
40 Reviews
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Damsel (2024)
I did NOT see that coming
13 March 2024
I was a bit apprehensive about watching this movie because there are too many strong and powerful women who need no man movies. THIS IS NOT ONE OF THOSE!

This is a story of a powerful woman - yes. This is a story of love - yes. This is a story that has fantastic writing - yes. Did it help me escape my current reality - yes.

I was highly impressed with the acting. I didn't quite know who the actors were until I searched here AFTER the movie was over. These 2 women are truly talented and I will be checking out all their other shows!

The scenery and special effects took my breath away. I felt like I was in that castle. I was INSIDE that cave. I could feel the fire.

This is one of those rare movies that made me have an emotional moment...

Do you need to have a carefree escape from reality? Watch this and escape.
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Antidote (I) (2021)
NOT what I expected...better.
7 August 2023
This started a bit confusing but as the story I did my interest. I have to say that these were some very impressive actors. It started as a normal movie and then progressed into some type of horror movie. I think many of us always have that "fear" when we go to a hospital and have surgery.

This was NOT what was was much more complex and much more complicated. There was much more to the story than a paranoid hospital visit.

There was a lot of insight put into the story. There was a lot of karma put into the story. Then the ending is NOT what I expected. It was a fantastic twist and an unexpected ending. There was an actual moral to the story. Something that is sadly lacking in the big movies for the past few years.

I highly recommend this if you are looking for something different for your horror fix.
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Smile (V) (2022)
Okay - THIS creeped me out
2 November 2022
I have been an avid horror fan for probably 35 years or more. It takes a lot to make me interested, jump, startle or even be surprised. THIS did all those things.

Nothing was predictable. The story was ok - could have been more to it. But the acting and the "surprised" made up for it!

It was truthfully a little slow at first and I was distracted. When it started to get "twisted" it really caught me and I have to say - don't watch this in the dark unless you have someone to hold onto.

I hope this is a sign of things to come. We don't want the predictable horror where you know they don't use the mirror trick anymore...we KNOW! This did a couple of tricks that I have never seen before.
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Nope (2022)
Looooong and booooring
12 September 2022
I have enjoyed a few of Jordan Peele's movies...I was extremely disappointed with this. The script was very long and there was too much dialog without meaning. It's like a Stephen King book...too much filler. I know some movies are a slow burn...but this didn't even have a match lit after 45 slow minutes in.

Instead of so much blah blah blah he could have put in some action in the first 30 minutes to draw and keep your attention. There wasn't even any suspense to catch you.

Sadly the acting was sub-bar and I nearly fell asleep a couple of times. It took me about 5 hours to watch a 2 hour movie. I had to keep pausing and walk around.

Hopefully his next one isn't this long and dull! I want to entertained when I watch a movie. Especially a long one.
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Such entertainment!
2 September 2022
I decided to watch the Lord of the Rings again because it seems to be popular again.

I forgot how entertaining this truly was. The characters were so enchanting and they really made me love/hate them! I even felt sympathy for some of the bad guys.

The dialog was fun and I still quote some of these lines years later! The music was suitable and I really enjoyed the way it took me away.

I felt like I wanted to move there and become a Hobbit. Real life is too traumatic and this looks like the best play to live.

The costumes are not cheap but they are also not perfect. The scenery was actually pretty authentic. The high special effects were not available at the time this was created. That's why I gave it a perfect 10.

I am so happy that I had Prime Video to watch and enjoy this series - again!
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Where's the story?
2 September 2022
There were some amazing graphics - which would have been perfect for a video game.

I binge watched all 3 of The Hobbit and all 3 of the REAL Lord of the Rings on Prime. I wanted to get read for the story.

This was confusing. This was terrible acting. This was a mixed up story. She was never a warrior. The men...they aren't even men! This was rubbish.

What is with the music score? I hope they weren't paid very much for this.

The main character was nasty, cruel, selfish, arrogant and extremely unwomanly. (Is that a word?) I'm a woman and there is no way I would treat people like this!

I will try 1 more episode...It couldn't get any worse...
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Comedy? Um - that's a joke
25 August 2022
This isn't funny at all. This isn't entertaining at all. This is rubbish and I have no idea why they continue to waste money on this trash.

We want to laugh and be entertained!!!! Not be dictated to and demanded that we think this garbage is entertainment and escapism.
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Black Panther (2018)
Where's the diversity?
1 August 2022
I heard nothing but rave reviews about this and finally decided to give it a chance. After 45 minutes of the movie I was shocked at how much diversity was missing from this movie. I see it was released in 2018 yet there is NO diversity.

Equality is missing. Sorry - hard pass on the future of this series if this is how the sequels will be.
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2067 (2020)
Fantastic Acting - good story
12 July 2021
I have to say - I am impressed by the actor Kodi Smit-McPhee. He was the reason I gave the movie a high rating. The story was good - the ending was amazing. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and I'm happy to say I do not agree with the low and negative reviews. Fantastic way to escape reality for 115 minutes.
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Polar (I) (2019)
Entertaining and gory
27 March 2021
Yes - this movie has it all. I was entertained because of the humor. I was entertained because of the wild characters. I was entertained because the horror fan in me enjoyed the gore.

GREAT escape.
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Rebirth (I) (2016)
Why did they make this a movie?
27 March 2021
If this was a short story - I would have stopped reading at page 3. I had to watch to the end just to show support to the lead actor...he was the ONLY good part of this crap.

Why did they make this a movie? There are so many amazing books that would be a great movie. WHY DID THEY MAKE THIS A MOVIE?
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What did I just watch?
16 March 2021
This was one of the best acted...WORST stories I have ever seen! The acting was great - when I wasn't yawning or falling asleep because it was boring as HELL! Don't believe the 9 or 10s. This was unbearable!
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15 March 2021
Why would anyone write this? Why would anyone produce this? Why would anyone pay to watch this? Why waste your time?

Trust me - nothing to see here - move along. Why? Ready the above 4 questions.
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Better than expected
2 March 2021
I was a bit leery at first - but this slow burn movie was actually pretty good.
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Peppermint (2018)
An easy 10
2 March 2021
I'm a mother and this is what most of is would LOVE to do.

Payback and justice. One of the very few movies I label a 10.
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So many PAID & FAKE reviews!
26 January 2021
I watched this movie and it was torture. I was determined to finish took 4 attempts. Great acting - that is the ONLY reason I gave it 2.

Ignore the FAKE and PAID reviews. It is not worth your time.
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Betrothed (2016)
Why, why, why?
14 January 2021
1. Why was this movie written? 2. Why was this movie produced? 3. Why was this movie released? OMG - no story, no real acting and and no reason to waste 10 minutes on this movie!
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Retaliation (2017)
Waited and waited and waited
4 January 2021
I waited for something to happen. I waited for me to actually care for any character. I waited for the story to do didn't. Very disappointing considering it's such a sad issue and the truth needs to be told.
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Archive (2020)
Slow burn...but...
4 January 2021
This really lost my interest in the beginning and it started to slowly pick up in the middle and it BLEW ME AWAY at the end!
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Not an ending you would expect
2 January 2021
This was a well acting SLOW BURN movie. The ending was unexpected and sad/tragic/happy.

Too many "abduction" movies end after the abduction and leave you asking what, why, where. THIS answers some of those questions.
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Rollercoaster movie...
1 February 2020
This was good - in the second half. The beginning was a repeat of the old and original IT...then it started to get good...then they used a scene from the Movie The Thing (head part)...then they used a scene from Alien (Underwater). It FINALLY got good in the last 20 minutes.
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I wanted to like this...
16 December 2019
I love most of the X-Men movies and I tried to enjoy this. The actors were WRONG. The accents were WRONG. The wigs - OMG - they were like $5 wigs! Why would you destroy such a good idea! The actors...were the #1 turn off. I couldn't watch the last 40 minutes.
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V-Wars (2019)
Much better than expected!
6 December 2019
I opened episode 1 with a very open mind. I was BLOWN away when I recognized so many great actors. Then the story line had me hooked. This is one of the most unique and powerful vampire shows I have seen in ages. Thank YOU. Binge watched Season 1 and I seriously need season 2!
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V-Wars: Blood Brothers (2019)
Season 1, Episode 2
Murder weapon...
6 December 2019
I gave this episode only a 7 - because why the hell would the murder weapon be left in the house? Why wasn't there any police tape? I don't expect perfection...but simple details are important.
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Occupant (2011)
Not bad for a low budget
14 July 2017
This was a pretty good mystery/thriller. It was obviously low budget but it had a very strong story and an extremely strong cast. I didn't know what was truly happening until the absolute final scene. It was NOT predictable in the least. Go in with an open mind and you will enjoy this movie.
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