
23 Reviews
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Bad Trip (2021)
I tell you, you really need a laugh during this Cray Cray time!
28 March 2021
I have never watched an Eric Andre show.(The only time I saw a clip, was when everyone thought Flavor Flav really got kicked in the face, and the clip of Lance Reddick "I wish I was LaVar Burton!") I saw this on Netflix the other night, and laughed so hard, I actually had to run to the restroom!!! Tiffany Haddish is a great comedian, and added secret sauce to this movie. Their interactions with the people in this movie, are so funny! I'm gonna watch it again.
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The best so far, and not a word of Dialogue
13 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
William Hurt has not aged well, but maybe the soul of the hit-man, is showing through on this one. Heartless hit-man (How can you kill a toy maker)gets his, plus more Mr. Hurt delivered a worthy performance without a word of dialog. My hats off to him. You have to give the few grunts and groan a skip, and just watch Mr. Hurts facial expressions. I have to tell you, if you could not hear, this short would "Talk" to you , without opening it's mouth. And, as a former resident of San Francisco, I would love to know, what part of the Bayview, was the apartment ? It was breathtaking ! The ending...well, all I can say is maybe the toymaker's best idea girl should consider working for the Military... Honestly, who would have seen this coming ?

As far as the second story, I skipped it, because I didn't like the story. But, from the guides of Television, I have to tell you, I'm looking forward to"The end of the whole mess","You know, they've got a hell of a band" and "Autopsy room 4" which reminds me of an old "Twilight Zone " episode.

If you have not read the stories yet, wait... Then compare.
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Slaves (1969)
I saw this movie when I was 7."Night of the Living Dead" was the feature Presentation.
27 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
It's funny what you remember when you get older and crazy. But,This movie bother me on a whole different level. I can't remember much of it, I thought it was Perry King,instead of Stephen Boyd. All I know is, that the wast a lot of rape, murder, and just plain ugliness. I thought that it made up for the fact that Ben, in "NOTLD" killed that coward Harry Johnson. See, at age 7, We went to the drive in (Yes, I wish they were still around...)to see "NOTLD". My first movie. And it scared the righteous crap out of me for 2 months.Mom and Dad got tired of me beating them to their bed, so they trick me one night, and got into mine.I had fallen asleep, knowing my guardians would be there. I woke up in the middle of the night...No scream, but I cried.until they came and told me to go get into my own bed. No, My parents really did love me.

I just remember this movie, because I was trying to get the zombies out of my head. One line that has stayed with me all my life was, when Dionne Warwicke told this other slave how she drowned her child, instead of making that child live this life.

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As sweet as the Chocolate he makes...
28 July 2005
I have to say, that when I first heard they were remaking the chocolate factory, I was a little nervous. But, Gene Wilder's portrayal is totally safe, and far different from this story, which should not be classified as a remake. This is the real story, from the book. And, I have to say, that I love them both. Johhny Depp is far overdue for any award with the name "Oscar" attached. I'm sure he won't win for this one, but I enjoyed him more in this film, than in 'Pirates..." If you don't like Johnny, fear not. The oompa Loompas will have you chair dancing (As I was in the theater). The one character I really disliked (I guess you can't say you hate kids...) was that twerp Mike TeeVee, and believe me, I enjoyed his comeuppance. I also loved Willie Wonka's clothing. And, when you leave the theater, you will be craving chocolate...
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I call him Mr. Spielberg, Out of the Utmost Respect...
9 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
An Open Letter to you, Dear Sir...

I was totally ready to be shocked and awed by this new movie of yours..."War of the Worlds" I came in anticipating the thrill of a lifetime...

All I could say, after the first 15-17 minutes was..."Damn, Steven..."

Yes, you took my breath away with this one. And I don't sit at the edge of my seat very often.

From the first attack, until I saw Gene Barry, and Anne Robinson, I was so caught up in the lives of these characters(Including Tom Cruise)that I was truly terrified when even the little girl got caught up by the machine,( I don't care for children's bright button eyes in movies, but Dakota Fanning...My God, just don't become Kristen Dunst, when you grow up...)

I knew the special effects would be something to watch, but, from the trumpet sound of the machines (I was comparing it to the final trump of Gabriel,when the Rapture comes), to the red weeds, to the vision of how the machines used the humans... "Damn, Steven..." I can't say more. I just keep wanting to go back to the theater, and seeing it again, on the big screen... I haven't done that since "Jurrasic Park"...

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Wait for the DVD
27 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say,that I didn't want to see this movie. I have gotten to the age, where horror movies frighten the hell out of me. I did want to see this one, however, since I learned that Mr. Romero was behind it. and the last movie I saw with his connection"Danw Of the Dead" I can never watch again...Old age (43)fear of death, I don't know. but I can't watch a horror movie anymore... I braced myself... I paid my 3.00 (Texas). I sat down. I flinched. And when all was said and done, I could have waited for the DVD. Maybe some of the gore that went by so fast, that my eyes wouldn't catch it, but my brain registered it, would be expanded in the Director's cut. Maybe "Pez Despenser Man" (I call him that because of the way his head popped forward to bite the soldier)could be expanded to tell, so show how he became that way... And, was it me, or did Tom Savini look like he had just come from the set of "From Dusk till Dawn" and joined in on the fun ? Either way, my sister says I was being too critical. I got the social commentary of the movie. I understand the Zombie is the poor, being ripped off by the middle class(Baker and Co.) to appease the rich (Hopper and Co.), and I understand that the poor will no longer take it. I understand that the rich, and middle class (Who are also suffering) are not giving the poor the credit they deserve. Give us some credit, Mr. Romero. This quickie movie, though hyped and with some chills, could have went farther. Explain to us, what is the use of money now, since society is not using it ? Why is it that Hopper became the CEO of Snob Central. How is it that the underlying racial tensions still run rampant in a world where there are just two survivors...The living and the Dead ? Why aren't the zombies turning into fertilizer, since dead flesh is dead, I would think that the longer there dead, the quicker they just turn into dust... And, Lastly...How in the hell did the Zombies get so freaking smart ?
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Big Bird, I hope your'e looking over your shoulder...
30 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
If all children's programing is like this behind the scenes, I want a job !!! I thought "Death to Smoochy" was the funniest thing I've seen in a long time... And the funniest I've seem Robin in a while. While this is not "Sesame Street" You get the feeling that if it was, Burt and Ernie would be outed, Oscar would carry a switchblade, and Big Bird would be packing a 9mm. And Spinner? He was so special, it hurt when he bought it, even though I was laughing my butt off. Good performances all around, but I think the only reason Harvey Firestien was in this, was as a favor to or for Robin Williams. He was wasted in this role. It should have went to an actor without that much skill. 8 out of 10 ! and a new DVD in my collection!
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Please, go and see "The Passion..."
8 March 2004
I had to tell someone, after seeing this movie, and crying, moaning for a full 5 minutes after if was over, I have to tell you, this movie will change your life.

I thought my belief in Jesus Christ was enough to get me through this movie. I thought that when the critics called it 'Too Bloody", what hypocritcal bull. Nobody says that about Freddy or Jason or the Horror bunch.

From the opening scene, when the first thing you see, is the scripture, I knew I was in trouble. Mel was warning me then. I stood my ground, I begged this movie to show me what the hype and the talk was about. I asked to be dragged into this. And, I was...

Boy, was I.

From the point where I noticed that Christ was, yes he was sweating blood, I was swept away, tears fell. from that point on, I was either sobbing out loud or weeping openly.

And, when I walked from the theatre,eyes swollen, tears streaking my face, I felt no shame. Anyone in line, with a heart, and a soul, who looked at me, had to prepare themselves, for the question that coursed through my heart, and mind...

Jesus did all of this for Me ? How dare I complain! Thank you so much Jesus!
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Crazy as Hell (2002)
Beware...Spoiler ahead
16 February 2004
Warning: Spoilers
O.K. If you really want a hint... The name of the Hospital is SEDAH State Hospital... Backwards ? Hades!!!

And the fact that the Orderly was trying to tell him, but the doctor kept ignoring him ? Then the orderly tells him, "I was just trying to help you out..." I think the good Doctor was being offered a way out of Hell...but, he was so caught up in himself, he missed the whole point...

It reminds me of "Tales from the Hood" when the gang member was offered a chance to go through therapy, for his freedom (Rosalind Cash, in her last role, played the Doctor offering the thug a second chance)The thug, basically screaming profanities, doesn't realize that he is being given a chance to redeem his soul,and ends up in hell, with the other thugs that killed him (Clearence Williams gives a good Performance in this movie. Check it out, if you have never seen it...) But, over all, I think "AngelHeart was a better movie. Same difference, but this guy doesn't even know he's bound for hell...
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Showgirls (1995)
I Had to buy a copy! Camp Trash!
29 December 2003
All I can say is this...Elizebeth Berkeley overacted everything... I mean EVERYTHING !!!!! EVERYTHING she was in, she overacted. It was so laughable, I had to buy a copy.

The movie itself was good, but if they had cast someone with talent in the Nomi role, who knows what kind of impact this movie would have made?
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Special Bulletin (1983 TV Movie)
Would love to own a copy...
29 December 2003
I remember this movie, because it scared me a little bit more than "The Day After" I think because it looked like a newscast,and some of the actors were familiar to me. The subject was flying around the 80s. and everyone was a bit scared that Reagan and Russia were going to blow us all to hell (Even Prince had a song,"Ronnie Talk to Russia") When this movie, 'The Day After' and "By Dawn's Early Light" were shown, things started to change. and I think before Alzhiemer's got control of his brain, Reagan realized that Nuclear war was a waste of the future... Great cast,, and the ending will still scare you.
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The Women (1939)
The Reason I started watching Classics...
29 December 2003
I saw this in a movie house, in San Francisco about 15 years ago. When I came out of the theatre, I went straight to the video store. It took some time for it to come out, but believe me, It was worth the wait. This movie was so good. You could even see the real life tension between Joan Crawford and Norma Shearer. And Marjorie Main is a site to behold. Before 'Ma & Pa Kettle' started. The cast is brilliant, and the story juicy. Even in this day and age, everyone can agree with what's going on. You Have to Watch this Movie !!!
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I laughed so hard and long, my stomach hurts...
25 December 2003
If you want a serious laugh pain, watch this movie, and the things Bruce inflicts on his fellow newscaster. The deleted scenes are priceless. I don't know why they didn't include them in the original movie. It can't be because of time, since the movie is only 101 minutes long. Morgan Freeman is a brilliant actor, who has been overlooked for too long. Jim Carrey needs meds!
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Should have won Oscar that year...
25 December 2003
...Everytime you see the oscars, the movies about the holocaust win the awards. Spike's movie lost out to a holocaust documentary that year. And I finally saw it with my own eyes. Hollywood sucks. This movie should have won the oscar for best documentary that year.
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A movie that will move you...
20 December 2003
I just saw the movie, through Netflix. I was intrigued by the way the movie was described, but in the end, it was better. I was moved in many different directions while watching this movie. I was filled with hurt, hate, angry, bitterness,pain and finally relief. To look at the young man accused, would break your heart, and convince you that they had the wrong person. The smugness of the police, makes you cring, because just as the Rodney King Beating brought to light, the brutality of the police, this movie brings forth the total lack of moral fiber in these police. And the fact that they beat this boy, and got away with it, only infuriates you more.

But, I have to tell you, I fell in love with the attorney, Mc Guinness. One of my favorite lines, when he was telling us what an a**hole on of the cops was... The cop told him, to go on, keep sucking on that cancer stick. Mc Guinness told the cop... 'I always have a cigarette before sex...' I was letting him know I was going to screw him"

I have a new respect for some of the law in this country.
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The book series is much better...
18 December 2003
You know how you read a book, and you see a specific actor playing that role, then the casting powers that be really make a mess of things ? Well, this is what happened to this movie. I am an avid fan of the "Left Behind " series. I look forward to the Rapture and Christ return. The series is heartfelt, and I believe sincere. But, the casting sucks...

Only those who have read the series can understand when I say...Kirk Cameron as Buck ? Brad Johnson?

Well, I guess I let my imagination get the best of me sometimes. I liked the movie, but it still chews at me...Why was this cast selected ?
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Christine (1983)
Could have been a lot better...
29 November 2003
With the special effects now a days, I think this movie should be remade. Since the book has 'Christine' driving up someones stairs to get them, and also the death of the thugs that trashed her were better in the book. And the death of Arine and his parents ( In the book much, much better...) Try it again, you guys... Even though I stopped reading or buying any Stephen King book, because he is a racist, I still loved the early books. My favorite, was 'The Stand' , but I stopped buying them after I realized that every single time he described an African American, they always had to be discribed as 'Ni**ers' I wish there were a way to get all of my money back. But, oh well.
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Game of Death (1978)
The only reason I score it this high is because of Bruce
9 November 2003
I'm sorry. this movie was a piece of garbage. When i saw it in 1982, I thought it was garbage,too... The only reason I give it a 3, is because of Bruce Lee. The scenes that were new, were great. But, that could not save this rip off of devoted fans. I saw the real footage about a month ago, on AMC. This was the sequence that should have been released. Maybe Linda didn't get the money she wanted, so she held out...
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I loved it, but was depressed...
7 November 2003
I will try not to say too much about the movie, but I was really bummed about the ending... I will say this... I can't wait until the complete box set comes out. I will take off work, and watch everything!!!!! Thank you, the Writers of The Matrix, for giving me a reason to go to the theatre again, instead of waiting for the DVD... But, I was really bummed at the end... Couldn't you have done something else ? It seemed so unfair to me... And, to that loud b**ch in the movie theatre, who screamed of one of the plot lines, as we were going into the theatre, You didn't ruin anything, and only made your self look really childish and stupid... Homer Simpson has more class thsn you...
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It (1990)
The book could not be done on TV...
12 October 2003
After reading "IT" I knew they would do a movie. the question was, for TV or Theatre ? They should have strived for Theatre. The book was too strong for TV, and being such, was ruined. With the Casting of Richard Thomas as Bill, I was happy, and that's when it went downhill. Granted, I was suprised that they had Michael Cole (Pete, The Mod Squad) as Henry Bowers, but Annette O'Toole ? John Ritter? Harry Anderson ? TIM CURRY ?!?!?!

O.k. I could go on forever, but This movie should have never been done for TV. There were too many thing they had to leave out. For those who have read the book, wouldn't you have loved to see "The Smoke Hole" sequence, or "The Leper" sequence, or even the sequence when Beverly's husband comes to the Liar, and completely loses touch with reality ?

After i saw the TV "Show" I re-read the book, and let my imagination do the book justice... I would share the experience, but then , the theatre would be too crowded...
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One of the Best Comedies of the 60s
12 October 2003
The excess is great. I love this movie. It's one of my favorite "Classic" movies... I think Shirley is Beautiful. And Paul Newman, as "Larry Flynt" (How many times have I laughed over his name ?)

The cast is great. And with the exception of Pinky Benson ( I thought he was annoying...)I felt funny laughing at their demise. But, all in all, the movie should be considered for Re-make Status (Can't you see John Travolta as Pinky, or Brad Pitt as Larry...)... Just, Please, DO NOT cast Jennifer Lopez. She would ruin a cup of coffee...
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After all that, You can still watch it over,and over
11 October 2003
Without giving ANYTHING away, I have to tell you, that this movie is worth watching over, and over again...It's worth it to see Chazz's face, when it dawns on him...You know... God, this movie should have won more than an award for Kevin, though. I mean, Well Benicio,Baldwin, all of them should have won an award for this one. Kudos and Applause for the writer and producer.
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I will always be a fan...But...
10 October 2003
I have to admit, I fell in love with The Bee Gees a long time ago, When I started High School, in 1977.( can't you tell I'm a big fan ?)The first song I heard from them was "Love so Right". I was smitten, like a lot of teenagers were at the time. So, after Saturday Night Fever came out, I was one of maybe millions who anticipated the release of Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band...

I Loved it, but, for a long time, whenever I saw George Burns or Peter Frampton, I got visibly shaken, and became quiet ill. They ruined this movie. Frampton looked like he was smelling something awful throughout the movie, and my GOD! George Burns, why didn't someone pull him on top of the big cheeseburger, and drop him, hard...

Granted. I am Biased. But, coming off of SNF, and the concert tours, If you were a fan, you couldn't get enough... So much so, that I have a copy of the movie on video, that I "Mistakenly" forgot to take back to the store... And Yes, I still love them
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