
18 Reviews
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Prison Break (2005–2017)
Mixed feelings
19 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This show started out great. First three seasons were well written. But then they pulled a "Fast and Furious" and got a bot ridiculous. The whole international spy thing lost me. They could have gone a different direction and kept it a decent show. Season 4 was terrible. Although good for Jody Lynn Okeefe still being a complete dime after all these years. They also could have done a bit better with season 3 capitalizing on the whole "locked up abroad" vibe. It overused the "surprise" save thing too. How many times is the bad guy about to shoot the good guy and then gets shot by someone off camera? It works once maybe twice as a device but at some point come up with a new surprise. Overall its watchable and definately marathonable but its not going to rise to the level of the great shows like the Wire, Sopranos, Breaking Bad etc.
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Resident Evil (2022)
Dont trust the negative reviews
22 August 2022
As a fan of the video game series from the very start I am confused as to why there are so many negative reviews. I suspect that there was some group of kids who organized this over social media to mass downvote this show. I also suspect some of the hate is because of the diverse cast. I hope I am wrong about that last part. I wasnt a bog fan of the movies. I thought they were below average at best. Not like the games at all. But this show is a great adaptation of the games and tells the story in a compelling way with a great cast. I really liked this and hope it gets renewed.
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Creed (II) (2015)
Creed is the BEST Rocky movie to date!
17 August 2022
I didnt think I would ever say this as a proud son of Philly but Creed is the best movie in the Rocky franchise thus far. It had a classic Rocky story line and paid the respect due to Apollo Creed. It also had far more realistic fight scenes than any of the original Rocky movies. I found myself rooting for Michael B Jordan on a level that I couldnt have predicted. I hope this is the beginning of at least a trilogy of similar quality. I know full well that there is a racial component that will be hard for some. But for those of us that are true fans of the Rocky franchise this is the best.
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14 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was horrible. No plot, boring action scenes, and silly ass cgi monsters. They started with an interesting cast but most of them only lasted a few minutes into the film. Why would you have an angel in your movie like Meagan Good and kill her off immediately? What a waste. Not worth your time.
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Temptation Island (2019– )
Pretty good Trash TV
22 July 2022
I dont usually like reality shows. I accidentally got sucked into this one when the wife had it on. But to honest, I like the concept. Season 1 was good. Interesting couples, and all their stories were good. Season 2 was by far the best. Hard not to root for Kate. Season 3 was such an incredible disappointment. Boring boring boring. Bland couples that you cannot possibly become invested in. Boring singles. A sexy scene or two but thats it. Hope Season 4 is better.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Buffy vs. Dracula (2000)
Season 5, Episode 1
Wasted potential
6 May 2022
Terrible episode full of plot holes. If you're going to do dracula, do it right. Make him an absolute beast and make an entire season out of it. There was so much more they could have done with this.
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The 355 (2022)
High hopes but not worth the watch
4 April 2022
Amazing cast. Beautiful talented actresses but the story was convoluted and full of gaping holes. Even the action was predictable and stale. Lupita was amazing as always as was Penelope and Jessica. Diane Kruger?? Not so much.
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Bel-Air (2022– )
Great show for the right people
5 March 2022
Most of the negative reviews in here are political in nature and from the radicalized right upset that a show based on a Black family in America discusses racism. Thats the most ridiculous thing I can think of to be upset about. Thats just the reality of being Black in America. If that subject bothers you then its most likely because you are of that moral failing yourself.

The show is redone as a more realistic drama. And in my opinion it's done very well. Excellent casting. The kid replacing Will has all the charm Will did when he did the original and he definitely has the Philly style down perfectly. Looking forward to see where they go with it.
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South Side (2019–2022)
Hilarious show but....
26 February 2022
Very funny show and Chandra Russell absolutely makes this show what it is. But it seems to be losing its way in season 2. I'm only on season 2 episode 5 so hopefully it gets back on track.
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Cobra Kai: The Fall (2021)
Season 4, Episode 9
Horrible montage
1 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Whose idea was it to have Carrie Underwood sing the montage? Ruined the episode for me. Writing is getting sloppy too. The "skills" part of the tournament was boring too.
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Paterson (2016)
Pretentious Pointless Drivel
25 December 2021
I HAVE to believe that the people giving this a high rating are just trying to appear to be artistic. This is NOT a good movie. It isnt poetic, it isn't artistic, it is just a waste of 2 hours. And with a surprisingly great cast, it is almost as thought the people responsible for this snoozefest were just trying to see what they could get away with. If you're watching this waiting for an inciting incident then be prepared for it to never come.
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Meh. Overrated
8 November 2021
It was entertaining but no where near as good as the hype. Zendaya burned up the screen as expected but she was only in it for a few minutes. I think it'll get better with the sequels as the story unfolds. We'll see.
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David Makes Man (2019– )
Ruining a good thing.
1 August 2021
Season one hooked me. Loved it. 3 episodes into season 2 and I am so disappointed. What are the writers doing? They are ruining a great show.
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Infinite (2021)
25 July 2021
They took an incredibly interesting concept that could have made for an amazing story and ruined it with sloppy writing and a rushed plot so that it would fit into a movie. And the fight choreography looked like it was designed by a child. Would have made a better miniseries or tv show (with a far more diverse cast).
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24 July 2021
Two amazing actors but the film is nothing but a late night drunken argument. The kind that everyone has been in in their past relationships before they learned not to attend every argument that you are invited to and not to try to work out real issues at 2 in the morning after a night of drinking. It was tedious and I feel almost guilty saying so because of the actors in the film who I like so much. Waste of 2 hours. Watch something else.
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Waist Deep (2006)
Meagan Good
21 February 2021
The story was entertaining the acting was meh, but this is Meagan Good at her Meagan Goodest. So it gets extra points just for the heart attack it almost gave me.
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Queen & Slim (2019)
I think we know who is giving this movie a lower rating and why!
10 January 2021
Great movie. Solid premise based in our every day reality. It will offend certain people who are filled with hate.
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Boomerang (2019–2020)
22 December 2020
Loved the movie, the show is an insult to it's memory. Tetona Jackson and Tequan Richmond did a good job but Lala Milan was grating. The story lines were uninteresting and they insulted the movie from which this series sprang over and over. Huge miss.
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