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The Bridge (I) (2013–2014)
American film studios really know how to ruin a good story
28 December 2019
Oh dear. What a mess. The acting is so overwrought this turns out like some sicko Mexican Soap Opera. And not a good one. They are all pretty appalling but none worse than the actor portraying the character of Stephen...or whatever his name was...mumbling through his teeth in some deep throated guzzle...unbearable to listen too. The only decent actor plays the son of lead Mexican detective on the case. Overstretched, overplayed, over-written...this ultimately is a bore-fest that you just want to end. Not sure I can bear to watch the UK - French version or the original Nordic one after this waste of time. But they can't possibly be any worse. Skip this crap. It's just painful.
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Cold Pursuit (2019)
Clever, intelligent, witty and suspenseful. What more do you want?
11 December 2019
A great script directed with great talent and a very clever ensemble cast. This is a very approachable film that keeps you engaged until the clever ending and end-titles. I can't think of anything that doesn't work...this is fabulous, twisted fun! Highly recommended !
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Mindhunter (2017–2019)
Boring and homophobic
8 December 2019
It's difficult to imagine how an out Gay actor could sign up for a lead role in this homophobic and transphobic trash. But just as bizarre is how such a dull script could entice any actor to accept a role in this dross. It's sure no Boston Strangler. Stuck with it for two seasons thinking it was going somewhere but it's about as thrilling as a Bloody Mary without the vodka. Predictable, trite and typically American. Only in a US film would you see an actor wake up fully clothed in bed. Seriously? Who even wears pajamas anymore? A big Yawn.
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The Loft (2014)
You'll never guess! A great thriller
1 December 2019
Sure it's pretty trashy but hey, it's a thriller in the grand style of 'who did it?' This little baby will keep you on the edge of your seat right up until the final reveal. It's got all the ingredients of a classy thriller so I'm baffled by all the low scores...what on earth did they want? The Loft is well directed, well acted and certainly well above your average film in this genre. If Agatha Christie was re-born as a hipster film-maker she'd probably come up with a convoluted but exciting story like this. It ain't Tarantino but it's quite a ride. If you pick the culprit you're a very clever puppy!
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Outstanding political drama.
2 November 2019
Hugh Jackson's extraordinary performance carries this true story of human weakness, political intrigue and the truly appalling behaviour of so many journalists to destroy anyone who can feed their race for a headline , through a seamless journey to hell. It is as timely now as it was then and explains clearly and sadly why we get the politicians we deserve. You don't need to know the history behind this story. The film takes you exactly where you need to go. And that is an understanding of the grubbiness of politics and journalism and their ugly dance together through our landscape. Films like this are worthy in so many ways, not the least of which is to throw a light on just what defines character. Highly recommended!
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Mindhunter (2017–2019)
Boring beyond belief
15 October 2019
What a long, drawn out, plodding series of completely uneventful episodes this babblefest is. I gave it six episodes hoping something of worth would happen but this is an execrable non-event. It's essentially a dull conversation between two cops extended over a series of weak whispers of a storyline. There is no story. It's relentless cop talk. Just UGH! Don't bother. It's crap.
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Deeply moving and powerful
2 October 2019
The ensemble cast - uniformly stunning in their powerful portrayal of real life persons- bring this tragic true story to life in ways that will shake you and truly wonder how the United States of America could ever call itself the land of the brave and the home of the free. It is anything but. Highly recommended!
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Wicker Park (2004)
What an utterly ridiculous film
4 September 2019
Another bunny boiler movie with an obvious storyline about a psycho girl obsessed with a dude with zero personality. This movie doesn't even reach the heights of a bad soap opera, it's so stupid. If you want to watch this, let me just say there are no surprises. It plays out just as you would expect, with a predictable and completely lame ending. It's also boring as hell and you don't even get to see Josh Harnett's arse, which would at least have provided some titillation. Pathetic.
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Species III (2004 TV Movie)
A real Hoot!
25 August 2019
Look, for what it is, this one is pretty fabulous fun. Reminiscent of really bad sixties horror films but updated for the 21st. Century, it ticks all the boxes...decent acting, cute cast, both the guys and the gals, graphic special effects, stomach churning use of blood and guts, a bit of sex...sadly all hetero as Hollywood is too fucking lame to get with reality and give equal time to homos. Something awkward with guy on guy / girl on girl sex, America? No wonder big studios are failing to live up to the indies and Netflix. This film is pretty entertaining with enough scares and flesh to keep the pace going until the unexpected end. Whoda' thought it was gonna turn into a Rom....? Enjoy, with moderate expectations and a bucketful of sense of humour.
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Whiteout (2009)
Should have been blacked out. Rubbish Hollywood D movie.
20 July 2019
Best keep your expectations for this piece of junk low, though you'll still be disappointed.. How, let alone why, the studios insist on pumping out garbage like this is beyond me. This ultra light-weight script is pretty much the usual D movie stuff. You can predict the killer within the first half hour. The acting is a mix of average and appalling but given the crap script they had to work with you shouldn't expect much else. I can't recall looking so much forward to bed while watching a movie as I did with this one. Special effects were tv advertisement standard. Honestly, taking a dump will bring you more satisfaction than sitting through this constipated mess. And the outcome will be the same.
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Holy Hell (2016)
Ever wondered why America is so completely f*kd? Here's your answer
17 July 2019
Oh my goodness...what a truly disturbing film. In ninety or so minutes this film encapsulates everything about what's wrong with the USA. No wonder the world looks on in shock, but not awe, with where America has come to. Words can't describe the mess that allows people as featured in this movie to be cult worshippers for twenty years only to realise, like their Government, it's all fake. Watch it and weep.
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A stunner!
6 July 2019
This extraordinary Australian (documentary) film weaves its deeply moving tale using expertly edited film footage from across Michael Hutchence's far too few years, to present an audience with a flawlessly flowing movie. It is a story of the complexity and often harshness of life for so many brilliantly talented creatives whose intelligence is sometimes too much for a single brain to handle. The commentary is all soundbites from his friends and associates and his story unfolds in pretty much chronological order. 'Mystify' is also a touching treatment of depression and how it can grab hold and destroy in some cases. Although we know how the story will end, it is handled with compassion and nuance and is quite powerful. I'd thoroughly recommend this movie. It is moving, rather than depressing. We can all learn lessons from the lives of others and 'Mystify' teaches us lessons at every turn.
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Oblivion (I) (2013)
A rewarding trip
28 June 2019
A solid science fiction film with everything you'd expect and demand from an above average one. Outstanding special effects, intelligent and complex script, decent acting and some unexpected turns. Certainly well above the ordinary. I wasn't expecting much but was pleasantly surprised with what Oblivion brought to the table. Recommended.
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16 June 2019
How bad can a movie be? Well, apparently this bad. Appallingly predictable script. Woeful over-acting. Mundane direction. There's nothing good to see here. It's all awful. And apparently sponsored by Singapore Tourism. If ever you needed a reason not to visit the place, here it is. How can IMBD give this a 7 rating when almost universally the reviews here agree it sucks. Don't waste your time. It's Baaaaaaad !
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A stunning film about life's complexities
13 May 2019
This remarkable film deals with many issues, but at it's core, the pulse of the film beats around the nature of homophobia and the toxic tentacles it has that chokes so many lives, while it spins its tale of adolescence and the turmoil of getting to grips with ones true essence. Giant Little Ones is a beautiful treatment of emerging sexuality and the beauty and ugliness of the personal struggles that that involves for many. The admirable thing about this film is that it completely usurps audience expectations based on the casting and the journeys these characters take. It treats the subject of homo-hatred and self loathing in a way that is both challenging and confronting. Expertly acted by the entire cast, this little gem is well worth your time. It's got lots of surprises and ultimately leaves you with more questions than answers...unlike most 'hollywood' films, this indie stunner is rich in thought and spirit. Highly recommended! Five Stars.
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Awful, unfunny, boring...
24 April 2019
The thing with comedy is it's supposed to be funny. This boring series centres around a bunch of truly revolting characters (and yeah...I know...that's the point) but with no emotional connection to any of them, there's nothing to see here. American narcissism may well be a thing but why bother pinning that to a whole series? This is an excruciating watch. Unfunny, dull, littered with truly unlikable characters...I couldn't wait to end the pain of sitting through the whole thing. One star was generous.
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The Foreigner (I) (2017)
An outstanding thriller
13 April 2019
Everything you could want in a thriller and more. "The Foreigner" delivers in excellent screenplay that provides a tense, edge of the seat storyline with enough twists and turns to keep the viewer hooked right up to the very end. It also is a poignant and moving story of the darkness of men's hearts and the utter shallowness and evil of terrorism. Top acting by all and precise direction and editing results in a pretty much flawless movie. Highly recommended.
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Dismissed (2017)
An insult to its audience
29 January 2019
What a stupid, predictable, boring movie. It's hard to decide what's worse- the script or the acting. Everyone who was involved with this garbage needs to find another profession. How stuff like this ever gets into production is the eternal explanation of the B Movie. There are so many faults with this film there's no point in even listing them. Just know there are no surprises. It's as formulaic as a toilet roll and only good for the same thing. Don't waste your life on this turkey. The only thing even vaguely worthy is the actor who plays the psychopathic lead. He plays his very limited role better than every other sad attempt at script reading the rest of the cast do. Avoid this stinker at all costs. It's beyond bad. It's sad. Netflix- get your act together. There's no excuse for you investing money into crap like this.
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A Quiet Place (2018)
An exceptional thriller
13 January 2019
This work is an outstanding piece of Science Fiction cinema. With a script of barely a few words, the terrifying musical score tells the story. Buckle up for a sensational ride! It's refreshing to watch such an original piece of science fiction that starts well after the 'drama' has ended and when the thrills begin. It's everything The War of the Worlds wasn't. This understated film will grab you by the throat and won't let go until the abrupt, but perfect end. Great actors , who largely play their parts in silence , give credibility and believability to this very original story. The cinematography is stunning. Highly recommended. Not for the feint-hearted's an extremely tense 90 minutes that may leave some rather un-nerved.
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Extinction (2018)
Engaging and clever
17 August 2018
This clever twist on science fiction is like a reverse War of the Words. Make of that what you will, but expect the unexpected...right through to the finale. This refreshingly different tale is a very slow burner...but the paffoff is worth it. I hope there's a sequel.
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17 August 2018
This re-make is pretty fabulous! But it had a messed up release by Fox who have since blocked most clips of it on You Tube. Fox has pretty much buried it. It's every bit as good as the original and better in many ways. I think all the minor characters are better in the re-make and it's a very different presentation but superior in my opinion. The Jury's out on Frank'n Furter though...a different interpretation but a noble one. Tim Curry, who makes a pretty deflated appearance in the new version, is a hard act to follow. But the Transgender actress Laverne Cox, who plays the new Frank pretty much knocks it out of the ballpark. She has big steps to fill but she does a great job. I loved it! Probably more than the original to be perfectly...well, um...Frank. I Hope you can track it down. Sadly the haters attacked the re-make and Fox Films did nothing to save it. Such a pity...I thought it was brave and quite extraordinary! Hopefully, like the original Rocky, which was also a box office flop, it will live again. Ignore the low ratings. This is in most ways a superior version.
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The Snowman (2017)
Moody, tense,engaging Thriller- not for Morons
29 July 2018
Reading the various negative reviews of this film here indicates just how dumbed down audiences (particularly American audiences) have become by the garbage that Hollywood has been spewing out for decades. Here we have a film that succeeds on every level as a Thriller. It has a dark and disturbing atmosphere, sets its premise out quickly and subtly, then goes about its business without any of the formulaic story by numbers or fanfare that the major studios feel compelled to feed their clueless audiences. If you can't sit with this gently told story for two hours without relishing the expert editing, photography and direction that spins a tale of horror and suspense as good as you would find in any great Thriller of note then you deserve what you get...rubbish like the Independence Day series or Halloween. This is a movie for those who love a dark Thriller, loaded with atmosphere whose journey is much more important than the destination - as shocking at that might be in this case. There are elements here of the Girl in the Hornet's Nest trilogy, Seven,and other films that grab you by the throat and don't let go even as the end-titles are running. If you want simple, idiotic horror films where you know from the opening scene where things will end, this film is not for you. If you relish a couple of hours of slowly building tension that has a degree of challenge about it, then you should enjoy this little gem. Reading some of the truly bizarre reviews here saying people found it incomprehensible or hard to follow leads me to comment that they should stick to what they know...which clearly isn't much. There's nothing overly complicated about the just need to pay attention and enjoy the ride. This is a moody. atmospheric, tense thriller any fan of the genre will love.
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Brigsby Bear (2017)
Just go with it...
7 July 2018
Special films like this one come along not often enough. It's emotionally engaging and that's all you need to know. With touches of Donnie Darko, Mysterious Skin and similar works of art that don't fit any set genre, if you are in any way empathetic, it will take you gently by the hand to a place you probably won't expect. The time you spend with this little gem will be well worth every moment. Enjoy the trip!
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Expect the unexpected - a clever movie!
28 June 2018
This little gem of a movie from Scottish director Colm McCarthy, with screenplay by the author of the original book, MR Carey, is a clever and engaging film defying categorisation- it is at once a science fiction thriller, another a horror film and at other times a futuristic parable of the human spirit and its failings. The production values are top notch and it goes in directions you might not think it would. The entire piece is held together by the very wise casting of its young lead- a truly remarkable and nuanced performance by Sennia Nanua. Her acting throughout is a joy to behold and right up until the very last frame you don't know if she is hero or villain, or shades of both. That is quite a skill for such a young actor to pull off. The rest of the cast is generally very good and believable, especially Gemma Arterton, who plays a pivotal role and whose relationship with the child is the hook on which the tension swings. Glen Close seems to me to be mis-cast here. It's not a huge distraction but her delivery (and, to be fair, some of her lines were a bit ridiculous and would be hard for anyone to deliver with credibility) verged on the corny at times. It needed a star of the quality of Helen Mirren or Tilda Swinton to give it the necessary gravitas that it deserves and would have earned a ten star rating. But it's a solid 9. Don't let the subject matter turn you off watching this- it is much more than a simple science fiction film. It has heart and soul running through its infected little veins (joke) and could stand proudly alongside the best SF movies. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Love, Simon (2018)
A 'Straight' attempt at a Gay film. Fair but not great.
9 June 2018
Major film studios just can't seem to get 'Gay' right. Sure this movie has been a huge hit and it's thoroughly inoffensive - probably why mainstream audiences have embraced it- but it's far from honest. All the production values are neatly in place to guarantee success...cute main actor, above average casting and acting, good soundtrack, adequate screenplay, leaves its audience smiling. But it avoids homosexual intimacy at all costs. God forbid there'd be any sexual contact, even if in passing. This film avoids offending anyone so much it ends up an emotional void. The screenplay construct is oddly confusing- making the lead character almost the villain but he clearly is not. A nod to homophobes in the audience, perhaps? Gotta give them a hook after all! It's just dumb, needless and simply unbelievable. Why not present a Gay character who isn't necessarily seriously flawed? Because big studios simply won't stand for that. If you want to see a far superior film watch Netflix's "ALEX STRANGELOVE"- it is everything this film isn't...honest, true-to-life,equally funny and moving and will leave you feeling you've just watched something very real. 'Love Simon' is another small step for big studios giving both LGBTQI audiences and non-soecific audiences a story they can vaguely relate to. But ultimately it's a bit of fluff and popcorn. We all deserve much better.
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