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I am totally torn about this movie. . .
19 December 2017
So I've been a fan of Star Wars movies all my life. Can't tell you how many times I've seen the Original Trilogy, and I'm even a fan of (certain aspects of) the Prequels.

I came into this movie, unlike so many of people my age, without any predetermined opinions of this film. I take things how they come and base them on face value. That being said, I'm incredibly torn about this movie. Part of me really likes it. . . Part of me just was "hmmmm."

For starters, the Plot. This is the smallest Star Wars move of all the films. There's only 3 worlds and the vastness of space. In fact, this movie nearly feels claustrophobic, and I really liked that. Everything was intimate and enclosed. Being enclosed on an island, being enclosed in the dark of space, and being surrounded by the First Order, all of these things made me feel secluded like a "12 Angry Men" Vibe.

In fact, there are a lot of vibes from different films in different genres throughout this film. There's a 12 Angry Men vibe, the start of the film was reminiscent of "Memphis Belle," many films with the reluctant teacher trope, and many others. There are some Empire and Jedi vibes, but there wasn't anything that made me stand up and scream "this is just a reboot of Empire."

The movie definitely takes some risks. Won't go into Spoiler territory, but there are some moments where you feel like this is the 3rd movie in a trilogy and the scenes just don't feel like they are in order at times, but as a second film, this is just serves to make me more excited about the final film. There are quite a few jokes in this film - some will hit, some will miss, some will feel out of place.

Characters: This movie has some great characters and character progressions. Finn and Poe especially stand out in this area. Kylo Ren is pretty great as well. I love the connection between Rey and Kylo. There's a true intimacy there. And I simply loved Rose and her connection to the Star Wars world. She truly belongs here. There were some disappointments however. Phasma specifically was underutilized, AGAIN, and Maz Kanata served no purpose at all whatsoever other than serve as a video game advertisement. Everyone else served their purpose extremely well save for BB8, who actually was a little annoying in parts. It's strange, cuz I loved him in The Force Awakens.

Settings: Like I said earlier, this is a very claustrophobic film in a good way. Perhaps intimate is a better word choice. You're on an island. You're on a Spaceship, you're in a Casino, or you're in a Rebel Base. That's it. That being said, they work well for the film. You feel like you're there, not on a set, not anywhere but in the Star Wars Universe.

Ultimately, I think this is a film that I'll have to watch a few more times to truly appreciate.
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Wow.... Really??? Wow
22 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Do not bother to waste your money on this movie. Do not even go into your car and think that you might see this movie if any others do not appeal to you. If you must see a movie this weekend, go see Batman again.

The script was horrible. Perfectly written from the random horror movie format. Given: a place in confined spaces, a madman with various weapons, a curious man who manages to uncover all of the clues that honest police officers cannot put together, and an innocent and overly curious, yet beautiful and strong woman with whom many in the audience would love to be able to call their girlfriend. Mix together, add much poorly executed gore, and what the hell, let's put some freaks in there for a little "spin" to the plot.

The acting was horrible, and the characters unbelievable - Borat was more believable than this.

***Spoiler***and can someone please tell me how a butcher's vest can make a bullet ricochet from the person after being shot without even making the person who was shot flinch??? I'm in the army. We need that kind of stuff for ourselves.

1 out of 10, and I would place it in the decimals of that rounded up to give it the lowest possible score I can.
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Doomsday (I) (2008)
If you wanted to watch 6 movies at once, but didn't have the time
15 March 2008
Take a walk on imagination lane with me. You really want to watch Mad Max, Escape from New York, Resident Evil, 28 Days Later, and just for kicks, let's throw in King Arthur and some 80's big hair bands in the mix. You want to watch all these movies for some reason, but sadly you only had time to watch one of those movies before you had to leave.

What movie would you watch? -The Answer: None of the Above. You want to watch this movie. If you go into the movie thinking, wow, just another zombie movie, or just another plague wiping the humanity off the face of the earth movie, you'll be severely misguided. DO NOT GO INTO THIS MOVIE THINKING THAT YOU WILL FIND A BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN MOVIE. There are more plot holes in it than swiss cheese, but they do not try to hide the holes. In fact, they throw them into your face and you laugh because of it. The action is ridiculous, but in that you will find yourself on a hilarious ride of amusement. The script is actually not horrible, and the acting isn't as bad as you'd imagine. They could have made it into a terrifying version of the same movie with just a little different direction, but in that there would have been no distinction from this movie and all of the copycat apocalypse movies that have been released recently.

The movie starts off quite serious, and you find yourself thinking, "wow, this movie is really f-ed up." Then about 1/2 hour into it something shifts and you start asking yourself what the director can do to make things any stranger than they already are - and he does. 3/4 of the way through, you should be laughing hysterically and not caring whether or not the action sequences are realistic - you just tell the part of your brain that should be rebelling and screaming at you to leave the theatre to shut up because the side of your brain that controls laughter is having too much of a good time.

Don't watch this movie alone. If you're 21, don't watch it sober. In fact, bring a 20 year old designated driver with you so you can enjoy it to the fullest of your ability. Bring many friends to this movie and you'll enjoy it a lot.
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A few opportunities missed.
8 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
***Spoilers ahead***

Let me start this off by saying that I am a fan of Blade. I watched the first two last night and I have just come home from seeing it. Now I know that this sounds like a, "I'm going straight home to blast this movie on the net," type of opening, but it's not.

I did thoroughly like it, as much or more than the first ones. Saying that, there were a few missed opportunities.

There is a scene where the master vampire (who can change shapes) enters the home base of the hunters and wipes most of them out. There are a few missed opportunities in this scene. There was a semi-crucified blind lady, a hunter-computer hacker who Jessica Biel (yum) cries a lot over her death. It would have been much more tear jerking in this scene if Biel was forced to kill her friend because she was turned into a vampire.

This scene also would have been insanely awesome if there were a fight between Blade and a pseudo-Blade (the Vampire who has changed shape). It would have been thoroughly interesting to see the two fight with Biel not knowing who to help.

Ryan Reynolds also makes an appearance in this movie. now anyone who has seen National Lampoon's Van Wilder will immediately think that Van has graduated from college, found a purpose in life and has started hunting vampires. His voice inflexion and delivery in Blade was EXACTLY the same as it was in Van Wilder. If you are not a fan of that movie, you won't like him in this one, but since I really did like it, I thought his lines tried to steal the movie from Blade's opening of a serious keg of whoop-ass.

Triple H, the WWE's favorite Monday night bad-boy makes an appearance in Blade Trinity as well. Sadly he should stayed on television. He's more entertaining as a wrestler. His acting was pathetic (as if we expected anything else) and had me rooting for his dog more then him.

Now lets get back to Jessica Biel. Yum. A very sexy young lady, but sadly not a very believable vampire hunter. I mean she's good and actually acts fairly well, but c'mon, a man vs. vampire (who is supposed to have super-human strength) is hard enough to believe, but a woman, even a fairly athletic woman (she definitely got into good shape for this role) vs. vampire, I'm not buying it.

Still, if this is all that I can complain about, it's a good movie. I will buy it the day it comes out on DVD and probably go see it at least one more time in theaters.

All Movies 2.5 - 5 Action Movies 3.5 - 5 Comic Books 4 - 5

Go see it for yourself.
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Bruckheimer would be proud
1 June 2004
Being a huge Shu Qi fan, when I got my DVD in the mail, I was very excited. I knew that she didn't really have a gigantic role in this film (only supporting actress), but that didn't matter. I immediately unwrapped the packaging, ripped open the case, and popped in the DVD.

I never really have a very high expectation of the quality of Hong Kong action movies. In general the plots are fairly weak, the acting is usually pretty good given the writing that they have to work with, the special effects and CGI are more hilarious than realistic, and the subtitles are just a pure riot. But that's sometimes exactly what you're looking for - just something to kick back with your friends, pop open your favorite brand of beer, watch someone kick the living crap out of someone, and laugh hard.

From the osnet of this movie, something was different. The opening scenes put me in a place that many a Jerry Bruckheimer / Don Simpson film has - on the edge of my seat, watching the good guys heroically get smoked and explosions going off in either large quantities, or quality. The plot is believable, especially given the terrorist attacks in the Japanese subways a few years back, 9/11, and Madrid - which is also a trademark of Bruckheimer (that being quasi-believable plots). The special effects were not something that reminded me of a Hong Kong film, it was more of a Holywood film. Even the musical score sounds like something pulled out of "The Rock." Midway through I was expecting to see Sean Connery come into a scene give his, "winners go home and F the prom queen" speech.

In fact this movie paralleled "The Rock" in many ways. Terrorists go and steal some pretty bad stuff and try to use that as leverage to get what they want. The lock themselves inside a pretty defendable place, place their motion sensors and make themselves home. The calvary of Special Operations Team comes in and heroically dies (this is one of the cooler scenes in the movie). Then it's up to the pair of guys who have been chasing them from the get go to save the day.

The acting is pretty good, in comparison to your average Bruckheimer film, and i was interested throughout the movie. If you're a fan of Bruckheimer, you'd like this movie quite well. The only movie from Bruckheimer that I'd ever rate over an 8 would be Pirates of the Caribbean, which is why I'd only give this a 6.5 / 10. If you love Shu Qi or like Bruckheimer, see this one.

If you are both, get this one.
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Troy (2004)
Everything Paris touches turns to s***e. . . Sound familiar (pertaining to current events)?
21 May 2004
If you haven't read the book, well i'm sorry for y'all. So I'm not going to tell the story of the film.

now to my thoughts about how the movie was done. I was interested throughout the entire story, even though I knew what was going to happen in what order and roughly when. It kind've felt like seeing a friend's lover, after hearing everything about him/her (annoyingly might i add) for about a month before you've actually met them. Unlike those times with your friend's new lover (unless they brought a friend), this movie was not boring.

There was not as much gore as I was to expect. After seeing Gladiator's bloodlust and subsequent efforts to follow up on their lead as well as surpass it, I could see it play out as a re-hash of gladiator. no overly drawn out speeches, no over necessary blood explosions. It was tastefully done.

The characters are fairly represented, albeit i am not an expert on Homer. The heros are heroic, just, and fair, you want to root against those who are not. I think that there was too much talk about immortality - i doubt that people were aware of their immortality at that point, or any point in time.

The "Great Balls of Fire" scene was very impressive. I was at first curious about the intentions of the armies, but it was thoroughly impressive and unique.

Although I'm not a Orlando Bloom fan (he only has one real role - swashbuckling sword dealing undefeatable hero), i was impressed by his performance. As was I impressed with Brad Pitt as well as Hector. Their duel was pretty memorable, however you could tell from the get go, even if you had not read the Homer's Epic, who was going to win.

Overall, I'd have to give this one about an 8 rating out of 10. If you compare it to similar stories, Braveheart, Gladiator, and the myriad of everything that has come since, it definitely ranks in the top 5, probably the top 3.

I only have one lingering statement to make. The prison shank, was totally sweet.
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sexy, chinese charlie's angels (as if the title didn't already give that away.
19 May 2004
If you are a fan of beautiful women, this is definitely something to rent. If you cannot stand (at times) really crappy special effects, don't check this one out unless you've seen everything already. I'm a big fan of Shu Qi as well as a chinese student, so for me this was a no brainer. I'm also someone who can just rear back and laugh at either bad acting or bad effects.

At times this movie was really engaging. The story was interesting enough - although nothing too special for Hong Kong cinema. The fight sequences were interesting. The characters to watch in this movie are however worth it. The interaction between Bone and Spider (god i love names in chinese movies) is unforgettable. That and Shu Qi is lovely and a damn fine actress like always. out of 10, eh, i'd have to say the movie was about a 5.5 - 6.5, depending on who you're watching it with, like an utter intellectual, 1.0 or if it's a good friend who likes to laugh as much as you at cheesy things, 8.0
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A great tale
21 April 2004
In it's origionality, it stands apart from most films. A sport movie about a sport long dead since the witch hunts. A movie that raises subtle questions about society and the heirarchy of wealth and placement. A movie that juxtaposes the music of classic rock over the trumpet. A fictinoal movie that shows people a somewhat forgotten English Author - Jeffrey Chaucer. A movie to be taken lightly, a movie to laugh with, a movie about real issues. A movie to watch. You follow a person you really come to care about, someone who you will see aspects of in everyone... an imperfect hero who throught will, determination, love, faith, and a little respect acheives his dreams. These people are people with weaknesses, fears, and doubts, people like you and I. 4 1/2 out of 5
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Underworld (2003)
creative, unique, origional
10 October 2003
I had high hopes for this movie when I first heard about this movie. Kate Bekinsale, the super hottie from Pearl Harbor in tight leather stuck in the middle of a Romeo & Juliet Vampire / Werewolf flick. Nice. Very nice. But then you have to ask yourself, just what has not been done about vampires in films in the past 15 year? How many Romeo & Juliet remakes can be made. Somewhere in his grave, Shakesphere is trying to coalesce and scream to screen writers to become origional and to stop using his ideas. I'm sure if there actually were vampires in this world, they'd be so upset that their kind is getting ripped off as uncaring, overly romanticized euro monsters. Then they'd see this movie, and somehow think that maybe, just maybe, it's a good idea to continue using classic texts and classic mythical characters in films.

In this battle, a 1800 year old war between the Vampires and Lichens (Werewolves) feature the best in over simplified classification, the Euro-chic Vampires vs. the Euro-trash Werewolves. Why oh why, are all Vampire films of late filmed in a semiblack and white vague world where you cannot tell if they live in europe, Russia, N. America or whereever? Why oh why do vampires prefer skin tight leather, oh wait, nevermind, Bekinsale was supremely gorgeous in her jump suit. The story was a little different from what i expected, surprise always a good thing, interesting ideas on evolution of ideas, even for immortals (mankind will forever equate evolution from now on as to how better to kill your enemy i fear), the acting was not horrible, but nor was it award winning, and the sound could have been done a lot better, but saying that, any film w/o Yoda's force at Skywalker Sound has challenges in the accoustic department. This film is worth seeing. Out of 5 stars, i would give it a 2 3/4. It would be best to see it late when you and your friends are the only ones there while you yak away adding your own fun ideas about how fun it would be to rip Selene's clothing off and just, well, yeah, you get the idea. Go see it. You will enjoy it to some degree.
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Bad Boys II (2003)
Now that's how you make a sequel, from now on, that's how you make a sequel!
21 July 2003
Bigger, badder, uncut. This movie gets going and never really stops. Some of the critics saw that this movie is too long at 2 and a half hours of movie. It really seemed as if was only 1 and a half hours because you are on the edge of your seat for the last hour or so. The jokes are better, especially Marcus' protecting his daughter from her date, and the gay t.v. scene. If you liked the first one, you will love everything about the second one. Unlike most sequels, i.e. Austin Powers, and many this year, this movie takes what was succesful from the first, adding to it in the second, and taking it jsut that much further.

Smith is the ultimate bad-ass in his re-inactment of "trigga Lowry," the utterly believable action junkie, whereas Lawrence's return of the whiny brave when he has to be cop brings a return to his comedic brilliance. The arrival of the sensuously beautiful bad girl, Union, adds fresh action, humor and love to the film.

The car chases are remarkably vicious and vivid. The firefight in the pink house is just all bad ass. The final assault is superb. Lawrence's intrepetation of an X'd up cop is just f@#king hillarious. Everything that you love about the first film will be everything you really love about this one.

Not many sequels are as good as the first. The critics didn't like either one of them. Don't listen to them. Some times you just want to see some s*** get blown up. This is the film to see for that. Now thats how you make a sequel, from now on, that's how you make a sequel!
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If you see a movie about the ocean, go see this one
14 July 2003
As far as entrances go into a film, only Darth Vader surpasses Captain (never forget the prefix to his name) Jack Sparrow. Depp steals this movie from the first scene he is in on. I love Legolas, but i don't really want to see Bloom play him in every one of his films. He did not take his character in a different direction from the swashbuckling, sleek, bravery in the face of certain death in this film. There was charisma in this film as opposed to the other "blockbuster" opening this week (ehhemm. cough hack, LXG cough, hack.) Keira Knightly was delicious in her portrayal of a non-stereotypical, albeint a little predictable damsel in distress yet in love woman of the era. The effects were very impressive. What can I say, Bruckheimer knows how to blow crap up. This movie is not one of those "absolutely must see" movies, but it is worth going to go see in the theatres.
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League of inept gentlemen
12 July 2003
We live in an era where action and effect seem to overpower everything that matters in film. It does not how well one acts, just as long as the explosion is really "flippin" cool. Personally, i am a fan of films where the interaction between the characters are believable. This movie does not carry that, and the explosions are not that jazzy either. Buildings are blown to bits digitally and it is the worst digital explosions that i've ever seen. ILM seems to be slipping of recent movies.

Back to the acting. It sucked. The characters were very dry. The plot was sad and overly predictably. All throughout the film, i kept on asking myself, "why, oh why, didn't I go see a different flick" and, "I paid $8.50 for this?" Rent this movie, don't waste your time on seeing this in the theatres. Also, it would help if you read the book beforehand to catch a lot of the inside jokes. It is sad that far too often, movie makers pander to the teeming masses and make a crappy movie with a lot of explosions, give it way too damn much publicity and continue to do it. This movie was based on a graphic novel. Nothing in this cotton candy movie was graphic. This movie had the possibility to be "flippin" awesome, but it just an average movie for the inept gentlemen who like explosions.
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