
13 Reviews
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Dark: Das Paradies (2020)
Season 3, Episode 8
Not entirely satisfying
18 July 2020
Episodes 1-25 - everything is fate. NOTHING can be changed. No free will. Blah blah ext Episode 26 - oh actually you change it by doing this. Sorted
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Survivors (1975–1977)
It's happened and thankfully not as bad
16 April 2020
Wow. The first episode has really happened. Not quite as bad and most of the world hasn't been wiped out but March 2020 is as close to this as i'd like thankyou. Thought I'd watch it to cheer myself up, all i can say is at least it's not as bad as far.....
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Climax (I) (2018)
First Bad Now Movie. Shame
30 May 2019
Casper is pretty much a genius. I was so looking forward to this more than any other of his films because I love concept, the music and the dread I felt before I saw it. Unfortunately it is UTTERLY flawed from the start as the director obviously has no idea what it is like to be on LSD. I do and it is NOTHING IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM how it is portrayed in the movie. Ok so if it was 100% it would just be loads of teenagers lying on a floor looking at a ceiling going "wow" every 10 minutes but EVERY SINGLE character DOES not act like they are on LSD. Simple as. I therefore spent the whole movie just shaking my head and shouting NO at everyone. And Gaspar. All the more puzzling seeing how his depiction of what the visuals for DMT would be like we're pretty good in Enter The Void (and in fact ETV was more like a long trip than anything in this rubbish).
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The Game (1997)
Different Version
13 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This score is for the version i just watched. I'm very confused. I just watched this with my girl after not seeing it for 15-20 years because i loved it the first time and i wanted her to see it because she likes films with twists etc. I am absolutely 100% that the version i originally saw had some flashback scenes which showed you C.R.S.s involvement with lots of the scenes to show it wasn't based on luck in regards to the moves he made. It revealed that pretty much whatever choices he made there was a plan for it. For instance it showed there were divers and people ready to save him if he didn't manage to get out of the taxi underwater and that there were safety balloons on all sides of the building etc. There absence from the cut i saw totally ruined it for me and especially my girl as it just made her say at the end "what if he'd done this, what if he'd done that" The cut i saw showed you exactly that. This cut version just makes it seem totally based on chance and therefore stupid and contrived. Someone please tell me i'm not going mad and they have seen this version i have. It's annoyed me so much i have had to write this. It's turned a film i loved into a load of nonsense.
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Twin Peaks: Part 4 (2017)
Season 1, Episode 4
Lynch has lost it
29 May 2017
I couldn't agree less with other reviews of the all the episodes so far. A case of emperor's new clothes i think. I love Lynch. I have everything he has ever made but this is terrible. He has gone too far off on a tangent. Twin Peaks was weird but not this weird. Or boring. Everyone has forgotten how to act. It's all too amateurish where all the characters have become retarded. So Lucy doesn't know how mobile phones work?? Really? Most of the scenes are so long and dull and don't amount to anything. This was the worst episode so far, i don't think it's getting better at all. Naomi Watts was awful. Annoying voice and acting bad, she's usually amazing, especially in Mullholland Drive. The Denise scene was terrible. The dialogue is utterly moronic with most of it being spoken as slow as possible. The scene with Wally outside the station was so mind numbing i had to take a break before continuing. The effects don't make any sense. One minute it's amazing CGI and the next it looks like it's been done in the 70's. As for the songs at the end, my god they are soulless bland drivel from the second they start. I really thought he would have got Angelo to compose some new score. Really disappointing. I fear that Lynch has gone the way of the Ridley Scott and has no idea what he or anyone else is doing. I wanted to like it but iv'e become more and more bored as it goes along and now i'm done.
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Get Out (I) (2017)
Dumb premise
29 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Too much emphasis on racism all the way through. Yeah we get there are issues with black people in parts of the world. We'll just go on about it a lot so the twist will be a surprise. But it is still to do with selecting black people for the STUPID premise. I found it rather entertaining up until the reveal and then lost interest. The scene where he is hypnotized was not done very well. He got sucked it far to quickly considering how weird he thought everything was. I would have been "Na see yer i'm off to bed" whilst walking away. It would of been better if it was just some psychos killing black people i'm afraid. Shame because the acting was fantastic.
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Fargo: The Law of Vacant Places (2017)
Season 3, Episode 1
Gripping then STUPID!
15 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe no one has said what i am about to say. Whose stupid idea was it to have Nikki kill Maurice by taking ages to loosen a heater and then drop it on him because he was "outside standing still in the exact place he needed to be". I was hooked right up until then. One of the most contrived things iv'e ever seen. Why would she even think to do that. She obviously wanted to kill him so why not just follow him and stab him with the knife she picks up. Really bad writing which makes no sense. And how didn't Ray tell Maurice what the stamp actually looked like and use him in the first place if he's a waste of space. Stupid stupid stupid.......and i wish they wouldn't say BASED ON A TRUE EVENTS at the beginning because it obviously isn't.
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Better than 7 but not amazing
17 December 2016

This film is pretty good. Both this and 7 are very similar in that they are both great in parts and bad in others. I disagree with everyone on here than the fan service doesn't spoil it. It MASSIVELY spoils it. They are just thrown in for no reason. The worst being R2 and C3POs cameo which although isn't awful it does beg the massive question WHY DO THEY END UP ON THE SHIP AT THE END IF THEY ARE LIGHT YEARS AWAY a couple of hours before. All they had to do is have them walking along, C3PO didn't even have to say anything, walking along the corridor at the end before the dude goes into see Leia. Simple. Why didn't anyone think of that. That was the single most possible thing i thought was going to happen at the end. Speaking of Leia. The Tarkin CGI is awful. Leia not so bad but it isn't amazing. I thought it was awesome that Tarkin was in it but then got really sick of seeing him so much because he was so badly done. Should have kept him in dark scenes. James Earl Jones sounds very old. DARTH VADER the comedian. "Don't choke on your ambitions" PLEASE DEAR GOD. Why did Vader have to say that. That isn't his character, the only scene of 2 he was in and spoiled by a stupid pun. Finally the thing i disagree most with everyone on here is K-2SO. Awful. Not funny. Boring. Stupid character. "Prisoners to be taken to a prison etc" ha ha.....he's an intelligent by the book droid for the whole film apart from that scene where he would know EXACTLY what to say instead of the hilarious comedy routine. I hated him from the start and loved it when he was destroyed. Rubbish. Nice to see Biggs and Red Leader. That was cool. On the whole great. Darker than the others and i was really surprised they all died. I assumed many of them would but every single one. Brilliant. Not because they died but because it created a great feeling of what it took to get the plans to Leia and really made the first 15 minutes of IV so much more. That's enough. Good and bad.
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Pontypool (2008)
Are there 2 films called Pontypool?
12 November 2016
Sorry, have i watched the same film as the other reviews. This film is dire. Apart from pretty poor acting from everyone especially the doctor (who is ridiculous) the concept is utterly stupid. Leaving aside the fact that zombie films in general are fantasy when the "reason" for the "outbreak" is revealed i was like. What? Seriously. Is this a joke? Speaking of which, it isn't the slightest bit funny. I don't know what this amusing film Pontypool is. The dialogue is so bad with all the reports and news going out of it's way to be as descriptive as it can and therefore not in the slightest bit real. It sounds like it was adapted fro a radio play. A good percentage of reviews say more or less the same thing's and i absolutely disagree will all of them. I almost turned it off but there was 20 minutes to go so i stuck it out and the ending IS EVEN WORSE. One of the worst films i have ever seen, zombie (whatever)or otherwise. I don't know how anyone agreed to have this film made. I no it's supposed to be "different" but you can't make it different by thinking of the first stupid thing that comes into your head and go with it even though it makes no logical or scientific sense, again, leaving aside the genre in general. So disappointed and very confused with the other reviews.
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Interstellar (2014)
Nolans best film
15 November 2014
Firstly, please Don't mention the appalling "Gravity" in any further reviews of this fantastic movie. This is superior in every way. Nolan and Bro have surpassed themselves, as has Zimmer. The film, though a little too long maybe is absolutely what cinema should be. This is the first genuine work of genius of the 2010s and comparisons to Kubricks 2001 are obviously to be made and rightly so. Kubrick's was ground breaking and now Nolan has created his benchmark. Although different films and journeys they are very similar, both including a staggering jumpcut and fantastic music. Zimmer has also created his masterpiece which takes the movie to another level and gives me goosebumps when i listen to it at home. There's no point in saying anything else really, i will be very surprised if a movie comes out in my lifetime that beats this on every level that Nolan has set for all movie makers around the world. I hope i get to see it........ Voyage dans la Lune--2001.ASO--Interstellar-???????
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The Purge (I) (2013)
One of the worst films I've ever seen
30 May 2014
Stupid concept. Stupid plot. Very stupid kids. Stupid acting. Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid. Ooo what a great idea for a film. No it isn't. Its dumb and would never happen. Stopped watching after the 50 minutes. It angers me that cack like this gets made. It also angers me the amount of people that think films like this are great and write good reviews for them which make people like me think "i will give it a go", its supposed to be good. Oh wait, its banal, ten a penny Hollywood rubbish with nothing of interest at all. The characters are all idiots and i wanted them to be killed as soon as they came on screen. Why are we supposed to be on their side?
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Film making is still alive
16 January 2014
I'm not going to write a long essay like everyone else. I will just say that it makes me happy to know that there are film makers in the world that have talent and original ideas and are not afraid to make a film with no clear narrative. I missed this in the cinema, which i never really go to because there is no point 90% of the time. The same cack month after month annoys me beyond anger. Superhero film - love film - "comedy film starring the current not funny American in the spotlight" - action film - superhero film - comedy...... etc etc If you like Primer you will like this. I hope Shane makes many more films. If you don't like it/get it go and watch " Super boyfriend in Vegas with a vengeance"
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Gravity (2013)
AWFUL - One of the worst films made in the last 30 years
19 December 2013
I am so angry tat like this gets made and that so many people like it. Bad acting, BAD script, BAD BAD BAD. Its called GRAVITY so maybe learn how it works and not just make it up for a film. Bullocks character would never have been given that job. Clooney is my least favorite actor ever and this has made me loathe him more. What SPECTACULAR miscasting. I also thank the makers for adding to an onslaught of SPACE movies in the next few years. How many years training does it take to press any old buttons and say Eeeny Meeny Minny Mo and read Russian and Chinese. One last thing, because a film has "breathtaking", "jaw dropping", "amazing" etc etc special effects, doesn't mean its good. Definitely in my Top Ten Worst ever.
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