
12 Reviews
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Shock Waves (1977)
Boring, boring, boring
11 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I found it completely laughable that the marooned people discovered pretty quickly that the creatures could be killed by simply removing their glasses during the day. But the scientist that actually created them somehow didn't know that. Instead, he just sunk the ship they were on, even though he knew that wouldn't kill them.

Since we know from the beginning who survives, it's just a matter of watching how each person dies. Unfortunately, they all die the same way. These super-soldiers, that can kill with their bare hands, do much of that.

I have no idea how this is so highly rated on Amazon Prime.
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Deus (2022)
Fun popcorn movie
11 January 2023
Not a bad movie. Interesting concept with a nice twist. I only have some minor complaints.

First is the strained relationship between the main character Karla Grey (Claudia Black) the captain Sen Paul (Richard Blackwood) was never explained. There is a lot of animosity there, hinting at a backstory, but it's never developed. We never find out why.

Second, the script could have been a little more polished.

Finally, the actions of Si Rubin (Branko Tomovic), while and interesting way to pare down the crew, was pretty cursory. I'd like to have been given a little context for his actions.

The best part of the movie was the performance by Claudia Black. I thought she was very good in the role. Her character was developed more by her acting skill than it was by the script.

Overall, a fun movie to watch.
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Old (2021)
OK movie
1 December 2021
This movie was just OK. The movie trailer tells you all you need to know about the film. The character development is pretty weak and the ending was completely unbelievable to me.
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Jojo Rabbit (2019)
Funny in a cringy way
1 December 2021
I really liked this movie. It covers social indoctrination, friendship, and ultimately redemption. This is not really a comedy, it's a statement on the human condition told in a humorous way. All this told through the eyes of a young boy with Hitler as an imaginary friend.
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Knives Out (2019)
Thoroughly enjoyable
1 December 2021
Believe it or not, Daniel Craig is a very believable southern detective. This mystery movie is fun and engrossing. I particularly loved the interaction between Jamie Lee Curtis and Don Johnson. If you love Agatha Christi, you'll love this movie. Grab your popcorn and watch it.
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LuLaRich (2021)
Eye Opening
1 December 2021
Wow... you want to see white collar human predators in action, this is the documentary for you. I'm not sure how these live with their actions, but I sure would like to see them prosecuted for the abuse and fraud they inflicted on others. At the start, I think they truly believed in giving people a chance to better their lives and be their own boss. In the end, they were just a pyramid scheme that damaged lives and bankrupted those same people. They use the carrot of money to get their followers to become morally, ethically, and financially bankrupt. A chilling cautionary tale for anyone contemplating joining a MLM.
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Tough to watch
1 December 2021
This is a great movie, but watching man's inhumanity to man is tough. I knew this was based on a true story and I commend the man for what he did, but I still had a hard time with the brutality inflicted on people by their fellow man. Watch this movie, it's important. Just be aware of the toll it may take on your sensibilities.
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Carrie Pilby (2016)
Carrie Pilby is worth watching
1 December 2021
This movie really captures a person floundering through life and finally coming into their own. Most people go through this at some point in their life and this makes the film very relatable to the average person. The story flows nicely and the main characters are well rounded. Overall, a nice way to spend a couple of hours.
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Sea Fever (2019)
Potential Missed
1 December 2021
The movie was well shot & edited, but felt stale. I never was able to get invested in the characters. I just didn't care if they made it or not. I felt they were trying to emulate 'The Thing', but missed the mark. The characters were either bland or unlikeable. There was potential in the creatures, but they didn't really expand on them and they seemed an afterthought. In the end, I was rooting for them and not the humans.
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Fun Movie
1 December 2021
If you like found footage style movies, this is a great one to watch. Overall, I would recommend this movie to friends and family.

Pros: 1. The interaction between the characters is really top notch.

2. The horror is very subtle, but effective.

3. Pacing is awesome.

4. Characters are well written and relatable. Loved McNamara's character.

5. The over-the-top acting is fun.

Cons: 1. Camera motion may make people uncomfortable.

2. Some may find the ending a little predictable.

This may not win any awards, but if you're looking for a fun 2 hours you won't go wrong with this movie.
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Mixed bag
20 June 2021
Screen writing was pretty bad. The acting was pretty poor, but that could have been due to the bad script. There was absolutely no chemistry between the actors. They were supposed to be long term friends, but for the most part they seemed like they had all just met.

Storyline was pretty basic and predictable.

On a positive note, the actor playing Conner did a good job.
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Good storyline, very bad ending
20 June 2021
This movies was trending a solid 7 until the very unsatisfying ending. Decent acting, great storyline, but the ending was terrible. It's like the screen writers just didn't know how to end it... makes me feel like I just wasted an hour & a half of my life.
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