
6 Reviews
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Top movie on DVD!!!
26 December 2003
Absolutely breathtaking!! Who would have thought that a movie from a Walt Disney Attraction would hit it off so well!

All the acting was superb! Jonny Depp as Jack Sparrow (Can you say Yummy?) was the smartest choice that they made, as well as Orlando Bloom as Will Turner (also very yummy!) I never saw the film in the theatres, which I very much regret! I bought the DVD last week and I have watched it for the umpteenth time since I bought it.

The storyline was great (a little long, but more of Jack and Will for me *grins*). The music was absolutely wonderful! I give it a 9.5 out of 10!!
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Scary Movie 3 (2003)
I can't believe I spent $40 for this movie!!
11 November 2003
It's just not Scary Movie without the Wayans Bro's!!! This movie just might be good for those who did not like the first and second movies.

The movie started off okay, but then it just went downhill from there. I didn't like the idea of Cindy being all grown up, they should have stuck with the College scene. Where the hell was Ray and Shorty? Those two made the movies what they were!!!!

I shelled out $40 for this movie (2 tickets and popcorn)... for good previews!!!

I give it 2 out of 10. There were a few laughs, but just not enough to be sired "Scary Movie"
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The Ring (2002)
11 November 2003
I love horror movies. I have to say that I liked and disliked the Ring. There were moments that made me itchy as I sat and watched. But it just wasn't as scary as I thought it would be.

Things were very predictable, in fact I predicted the end of the movie about 2 minutes after I saw the woman watch the video for the first time.

What I don't get is the woman showed a loving side toward the little girl near the end, and supposedly freed her from her bonds of hatred. Yet it didn't end there. At least it's left open for a sequel, which I highly recommend they do.

I give it a 6 out of 10
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28 Days Later (2002)
Not worth the time or money
11 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers
My husband and I were all excited about the movie when we first saw the previews, it looked absoluetly thrilling. So sure enough opening day we went, spent $40 for tickets.

The show was sold out with a packed to the brim theatre. The monkeys were sort of creepy, but as the movie went along it go sooo slow and boring.


A guy wakes up in a hospital, no one around. He goes in search of people and finds a man and woman. They drag him into a closed store and tells him of a virus that has killed all the people in Britian *eesh a British movie*. So they have to go in search of more living people who haven't been taken over the virus.

Man gets killed. Guy and woman go in search of people, They find a father and little girl (about 12ish). They listen to an old radio recording and hears of a group of people who are still alive and looking for more live people. They go in search of these people. They find them, father gets infected, then killed. The guy from the beginning of the movie is imprisoned, they group plans to rape the woman and little girl. Guy saves woman and little girl. THE END.

My 5 year old could have written a better story than that!!

We had the movie inturrupted quite a few times by people in front of us standing up to leave. No word of a lie, over 50% of the people who came in had left around the half way point of the movie grumbling that it wasn't worth the time to see anymore.

I give the movie 1 out of 10.
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Finding Nemo (2003)
11 November 2003
I bought Finding Nemo over the weekend, and I have already watched it about a dozen times (my kids are hooked on the movie heh).

I adore the animation and the entire story. There are times when the movie drags, but most movies do in certain parts. I just love the idea of how realistic the movie is when it comes to learning about sealife. My kids have learned a ton of fun stuff from the movie *my daughter still can't get over how sea turtles can live to be up to 150 years old*.

The voice acting was absolutely marvelous . I don't believe they could have found a better cast.

9 out of 10!
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A Father's Choice (2000 TV Movie)
Good Movie
1 November 2003
I was lucky enough to be attending Bow Valley College (Airdrie Campus) at the time they were there to film the court scenes of the movie (BVC Airdrie campus is attached to the Airdrie Courthouse). Even better, I was given permission to job shadow the set designer and mingle with all the cast! Peter Strauss is very nice (and a bit of a prankster who kept pulling faces at the camera and making the director roll his eyes). I liked the movie, unfortunately I never got a chance to videotape it when it came on television since I did not have a vcr at the time, but I did get to keep an autographed copy of the movie script (somewhere in my packed boxes in storage).
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