
23 Reviews
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Whiplash (2014)
Brilliant acting, can't get it out of my mind
28 February 2015
I was dreading watching this film, having grown up with an abusive alcoholic father. But I did it and it wasn't uncomfortable like I thought it might be. However, it is not a true story and it has nothing to do with alcoholism. It is a fictional story with a well-written script, played by high caliber actors. Although Whiplash is not Best Picture material, it is worth seeing for the outstanding performances by the main two actors. JK Simmons absolutely deserved Best Supporting Actor for his role. I've been a Simmons fan for a long time, although many people are probably just now learning who he is. But in my opinion, the story is not really about him. In life, we all run into toxic people from time to time. How you deal with them says a lot about who you are. I can't say enough about the ending - a drawn out scene filled with edge-of-your-seat tension. I could not tear my eyes or ears away. Lots of great jazz music in the score, so make sure your speakers are turned up.
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About a Boy (2002)
Definitely worth renting
19 December 2006
A quirky film that reminded me slightly of films like Rushmore and The Royal Tenanbaums, but more down to earth and realistic than those two. The dark humor is laugh-out-loud and clever. The sad scenes make you want to cry. I've never cared for Hugh Grant in the past because he usually plays a smirky arrogant character, but his acting in About A Boy blows away everything else he's ever done. Toni Collette's suicidal character was a bit over the top but everyone else in the film did a superb job. The musical score by Badly Drawn Boy oddly fits, reminding me of Cat Stevens' 1970s soulful musings. The boy who plays Marcus was adorable without being fakey or cloyingly sweet...he was just the right touch. Definitely worth seeing!
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Shopgirl (2005)
A chick flick but worth watching
23 June 2006
My husband watched the first half with me but grew bored. And I too admit the first half was boring. Maybe the director did it that way on purpose, to show how bored she was in her life. Things get interesting when an older wealthy man (Steve Martin) shows interest in dating Mirabelle but you don't know WHY for a long time. He lavishes her with gifts, dinners, trips, and attention, but not his love. He thinks he was clear with her that the relationship has no future, but she misunderstands and thinks he truly cares for her. All the scenes between them appear loving on the surface but they are devoid of any emotional attachment. After almost a year, she finally wises up and figures it out, then she ends it. It has a happy and sad ending so get your tissues ready. At least the last half hour is not boring! In general, men will not GET this movie, but any woman who has ever been involved with a man who has commitment problems will absolutely get it.
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Super Size Me (2004)
Eye-opening film
29 May 2006
Morgan Spurlock should be commended for coming up with a unique way of getting an important point across - YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT. The second day on this "diet," he vomited after eating one of the meals. His body was in revolt, but he stuck with it. His point? If you eat a diet high in fats and sugar, you will have headaches, high cholesterol, extra weight, high blood pressure, etc. He gained 24 lbs in 30 days. Then it took him 9 months to lose 20 of those lbs.

One of the shocking things he presented in the film was how much SUGAR is in fast food. Only 5 things on McDonalds' menu do NOT have sugar. In 30 days, he ate the equivalent of nearly 30 lbs of sugar, something like that. Sugar is addictive to many people. He admitted himself that after the first 3 days, he got addicted to the fats and sugar and looked forward to eating there the next meal.

I liked the interview with John Robbins, heir to the Baskins-Robbins ice cream fortune. He turned it down decades ago after watching his father get sick and his uncle die of heart-related problems at early ages (also Ben of Ben & Jerry's had quadruple bypass surgery). If you want to learn about healthful eating (heavy on vegetarian movement), read Robbins' book Diet For A New America.

It was sickening to watch the advertising that McD's aims at young children to "lure" them in: playgrounds, birthday parties, Ronald McD mascot, and of course, Happy Meals. He showed an average group of first graders some photos of famous people. A few children identified Geo. Washington. None could identify the Jesus photo. All of them knew Ronald McDonald. That was a powerful scene all by itself. The camera crews also visited several schools around the country to show what your children eat when you're not around. Some do a better job than others of offering healthy eating choices.

I highly recommend anyone watch this movie. It was sickening but I couldn't stop watching it either. I personally will never visit another McDonalds. I can no longer give my money to a company that is more interested in profits than health.
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Funny and touching
3 April 2006
It's nice to find a film the whole family can enjoy (G-rated)! It's hard to say what this movie is more about - the wild parrot flock or the gentle man who loves them. Yet, it's easy to see, without Mark, the movie would be nothing. He is the window into their world, showing us their unique personalities, and their value to the world. After the movie ends, be sure to watch the flock update and extras on the DVD. My 9-year old daughter emailed Mark that night...we hope to hear from him sometime. I hope the film does not turn him into a celebrity...we have enough of those already! And many kudos to Judy Irving for creating such a sensitive film and the way she handled the ending. Just perfect!
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Firefly (2002–2003)
The writing team was GENIUS - Joss Whedon is AWESOME
7 February 2006
I'll start by saying that I really don't care for most science fiction, although I cut my teeth on Star Trek (the original series). Giving away my age here. I didn't care for any of the Trek sequels, Stargate was so-so. I don't even like Buffy all that much so I wasn't familiar with Joss Whedon until a few months ago.

However, after I rented Serenity, I had to have MORE. So we (my husband and I) bought the Firefly DVD series and we were blown away by the creativity and sheer genius concept for this show. Who would have thought that you could blend Western and futuristic sci-fi and Asian cultures seamlessly into one show and make it work! And it's funny as hell! The characters are well-developed and consistent. The creative story lines are full of twists and turns.

I am sadly disappointed that there are no more episodes and that Fox canceled it after one season. I understand they aired the episodes out of order. Well thank you very much Fox for being behind it and giving it a chance. That had to have been very frustrating for Whedon. I hope he goes on to even bigger and better projects - maybe even talk to another network for Firefly, IF the actors aren't already committed to to other things by now.
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Hoodwinked! (2005)
Slow beginning but speeds up, outstanding writing & characters
16 January 2006
I read the negative reviews on here before I saw the film, and I'm glad I didn't take them too seriously. While the animation is not "Monsters Inc." quality where each hair moves, it isn't intended to be. This story focuses more on the writing, the jokes and puns, the zany characters, and the imaginative storyline.

We saw it on MLK Day, when kids were out of school, so the theater was packed. I heard so much laughter that it was hard to hear the dialogue. My husband was laughing so hard that I had to 'shush' him so I could hear, and he's picky about movies. The kids just love the fast-talking squirrel and he WAS pretty funny--even more so after he drank caffeine. After that, the billy-goat with interchangeable horns was very hilarious and inventive. My 8-year old talked about it all the way home.

While many of the jokes and puns went right over most kids' heads, there was plenty for them to enjoy, while the other stuff was aimed at adults, so it's a perfect film for families to see together. It is refreshing to see a family film like this--nothing offensive, yet still funny and entertaining.
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Film not for young children under 9 or 10
7 October 2005
This is an excellent piece of Japanese animation, and we own several other movies of the same genre. However, the battle scenes were a bit graphic for our 8-year old daughter. She enjoyed the first half, where she's learning about the warrior princess who will defend her valley no matter what. The last third of the movie contains the violence. Maybe I'm just protective but I think there is enough violence in most teen and adult movies, and I would rather not expose my child to it while she's young. In the last part of this film, the princess is attacked and shot with a machine gun. She is bleeding from wounds in her shoulder and foot and moaning in pain on the ground. Shortly after this, she is accidentally pushed into an acid lake, where she screams in agony as her foot is burned by chemicals. I thought that entire scene was well done, realistic, and graphic, but it is NOT for the eyes of a young child.
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Sahara (2005)
Totally improbable but highly entertaining
6 September 2005
I wasn't expecting much when I rented this because the critics didn't think much of it. But I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was actually pretty good! Definitely worth renting! It's kind of a cross between National Treasure (treasure hunters), Mummy (desert setting), and Indiana Jones (action and comedy). Penelope Cruz is sexy as always but her role is actually quite believable as a WHO doctor trying to help dying Africans. Steve Zahn is hilarious as sidekick to Matthew McConahey (not spelling that right I'm sure). Our 8-year old watched most of it (the non-violent parts) and liked it too. So if you can suspend reality for two hours and just enjoy an old-fashioned action flick where the good guys win, the bad guys get what they deserve, and the hero gets the girl, this is a perfect movie.
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Hitch (I) (2005)
Surprisingly funny!
9 July 2005
I avoided this movie when it hit the theaters because the critics panned it. I shouldn't have listened to them. Okay, maybe the story line was a bit of a stereotype--the love doctor helps others fall in love but he doesn't take his own advice. But overlook that, and you'll enjoy a great romantic comedy. It wasn't Will Smith that was so hilarious--although he had a few moments--it was his co-stars who who were so funny. Especially his "large" client/friend (I didn't get his name) nearly stole the movie in every scene he was in! It's worth renting just to watch him! There were some scenes I was laughing so much that I had go back and rewatch to hear the dialogue. The ending was a bit overlong but overall, the movie is definitely worth a rental, and it's a great date movie too.
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Sin City (2005)
Makes Kill Bill look like a PG movie
2 April 2005
We saw Sin City on its opening night. Our local paper gave it 4 stars. Good thing it's black & white (with touches of color), because it is a real gore fest! I kid you makes Kill Bill look like a PG movie. Decapitations, severed limbs, mangled penises, buckets of blood, hatchets in the face, viciousness toward women (and a child), lots of nudity (okay, that part wasn't so bad!), cannibalism, pedophilia, a drooling yellow devil...shall I go on?

It's one of the worst--no, wait, it's THE most violent/gory film I've ever seen on the big screen. However, it's all done in a stylized comic-book way--the blood is white instead of black. Otherwise it would be too graphic and sickening.

Sin City had some dark humor. In one scene, a very tough guy character is being put to death in the electric chair. After his body convulses and smokes, he opens his eyes, spits out a mouthful of blood, and says "Is that all you pussies got?"

I'm not familiar Frank Miller or the Sin City series at all, though I love Tarantino's films. (Tarantino was given a guest director credit because he lent a hand in a few scenes. And you can tell which ones.) This movie is well-done and interesting for the kind of movie it is, and it is definitely the ultimate in pulp fiction if you're a fan of the genre.
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Bridge to Terabithia (1985 TV Movie)
Average made-for-TV movie
7 November 2004
I am a fifth grade language arts teacher, and after we read this book (which the students loved), then we watched the movie. They laughed out loud! Unfortunately, it's NOT a comedy! The acting was so awful, I felt like I was watching a bunch of kids in the neighborhood putting on a play. My students were mimicking the lines and making fun off and on the whole way through. I have to agree with them, at times, it was pretty bad. Still, I would show it to students again, just for fun, and to compare the film with the book. We did a Venn Diagram (teachers know what that is) afterward, to show what was the same in both and what were the differences, so there is an educational value in showing it. I noticed that another adaptation is being filmed for 2005 so we can only hope the acting will be better!
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Stinker of a movie...and a waste of good clay
31 August 2004
I read one of the user comments in Hooves of Fire and saw the 8 out of 10 rating and got my hopes up for this one. I can't begin to explain what a bad movie this is. It's certainly not for kids. And it's a waste of good clay too! The version I saw had Britney Spears as the girl reindeer (with breasts, no less). The story line is awful...renegade reindeer gone bad who comes back and imprisons his fellow reindeer by cruelly tricking them. Two of them escape and enlist the help of a long-lost tribe of tiny Norsemen. This is a holiday show?? This is good cheer?? Yikes...I couldn't turn it off fast enough. My 7-year old didn't like it either and said take it back to the video store.
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A must-see if you're a Jim Carrey fan--with a nice message
29 August 2004
I admit it...I'm a Jim Carrey fan. I've seen just about everything he's done except Mystic Theater (or whatever that was called). It looked bad so I skipped it. Carrey reminds me so much of Robin Williams. Just give him a script and the freedom to mess around and improvise and you've usually got comedy genius. It's not a 5-star film...It could have been better. However, Bruce Almighty has a wonderful message...which is that when you learn to give to others, you get back riches. Carrey's character was pretty self-centered and he deserved what he got in the beginning of the film. It was only at the end, when he told God that he didn't want Aniston back...he only wanted her to be happy and that she deserved to be with a guy who would treat her with respect. That was a serious moment in an otherwise funny movie. If we could all stop being so self-centered and learn to give a little more to others and to improving the world, we might all be a little better off and a little happier in life.
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A Stranger to Love (1996 TV Movie)
Engrossing story but unsatisfying ending
17 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I have to be honest that I missed most of this movie. I was channel flipping and stopped to watch the last half-hour. I quickly figured out that he had amnesia (though I didn't know why) and that he had to make a difficult choice to stay with the new life he created or go back to the old one. No matter which choice, he was going to hurt a woman he loved and children. I found the ending unsatisfying and unrealistic. I won't put any spoilers here about which way he went, but such a decision would be far too emotionally and logistically complex that no one could decide as quickly and decisively as he did. This director wrapped up the entire ending in about 15 minutes without giving us much insight as to WHY.
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Humorous look at porn industry
15 May 2004
I'm female, well-educated, mid-40s. I've seen maybe 3 dozen porn movies in my lifetime, and in my opinion, and apparently Ron Jeremy agrees with me, porn does not degrade women. Nor does it degrade men. These actors are well paid for what they do. Some women may do it because they can't get any other kind of work, but you could say the same thing about waiting tables or working fast-food. Anyway, I digress. This movie is a funny, behind-the-scenes peek into the business. Ron is a personable, self-deprecating man, who is driven to be somebody. Anybody. He just wants people to pay attention and to notice him. More than likely this drive resulted from his mother's sudden death when he was 10 years old. What a devastation that must have been to a young boy. So he grew up wanting the attention and adoration he probably didn't get enough of as a child. And he certainly has succeeded. As an actor who has appeared in over 1,500 x-rated films in his lifetime, Ron Jeremy has achieved cult status. His only wish is to make it into mainstream film and leave his past behind. He's had bit parts here and there, but the majority of mainstream Hollywood won't give him a chance because of the stigma he carries. This is his life. Don't watch this movie expecting to see graphic sex scenes because you'll be disappointed. You'll see nudity and even a few glimpses of Ron's 9 3/4" (his measurement, not mine) but that's about it. Mostly what you see is lots of interviews and clips about his life. It's worth a rental, especially if you are a fan of x-rated films or Jeremy himself. If you don't like nudity or porn, then skip this one.
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Spirited Away (2001)
Visually stunning, story line rambles like Mulholland Drive
15 April 2004
A fine quality piece of Japanese animation! I have watched this movie twice. The animation, visual effects, colors, and voices are all outstanding. I'd be surprised if it had not won any awards for production quality. However, the story line leaves something to be desired. It's like watching Mulholland's interesting, characters are fascinating, the events are WANT something to happen, you WANT all the wierdness to make sense in the end, but when the end arrives, you see it was just a bunch of surreal adventures all strung together. It has a happy ending but it's still a bit of a letdown at the end. It held the attention of my 6-year old but it wouldn't for most. I would recommend it more for 7-12 year olds, if it's not important to them for the story to make any sense (which isn't for most kids). I rate it 6 out of 10.
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The Rundown (2003)
Light-hearted, entertaining film
13 April 2004
I was pleasantly surprised at what a great rental this was! I wouldn't have paid full price at the theater but it's definitely worth renting. I didn't know it was gonna be so FUNNY! Several laugh-out-loud scenes. The Rock plays it straight most of the time. His character reminds me of 1970s Billy Jack--he tries real hard to settle things peaceably if possible, but he will resort to force if necessary. He always gives 2 options: Option A: "Lay down your weapon and come with me," or Option B: "I make you." You gotta love that, because you just know his opponent will of course choose A. Christopher Walken (slum lord of South America) was given that choice and he burst out laughing. The Rock won't win any Academy Awards with this role but it's a perfect role that allows him to be physical while hamming it up. His whiny sidekick (who played Kar in Bulletproof Monk) was a bit obnoxious at times but he got his comeuppance in the end.
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Worth renting this mild TV-movie style drama
29 March 2004
I rented this video based on the star power of Julia Roberts. She doesn't disappoint, but her performance is very understated and restrained. The role could have been SO MUCH more but she appeared to be held back by the script. The plot describes her as a free-spirit who opens the eyes of 1950s college-age girls, but she really doesn't DO all that much. She encouraged one girl to go to law school by giving her an application, but when that girl later decides to get married instead, I was expecting an entertaining, witty speech from Roberts but none came. She smiled, hugged the girl, and said goodbye. A true free-spirited thinker wouldn't have let that opportunity slide by. The movie was very tame in my opinion, when it could have been a more powerful message. A snotty college girl frequently hurled nasty insults at her, but Roberts never gave her comeuppance, she would just smile. The most "liberal" thing she did was to have a relationship with one of the male teachers. They were both single so who cares? It's worth watching for Roberts and Julia Stiles, but don't expect more than a TV-movie mild drama.
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Fascinating! Watched it 100 times and always see something new
21 June 2003
I have not seen the live show but have watched the DVD probably 50 times (because my daughter loves it so much). The music is what makes the show in my opinion. The young girl's voice is haunting. I think I read she's the daughter of one of the producers. I don't speak French so I have no idea what she is singing but it must be about loneliness. (Later, while watching a TV special on the Cirque company, I learned that the lyrics are written in a special language that is completely made up.) The music stays in your head long after you've finished the show. My favorite scenes are the German wheel guy (he's the first act) and the young Chinese girls who follow him. A must see!!
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Pleasantly surprised...great action flick
12 May 2003
I made the mistake of reading some of the user comments before I saw the movie so I wasn't expecting much, maybe an action opening, then go downhill from there. I rented it on the strength of Luc Besson's name (he wrote and co-produced). And I was pleasantly surprised at how good it was. It has humor, action, love, and twists and turns in the plot. I love the exchanges between the inspector and Frank. The inspector is no dummy. Yes, the girl is a bit annoying but I think she's supposed to be. You weren't sure at first if she was being sold as a sex slave (my first thought) or if she was being kidnapped for ransom. The action sequences were spectacular...high budget for this one. I've never seen an opening chase scene quite like this one. Overall, I'd give it an 8 out of 10...worth renting.
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Holes (2003)
Fantastic family film--parents can take kids of all ages
11 May 2003
I teach 5th grade and I have many copies of this award-winning book in my classroom library. When I first read it, I couldn't put it down. It's going to be a classic book, loved by generations to come, because the plot is complex enough to hold intelligent readers' interest yet simple enough for third graders to understand. When I learned a movie was being made, I couldn't wait to see it! My 18-yr old daughter and I went together and it did not disappoint. The music was fabulous and really added to the tone. The flashbacks were not disruptive and added a puzzling and entertaining piece, and even if you hadn't read the book, it was not hard to follow at all. There was not a single curse word or awkward moment in the film. The one and only sex joke (one boy joking another about needing a microscope if anyone wanted to spy on him in the shower) was about as harmless as could be...over the heads of most kids. Parents can feel free to take children of any age to see this movie, but only those over age 7 or 8 will really understand the story line. Adults will enjoy seeing Sigourney Weaver and Jon Voight in their exaggerated, stereotyped roles. You can tell those two actors had a ball making the movie. I highly recommend this as a family film for ages 8 and up.
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Was pleasantly surprised and entertained!
25 April 2003
I knew critics had panned it, gave it 2 stars or whatever. But I kept an open mind and I really liked it! There were many laugh-out-loud scenes! And I must admit, I really detest Adam Sandler. I won't rent movies where he's the star. I've never seen Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore or any of those...I can't stand his whiny characters. But this role wasn't like that. He was the underdog but he never slipped into the whiny stereotype he's known for.

Anger Management is worth watching just for Jack Nicholson--he was over the top--which is what he does best. He plays Dr. Buddy Rydell...similar personality to the maniacal, unpredictable man in The Shining (without the murderous intent). Anyway, if you want to be entertained and laugh, this is worth seeing.

I read other users' comments about the scene with the's funny, not offensive, because it's so outrageous that no one would believe it would really happen. Remember, the movie is called Anger Management. The director probably tried to think of the most calm and peaceful group of people he could, then put one in a situation where he would blow up and lose his temper. That's classic Saturday Night Live material! I seriously doubt a Buddhist would be offended by this wacky scene.
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