
26 Reviews
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Curb Your Enthusiasm: The Group (2000)
Season 1, Episode 10
genius in action
29 February 2024
I have never laughed so much in my life as when watching this episode. By the end I felt like my health was in serious danger if I didn't stop laughing. It's just brilliant. Simple but great. This kind of storytelling is a total bullseye for me, almost every moment of it clicked perfectly for some reason, afterwards I wondered if it was something about the weather at the time that made me feel so good about it, but that's clearly not the case. I'm not used to watching sitcoms, but this one had me hooked in no time and I watched the first season in a day. Whoever wrote this is obviously a genius and should be mentioned along with the greatest creators.
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True Detective: Night Country: Part 6 (2024)
Season 4, Episode 6
I am a white male and don't understand the hate
20 February 2024
I believe most of the hateful reviewers might be younger males who despise female creators and find it hard to digest that in this series women killed men with impunity. Moreover, people of color killed white men. I think the symbolic power of the last episode is huge, and on top of that we get all the questions we want answered. I realize that I am almost entirely alone as a man in my opinion, but I really liked the whole of season 4, Jodie Foster is a real treasure. I honestly think that if the roles in the series had been reversed, and men had killed evil depraved women with impunity, then completely different ratings would have been given, even with perfectly identical plots and storylines. Then doubts about "illogical" and "flawed" investigative plots would disappear, and the focus would be on a glorious and satisfying conclusion. Testosterone does not lie.
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For All Mankind (2019– )
Absurd drop in quality in season 3
9 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Unfortunately, season 3 saw a significant decline in the quality of the series. I agree with those who think it has soap opera elements, and the science behind it has fallen well below my expectations. There were virtually no likeable characters left for season 3, and the two Stevens kids brought a very bad atmosphere to the show. It was a huge disappointment every time one of them appeared on screen, I couldn't wait for them to disappear. I usually had to fast forward through the scenes they were in. The events of the last episode - e.g. The ejection and re-ejection of the pregnant mother from the top of the launch vehicle, combined with the lack of visuals of her docking, brought a sense of unpretentious surrealism. In addition, there was a great deal of unscientific nonsense on display, none of which approaches even a minimal level of reality. When the line (about) engineers are engineers then let's engineer, I had to laugh out loud, even though it was not intended as a joke by a narcissistic psychopathic character with Elon Musk-like personality traits. It's all sad. Season 2 was the climax, what happened in season 3 made it impossible for me to continue watching the series. The excellent critical reception of season 3 is very surprising to me, as there were so many events that made the whole plot seem frivolous.
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Kleo (2022– )
Excellent entertainment
23 November 2023
I really enjoyed this show, the lead actress is awesome, she came up with a stunning performance. In later episodes I was searching for some weaker moments, but there was none. This is the best TV show I saw this year. The entire cast is excellent, with many top notch performances. Writing, directing, costumes, soundtrack, pacing and story development all superb. Simply loved the whole set up. These creators should get more opportunities and budget for future projects. I lived through the end of 80s early 90s in another communist eastern european country as a young adult, so I am very much familiar with the ambiente and the "discrete charm" of late socialism. Many people were disappointed by the end of the era and the rapid changes in my country too. Just happy I did not skip this one.
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FUBAR (2023– )
Much better than expected
26 June 2023
This show is about entertainment, so everbody should just chill out. I don't understand the low ratings, something is off here. Arnold is excellent, I had nice flashback feeling remembering his golden years. His performance is really solid and it was a good decision by him to finally appear in a TV show. I also liked the daughter, Monica Barbaro is an excellent cast and feels a perfect match with Arnold. The cinematography is overall very good, looks very professional, I did not experience any distraction or questionable decision by the creators. The situation comedy works perfectly, and the chemistry between the key characters is also very good. Maybe I just started to watch this show exactly when I needed a flick like this, and that is the reason I enjoyed it so much.
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Mrs. Davis (2023)
Seriously underrated
23 June 2023
At first I was a bit scared that there will be a big dissapointment at the end of show, but during the final episode all unanswered questions got a proper answer and everything clicks really nicely. Despite its "comedy" label and all the silly setups this show is meaningful and deep. All the production qualities are excellent, the writing is phenomenal, actors and the portrayed characters are loveable. I even found the sound engineering significantly better then nowadays average shows. To put this story into production was a really good decision and surprised me in many ways. I enjoyed the show more and more episode by episode and to experience the consistency of production value was really satisfying. We need unique and original stories like this more. Thanks a lot for the creators.
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An Italian lady with spanish accent
24 May 2023
I am sorry but just can't stand the accent of Donatella. Serious lack of effort to produce an italian accent. She sounds like a spanish speaker and this just takes me off the experience and had to give up watching this show. I am surprised that I am alone with this view, but Spain is a completely different country than Italy and no real italian would speak like Donatella in this show. Otherwise the rest of the cast is great, and production values are top notch, but this accent issue is inexcusable. Also, because I saw how the assassination happened early in the first episode, I almost lost all motivation to continue, especially after I heard Donatella speak.
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1883: This Is Not Your Heaven (2022)
Season 1, Episode 10
One legged man is building a house alone out in the wild
18 October 2022
Probably this was the most stupid writing I ever encountered in any show. So I just won't mention all the other bad stuff (like a lot of fat people appearing on screen - even natives) which does not make any sense at all. But the worst of all was when the whiny guy with one leg seemingly started to build a cozy house for himself. I mean, really? How on earth could he obtain the planed wooden construction material in the first place? I just can't get this out of my head. In the middle of nowhere he is visibly possessing ready to use wooden slats while moving at the speed of a snail shot on foot. Just plain dumb. On top of that my remote just almost automatically kept skipping 10 secs forward, as this was one of the most boring TV episode ever. But my real pain is that the creators just overhwhelmingly exaggerated the depiction of human suffering.
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House of the Dragon: King of the Narrow Sea (2022)
Season 1, Episode 4
12 September 2022
Sorry, but this is shockingly boring. Talk, talk, talk and more empty talk. Soap opera level and quality conversations. A lot of usage of the word "realm" - but that's getting more and more meaningless. I was hoping after the third episode that this show will get a grip on me, but this episode just killed the momentum. There isn't a single sympathetic character. Nobody to root for. I had to stop at around half of the episode, because I felt that I won't be able to struggle through, but with the help of the HBO Max app fast forward function I finally made it. The whole show feels somehow cheap and weightless and casual. Just lacks the atmosphere of the original GOT, and Í am not sure that after such weak start it will get back on track. Really sorry for the negativity, but that is how I feel.
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Made for Love (2021–2022)
Underrated - very entertaining
23 May 2022
I think rate average is not representing the value of this show. Lead cast is excellent and the writing is top notch. Without further elaboration I just wanted to share that this is a fun and and highly entertaining series with perfect ending.
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Ozark: A Hard Way to Go (2022)
Season 4, Episode 14
I don't get the low ratings
5 May 2022
I think this was an excellent season and series finale. The whole story remained consistent IMO, and I think that some people just whining about series endings decisions generally because this habit is just beginning to become fashionable.
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A besúgó (2022– )
I shivered throughout the first two episodes.
1 April 2022
I hope the quality of the first two episodes will be maintained until the end. This is an excellent series, great story so far, top notch acting and superb production values. I shivered frequently because I was forced to remember my youth and the strange ambiente of Hungary in mid 80s. There were some moments which can be deeply moving for somebody who lived through those years. The pub scenes with live music were causing me a great shock, 'cause it was so authentic I am unable to put it into words. Sharp memories came back, I never experienced anything like this before. Awesome!
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Raised by Wolves: Feeding (2022)
Season 2, Episode 7
weird and dumb
10 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I just don't get the ratings. Probably fake and paid for. The story does not make any sense. Human tree eaten by an android snake, human baby kidnapped and fed by an acid sea monster, or whatever. Also that Campion fella obsessed with the faceless girl android is extremely annoying. I have no clue what is this whole mess about. It's like they had some free time to waste. Super weapon android injured by the android snake put on a blue colored illuminating charger line - that was the part where I just laughed out very loudly. What? They don't have cordless android charger in the totally technologically advanced future? Come on, this whole thing was just created to show alien like acid monsters, because that is what one of the producers is obseessed with.
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The Stranger (I) (2020)
10 March 2022
This was better then expected. The acting is excellent, also the storytelling remained consistent in my opinion. There were some questionable decision making in police procedure depiction, but overall this was made to entertain, and it succeeded in that.
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Pieces of Her: Episode #1.2 (2022)
Season 1, Episode 2
4 March 2022
After fleeing violent murderers, she - the annoying daughter - just sits in a bar with her face all over the news? Despite her mother's instructions to hide in a motel in Maine, she asks for shooting lessons from a complete stranger, after having several Vodka shots together. She is one of the dumbest characters ever. The music is great although!
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Raised by Wolves: The Tree (2022)
Season 2, Episode 6
Another Westworld?
4 March 2022
I am not sure if we ever will figure iut what is going on. Probably it is just me, but I have no clue what is happening, because nothing is explained in the "dialogues", I have the feeling that even the actresses/actors do not understand really what is this how about. There a lot of short, strange and fragmented sentences in "conversations", meaningless shards of thoughts, annoying "decisions" by characters - for example the birth scene on the rocky shoreline, where I had the feeling that the whole thing just happened for the sake of shocking value. So, nay, I am getting lost, and I don't trust that things will be clear at all. This is as similarly written Mambo-Jambo as Westworld in my view.
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Downton Abbey (2010–2015)
Maggie Smith is a wonderful actress
21 September 2021
I can't hold this back. I enjoyed every moment Maggie Smith was on scene. I was a bit sceptical in the beginning, but her performance is simply stellar. I laughed out loud alone at home watching her unique moments in the show. This is simply not comparable to anything I saw before in any other shows or movies. She is a treasure.
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Underrated - because some think it is too slow
23 June 2021
This should be slow, to get to know the characters well. So it can hit harder in the final episode, which is almost perfect IMO. Quality entertainment from every perspective. The cast is amazing, especially regarding Adele, but all the actors and actresses are close to perfection. So the pacing was excellent for me, I just don't get the relatively low ratings. This is definitely one of the best series on Netflix recently.
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Power (2014–2020)
Everybody always horny in 1st season - hope it gets better
8 June 2021
I think most of the characters in this show should go to rehab because of sex addiction issues. Angela Valdes, who is working for the FBI (sic) shows extreme unprofessionalism never questioning how the hell it is possible that someone from a poor neighborhood could start a fancy NYC club within legal boundaries. Ridicuolus, laughable and far-fetched script. Also Jamie never asks what the hell is Angela doing for a living. She is always "having meetings" and that's it. Very caring man. Otherwise the main character played excellently by Omari Hardwick, he is a great surprise to me, I love the way he works, he is the only reason I will probably continue to watch this show.
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Condor: A Good Patriot (2018)
Season 1, Episode 3
Describing the CIA as an incompetent lame organization with total lack of professionalism
14 October 2020
Really? If this is really the level of CIA competence then the US is in big trouble. This seems to be just stupid writing in order to create a sympathetic fugitive. Otherwise acting and directing quite OK, but the story is just forced an unrealistic.
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Killing Eve: Are You from Pinner? (2020)
Season 3, Episode 5
Absolutely unrealistic - this episode just destroyed the momentum
1 August 2020
Harvest festival? In a mountain area in Russia? What were they harvesting? Poo? The family background of Oksana is a joke. Elton John? Really? I cannot believe the producers allowed to use this script. Only a completely ignorant stupid McDonalds fed westerner can even consider that the people, the buildings or anything in this episode can be related to Russia in any way. Probably they are the target audience, but I am sorry for them because they know really few real things about our planet. This series is now so full of s**t, that it is unbearable.
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Homecoming (2018–2020)
Underrated - way better than the rating suggests
11 April 2020
Perfectly paced series. Excellent acting, directing, and very good writing. The cast is close to perfection in my opinion. The cinematography is top quality, I was just amused by the whole product. This is a rare gem, I am happy that I found this on Prime.
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Game of Thrones: The Long Night (2019)
Season 8, Episode 3
The magic is lost - great Disney episode - now go for it Cersei 😎!!
29 April 2019
Sorry but this was not a GOT episode. I had the feeling this is an episode from a different series. RIP GOT. This season in this form is very unsatisfacory so far. All the raw brutality in this episode was only a weak imitation of the first seasons. Way too many illogical events, and laughable over the top fight scenes in the final 15 minutes of the episode. At some points during the final minutes I just burst out laughing. I see some great memes coming 😜! Sorry Night King you looked really cool, but a tiny British schoolgirl just destroyed your dreams and your Robo-zombie army with a Swarovski dagger...Now I am rooting for Cersei, I hope she will rule these petty lowlife loosers with a stupid battle strategy. As I imagine, Cersei will easily outsmart the rest of the world in the final episodes. I also think it is now time to feature some sort of transgender hero in the series.....Come on Hollywood at least in the final episode!
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Polar (I) (2019)
Sorry critics, you missed it......., again
19 March 2019
I simply do not get what is wrong with professional critics, but I am sure that this flick would deserve more positive reviews. If you like violent movies with no further depth, then this is for you. Excellent cast with an outstanding performance by Mads. Very good impulsive cinematography and strict action sequences. Although the name selection for the main character is typically stupid american since "Vizla" is a Hungarian dog breed :).... But that's not a big issue at all.
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I liked this very much
3 March 2019
Now I am confused why are there so many haters. This episode was an absolute must in my opinion. Not a filler and for me this is a very good example how can a few opinion leader create crazy "herding effect". Fits in the story and gives a better understanding of El's motivations. So, back off haters, this one is really good.
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