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Bonanza: Forever (1972)
Season 14, Episode 1
Forever a viewers response to this episode 7-30-09
30 July 2009
Of all the episodes of Bonanaza this is one of the most heartrending of them all and thru the years when i recall this series this still haunts me..... to lose ones true love thru a terrible circumstance such as revenge or whatever you want to call is almost unthinkable, and because Michael rewrote the script it seemed to make it even more sad, at least for me. This was back in 1972 that this episode first aired and I had just had my last child not too long before I saw it on TV. Because of the way the show ended and the way it was so well performed I tend to remember Michael with quite a bit of nostalgia. Bonnie Bedelia did a wonderful job in this performance also...... I don't see how it could possibly have had a more satisfying ending. If anyone is watching this one in reruns get out the Kleenex, i guarantee you will need them!!!
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We enjoyed this movie, and the laughs were good too
15 July 2009
Hi, not everyone will appreciate this movie, it is after all, a Hallmark movie and shouldn't have a lot of gore and stuff in it. the plot was well done and the scenery beautiful....the two protagonists have a good 'go' at each other during the movie they are at opposite ends of the good guy/bad guy roles reminded me a little bit of the Gambler movie and the lady in the movie was added as window dressing but i think she did a good job......hopefully we will see her in more roles on TV ....and the acting was OK too, GO DEAN, keep doing some good stuff for the rest of your fans!!!! PS personally i think having to have a minimum of 10 lines to be able to post a comment is ridiculous, come on IMDb, give us a break, thanks!!!S and D T from Ohio
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Vampire (1979 TV Movie)
Scary,delightful actor (s)
19 February 2007
When I first saw this movie(Vampire) on TV some years ago, and have looked for it ever since, I was enthralled with Richard Lynch, his portrayal is 'right on' in this some of you may not agree with me, but I also put Rutger Hauer in a similar category, delightful to watch, downright scary in some of his roles,(Nighthawks) but the ultimate romantic, if given half a chance...........of course, my all-time favorite love story movie is Ladyhawke, so I admit to being a tad prejudiced.......I have seen Richard Lynch in a number of TV movies, series, etc, but have lost track of him over the recent years......

there are also websites for Rutger Hauer where his fans can go to keep up with his movie roles, etc........He also is the founder of an organization that helps AIDS victims, mostly children, i believe.....called STARFISH. Its always nice to know that some of the actors today at least have some compassion for others less fortunate than themselves.
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The Red Buttons Show (1952–1955)
The passing of Red Buttons, June Allyson,etc.
15 July 2006
If its true,that favorite people pass away in threes, then it can stop any time it wants too.this week alone, we have lost three and more beloved favorites of the TV/movies.........with the passing of June, i recall some of my favorite movies also costarring James Stewart and others. I remember enjoying the Red Buttons shows on TV, along with the Honeymooners, especially Jackie Gleason,and Audrey Meadows,etc.How many of us remember the Ed Sullivan Show, with the little mouse,Topo Gigo,and the appearance of Elvis Presley and they wouldn't show him swiveling his hips as he sang one of his songs.I think as time passes, we will still remember fondly the shows of yesteryear, when you could enjoy an evening of quality television without being concerned about hearing offensive language or one murder/crime after another.ah those were the days my friend this is Sharon signing off from oHIo
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Interestingly well done/possible spoiler
29 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
We saw it for the first time on AMC, which is FINALLY starting to show some different presents a sport that I believe most Americans are unfamiliar with.......Personal comment: I don't believe that people should stoop to cheat in ANY SPORT or to sabotage anther's chances of winning. FAIR IS FAIR! This movie came out a few years later than CHARIOTS of FIRE, and one cant help but feel the same emotions of being in a race whether on land or the water. Good sportsmanship should always be at the top of ones personal goals........and really enjoying competition. Ah, Nicolas did well in keeping in shape to do this movie!!!! AND the musical score is great too!!!

.S.T. rainbowsmileyfish says hello :-)<>{
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A great feel good family movie!
17 February 2005
WE happened to catch this movie again on the PAX channel and start getting completely captivated once again by its funny scenes, and Harrys reaction to everything he encounters, from the family to the things in the house and its eventual feel good conclusion! I think one of the most touching scenes is when he encounters a deer head mounted on the wall and knocks out a hole in the wall to look for the hind part of the deer.......makes one wonder why people like to hunt in the first place, especially seeing it from Harry's perspective.......well, sit back and enjoy the movie, you will be glad you did, and have a kid or two with you..........OK? shar from oHIo........
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The Notebook (2004)
Wonderful movie for married couples!!!!!
16 February 2005
Wow, this is one of the few movies that I have actually rented from a local video store and my husband of 45 yrs,and I, sat down and watched it in one sitting, we had a box of tissues between us and used up quite a few of them!!!!!

This is one of James Garners best movies yet,and yes,Gena Rowlands is still a beautiful actress.!!!! The love story and the outcome was well done.........Hurrah for true love!!!! My husband and I have been fans of Mr. Garner for many years. His films have usually been ones of good character. Our second oldest son got to see him from a distance playing golf at Pebbles Beach many years ago, when he was stationed at the Monterey Air Force Language was one of the highlights of his early years in the service.

I'm sure we'll be seeing more of the young actors in future films. SHar or smileyfish says hello.......:-)<>{ this is my own nickname,thank you very much.
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Paulie (1998)
6 November 2004
My husband and I just recently watched this movie again! It is a sentimental joyous movie about the love of a parrot for a little girl and his search to find her and meeting different people along the way of his travels. We are also fans of Tony S. and Gena Rowlands. They are both

fine actors. We are enjoying Tony on the hit series "MONK". I would highly recommend this movie to people of any age and cultures. It crosses the lines of ethnic and cultural backgrounds and shows the compassion of people willing to help one another in difficult situations. We just recently lost our peke after 14 yrs. of joy and smiles.........anyone who has ever had a pet of any kind knows the emotional attachment that is involved in owning a pet.......we are looking forward in the spring to going to an animal shelter and finding a lovable dog to share our lives with.....we hope our search will be worthwhile and once again we can enjoy some great fun in our lives. Shar or smileyfish says hello :-)<>{
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13 September 2004
This is one of my all time favorite peter sellers movies, It has been on AMC any number of times and each time I catch it on, i stop what i'm doing and watch it just never seems to grow old. Some of my fav. scenes are any one of the ones with CATO in them, when he and Insp. C. go around and around tearing up the kitchen,and making a terrible mess of everything. Also when he and the vacuum cleaner and the bird, oh my what a riot. And the lamp, and on and on. Especially when the Chief INspector keeps getting hurt, sorry, but its still he goes on getting more mad by the moment.... Of course, there's Christopher Plummer in this movie too, I always was fond of him,esp. after seeing him in Sound Of Music some years before this movie. Thanks to AMC we are able to keep viewing some of these comedic classics for years to come.
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Love Comes Softly (2003 TV Movie)
Loved this movie!
6 December 2003
My hubby of almost 44 yrs. and I watched this movie recently, I am so glad that I had taped it, now we can watch it together again, and tear up at the sweet love story,and the promise of renewed faith and courage shown by this couple. Don't miss this one!!!! it will steal your heart away!
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Heartwrenching tale of the human spirit
6 November 2003
I watched this movie featured on BRAVO for the first time last evening. It was both a tribute to the human spirit and should touch the hearts of anyone who has seen it or will see it. I think it was very underrated,and I agree with some of the previous comments, that it came out about the same time as other good films and just didn't generate the audiences it should have.I think it is a film that will stay in some of our minds for some time to come. IT depicts a very bad time in our history.
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Heartwrenching performance by Meryl Streep!
8 October 2003
Except for the fact the AMC interrupts this movie too many times,it takes some time to develop the characters,and is a little too long. It is definitely worthy of Miss Streeps acting abilities,and Kevin Klines additional character make it worth watching this movie more than once.......I'd suggest going to the library or video store and renting it......uninterrupted by commercials!
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Serial Mom (1994)
What actors will do for a buck!
24 September 2003
Sorry,for those of you who actually liked this movie...... but my husband and I share the same opinion on this one e,,,i had taped it and we sailed thru it in record time hoping to see her get her 'just desserts' at the just went from bad to worse,and we personally feel the whole subject matter was in bad taste. i guess the catagory for this film should be "Dark Humor"...sorry Kathryn Turner,but this is not your best movie....
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WHAT happened in the end?SPOILER
4 August 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I'M taking a vote, does the main character,the sheriff live or die? We're left wondering what happens to him ..and his little son is sitting next to him!!!!!!! How's that for keeping us in further suspense! Shar from oHIo
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A real hoot!SPOILER
31 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers
The idea that Cuba Gooding Jr.doesn't say a single word in the whole movie is good enough,and quite honestly I think he stole the movie, I saw it for the first time on USA Wed. afternoon.......smileyfish says hello from oHIo......... :-){
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