
94 Reviews
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This movie is for kids
8 June 2023
*) K Reviews *) ( ( MY NEIGHBOR TOTORO is an absolute gem of a movie that captures the boundless imagination and innocence of childhood. The film's enchanting world invites children to explore their surroundings with wonder and curiosity, reminding us all of the simple joys of being young and carefree. Kids used to be full of energy and a nack for exploration at that era, I do remember my enthusiasm and imagination during my first 10 years on this planet. I will surely show this to some kids.

Overall, MY NEIGHBOR TOTORO is a fantastic movie that deserves a place in every family's collection. Its timeless themes and charming characters will continue to delight and inspire generations of children for years to come.
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God bless to everyone for a full stomach meal.
8 June 2023
*) K Reviews *) ( ( I do pray that no one should sleep empty stomach, everyone deserves 2 times meal at least. This movie will hit you slowly but hard enough, that it will stay with you for a long time. Even today whenever I listens or seen this movie, I got a empty feeling inside. People do extravaganza parties where tons of food gets wasted, and this kind of movies let to live that reality even for a little bit. Just donate to the needful and take as much as you need, not as you want. This world is too big for all of us and we can manage to live side-by-side. I do apologize for my emotional lines but this movie will make you so.
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Why should kids have all the fun?
8 June 2023
*) K Reviews *) ( ( This movie could be wind up easily and ended at the lauch of Biosyn, then in the third, they could have explored more and made a sensfull movie. Whenever they Goa dn wherever they go, T-Rex always saves the hero, but why, that's a dinosaur and will eat you in a second do you should runaway, but instead of that, they were looking like they were going to hug that dinosaur like a puppy and kiss that thing goodbye. The theme of the T-Rex saving the hero regardless of where they go, despite the fact that it is a dangerous dinosaur that could easily harm them. It has the potential for more compelling and meaningful storytelling in a future instalment of the franchise.
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Some loose ends to explore.
8 June 2023
*) K Reviews *) ( ( This movie can be turned into a web series, and that web series can have the potential to become big like breaking bad. All the characters, all the scope, this could be the next money heist in terms of ott entertainment. I reduced it by 3 as the story could be more engaging, and they could have tied some loose ends, especially the second to the lead role. The best part was that when the mother asked "Emily something" and at time we realised that Emily" something" is the title of the movie, and that's why she is a bad influence. I would really like to see the expansion of this into a series.
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Found a lot of things.
8 June 2023
*) K Reviews *) ( ( After watching this for the second time, as I want to watch the 3rd part, and don't want to miss out on anything. So I noticed alot of things which were missed by me, on my first watch. First of all, why the heck, you were creating modified dinosaurs, secondly, If you are creating it and why the hell is a bowl cut hairstyle women is running in the jungle by wearing satin clothes to save everyone but doing nothing except coming in the way? Chris's role is good and he was not giving any Star Lord vibes and that's good. So after the blunder they have left, will love to see what will happen in the next movie.
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Roohi (2021)
Tried 5 times to complete it
18 May 2023
*) K Reviews *) ( ( It took me multiple tries to complete this movie, as whenever I started watching this movie, i felt so sleepy and each time I fell asleep as the story was not engaging at all, then finally the 5th time I was able to keep myself awake and finished it. After finishing it, my conclusion is that you can watch it, but only one time. You don't need to worry as this is not a horror movies, it's horror comedy. And I would love to see this movie and Stree movie in a 3rd movie, as this has the potential of becoming a good series. If the creators were to explore this idea further, they could potentially expand on the world-building and character development, ultimately making for a more immersive and engaging experience for viewers.
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This 3 is more than enough
18 May 2023
*) K Reviews *) ( ( Seriously the amount of headache from which I'll save you, if you are reading this before watching this movie and if you are looking for any signs for not watching this movie then this is it. DO NOT WATCH THIS HEADACHE. The actor John is great but his skills were ruined by poorly directed and edited storyline. And Dark characters suits Disha, even though 9 out 10 of her movies, either she plays a role of ghost, or becoming a ghost. Still pathetic overdrama, over everything movie, sensless, don't watch it. T's unfortunate when talented actors are let down by poor storytelling and editing. Additionally, it can be frustrating when an actor or actress is typecast into similar roles in multiple movies.
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Anime popup era movie
18 May 2023
*) K Reviews *) ( ( The time in which this movie released, and if I'll compare it with that year's movies, then this will have 8 or 9 out of 10, but if you are watching it in 2022 like me, then you must have seen better stuff than this. Although you'll realise that those great anime and hollywood movies came after, after highly motivated from this movie, as this movie is way ahead of his time. This movie has some scenes which realises that you don't need background music in every normal scene, some scenes can be left alone. I completely agree that sometimes less is more when it comes to background music in movies, and it's great to hear that this movie understands that concept.
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Mind relaxing beautiful stuff
18 May 2023
*) K Reviews *) ( ( Sound, animation, design, storyline, everything is relaxing and calming in a way. When I started watching this movie, I had a high headache from some other stuff but while watching this, my headache was going away, little by little. If you had watched "No Name" and loved it, then this will definitely make a sweet spot in your heart. Japan in high resolution, the rain effect, the cloud effect, sunshine effect is by far the highest quality in any anime I have ever seen till now. It's more of a photorealistic. Like if you'll compare it with movie like "Castle in the sky" then those movies have high creativity level.
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Most probably the last POTC with Jack Sparrow
18 May 2023
*) K Reviews *) ( ( This is better than the last one. But this has it's own blunders. First of Jack Sparrow is the backbone of this franchise, and Disney has ruined this for him and for us as well by not differentiating work and private matter. Now as for the movie, the Spanish captain is brutal and ruthless and I liked that character, and i would love to see the more of it, and the trident back story could be interesting as well. Although we get to know theat how Jack sparrow because Captain Jack Sparrow, that was a good one actually. But overall the story looks a bit kiddish, as it could be more adult centric then it could be enjoyable by more people who has grown up with this franchise and can relate to the story in a better way.
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If they have added more interesting characters, then maybe it could be good.
18 May 2023
*) K Reviews *) ( ( I liked the first, I adored the second and I loved the trilogy ending with 'At world's end'. And most of the people think that the franchise should have ended with the third but it kept going on. This part encounters with a youth fountain and that is the main objective and the story revolves around it. Although the story is good, but the CGI is not as good as first 3 POTC movies, and the characters were not that interesting and not well explained as well. Like how did he was able to control that ship with his sword and all that. Still Jack Sparrow is the only reason you have continued watching this franchise and that is the case with me as well.
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Cuttputlli (2022)
Even as a standalone this does not impress
18 May 2023
*) K Reviews *) ( ( If you have watched the "Ratsasan" then skip this, if you are watching this movie after watching "Ratsasan" then you'll get disappointed. How the guy know that the killer is a deaf lady as he haven't mentioned it, and why the heck, the killer is telling his own motive like in a 3rd grade bollywood movie? Seriously bollywood learn something from the movie you have copied. That movie "Ratsasan" has it's flaws but this remake is full of flaws even after having an amazing cast, the director could not use the real potential of it. The location, and mood of the movie was going good but you messed up the plot and the ending.
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Raatchasan (2018)
One of the best thriller by Indian Cinema
18 May 2023
*) K Reviews *) ( ( I deducted 3 point due to the stupidity in stretching the movie unnecessarily. Like they were catching the main culprit and they didn't ran behind when they can, and they left their bikes and cars to chase behind a 4 wheeler. Now this was the crazy part, but i watched the Hindi dubbed version and it was not dubbed properly, like they were actually saying "impotent" but they translated to "takla" which means bald head, which was completely inaccurate translation. Apart from all these flaws, movie is a thriller masterpiece according to the Indian cinema and this is not the kind of movie which you should miss out.
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Rango (2011)
Serious topic with engaging story
18 May 2023
*) K Reviews *) ( ( Water is indeed a precious gift of nature, and it is important to preserve and respect it. It is alarming to think that water scarcity can lead to conflicts and wars in the future. Even children can understand that without water, wars can get erupt. So preserve and respect this gift of nature water. Otherwise we'll have to survive in cactus juice 😅. Animation is great, Johnny depp rango gives vibes of Jack sparrow which is a good thing. You'll enjoy but as a adult the story seems a little empty sometimes. Still you can't miss this one. Despite the story feeling a little empty at times, the movie still manages to deliver a powerful message about the importance of being true to oneself and standing up for what is right, even in the face of adversity.
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Great continuity
18 May 2023
*) K Reviews *) ( ( This is very rare to make a sensible part 2 of a sensitive issue. And man do i feel sorry for Sameer throughout the first and even more in the second. While Sameer was killing those rapist, i was cheering at the screen "kill those ______" and this is the very harsh reality, due to which I really don't want to be in India. Damn at the end they have given official data of India that every 15 min a girl raped in India, this means that by the time i have finished writing this review, a girl is being raped somewhere in India. That just sick mentality to the utmost level of Rotten society. Movie did a great job and the lady in the negative has done a great job. Although in the movie there's a scene where she leaves the house by saying that we can't remain the same and whatever, but why saying to Sameer, he has saved you in the first part by going against the world for you and you just left. That's completely crazy. Great acting Jamwal.
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Prey (I) (2022)
I started watching this movie without any clue at all
9 May 2023
*) K Reviews *) ( ( I haven't watched any trailers or read any description, I just jumped straight into the movie and I was surprised to see the predator guy in this movie, I thought that this is some sort of historical movie with a modern era sci-fi twist, and if I think for a second then is the same thing. Many flaws are there like, why he didn't killed the girl? Why those Frenchmen are removing the skins? Why that predator came here at the very first place? And why the girl is able to survive everything? So due to all these unanswered mysteries, I reduced the count to 7. However, it's also worth noting that sometimes movies deliberately leave certain things unexplained to create a sense of mystery or intrigue, or to leave room for interpretation by the audience. Regardless, it's important to be honest in your assessment of a movie and to acknowledge both its strengths and weaknesses.
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Great ending to a great trilogy
9 May 2023
*) K Reviews *) ( ( It's always disappointing when a beloved franchise comes to an end, especially if it feels like there's more story left to tell. After this no Pirates of the Caribbean is worth watching as the title suggests, this is the end of the world of Jack Sparrow with this movie and even though if anything left in the character of Jack Sparrow to give, that hope is crushed by Disney by going against Johnny Depp and mixing personal and professional life. Great love story of Jack, Davy and William. And if you are confused how this is a love story, then you'll have to watch the trilogy to understand it. For anyone who hasn't seen these movies, I would definitely recommend giving them a watch!
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Look at the CGI, what happened to the modern era movies
9 May 2023
*) K Reviews *) ( ( I really loved the CGI of Infinity war but if you look closely, End game Is not that great and same with many Hollywood movies nowadays. While some might argue that Infinity War had impressive CGI, Endgame was lacking, others might have the opposite opinion. Regardless, it's true that CGI has come a long way over the years, and it's impressive to see what could be done even back in 2006 with movies like Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest And this movie is made in 2006 and CGI is like crazy good. Rest of the things are crazy as Jack Sparrow. Jack Sparrow's character is certainly a highlight of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise!
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Anek (2022)
Kudos to the graphic designer of the poster
9 May 2023
*) K Reviews *) ( ( In the name of the movie "Anek" they have smartly made "NE" capital to represent what the movie is about i.e North East India. Although this is a very sensitive topic and rarely it is highlighted, but this movie has shown a genuine effort to do so. I am giving it 5 starts because this movie failed to indulge me with the characters and it failed to make it worthwhile. It's barely a one time watch, although this has a fresh feeling, like a fresh apple directly from the apple tree, this movie feels like that only. Idea is good but is too fresh and it requires more refined in terms of storytelling.
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You can't wait for part two only if the first one set a high bar
9 May 2023
*) K Reviews *) ( ( Always the nearest and dearest are the biggest culprit. In this world you can't trust anyone and by the end this movie you'll realise this. After "Article 15". If you liked article 15 then you'll enjoy this too. This movie also touch on some important social issues or themes. The fact that it leaves you with a cliff-hanger and wanting more is always a good sign it means the story has captured your attention and you're invested in finding out what happens next. This has a nostalgic and suspense theme going on throughout the movie and even they put it a great cliff-hanger that i personally can't wait for part 2.
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How he survived it's first crash?
9 May 2023
*) K Reviews *) ( ( The casting of some of the original actors, including Tom Cruise as the lead role, definitely helps to connect the story to the 1986 movie and adds to the overall enjoyment of the film. Movie story is brilliantly connected with a 1986 movie by casting some of the main casting and most importantly the lead role. This movie is only enjoyable because Tom Cruise is still alive and healthy. Rest the movie is good and do watch it after watching the old one to fully appreciate this piece of art. Overall, I agree that Top Gun - Maverick is a piece of art worth watching for fans of the original movie and newcomers alike.
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Top Gun (1986)
Great camera work of 1986
9 May 2023
*) K Reviews *) ( ( The Top Gun movie was definitely ahead of its time when it comes to the cinematography and visual effects. Even by today's standards, the aerial shots and dogfight scenes are a treat to watch. However, it's true that the story lacks depth and character development, making it feel somewhat disconnected at times. If I'll compare this movie with 2022's movies then that will not be fair. If I compare it with the movies till 2000's then this is a masterpiece of camerawork. But as from the story and editing point of view, not so much. As story doesn't feel connected in any way, although you get the gist of the story. Editing could be better or maybe all the YouTube and great movies have spoiled me. But still I watched it so that I can watch top gun - maverick.
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The Lost City (2022)
More like a lost tomb
9 May 2023
*) K Reviews *) ( ( Comedy aspect of this good, and the role of trainer is the highlight of this movie. Daniel Radcliffe has a knack of doing the same role in different films, for example Harry Potter series and now you see me. This movie is more like a now you see me 2.5 except the magic part. If you are being bored and looking for something fun time, then this is a good one, with a unique style to approach humour. More like a dark, type of humour. Kudos to the Duo couple in the main role and keep us entertaining throughout the movie. You'll find flaws here and there but you can ignore it easily due to the silly theme of the movie.
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Even by today's standard this 2003 movie is way better than 90% of the Hollywood CGI garbage
9 May 2023
*) K Reviews *) ( ( Acting amazing. My love for Johnny Depp starts with this movie and also for this franchise. The man itself is a franchise of acting and sheer will and this role of Jack Sparrow will always be of Johnny Depp and no one can replace it even a little bit. Although many things you'll notice that in the last scene while Jack was trying to escape, Elizabeth and Will just standing there and looking confused and due to that part I am deducting 2 stars. Even though you'll not notice this for the first time. Still a great re-watch and in Hindi dubbed, it's even more funnier and entertaining. If you know what I mean ;).
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Shamshera (2022)
Money duping machine
9 May 2023
*) K Reviews *) ( ( If you had so much money to dupe, then you should have donated. If i need to summarize this movie in one line then that should be "trying to be bahubali and K. G. F mix, but failed miserably". CGI seems better than most most of the Bollywood movies, but story has not power at all. Not at all engaging and it seems stretched out from the beginning. Like the whole story can be summarized in 30 min. And why the hell Vani is acting an traditional Indian dancer with a American English accent. Very poor acting of her. Even the crow is more authentic then her, they should have taken Kulkarni for this role. Avoid this movie and save your time as I watched this movie for a sole reason that why the heck people are giving this movie so much hate, and now I get it.
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