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The Fall Guy (2024)
Sweet, Action Packed Popcorn Movie
22 May 2024
Let's start with what this movie isn't. It's not trying to win an Academy Award or garner praise from the big reviewers. It's purely a movie to have fun with and take a little time away from negative news cycles, and the mundanity of daily life.

It's fun. It does have unbelievable moments and contrived plot twists, but even when you can see the inevitable from a mile away, it's still nice to see that result.

The best parts for me are Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt's chemistry, and they're both such likable people. I mean, who doesn't like them?

I never wished something different had happened in the plot, because it's not a deep murder mystery or plot-heavy thriller. T's all about spending a couple of hours rooting for the good guy.

I'm of the belief that not every movie has to be a 10 to be entertaining. Most aren't 10s anyway, And usually they're the one's that try a lot harder than this one does.

I don't feel like it's a time-waster, and you may not either.
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Dr. Strange in Chaps
6 March 2022
Has it been far enough removed from Cumberbatch's role as the wizard Doctor for this film to focus well on the story at hand? I don't think so.

I'm not necessarily saying Benedict Cumberbatch is typecast, as it would seem that given the genres of movies, I think they probably may not hold the same audience. However, his acting isn't profoundly different from one role to the next. It is difficult to see him as the man Power of the Dog wants you to view him as.

That said, the acting was, in my view, mediocre, forced at times, and when going for "intense and brooding" landed more in the area of boring and uninteresting.

Many marks were missed, once again, in my opinion, and what remains is a mildly interesting plot turning point, but with no real shock to the system. As well, using the vehicle of sexuality to throw off the audience seemed too contrived, and was actually somewhat offensive.

I would say, in prediction, that this movie will win quite a few of the oscars it's nominated for, but that will be because of pressure to conform, as usual, rather than a robust appreciation of the film.
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Old (2021)
Forgettable Shyamalan Fare, Once Again
3 October 2021
I'm literally getting to the point of dreading an M. Night movie coming out instead of anticipating it. I feared this would be another poorly written, poorly acted snoozefest, and my fears came true.

I'm not sure whether he has just had some past luck, or if he actually has talent. He sincerely hasn't shown any lately. I know it sounds personal, but I've got nothing against the guy. I used to root for him, but alas, he's let me down too much.

Believe me when I say that the big "twist" in the film comes after a point you stop caring, so though it's supposed to make you go "oh wow", you feel nothing.

All that for this? That's what i thought. Then he works hard at attempting to make you care again. Too late.

It's an uneven story with characters that aren't particularly likable, so you're not invested emotionally in their stories. Every time there's an "occurrence", you want to care (or not laugh when it's not supposed to be funny), but it's hard to.

I gave it four generous stars. It deserves probably less.
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Hollywood, You Just Don't Know How NOT to Ruin a Movie
8 April 2021
Yes, this is popcorn fare. A treat for the senses and dynamic CGI (but only sometimes).

That said, why can't Hollywood ever seem to weave a great plot into movies like this? It's just lazy writing, and what makes it all worse is that if the cast can't believe what they're saying, how can we expect to believe it?

A monsterverse. What a great and fun concept, if done correctly. Especially with the monsters we grew up with. You know what had a good plot? The very first King Kong. You simply didn't dread when the actors would come on screen.

And I don't blame the actors. In other films (lol, films...) most of these actors do a great job. It's all about the direction and script here. As with any movie, the actor is only as good as the material, and the way they are directed to emote and display that material.

In my opinion, the director saw what he had to work with on paper, and just phoned it in. Hey, they're professional actors, let them figure out how to play their parts. Right?

No. Hardly ever. There are surely some we could point to and say they have the intelligence and depth to self-direct, but most don't have that ability. As a matter of fact, everyone from DeNiro to Brando to Keaton (think Something's Gotta Give) have been misdirected and turned in lack-lustre performances.

The movie review is this: Good, solid CGI for much of the film. Poor, boring acting. Poorly written dialogue.

I personally don't want to laugh AT a movie or film I'm watching. Stupid, unintelligible plot lines that pull me out of the story because of total improbability isn't cool. I love Sci-Fi, fantasy, and monster movies, and when they're done well you get an energized feeling after watching it. It took you somewhere, made you think a little bit. The only thing this movie had me thinking is when will it be over.
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Aquaman (2018)
One word: "Craptastic"
10 February 2019
I have never seen such an effort to try and keep a sinking ship afloat. Jason Momoa is a fun actor. There's no denying that. He tried his heart out to make the best of what is certainly the worst dialogue in the last 10 years.

Nicole Kidman is always a charmer, however this movie somehow dulled her usually effervescent glow. The actress can deliver a line, the problem here is just that there was nothing good to deliver. Amber Heard is lovely yet quite boring in the role she hoped would define her. Still, Johnny Depp didn't deserve her.

The most confusing fight scenes ever seen on film are present throughout, and this is probably the weakest storyline since Independence Day 2.

I can't fathom how anyone saw this movie and thought "Wow! That's the best thing I've ever seen!" My teenage daughter, who is a lover of all things superhero, agreed with me wholeheartedly that the CGI work on this film was substandard, horrible dialogue seems to have been made up on the fly, and the giant Seahorses knocks you off scale because we all know Seahorses are just a few inched high. At one point my daughter turned to me and said "dad, how big are the Altantians, like 4" tall?" We both cracked up at that mental imagery.

The DCEU still does not compare with the MCU. It just doesn't. It never will. I loved Wonder Woman, but that was in spite of the story, not because of it. Gal Gadot is just fantastic, and wonderful to watch.

This movie had me looking at the clock. That's never a good thing. I wanted to give this movie a 4, but my daughter said it had more redeeming qualities than that. I relented.

I can't believe I live in a world where people think this is a great movie, and Trump is a great president. I mean, c'mon man!
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Lots Of Teeth, But No Bite
5 September 2018
The fifth of the Jurassic films, Fallen Kingdom is appropriately titled if the kingdom we're talking about is the franchise itself.

There's just no teeth in this one.

We've come to expect groundbreaking CGI effects in all big budget summer blockbusters, and in this area, Fallen Kingdom does not disappoint. But there has to be something after that that keeps one interested in the story. This story is bland and unfortunately, quite boring.

Not only is the story boring, but it also has a feeling to it like it was written as they filmed. It really has a lot of unusual pacing problems as well as one reveal that seemed unnecessary. They tried a "story-within-a-story" format, but it was just unnecessary and confusing.

There are the usual suspects with their wide-eyed, mouth-agape expressions to let us know they are as amazed by the tennis balls and green screens they are seeing as we are with the fake dinos we are seeing. Overacting abounds, as usual, and Chris Pratt's attempt to breath life into his character seems to be a chore for him.

Beyond that, an incredibly predictable story line and ancillary characters who are too singularly-dimensional to even mention, create the perfect blend of crappiness that makes you wish someone would hurry up and get eaten.

Look, I'm not going to say it's not watchable, but don't blame me if you come away from this film feeling empty and ripped off. Factually, you may like it. After all, it's just supposed to be a thrill ride (it's really not though). But if you thought the first Jurassic World was very good, you probably will not feel very good about this movie.

Unless all you wanted to do was look at some more CGI dinosaurs and Bryce Dallas Howard's pretty face. Which, frankly, is almost worth the price of admission. Almost.
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Here we go again...
18 April 2018
I enjoyed the first iteration of Jersey Shore. Not only did it remind me of the things I didn't miss (and was lucky to have lived through) about my youth, but it was always fun to watch these train wrecks go off the tracks, melt down, and otherwise show their a$$es on national TV.

There is something stale about this "Family Vacation" that just can't seem to freshen up, no matter how much "GTL" they throw at it. It's the same, they're basically the same, except wealthier, filled with collagen and plastic surgery, and a LOT more boring. Pauly D, and to some extent, Snookie, are the saving grace, once again, about the show. Problem is, they're unable to save it much.

Speaking of Snookie, she has so much lip collagen (and most probably inserts/implants as well), and such huge balloon boobs, that she looks like a cartoon. A cheap impression of her former authentically cheap self. She's hard to look at. J-Woww is not "wow" anymore. She's a suburban housewife with two kids, and frankly, I never watched the show originally because of her less-than-existent personality. She was hot. Now she's not. Such a shame. She's also quite tired and her tired, droning, Jersey voice is grating to the ear.

Mike Sorrentino had a legal "situation" which calmed him, and the former hard partier is like a monk now, a puffy-cheeked chip-monk. Gone are the scheming, conniving plays of the "Sitch", who so improbably got girls night after night. The guy you loved to hate is now a guy you hate to like.

What can I say about lovesick Ronnie? He's pitiful. H'es lost a lot of brain cells since that original Jersey shore, and hew only had about 16 of them to begin with. He's obviously affected by his drinking, both on and off the show, and so obviously deflated and defeated by the thought of his very pregnant girlfriend about to lock him down for the next 18 years. Oh Ronnie, you don't have to stay, but your'e definitely going to have to pay.

The rest of the cast, including Vinnie, who was never much of an interesting character, and party doll Sammie, who is quite possibly the brains of the show, are barely worth mentioning. Deena is sweet and authentic. She always has been. She's actually my favorite on the show next to Paulie. That's not enough of a draw though.

The fact is, this show is dead, and these "kids" are all grown up with grown up problems. There's no more hedonism about the show. Even in the clubs they look too old and irrelevant. This ain't 5 years ago. When they get their freak on, they just look like freaks. I would pass on the rest of the episodes, but I just have to see what happens to Ronnie. He's in real bad shape.
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I'm being generous with my score because of the CGI artists who worked hard
14 March 2018
I waited to see this movie. I'm older and didn't want to go alone, and there was no one who wanted to go with me. How old am I? Well, when I was 13, I rode my bike to Century City (California, in L.A. County) to see Episode 4: A New Hope the first day it came out.

I have loved Star Wars since 1977. I don't anymore. Well, I still love 4, 5, & 6 - and actually, I really liked 7. I thought the Star Wars magic might continue, until Han was killed, and then this one came out and killed the rest of the franchise with bland Disney's craptastic lack of imagination stinking up the joint.

The direction was pretty awful. The acting was dis-spirited. The storyline was all over the place. Disney has been able to do what no other studio has done before: made me stop caring about characters I previously liked. I don't like Rey anymore because she wasn't as endearing as she was in The Force Awakens, and seems not to understand her trajectory. I don't like Poe anymore because he now looks like a petulant child. A smartass for no good reason. An impatient half wit that has no business in the cockpit of a fighter. I don't like Finn anymore because he's simply not charming anymore, and isn't very aware.

And I didn't like Luke. Luke f'ing Skywalker! How in the world did THAT happen?? They ruined his character forever.

What is Star Wars without its true heroes? I'll tell you what it is: a cash cow for Disney, who isn't thinking about US, the old school fans. They're thinking ahead to future fans who they think will value inclusion above all else, because don't you know EVERYONE has to be represented on screen in EVERY movie from now on.

Future fans also won't care about Luke, or Han (well, unless the Han Solo film does well), or Leia. They will care about princess Dykstra from the planet Lesbia, who has a rescue Meklodort that she carries in her baby bjorn that was made from cruelty-free natural fabric imported from planet Zornord.

Bottom line: Because of this movie, I don't want to see the next one. And that's a shame, because they could have had me. They could have had all of us. But they blew it.
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Engrossing, Albeit Predictable at Times
9 January 2018
Three Billboards is rarely subtle, even though it gives that false sense that it may be. It is a film that feels both big and small at the same time, and as far as I'm concerned, that's an incredible achievement.

Francis McDormand is once again utilized brilliantly, this time as an angst-filled, impatient mother willing to bulldoze a system she believes is not working on behalf of her family. It would behoove anyone watching the first minutes of this film not to be brought into a false sense of calm and believe you're watching something of a slow burn. Things happen fast, and it has a kind of intensity that one might not expect of a film like this.

Sam Rockwell has always been a favorite of mine since Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, and rarely disappoints in the roles he chooses. It's no different here. A complicated man one could easily write off as an idiot, the arc of his character is breathtaking and nuanced. Almost poetic.

Woody Harrelson is, to me, always at his best. He's easy to watch because he's an effortless actor. He knows his craft well, and he's given us a solid performance this film. The rest of the cast turn in fine performances (special kudos to Caleb Landry Jones), and don't detract in any way from the film. Everyone is watchable.

The film is not perfect. There are times when I wondered why certain decisions were made, especially with the appearance of an ex relationship, a shocking end involving a character, an obvious insertion of a character to create more intrigue (however at the end one realizes it was totally unnecessary and not well thought out), and even a part where I nearly blurted out loud "oh come on! He had to have heard that!" Some of that was a little frustrating and seemed too contrived and unbelievable, but overall, this film it a good way to spend 115 minutes. It does not feel like a nearly two-hour movie. That's testament to its worth.

All in all, it's a very good effort, and it stays with you. Not forgettable, and fun discussing over a drink afterward. Do I believe it deserved the Golden Globe last night? Well, it won. It was up against some very good films, and held its own. I've seen all but one of the nominated films, and I think it deserved the win. I think Frances deserved the win. I think Sam deserved the win. I don't think it should have won best screenplay over another contender. But... that's just my opinion.

Such is life.
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I had to run to IMDb to review this one.
14 November 2017

This is what it a real comedy series should be. They've also found a real charmer in Rachel Brosnahan, who's not just lovely and energetic, but genuinely funny. A cast of bright characters with great writing rounds out this great show. The other guys could learn a thing or three from The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.

This fresh-feeling comedy, the brainchild of Daniel Palladino & Amy Sherman-Palladino leaves almost nothing to be desired. This is a full-bodied comedy series that really grabs your attention and never lets it go. Everything from the camera work, to the sets, to costuming is very well done and does a more than adequate job in immersing you in a lush, colorful, mid-century snapshot of 1960's New York.

Miriam "Midge" Maisel, the matriarch-in-training of her young nuclear family, exceeds by every measure to be the wife she believes her husband deserves. She dotes on him, cares for his emotional well- being, and is perfectly happy. Until changes happen that sets her on a path she's not sure she's able to handle.

I can name, both with TV shows and movies, many where the focus was to witness the genesis of a stand-up comedian, or where we look into the life of a seasoned comedian, or view the last bits of a comedian's career. Usually the actor portraying the comedian (or even sometimes an actual comedian portraying one) just isn't funny. We see the story taking pains to make us believe they're hilarious by cracking up the on screen audiences, winning awards or accolades, and receiving praise. It never really works, because unless you can make ME, the real audience, believe he or she is funny, it hasn't done its job.

Rachel Brosnahan is funny. Her timing is perfect. And obviously the jokes have to be good, so the writers are no slouches either, but the material goes nowhere unless you have the right person delivering that dialogue. They've found her. Effortlessly, Brosnahan delivers line after line of well written material with a confidence, brashness, and stereo-typically New York swagger that has you saying "yeah, I can see her doing stand-up". That's rare, and that's very special. De Niro couldn't do it in "The Comedian". Sally Field couldn't do it in "Punchline". Heck, Adam Sandler couldn't really pull it off well in "Funny People". And it has FUNNY in the name for Christ's sake!

The rest of the cast is a manic pleasure, and the show has done a great job with who they've cast to be her family. Tony Shalhoub wasn't in the pilot much, but now that the rest of the episodes have become available for streaming, I see that he stands out with great dialogue he was given and an intensity I hadn't before seen in him. It works. As well, Marin Hinkle who plays Midge's mom, does a wonderful job in the role. We see her character expand exponentially from the pilot with the new episodes.

Every fall that rolls around, I get excited to see the shows and which ones I think will swim or sink, and I believe we have a winner here.

What may seem to be a standard, formulaic "dramedy" really has a feel of its own. There are comparable shows in level of quality, but as far as I'm concerned, none just outright better. I hope it maintains its quality and has a nice, long run.
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Ever Been Angry At A Movie? This One Makes Me Angry!
27 October 2017
The most frustrating thing about All Eyez on Me isn't the lackluster performances of every single cast member. It's not the Lifetime channel movie quality. Not the poor writing, and not the terrible editing. It's the fact that Benny Boom was given a shot with material about a legend that could have been epic, and he blew it.

He should never be allowed to direct another film as long as he lives.

I know that seems harsh, but it's the way I feel.

I feel kind of tied to Tupac in a way not many people have been afforded. In 2006, I was tapped by UMP (Universal Music Publishing) to work on a project (produce new music for a tribute CD) that had me working with a cappella tracks of Tupac's voice. I listened to those clean vocal tracks many times over a period of weeks. I really paid attention to the man. To his art. His poetry. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity to be as near as possible to the artist anyone could be posthumously.

When I first heard this movie was coming out, I was excited. I knew all about his story, and growing up in Los Angeles being roughly the same age as him, it was something that was important to me. I cared about the story, and I cared about the artist.

After leaving the screening, I couldn't help but feel angry, and truthfully, ripped off. Not about money. The screening was part of my job and I attended free. No, it was something else. I felt the story of Tupac wasn't told. I felt the opportunity was squandered by a bunch of amateurs. The movie was a retelling of things written in the papers and told on the news. It was lazy writing. Stupid direction. I imagined the editor fumbling and bumbling his way through this project, creating an in-cohesive, rough high school level project.

I don't care if Demetrius Shipp Jr's balloon-headed portrayal was a relatively close (except for noggin size) double of the man. What mattered much more was the story. The genius some people may never understand, or care to. His legacy.

Benny Boom is an idiot. He needs to stay in his lane, and continue to direct low and medium-budget rap videos. The executive producers settled on this man, so they deserve to have lost their money.

If the story of Tupac is ever told again, I hope it's done right next time.
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Harley (II) (2016)
How do you review 8 minutes of pure crap? I'll attempt it...
22 October 2017
I am painfully aware this is simply a small (tiny) fan-fic flick, and burning it to the ground isn't necessary. I have given it a "2" for effort. As far as fans are concerned, if I were rating their appreciation of Harley Quinn alone, They'd get a pretty high score from me. But that's not what IMDb is.

First, it's totally obvious no one here is an established actor, director, camera operator, or anything else that would pass as someone who could be part of a professional film crew. Because of that fact, wrangling all these people together for this attempt is actually somewhat impressive.

That being said, the lack-luster performances, horrible dialogue, ridiculously bad accents, and jaw-droppingly terrible "sets" (come on, you couldn't find anything with a little production value in an entire city??) removes anything close to tepid praise for this YouTube turd.

Jacqui Verdura, who plays Harley, has a string of video "shorts" she has performed in, as well as bit parts (mostly non-speaking rolls) in a couple of low rent TV shows since 2010. She's just starting out in the business, and frankly, I wish her luck. It's not easy. I know from experience. Not as an actor (because, why?), but as the relative of a well-established casting director.

Jacqui has some charm, the camera likes her, and it's also apparent she has had a little fight training (karate lessons at the Y?) - heck, maybe more fight training than actual acting lessons. However, it's truly the production that let her down. The director let her down. Her acting coach let her down. She doesn't have a ton of natural ability, and could use a year of Strasberg, at least.

I refuse to comment on the rest of the "cast". They are simply props to Jacqui's Harley.

I'm not going to say skip this one. It's free, easily accessible on YouTube, and what the hell, it's 8 minutes. But just know that if you DO make it to the end, not only will there be no surprises, but even though it's only 8 minutes, you will feel you actually lost 8 minutes of your life. That's how bad it is. You'll think, "you know, I could have taken out the trash or done the dishes, dammit!"

One final thing: I HAVE NO IDEA WHY IT IS AMONG THE NEW RELEASE TRAILERS ON IMBb!!!! DID SOMEONE LOSE A BET?? WAS IMDb HACKED?? Whatever. That's just weird. After being a member 12 years (seven with this profile), I've never seen that.
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Alien, this isn't...
8 October 2017
I anticipated a great movie while waiting for the release of Alien: Covenant, and was totally disappointed. This is not a movie worthy of the Alien name or franchise.

I wrongly assumed that people would be careful this time around and not just try for a money grab, playing off the Alien franchises good name. Well, not really good since Alien 1 & 2 if we're honest with ourselves.

To start, it's cheap feeling. The writing is simply bad. I can tell there were points where they attempted depth, but the writers - and I'm not sure here whether it's the original story writers or the writers of the screenplay adaptation - failed miserably in drafting anything even close to a cogent work. The story is bland, tidy yet bereft of anything resembling compelling, and everything it attempts to give it just takes back. It's a mess.

The Aliens are not scary, with obvious middle-rung CGI, and the whole thing is just boring. This is a waste of time. At any price.

I fell asleep within the first 45 minutes, then walked out. To be fair to the film, I sat through this complete stupidity a second time in order to write a proper review. I hate that I did that to myself. There are literally parts where one has to concentrate to pay attention, as the mind wants to drift. I've never had that happen to me in any film, except for My Dinner with Andre. And if you know that film, you know it takes a real champ to sit through more than an hour of it without eating a bullet.

I can't pan this film enough. There are those who are so in love with the franchise and want it to be revived in the right way that they've given it 8 or 9 stars while writing a bad review. I gave it 3 stars, and I'm being generous. Mainly because the actors tried so hard with the little they had to work with.

Do you like Micheal Fassbender? Too bad, cause he's horrible in this, and it's not his fault. How about Danny McBride? Like him? Aw, that's a shame, because the stupid, lack-luster dialogue takes everything you like about him out of his character and replaces it with a 200lb bag of space dung. As a matter of fact, there a lot of very capable actors in this "film" that should be embarrassed it's now on their resume.

To sum it up: yeah, no, I didn't like it. It's one of the worst movies I've ever seen. And I've seen The Room.
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The Deuce (2017–2019)
Riveting, attention grabbing, and unique
22 September 2017
UPDATE 5/2018: IMDb visitors, you aren't being fair. Check the date of this review. When I initially reviewed it, my like/dislike ratio of the review was lopsidedly positive. Then after that bad press about Franko came out, my review started taking a hit. Not many, but noticeable. That's very uncool.

I can't rewind our brains to a time before the accusations, but I ask that you take the time to pay attention to what I wrote as a critique, instead of simply disagreeing with the review because you may not appreciate a certain actor any longer. Thanks.

---------------------------ORIGINAL REVIEW------------------------------

The Deuce is one of those shows that defies description, because what you think it's going to be changes and evolves. It's mature, well acted, and completely different than anything I've seen in a long time.

This show has such a raw feel to it that you feel the grit dripping off the screen. It's real, and filled with colorful characters that leave an impression. A few I began to care about during the first episode. I love when the work is so good, I become invested in a show and there's a strong desire to come back and see what happens.

Maggie Gyllenhaal, who has consistently impressed me over the years doesn't disappoint here. She's just fantastic. As a matter of fact, most all the actors in this show really seem to give it their all. There are characters galore, and lots of plot points to get involved in. That being said, it doesn't feel too busy. There's just the right amount things going on.

I really have to admit that I thought it would be something else. I nearly ignored it. I'm glad I watched though, and I can see it becoming one of my favorite new shows.

There's a lot of nudity as one would probably expect, both male and female, including male genitalia, so if you aren't ready for that sort of thing in your face, be forewarned. It's not gratuitous though, and fits within the flow of the story. I don't consider that a spoiler, as there is other information on IMDb in the "parents guide" that cautions about the nudity.

The bottom line, this show is worth my time, and you may find it worth yours as well. I get the feeling it will only get better.
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The Tick (2016–2019)
This show doesn't bug me at all...
19 September 2017
I must admit that I'm not familiar with the comic books this show is based on. Thankfully, I don't have to be. The Tick holds up on its own. It's a silly, fast paced comedy with a touch of heart and memorable characters.

When I saw the pilot, I wasn't totally thrilled with it, but it made me curious enough to want Amazon to pick it up. I'm glad they did. At the end of watching the first 6 episodes, I noticed it definitely got better from one episode to the next. I was somewhat annoyed at the main protagonist at first, but as you get to know him more, he grows on you.

There are some pace and dialogue issues, but really it's to be expected of a show this early on. There were also a couple of sight gags that went flat, but not bad enough for most people to notice. Peter Serafinowicz (The Tick) is endearing, and for me was instantly likable. He's done a lot of British TV, and still kind of unknown here, but he's been in a few big things. I knew I had seen him before, but I didn't remember in what until I saw his IMDb page.

I hope they keep making The Tick. I think it has legs, and will be enjoyable for the long haul. It's not deep. It's more like escape entertainment and doesn't require a lot of thinking, but at least you're not thinking "why the hell am I watching this?" It's nice to have a bit more silliness in the world we live in right now.

Overall, just an enjoyable little show to elevate the mood. It doesn't try and be anything else.
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The Defenders (2017)
Self-Aware Superfriends is Mildly Fun with Flaws
21 August 2017
UPDATE/REVISION: I pondered why my review of The Defenders received so many negative responses for a while after posting. I felt I was actually being generous. I chalked it up to simple preference, until I ran across a story posted today (September 23, 2017) by Comicbook.com, which used numbers released by Netflix itself reporting that, 'The Defenders' is Least Viewed of Marvel's Netflix Series'.

It continues: "...That is the story the numbers tell anyway. The company took a look at the first 30 days of viewership from Marvel and Netflix's superhero team-up and compared them to the four solo series that came before (via Variety). That includes Both seasons of Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist, and Defenders couldn't seem to keep up with any of them.

The top performer of all the shows is season 2 of Daredevil, the numbers are bit ugly when both 30-day viewings are taken into consideration. The Defenders debuted on August 18th and only amounted to 17% of what Daredevil season 2 amassed in the first 30 days."

I happened to be pretty spot on, as well as many who reviewed this series. Most specifically, with relation to that, it reads, "...The show... takes the top spot in biggest drop-off in viewers of all the (Netflix's Marvel superhero) shows. Over the course of 30 days, Defenders dropped by 67%, 48%, and 41% week by week."

So, I'm not really going to concern myself with such a high percentage of negative reactions to my review. I was right, and the numbers flesh that out. Actually, I was more generous than the viewers themselves. It seems just fanboys reacted poorly to my review. So be it. I stand by every word.


Original review, dated 21 August 2017: After watching all of the individual stories of these four Marvel superheroes, I had hoped that this series would be the penultimate. Unfortunately it suffers in comparison, and it's mainly because of the story.

Sure, we expected the Hand to be involved, but the lack-luster personalities of the Hand's five "fingers" pretty much gave us the finger as the Hand jobs meander through bland dialogue that never gives a good enough reason for all of their efforts. After all, what were we expecting, to be entertained?

I lost interest in the show in the first episode. Actually, I fell asleep and I wasn't even tired. I had to re-watch it, and that was somewhat tedious. The early part of the series bored me, but it does get better.

There's the familiar fun part when the protagonists get together and realize they might have to work together, however somewhat begrudgingly. Familiar because it's been done and done. Over and over again in more films than I can count. We never get tired of it though, right? Well, that really depends on who you are and what kind of mood you're in. I've seen them all, and although there's that thing we know is coming, it should bring a smile to our faces when it happens. For some reason, it somewhat sputters here. We love cheering our heroes, and I really wish that would happen more while watching this series. Maybe it will for you.

The acting is relatively good overall, however some in the cast need more acting lessons, and the action is standard but well choreographed. In my opinion, compared to The Jessica Jones and Daredevil shows, it is lacking. I believe the writing, story lines and depth of characters is vastly better in the aforementioned two Marvel shows, and the standalone Luke Cage is better as well. The Defenders is on the level of the series Iron Fist.

I'm hoping next season will be better. I don't feel like I've wasted my time watching, but it's not as great as I would have hoped.
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I'm Dying Up Here (2017–2018)
Great writing, good acting, fair pace
1 August 2017
From the opening music, you understand there is a pall over this show. No, it's not a comedy, and the telling of jokes over the melancholy (borderline depressing) jazz riffs that begin each episode aptly explains exactly what this is. This is a glimpse into the hard life of comedians, and dammit, they aren't pulling any punches.

However there's something unexpected - because it's just hard to do - and that's to make it funny every week, and the writers of the show pull it off. In spades. That's no easy task, considering the crowded cast list. The show list 10 writers, not counting Jim Carrey, and in order to create the depth that this "dramedy" shoots for, I would expect no less. Even if I hadn't looked at the credits, it feels like a full staff of writers are involved. But that's just scratching the surface, because it also aspires to be a drama packed with everything from heartfelt, to love stories, to danger, and here's where it has its work cut out for it.

If I were to try and compare it to something, I would compare it to M.A.S.H. - now don't get me wrong, rarely does anything compare to that fantastic show, though I mean it in the way of attempting comedy of all sorts, from witty to silly, right next door to death and pain.

It does not fire on all cylinders. It could be better. I feel there are too many characters, and some of the stories are thin. After all, how well can you really flesh out 12 or 15 characters and make them all intricate, complete beings? Some story lines suffer and you might wish certain characters were explored more, and some you may really not want to know about at all. A few are just plain unlikable. However for balance, there are a few who really charm, and you just wish they had more screen time.

There are gems in this show. Some great moments, yet sometimes bogged down a bit by stories better left unexplored and actors better left off-screen.

Some overact, in my opinion, embarrassingly so. Specifically first billed Melissa Leo, who I keep hoping, now after watching 8 episodes, that she would tone it down a bit - or more than a bit. Yes, we all know what she's going for: brash, East coast, hard drinking, self- made, female-trailblazer, kick-ass club owner. We get it, but she insists on shoving her overblown personality down our throats in each episode. It gets tiresome. That being said, I have to say that I want very badly to like her, and in her more subtle moments, she just about pulls it off. She needs to stop being a caricature and start being a character.

Ari Graynor is the saving grace of this show, and the heart. She lights up a room when she enters it. Hell, she'd light up a room backing into it. As well, honorable mentions go to Michael Angarano, Erik Griffin, and even the sullen, sarcastic, fatalistic character "Bill Hobbs" played by Andrew Santino. There's good acting here.

Bottom line, I'm having a good time with this interesting concept of a comedy-drama, and although there are things I wish were a bit different (as well as a bit of a slower pace) I have found myself looking forward to each subsequent episode, because it's getting better and finding its stride.

I hope it stays around. I need to find out who makes it as a big comedian and who goes back to a life of mediocrity.
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Life (I) (2017)
Life Lacks Life
13 July 2017
I'll start out by saying that I wanted to like this movie very much. I was anticipating it. I've been waiting for another monster movie that I could really dive into and have it give me that feeling like the first Alien movie gave me. Unfortunately, Life just doesn't deliver.

It has a great premise and a fantastic cast. I was hooked on it from the first trailer I saw. That kind of thing where you go "oh man, this is gonna be good!" The fact it had Jake Gyllenhaal and Ryan Reynolds was a great selling point for me. After all, Gyllenhaal was riveting in Nightcrawler, one of my favorite films of his. And Ryan Reynolds has been one of my favorite, snarky smart-ass actors for years. I think he was born to play Deadpool.

Here's problem one: Jake is an actor that shines in character studies. He's to be pondered over, inspected. He can make a slight gesture with his face, and it's almost better than any line he could say. This isn't that type of movie though. It's a popcorn thriller without many thrills. He's under utilized as an actor, and there isn't a lot for him to do. It's just not his type of movie.

Problem two: Every scary movie utilizes jump scares these days. It's the cheap way to get a scare out of folks. It's easy, and that's why it's used so much. Real suspenseful ramping up of a tense moment, building the anticipatory reveal and successfully pulling off a righteous scary moment isn't an easy feat. There aren't any skilled scary moments in this movie. All "BOO!" and no "guess what's coming..."

Another problem is that Ryan Reynolds is also under utilized. very much so. If you see it, you'll understand what I mean.

Finally, the "monster" is just weird. Not particularly scary. Even when It "matures". The CGI is standard and there are no special moments that make you think "wow, that took some skill as a digital artist". It's lazy CGI, and it's not a very creative antagonist.

I felt as if I didn't see a full movie after I left the theater. It was unsatisfying to me. Others may feel differently. It definitely didn't stay with me, and unlike Alien, I didn't feel creeped out afterward. It's not fair to compare it to Alien, I know. Alien, after all, had me looking over my shoulder when I left the theater. But maybe when writing these stories and making these movies, they should try to compare it to the best out there, at least in execution and creativity.
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Trainwreck (2015)
Not as bad as some would have you believe
11 June 2017
OK. This is just crazy. It seems most people can't seem to review movies in a nonobjective way. I know, it's hard. After all, it's supposed to be all about YOUR opinion. That said, one still must consider the possibility to review a movie regardless of whether one cares for the actors involved.

A LOT of people simply don't like Amy Schumer. There are mostly two camps: those that love her, and those that despise her. Sure, there's a smattering of folks in between leaning toward both poles, mostly though, she brings out strong feelings in people.

I've yet to really put my finger on exactly why. Sure, she seems racist to some, vulgar, trashy, I've even heard her described as disgusting.

She's also talented and fearless.

She wrote this screenplay. First time out, and I feel she did a great job. It's well balanced, funny, and has a bit of heart. That was mostly from the mind of Ms. Schumer.

Ancillary characters are very well placed and a fine casting job was done. The directing was solid. cinematography was very well done.

So what is it? Many give it a 10, and many give it a 1. I believe it was better than average, and that's because I'm focused on the film as a whole. All aspects of it.

Bill Hader did a great job. LeBron James was refreshingly natural for a sports star. They're usually quite wooden. Very good cast doing a very good job.

Then we get to Amy. For someone who's never acted really, I think she could not have been better. Most of the negative reviews focus on two things: the so called "vulgarity" of the movie, and Amy herself. So many people are unable to keep the way they personally feel about this young woman out of the mix. This movie is sharply panned mainly because of Amy haters. And I'm not just saying "hater" like the kids say these days. Some people HATE her. I think it's ridiculous. Grow up!

People get SO offended by Ms. Schumer that it seems like they're going to have a mental breakdown. And the vulgarity? Really?? So you didn't know what to expect from the trailer, or the movie poster, or any of her stand-up? Yeah, right. Look, it's odd to go to a movie that you should know is going to be offensive, and then act surprised when you're offended by it. You know what that makes you? Weird. It makes you weird.

Trainwreck deserves better treatment than it got. She deserves to at least be treated like one would a male comedian. She's a brash, raunchy female comedian who's found her niche and made some money, and some people can't stand that. Well, too bad. Women with personalities, attitudes and opinions are here to stay, so you'd better get used to it. I can't believe I have to express that in 2017.

You don't have to give her a break, but it wouldn't kill you to ignore her instead of eviscerate her at every turn.
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Colossal (2016)
Colossal Let Down
5 June 2017
I need to confess a bias: I love Anne Hathaway. Her crazy, wide eyed, expression-filled face makes me happy, even when she's being less than totally interesting. Like she is in this movie.

Admittedly, there's not much for her to do, because the movie, to me, lacks direction. I can tell there was an interesting concept initially, probably thought up during a hardcore pot smoking session, but it never made it to the screen.

There are simply too many times that I found myself wondering why in the heck did the movie decide to take that turn? That's really good when the answers are available to discover through an interesting, unwinding plot, but really bad when there is really no justification for it at all. This movie leaves more questions than it answers, and I've been thinking about it for two days.

And no, it's not the kind of thinking about it that means it was so good you can't stop thinking about it. No. It was the kind of preoccupation with something that becomes irritating and a nuisance.

This movie was a waste of time for me. It is not substantive, did not showcase the actors well, had a poor and confusing story, and made no discernible point. If it tried to, it literally contradicted itself. You think it's going to be a cautionary tale. Nope! Then you think it might be a romance flick. Nope! A fish out of water comedy? Um... no. Oh, I know! It's a good old fashioned monster movie! NOPE! Not THAT!!

Bottom line is it wanted to be so much, it never became anything. That's never any fun. I gave it a 6 for... you know what? I'm not going to give it a 6. It deserves a 4. Let me go change that...

Sorry Anne. I love your silly, lovely face, but you just have to do better.
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Ridiculous! Exactly As It Should Be!
28 May 2017
Anyone who's watched the Fast franchise knows that their starting point is "over the top". So it should come as no surprise that this one would be any different.

Is it fun? Absolutely. Is it exciting? Yep! Is it believable? Are you kidding? Of course not! It's not supposed to be.

The addition of Jason Statham and Charlize Theron bring much more legitimacy to this action flick. Charlize can act, and well, Jason? Jason can kick ass. I would have gotten pretty tired of the dual gun shows doing the heavy lifting once again, but Diesel and the Rock get a bit watered down, thankfully. You can only have so much muscle head antics until it gets old.

I can always use much less Tyrese Gibson, and there is less, but he's also been given a little bit better dialogue than in previous F&F movies. The rest of the cast is watchable and don't distract from the story.

It's really easy to give away spoilers for this movie, so instead I'll just say this: if you liked F&F #1, #3, and #5 (five being clearly the best), then you'll like #8. The seventh installment was an homage and a farewell, and I don't judge it harshly because of that, but this one is far and away better than 7.

This is not a film for the serious film buff. This is a thrill ride in an amusement park, and you have to really allow yourself to be OK with absolutely unbelievable plot twists and totally impossible stunts in order to enjoy it. It's even quite funny in some spots. Intentionally funny, not "oh my god that's stupid" funny. Well, there is a little bit of that too.

Bottom line, I liked it. It's just a fun movie that has some great camera work and some nice filming locations. Plus I can watch Charlize all day long and never tire of it.
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The Great Wall (I) (2016)
The Great White Hope Saves The Day! Thank God He Didn't Kiss Her...
24 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Well, where to begin? Everything I feared about this movie came true. I did't think it would be as blatantly "white savior" as it was. It was almost worse that they made hero #2 a Chinese woman. It was just so typical.

Chinese people SHOULD be offended by this movie.Rightly so.

Matt Damon looks out of place as the great white warrior. His character tries to tone down the savior bit with personal flaws and the "I'm not all that great". It's short lived. Before you know it, he's doing tricks with bows and arrows like you might see in a Wild West show.

What I liked: Much Chinese dialog. Plenty of proud Chinese moments (however it seemed forced like the movie had to or it would face an even bigger backlash). Even though the secondary hero was a Chinese female and it felt obligatory and like pandering, at least she was strong and a good actress. They didn't show a love interest between the western man and the Chinese warrior female, Thank God. I would have barfed. I kept saying "Don't kiss her! Don't kiss her!" I am glad she didn't find him attractive or made any kind of move on him, as so many white male fantasy movies show minority (minority in the U.S.) women doing. It's stupid, and not realistic.

What I didn't like: The CGI. It sucked. The monsters aren't very scary, and there is too much motion blur which means they covered up a lack of good CGI. Common trick, but usually when the budget is smaller. I'm not sure why they had such bad work in this major motion picture. I didn't like the premise. It probably looked good on paper, but it was a stupid reason for them to end up in China. Most of the dialog was in Chinese, but the writing wasn't very sophisticated. There was some stupidity in the writing. The also made the Chinese Emperor look like a scared fool. That wasn't necessary. Even visiting the Emperor's palace was an odd thing to add in. Seemed really out of place. I know they felt they needed a secondary location, but it was forced and an odd choice, in my opinion.

Was this a waste of time? Yes, but I was intending on wasting time anyway, so I wasn't angry. Should you see it? Maybe, if only to see Matt Damon in a wig. And if you think Chinese women are awesome, which I do. If you do see it though, be sure not to pay too much. It's not worth the full admission price.
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Chicago (2002)
As musicals go, you can only get marginally better than this
1 March 2017
Stellar performances from Renee Zellweger and Catherine Zeta-Jones apparently isn't enough to give this film a better score. It's hovered around 7 out of 10 for years. It really boggles my mind. It was well written, beautifully directed, and is filled with intriguing characters, save one.

I literally gave it an 8 because of Richard Gere's performance. If not for him, it would have received a 9 from me. I recall when Chicago came out, a big deal was made of how Richard Geer took the role on short notice, and how, under the stress of that and the learning curve, he did an acceptable job. I remember watching it and thinking "no, he didn't." He nearly ruined it for me, stinking up the screen with his horrible singing and dancing.

Some movies are remembered for incredible performances, but after Catherine Zeta-Jones's performance the thing that stays in my mind the most is Gere. Not in a good way.

So now, I watch La La Land and various people have panned Ryan Gosling for his singing and dancing. If only they would compare it to Richard Gere's performance they would realize Gosling wasn't so bad.

I very much like Chicago, and I skip the Gere parts. He's a likable enough guy, but I can't bring myself to listen to him sing that terrible song ever again.

Chicago has its flaws, but a 7.1? And La La Land has a 9? Something is definitely wrong here. Don't get me wrong, I really like La La Land very much, but even though it's not worse, it certainly isn't better than Chicago, in my opinion.
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A quiet movie with a subtle feel
28 February 2017
This film is polarizing. I haven't seen so many 1-star vs. 10-star reviews in a long time, save for Arrival.

I understand why, however. I think if you've seen it or will see it, you will too. There is a pain that centers in the heart of this movie, very similar to the main character. It does a great job in conveying the simple stress and burden of living a life in grief. The pace is slow, the actors "normal" and human. Ordinary, if you will.

There are intense admissions, Apologies, expressions of love and disgust, fear and loathing, loss and even rekindling. It does run through many human emotions, but subtly. Quietly. Almost gently.

I can easily handle the pace of films like this. I enjoy a good character study. Yet I also understand that it makes some people want to jump out of their chair and run away. It's not a film for everyone, and that's OK.

Did Casey Affleck deserve the Oscar? Obviously many thought he did. I don't believe he did enough to warrant a win, but I'm just one person with an opinion. I believe there was greatness in the role, but he was up against men who acted their tails off. Comparably, it could look to some like he phoned it in. But that's Casey Affleck. He's got a quiet intensity and I've seen everything he's been in, and he's the same. Even keeled, intentional, and slow paced.

I liked Manchester. I thought Michelle Williams was wonderful, as well as a solid supporting cast. It's an interesting film about an area of the country that isn't shown much, and the people in it. That's always nice.
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The Sex Factor (2016– )
Good premise, but performance anxiety abounds
24 February 2017
This is a likable show, which is somewhat odd, considering one has to "normalize" the behavior of the judges and contestants in order to fully enjoy it. Viewing the show takes a bit of maturity, otherwise you could get stuck on the rewind button with a jar of your favorite lubricant instead of paying attention to the contest. Yes, there's an actual contest.

There is a feeling of "this is kind of perverse" one may have to get over, but after that, it keeps getting more interesting. Some of the contestants are a bit underwhelming, but a few are quite hot. One particular contestant just can't stop being utterly intriguing, and her sexual openness is tantalizing.

One of the varying faults of the show is the frequency of the performance anxiety some of the men experience, which detracts from the "action". It makes it a bit boring in places. Yes, sex can be boring, and this show puts that fact front and center. It's true that some just don't have it.

Other problems are fairly minor, and seem to be due to the concept not being fully fleshed out (pun intended). If they have another season, and I hope they do, I think they may learn from their first romp and tighten it up more. Darn, can't seen to get away from those double entendres.

Not thoroughly enjoyable, but a good first try. Can't wait to see what, or who, comes next.
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