
12 Reviews
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Infinite (2021)
Many weird, misleading and bias reviews...
20 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
OK, so there are two forces who are kinda immortal by having an ability such that when reborn they keep their previous life's memories and skills. One side had enough and decided they want to "move on", so to accomplish that they must wipe-out all life on earth (otherwise the next baby might be them reincarnated). Thankfully the other side wants to "live on" and tries to stop them.

Maybe one thing this movies missed is it didn't really explain how did they get that "reincarnation" ability.. but other than that, it's a nice idea, good execution, actors have great chemistry, awesome plane fight scene, really a great popcorn movie.
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Synchronicity (IV) (2015)
C'mon this is surely not a 5.5*
21 February 2021
Synchronicity is a time-travel done almost right. It's a similar in concept to " Primer" with a more mature and clear storytelling. IMO, it would be 10/10 if the ending would have been slightly different (less optimistic, i know right?).

A better ending would have been if Jim, after discovering he's already checked-in, would enter the room of his other self, then would see several bodies of his other-selves realizing he can't change anything, and then movie would end. That IMO would have been slightly more "realistic".

But anyway, apart from this "improvement" this movie is very good. Highly recommended!
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Batwoman (2019–2022)
Beware! She's not Selina Kyle of Batman!
14 July 2020
So, she's an unemotional and unappealing version of Selina Kyle of Batman 1992, which btw doesn't even have to do with Batman, and basically feels like she's a "Catwoman" from other dimension, and if so then why call her that?? Just use a totally different character, for example: "Felidae. Meow!" or "Panthera" or even "Black Widow" (yes i know it's taken by the gorgeous Scarlett Johansson).. anyway the point is it's not, very not, omg so not the Catwoman of 1992 and i really can't watch her character.
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Liars! Thiefs! Murderers!
3 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
What could have been a fantastic reboot of Terminator 3 ended up being a franchise killer since what's the point of saving John in T1 & T2 if he's going to die anyway in T3. OK, so John is dead now what? Don't worry there's a new savior of humanity. Who? Is it John's sister? No, some random girl named Dani so who cares what happens to her maybe they'll kill her in the beginning of next movie and call it "Darker Fate".

But don't worry there's plenty of interesting stuff: There's a re-branded Skynet named Legion There's a re-branded terminator sent by the machines named Rev-9 (have "T" series unmet expectations?) ~ There's Arnold, but he's not really a Terminator he's just there ~ There's Sarah Connor's, but her son John is dead so not why she's even in this movie ~ There's James Cameron name appearing in "Writers" ~ There's a high unclearity how anything that happens in the movie changes the future and Legion

They lied to us, they stole our hearts again, they killed John! Liars! Thiefs! Murderers!
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Michael Chiklis saves this movie
28 September 2019
Bad performance from entire cast even Bruce Willis acts as if he's doing a favor of being there. But Michael Chiklis really came to work on this one and he's the only reason I watched till the end.
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Searching (III) (2018)
John Cho is such a good actor!
30 December 2018
First of all the film is great, wonderful storyline, few twists, never boring, but man John Cho is so perfectly chosen for the carrying father role acting superbly, always looks for clues, never gives up, such genuine expressions of his face you can actually believe its really happening. Kudos to all involved in this film!
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Ocean's Eight (2018)
Actually Not Bad!
23 September 2018
Cast is good and has chemistry - Bullock, Hathaway & Rihanna were absolutely great, heist was done beautifully and has an extra element (as in Oceans 11) including two surprises in the end, pace is good and not too boring, Debbie Ocean mentions her brother Danny several times and it feels she loves and respects him (saying to his picture in the end "You woulda loved it").

I did read some bad reviews before seeing so i had zero expectations. I was positively surprised!
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Oh no....!
27 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers

Everything was good.. until the end.

In the end monster wins, all the humans die, end of story. This is unbelievable!

I mean WTH!!! They already killed on Godzilla after an intense fight, why does our spices deserve to die? Especially after such an intense end battle?

Why would anyone watch this again??

This is how you kill a movie.
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Rating is biased!! Wasted potential and filming resources!
16 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers

Where do I begin... here is a chronological list of failures:


1. Movie begins with a battle between apes and the bad General's (Woody H.) army. Apes live their quiet lives in the forest and are suddenly attacked. How were they found?? I guess it's nice to start a movie with a battle...

2. During the above battle the apes capture two soldiers and Caesar sets them free. As a response the General personally comes to Caesar's home in the mountains (with helicopters) and kills his family. What?? Why? It doesn't make sense. They don't even talk.

3. The scene happens in the middle of the night when all apes are asleep. Caesar wakes up (only him, maybe he has a sixth *sense*), sees a rope in the waterfall, obviously someone is coming. Sensible thing to do was to cut the rope and wake everybody up, BUT INSTEAD, he quietly and slowly circles around the house, and when he returns to the waterfall he discovers his family killed by the General. No logic!

4. Later on we learn that this General's main agenda is actually a war against other remaining humans. So why spend resources on haunting the apes??

5. Caesar gets upset, takes a few companions and goes for revenge, while all the other apes go a different way to find a safe place.

6. In the meantime the General with his army goes to the north and by *accident* his path is crossed with the other apes (not Caesar), the apes are taken hostage and they are used to build a wall. Why build a wall?? What for?? It's never explained.

7. In the meantime Caesar with his companions find a talking ape (also by *accident*) who lives alone in the middle of nowhere, who somehow knows the base where the General went. Amazing.

8. Caesar gets captured and tortured again and again, then the General explains why he fights with the other humans: It's because they want to cure the virus with medical science but the General doesn't believe in this way. Shocking. It's like *I don't believe in medical science every one should die!*. C'mon! WTH??

9. Suddenly, near movie end, the General gets the virus and can't speak so he commits suicide. What?? C'mon! Couldn't he live just a few more hours to witness the final battle between his army and the rest of humans??

10. Final battle begins, helicopters come, humans are fighting each other, missiles, explosions, bullets flying everywhere - but our hero is injured by an arrow. Arrow?? Really? Why would a soldier come with a bow and arrows to a battlefield filled with guns and bazookas? It DOESN'T make ANY sense!

11. Our hero bleeds out and dies (by the arrow).

What an AWFULLY SAD accord for what could have been a wonderful trilogy! :(
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A Horrible Remake of Spiderman (2002)
23 October 2012
Let's break it down:

● The new *amazing* Spiderman has suddenly lost his healing powers: During the entire film Spiderman gets scratched and injured, and the wounds just stay. In one scene Gwen even gives Spiderman a medical assistance for just a few scratches. What's next? A hospitalization for a broken foot or a stomach upset?

● No Mary Jane, no Daily Planet: In an outward appearance, this movie is a crude remake of Spiderman (2002) film and it copies everything but the important parts: Jonah Jameson from the Daily Planet and the romantic tension between Peter Parker and Mary Jane. Why are you trying to retell a story which is already perfectly told?

● Unclosed corners:

Why did Peter Parker's parents die? What was the briefcase that they left him and why?

Why does Peter Parker stops to search for his uncle Ben's murderer for absolutely no reason, and continues with his life as usual?

What is the idea behind Lizard's attempt to infect the city if the impact is temporary anyway? Even by injection Dr. Curt Connors stays as The Lizard for less than a day.

Why is there no press in the movie? A new superhero comes and no press opinion?

Why does Spiderman keeps revealing the man behind the mask so damn often?

Why is Aunt May like a ghost in this film? Does she really can't have more impact than cooking dinners?

★ You cannot reboot an already perfectly done franchise! ★

Bad. Awful. Horrible.
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Abduction (I) (2011)
Actually... very enjoyable!
31 December 2011
When i first saw the rating of this movie here at IMDb, i almost skipped it. But then i saw the trailer and decided to watch it anyway, and i actually enjoyed it very much! It one of those films what really got it all. You got Action, Romance, Good guys, Bad guys, some mystery, and also quite good acting.

If you liked Bourne Identity, you may very well like this one.

The only mismatch here is the title which really has nothing to do with abductions or aliens etc.. whatsoever, but that's not enough a justification for such a low rating.

Overall, I really recommend this film.
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Sanctum (2011)
Why does everybody die?
20 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The idea and the acting were good, but there are some mistakes that writers should never make. One of them is killing everybody in a lost/rescue type of film, because it just kills the will to watch the movie ever again. You may kill the hero while he saves everybody, you may kill every one else except for the hero (which may survive because of his skills), but killing the hero AND every one else (except for his son who miraculously escapes) just feels like a bad ending. A very bad ending.

Other things that displeased me in this movie:

(1) Our sturdy hero's plea for a mercy killing (and getting it) because of a great pain in his back, which was performed by his son. Now what was that all about??

(2) Carl became a maniac after his girlfriend's death and in the end jumped to his oblivion without taking the oxygen tank with him? Very inconsistent behavior (being a maniac he became).

(3) When Frank and his son Josh reached the main tunnel's opening, why didn't they just stayed there waiting for help? Then after the help would have come and the film would end - that would have been much better!

As a close alternative I would recommend the 'Daylight' movie (where instead of water you get fire) with Sylvester Stallone, which is enjoyable to watch over and over.

Watch this if you REALLY have nothing else to watch.
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