Final verdict 4. 4 for the production values, action scenes, locations and creatures and 0 for everything else that includes the writing, pacing, resolution of the movie and the plot holes that don't make sense as i mentioned.
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The Last of Us: Look for the Light (2023)
Season 1, Episode 9
Season 1 Review
15 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the few video game adaptations that are actually enjoyable and hits the marks most of the time, but it has many flaws too. Starting from the positives the show has great cinematography, acting, direction and atmosphere and the positives end there.

The show overall is good but nothing compared to the masterpiece of the game. I would say game is a clean 10/10 and TV show a 7/10. The game was way more fleshed out, character development and chemistry was far better because more time was shared between them and not off screen. Also the big mistake for the show was not going for more episodes or more screen time for budget reasons. They cut so much content from the game it's insane. This is coming from someone that has beaten the game multiple times including grounded difficulty and i am a big fan of the universe and the characters. Where is Bill's town and the graveyard-school fight with the clickers? Where is the university fight? Where is Tommy and Joel teaming up to save Ellie after she runs away? That didn't even happen in the show. Where is Tommy's town fight? Where is Joel brutal scary claustrophobic fight in the hotel basement with no light and trapped with dozens of clickers trying to escape? Where is David and Ellie scenes vs clickers?

Overall the show was good but it needed more episodes to flesh out character development, more scenes with clickers and hunters-raiders for a bit more action and a thriller element. Sadly HBO gave the show-runners a budget for 9 episodes only, with limited screen time too. Great show but not on the same level with the masterpiece that was the last of us video game. Castlevania on Netflix remains my favorite video game adaptation by far and the last of us follows up second place.
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It had much more potential but still good film
8 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First let me tell you that i really like similar type of movies, that are atmospheric, indy like, with great cinematography and hidden messages. Similar examples like the Green Knight are the Witch and Black Death both some of my favorite movies. These movies aren't necessary for general audience but more for cinephiles. I like the medieval dark fantasy element in both as a storytelling medium in TV and movies, and action-story focused in video games too.

The acting in this movie is very good with high quality actors, the direction, atmosphere and cinematography stunning and i really liked the ambient sounds of the movie. The sound mixing and editing was phenomenal at least for me. The writing was also great, i didn't have any problems at all and i don't get why people say the plot didn't make sense. The movie wants to tell a story on how through a self-discovery journey someone can find the mental strength and courage to face the hardships that he encounters in order to move up with his life. To achieve this he needs to move past the fear of death. Death comes to all, and its a natural evolution of the nature itself. The Green Knight represents the nature. People take from it but the nature pushes back and reclaims whats her. Green Knight warned Sir Gawain that whatever blow he lands on him he will seek to reclaim it. And Gawain instead of cutting him or injuring him he is either greedy or doesn't pay attention to what Green Knight said and cuts his entire head off. Green Knight accepts the true bravery and understands Gawain at the end of the movie when he realizes what he has done and what he needs to be as a king and lets him free.

Now the film struggles in one major point that i can't rate it above 7. It had the potential to reach perfect status but fails in that one thing. It doesn't utilize its fantasy horror elements by not blending it with some action or at least show some tense moments. Literally the entire movie has 0 minutes of action. Some people say that this wasn't the focus of the movie but for me its a major minus. I expected at least some duel with a fantasy element or real life duel on knight vs knight on the entire journey of the protagonist but it never came up. I just want to say it straight. I just wanted for a couple of minutes a Dark Souls type of fight but it never came on screen. Still a decent attempt of a film that it was an enjoyable and tripy experience. I just would have liked it more if it had some action scenes and more fantasy horror elements.
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The Last of Us: When We Are in Need (2023)
Season 1, Episode 8
Almost Perfect
6 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is tied with episode 5 as my favorite episodes so far in the show. It had almost everything (more to that later). Pacing is great, writing is excellent, Joel vs David's men, the amazing performance of Bella as Ellie and David. In this one David has more layers than the game cause we don't see only David's henchmen but the normal population and the residents that he leads. We see more of him with his religious aspect. He thinks that it's God's will that he needs to do all these terrible things to survive and that is his excuse. So from his point of view, he is a terrible person but a person that needs to be terrible in order to survive. And the moment he interacts with Ellie after she captures her, his true sick self is revealed. And Ellie doesn't back down or fear him. So generally amazing episode.

My only grip not only in this episode but in the whole show is that for some reason the showrunners are afraid to show more clickers scenes like in the game or hunter to hunter action. For example in this episode they completely cut the clickers vs David and Ellie teaming up in the opening of the episode after she kills the deer. This is an important scene in the game because Ellie begins to trust David after he saves her from the clickers. In episode 3 they completely cut Joel and Ellie in their terrifying fight with the clickers in Bill's town. They also cut the university fight, Tommy and Joel saving Ellie from raiders, the town fight with Tommy's men, Joel fighting for survival in the Hotel basement locked with dozens of clickers and more.

For me the game is a masterpiece that the show hasn't reached it's level (they could of course if they included these scenes i mention with more screen time or with more episodes) but if you take it as a separate adaptation not attached to the game itself it's still great.
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The Last of Us: Left Behind (2023)
Season 1, Episode 7
Wrongly structured, directed with pacing problems
1 March 2023
This episode is the worst directed episode of the entire season. What's up with all the shaky camera especially in the first half? Did some amateur guy hired to direct it? Seriously it caused me nausea. The kids acting was fine nothing spectacular i guess, the cinematography decent but the pacing and editing horrible. I have played both the game and the DLC and i have to say not all segments and story plots can be translated good to a live action episode. What they did wrong here on top of the direction and pacing problems was to delicate an entire 60 min episode when they should have done this scenes as 15 min Ellie flashbacks. They could have saved just a little bit the episode (not much) if they decided to show Marlene picking up Ellie and having a conversation with her before their meeting with Joel. Their mistake was that the show-runners thought this plot deserved to be a 60 min segment. No its not, it was boring, terrible directed with pacing problems.
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The Last of Us: Kin (2023)
Season 1, Episode 6
Great episode but the ending felt rushed
21 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The series continue to be excellent like the rest of the episodes with great cinematography, acting and writing, but i have one minor issue with this episode that the other episodes didn't have. The final minutes of the episode felt incredible rushed. The pacing was great until Joel and Ellie reached the university. Where is the audio recordings that explain what happened to the place like in the game? Also why they cut the shootout and the brutal fight with Joel, Ellie and the raiders inside the university? That would have given a much more stressful and thrilling ending and show how capable Ellie really is at handling herself and protecting Joel from wounds at the same time. I got chills in the game when she was protecting him in the building after he got injured. At this point in the game we started to seen how Ellie has matured and how big her survival instinct really is.
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The Last of Us: Please Hold to My Hand (2023)
Season 1, Episode 4
Best episode so far
6 February 2023
This is the best episode so far surpassing the series premier. The cinematography is astonishing (best so far), the direction and the general atmosphere of the episode is amazing. The highlight of the episode though for me is the top notch writing and the acting from the characters. The episode plays very well with themes of what is right and wrong, what it means to fight for survival and for your life and why you should always have hope as Ellie said. Also this episode shows that death is very close to everyone in this apocalyptic world and that the clickers are not the only threat. People can also be very dangerous and also depending on who is their leader. And of course we have the chemistry and the relationship between Joel and Ellie growing even more and for the first time some smiles and humanity into Joel's soul.
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Amazing start to a possibly great adaptation
17 January 2023
I was thrown into the world of the last of us ten years ago when the game was released on the PS3 console. The game was one of the best experiences i ever had. As a gamer myself this game is easily in my top 10 video games of all time. It was so well written, with great characters and production values that exceeded any game at that time. I have beaten the game multiple times by now, including my favorite gaming difficulty ever Grounded Mode. So naturally i have high expectations from the live action adaptation that will be handled by HBO (Thank god it isn't Netflix or Amazon).

It's understandable some slight changes had to be made, specifically in some combat/stealth/gameplay segments that can't be translated well into live action. As well as the spore change for the show and the method of the infection spreading into people. I have to give it to HBO for the investing into high budget for the show and it shows 90% of the time (The only time i didn't like the CGI was the final shot of the episode of the buildings into the horizon). The cinematography is great, the music is great as it was in the game, the production values are overall amazing. All of us that we played the game we know how good it can, and will be. The pacing, the writing, the twists are gonna be great. And thanks to the involvement of Neil and the creator of Chernobyl we know they are gonna respect the source material.

The first season will tell the events of the first game and i am so excited for the things that we will see. I don't see a single negative point from the first episode of this adaptation. (And by the way i didn't have a problem at all with the Sarah change. Some people hate with no reason. That kid did a very good job for her role well done to her!) Highly recommend this series!
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Man on Fire (2004)
Artistic approach great, pacing and action terrible
9 January 2023
I watched the movie for the first time after playing Max Payne 3 which i found great and is a game heavily inspired by this movie. So first let me say the things i liked about the movie. The artistic approach of the movie and color palette is unique, interesting and great, as well as the cinematography and the acting from Denzel and the little kid. The kid delivered one of the best performances of a kid in that age i have ever seen. And the positives end there.

The acting from the rest of the characters is pretty wooden, the pacing of the movie even though i found it extremely well done in the first half as i have no problem with slow burn movies that build with time but this movie well... it never build any tension or action. It would have worked a lot better with at least 20 minutes less runtime and a more focused approach on the story and action.

Also my second big complain about the movie was the action and tensity. The only action we see in the whole movie is a 3 minute shooting scene in the middle of a street with a gang and thats about it. 3 minutes of action in an almost 2.5 hours movie. And not only that but it was terrible directed too. And there is no excuse for that as there are tons of movies of similar style that delivered in action, pacing and writing close to that movie release too. Collateral for example with Vincent. Overall i was extremely disappointed and i don't recommend this movie.
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7 January 2023
Why this movie has such a low rating? I went into the movie with very low expectations cause of the latest Netflix releases have been very poor for my taste (Glass Onion was a big disappointment for me) and because it has such a low IMDb score. But i was pleasantly surprised by how solid and good this film was. The cinematography, atmosphere, direction and writing of the movie was amazing. The acting was ok at best, nothing spectacular Poe's acting was a bit over the top for me but Christian Bale delivers again an amazing performance.

Director Cooper has delivered two movies in a row with great quality (Hostiles and now this) and i hope he keeps going because he is underrated as a director. I loved the twists of the movie and towards the end i have to say i was disappointed cause it reminded me a regular episode of Buffy or Supernatural but in the last 10 minutes everything clicked with that twist and the movie was saved.

I really hope we get an H. P Lovecraft cosmic horror movie someday from this director cause i love the setting and i am a big fan (Bloodborne is my favorite game of all time) and this movie had similar atmosphere to me although it is completely different script wise. I understand that some people may be disappointed because they expected a pure horror crime mystery movie but i liked it. Every movie that has quality especially nowadays i appreciate them.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
Season 1 Review
25 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Pros 1) Writing is amazing 2) Acting/Performances from the actors 3) Directing 4) Costumes 5) Dragons and the different personalities and appearance in each one

Hit or Miss 1) Pacing 2) Cinematography 3) CGI

Cons 1) Stakes are extremely low. So low that I'm casually watching each episode pass with no real excitement on what to expect next episode.

2) How many times must i see a woman in this show giving birth to a child. Lmao. I think i saw it around 5 times by now in extremely detail.

3) Not anything to get excited about except the succession of the Iron Throne and the war in the realm. No side adventures like the wall, the white walkers, Arya traveling to Essos, Brand magical abilities, Boltons Starks and Greyjoys politics.

4) Larys is a poor imitation of Littlefinger so far that we don't know what his role is in the show. He is mostly a combination of Ramsay Bloton's madness and Litlefinger schemes. I don't like or understand him

5) Two scenes that really left a bad taste of my moth was the Rhanys cringe dragon escape and killing hundreds of innocent people and secondly the rambo scene of Daemon dodging hundreds of arrows and making it out alive after running such big distance in episode 3.
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Weakest episode so far
9 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Lets start with the good part. The only good part of the episode for me are the aesthetics and world design of Numenor and its inhabitants. Elendil and Isildur are the most interesting characters in the show so far along with King Durin and Prince Durin. They are setting up Isildur's sister an original character btw to be the founder of Gondor and Anor, thats why she was approved in the builder's guild and that is cringe. Galadriel is by far the worst most toxic, unlikable character in the show, queen Miriel is meh and Halbrand is interesting despite that i know what his role is in the show. The Harfoots scenes are the worst part of the show , i literal almost fell asleep in their scenes during this episode. And the Arondil scenes although the character is not bad by any means his story arc is. 20 minutes to show a 5 min top progression on a pit. And by the way the name of the episode is Adar and we don't even see him only as a blurry image or hear him talk. The main problems on the show that continues to show even more in this episode are the writing and pacing.
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Nope (2022)
I wasted 2 hours of my day, same as the score the movie gets
8 September 2022
First minutes of the movie were kinda interesting with tension, mystery, creeping music, good cinematography and psychological horror. And then from the moment the alien thing was revealed all downhill. The writing was garbage, the actors didn't hit the mark for me, they were all unlikable and boring. Also the pacing of the movie is one of the worst i have ever seen in a movie. The middle part's pacing is terrible. The monkey scene was filler crap, and the most outrageous thing for me was the ending. It was so bad i have no words for it really. To the time the authorities come into play to the general resolution of the movie it self. Don't do the same mistake as i did and waste 2 hours of your day. I don't recommend the movie in the slightest.
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One of the best Sequels of all time
8 September 2022
Such a massive improvement for a direct sequel i can think of are Terminator 2, Winter Soldier and now Top Gun Maverick. The movie is my favorite of 2022 for sure and one of the best in the last years.

The CGI and particular the practical effects, the stunts, the direction, the pacing, the acting, the action, the tension, the drama, the cinematography, the production values, the writing and most of all the sound mixing and music are all outstanding. To be fair i can't think of a anything bad about the film. The film is a legacy film and it shows. Sometimes if the people responsible for the end product care about it and there isn't any studio intervention, then nostalgia can work with good results both commercially and with the critics and viewers. I liked a lot the bond the team developed through out the movie as well as all the other things i mentioned.

This movie and the Northman are the only quality movies released this year for me. If you want to watch movies that were crafted with love and care watch these movies. Highly recommend!
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Outlaw King (2018)
Good film, but a bit underdeveloped
8 September 2022
This movie with a bit more runtime (i wish we get the Directors Cut) would have been a lot better. The characters would have been more developed and especially the relationship between Robert and his wife. Also the war feels rushed and the Scottish army feels like they turn the tide in 2 days with an army of 40 men. Again this is an example of limited screen runtime. Also i wish we got some flashbacks or backstory on the early life of Robert or his father's legacy. This movie would have worked better as a television series like The last kingdom, or at least if it had more runtime, about 3 hours at least. Still i enjoyed the movie a lot, it has great scenery and good cinematography although nothing groundbreaking or outstanding, the fight scenes are realistic and brutal, the drama is there, the actors do a great job and the script is good too. I recommend it 7/10.
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Decent start
24 August 2022
I think the show starts really strong with a promising season. However it's not flawless. My main complaints that take 2 stars for me is first the scope of the show. All of the runtime of the first episode is focused only in Kings Landing. And even though i love Kings Landing i liked the world building and the different locations Game of Thrones provided to us from the first episode. It makes the show "bigger" in a sense. My second complain is that in this series i didn't find a single person male or female likeable. Not one. And a show should try to make us care emotionally and root for at least a couple of characters. Game of thrones had dozens from the first episode. House Stark and even Robert were likeable. Now another topic, even though the budget is bigger than Game of thrones at least for the first seasons the show for me at least has weird lightning and cinematography and trust me cinematography is one my favorite things in movies and tv shows. The interiors of Kings Landings like the rooms and chambers have good lighting effects but the outer locations have a bloom, grey filter to them i didn't like at all. Now to the positives. Great writing, acting, pacing, music and intrigue. Looking forward for the next episode.
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The Sandman (2022– )
Show becomes an entirely different in a bad way from 7 episode onwards
8 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I will review the show in two parts. The first part is the first 6 episodes where the focus is the Burgess family and the Dream's quest to find his objects and the second part are episodes 7-10 which are focused on the Walker family and the Vortex. The first 6 episodes are where the show shines and are amazing episodes in both pacing, stakes, writing, mystery, cinematography, production, CGI and the villains. The Burgess family is very intriguing and interesting especially John Dee as a villain is way more interesting that the Corinthian because he has a goal, a motive that has deep roots in his personal life which was built on lies. That's why he wants to reveal the worlds lies because its an illusion. He is not totally wrong but if the world as Dream says live only in truth then there is no hope for dreams to exist. Corinthian is not bad by any means, he just wants to feel humanity's emotions as he kills them. His character reminded me of Baldur from God of war who cant feel or taste anything because of his mother. Here is the same thing with Corinthian and the Dream. And then comes episode 7. The start of the downhill. Where the show becomes a generic CW show whose focus is more to spread messages and wokeness than telling a good story with a strong script. The final 4 episodes have not high stakes, no emotion, no mystery, boring characters, the production for some reason fell of tremendously and the Dream is barely in. Vortex arc wasn't as interesting or well made production wise and script wise, and character wise for me as the first episodes which were amazing.
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The Lion King (2019)
10 July 2022
Terrible live adaptation of the animated classic. Lifeless movie with terrible voice acting (especially young Simba is one of the worst voice acting performances i have ever heard). It has great CGI but who cares when the movie doesn't do its job of showing you the roller coaster of emotions that the original did. And on top of that we have these terrible actors voicing our beloved characters. 3 stars for the CGI only.
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