
91 Reviews
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Miller's Girl (2024)
This movie is beyond its audience
2 June 2024
I suspect the bad reviews for Miller's Girl are likely from the demographic who would enjoy her more so in something like Wednesday or Scream, because the beauty of the movie is likely to sail right passed them. This is not a movie for people who haven't developed a few scars in life, a few layers of burnt skin from navigating too close to those certain open fires that draw us to them. And I don't mean from messy teen breakups or mean girls that gossip in shopping malls.

Miller's Girl hurts, if you are one of those old enough to have accumulated a few years of this thing called living. It's for those who are pushing middle age, or passed that. For those who know that life is not unlike a thorny rose bush, bloomed with some of most amazing roses you can ever expect, and ready to bite you when you try to acquire one.

Well, enough of the dreamy soliloquy. Let me just say it like this...Miller's Girl is a well presented story that has been told before, but a story that never loses its sting. Any male teacher who has spent a few yeas toiling in a high school classroom will recognize that sting, and some may even bear wounds from it.

Well acted, well directed, and well put together, Miller's Girl definitely delivers its intended punch. Recommended, just be wary if you've been down that road and are still limping from the experience...
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Oracle (2023)
If you have nothing else to do...
22 February 2024
Oracle is horror movie that addresses some sort of slave-era situation, but in modern day. It's not really clear. Its the sort of movie that you watch on a boring Saturday afternoon, maybe when it's rainy.

You don't watch this movie with any other expectation than to be watching a cookie cutter, grade D formula horror movie with a dark skinned black female lead instead of your usual skinny blond dish. You'll wonder how they got Heather Graham to deliver her handful of lines. You'll wonder what the storyline was all about. You'll wonder why you have nothing better to do than to watch movies like this. And then when you're done, you'll feel better about life.

5/10 - not bad, not good, has its moments, sorta.
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4 February 2024
Not sure most people caught this, but this movie can be summed up by the juxtaposition at the end. There are 4 couples; the main couple, the older couple, the next door neighbor couple, and a young couple. By the end of the movie, you realize the tragedy of the main couple, the false placation of the next door neighbor couple, hints of the start of inevitable marriage-fatigue of the young couple (notice how they are situated on the couch), and you have the old, experienced couple who have learned how to deal with each other. Quite the pessimistic testimony of the institution of marriage, which is what Revolutionary Road is all about.

Leonardo DiCaprio shines in this one. His mannerisms and delivery of the dialog was something that could truly be felt. Sam Mendes was on point as the director. There's another scene near the end when you can feel the tension, waiting for something to happen between DiCaprio and Kate Winslet's characters. I won't give it away, but it's subtly wondering when Kate's character will explode. Great job of directing there. Speaking of Kate, she did an incredible job of betraying the frustrated wife trying to hold it all together. And there were other things about this movie; the set, costumes, editing, the feel, everything just worked.

I won't say more. It's an older movie, and it's already been discussed enough. But for those film students or movie buffs who enjoy studying how quality cinema (be it acting, writing, editing, or directing) works, Revolutionary Road is a must see.
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strange movie
30 January 2024
I started off sort of liking this movie. Sort of. The idea of a 15 year old guy courting a very reluctant 25 year old woman was interesting enough. I tried to follow along, but what should have been a simple plot turned into a convoluted nightmare. At one point, I fell completely asleep and had to rewind the DVR after a good 30 minute nap, courtesy of the very boring dialog. And then the characters started to annoy me. The female lead looked attractive enough, sometimes, very average or less at others. I can't explain it. It's all about the camera angle. The 15 year looked and acted more like a 35 year old. He really annoyed me. Neither are going to be winning any Sexist Alive contests anytime soon. Around the time Sean Penn's role come along, I was just about done. But, I hung in there. Things didn't get any better. Characters weaved in and out of the movie, dialog continued to be flat and boring, and there were so many side stories that I lost count. I was just waiting to see if the male lead would finally smash the female, and if any element of nudity would be involved. I needed something to keep me going. At the end, I was seeing but not watching, hearing but not listening. And then finally, there was a kiss, and I went back to sleep wondering why the lolita angle in reverse was never explored.

4/10 - boring, yet watchable, until you fall asleep.
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The Creator (2023)
Surprisingly Good movie
3 October 2023
Being that it was a September release, I wasn't expecting much of The Creator. But you know what, this was a really good movie. Everything worked. The visuals were good, the acting was near flawless. The pace and excitement of the movie was consistent. The story was a bit marred at time, and sometimes, you get a bit confused as to what is happening. But since the movie was made so well, overall, the small flaws don't really bother you. The Creator is sort of a mix of Avatar, Ex Machina, a little Rogue One for the fatalism, and a few other movies rolled in. It really isn't an original theme, but the plot itself really worked so you didn't mind that you were seeing snippets of other movies in this one. It definitely is a movie you'd pay to go see, and even the predictably tug at the heartstrings wasn't minded.

8/10 - well made movie overall.
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very fun time
8 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Dungeons and Dragons, Honor Among Thieves was a light hearted, well made, and entertaining movie.

There was plenty of action throughout the movie. I never felt bogged down or bored at all. The actors did a great job with the roles there were given. And there was just enough comedy between them to keep the movie light hearted. The special effects worked really well, and it was never overbearing.

If you're looking for a simple, fun and entertaining movie with no heavy plot points and some satisfying CGI and action, Dungeons and Dragons is the movie for you.

8/10 - A fun film from start to finish.
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65 (2023)
simple and enjoyable - MCU should take notes
30 March 2023
I liked 65. It was a simple movie, nothing too extravagant or involved. The dialog was very much limited, but I didn't mind that. It was refreshing to let my own thoughts jive with the actions of the characters instead of being constantly dogged by silly dialog and force, lame jokes. The CGI was effective, but it wasn't overbearing. I never felt like I was in the middle of a video game. The acting was better than average quality. I enjoyed what little time the young actress in the beginning had. I hope to see her in more projects. Both the young actresses did a good job of pulling emotions from you, and when Adam Driver needed to, he did the same thing. But more importantly, the seriousness of the dialog allowed me to actually care about the characters. As such, I was invested.

In other words, 65 was everything that anything MCU, post Endgame, was not.

7/10 - a good movie all around.
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comedy, teens and super hero movies don't mix
24 March 2023
I'm writing this from the context of MCU and DCU movies. What few DCU movies that have been successful, and most of the MCU movies up until Endgame that were successful, followed a similar formula: mature characters, quality scriptwriting, good story-telling, limited CGI, and narratives that were mostly drama but had timely comedy mixed in.

I don't know exactly why the movers and shakers of both studios decided to change that blueprint, but both DCU and MCU movies have changed, and changed to the worse.

From my own personal perspective, I don't want my super hero movies with too much comedy. And while you're at it, I don't want my characters too young, nor do I want the dialog to reflect juvenile language, forced jokes, toilet humor, and so much special effects that all I get is one big video game on screen. I prefer real stories, real drama, excellent characters, and quality scriptwriting.

I understand that the basic theme of Shazam goes against the things I prefer in my super hero movies, so I have no right to expect something different. I did enjoy Shazam, Fury of the Gods. I just didn't enjoy it that much. It had good action, good flow, good enough acting. Good enough is how I'd describe this movie.

I guess my point here is that if this movie under performs, hopefully, the people in charge will get the message, because my sentiments, based on what I know, are shared by many others.

5/10- okay movie, but the youth focus and cheap writing weigh it down.
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Mid-Century (2022)
I tried
23 March 2023
I didn't see Mid-Century in the theater, nor did I rent it. It was just a routine movie I DVR'd the other day. I felt it would have some potential, but after about 10 minutes, I started to get disappointed. IT just seemed the movie wasn't making sense, and the scenes were not stimulating at all. By the 20 minute mark, I was having problems staying away, as I was both confused and, more so, extremely bored. After 30 minutes, I concluded that Mid-Century had to be one of the most mundane, slow paced, uninspiring movies I'd ever watched. Nothing moved me about it; not the writing, not the directing, and certainly not the performances. It was literally a movie that could put someone to sleep. How do I know? Because I figured around the 40 minute mark, I dozed off.

Horrible movie.

2/10- a boring, slow paced dribble to no where.
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3/10 film
19 March 2023
You can tell movies made by filmmakers that have little experience in the craft. Usually, these movies betray themselves via the writing, directing and acting. At the amateur level, cinematography is not usually an issue, and it wasn't with in this case. Editing was also good. And the production had some money backing it, or at least the filmmakers got the most bang for their buck. The acting was also good enough to pass muster. The issue is squarely on the writing and directing.

The movie spends the first 26 minutes with some of the most uninspired, boring scenes I've ever experienced watching a so-called horror movie. Couples talk, couples laugh, and none of it is interesting. Meaningless scene after scene that serves only to fatten the movie's run time so that it may qualify for feature length.

At some point, something happens to the children, and this is when the movie hits its gear. However, what happens is a direct rip off of a movie I just say a few months ago; it was, I think, a Mexican movie that I can't think of the name of right now, but it had the same incident, and the same consequence, that occurred in this film. Only difference, that movie was much, much better.

Nothing is really explained about why what happened happened, and the characters don't do those certain things regular people would do, which is a cardinal sin in the horror genre. The ending is also, well, dumb. No other way to say it.

I could go on, but I'll make my point. There's Something Wrong with the Children is an okay college movie, or maybe a great, ambitious high school project. Anything more than that is a hard fail.

3/10 - unoriginal plot, unrealistic character actions, and low quality writing and directing.
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Good, but the act it getting old
20 February 2023
AMWQ is a good movie, full of exciting special effects, a powerful bad guy, lots of action and a spattering of comedy mixed in. Unfortunately, it stuck to the same cookie-cutter format that the MCU has been relying on, post Endgame

I guess that could be considered good or bad news, depending on what you like to see. But I will say this, watching MCU movies as of late is like eating pizza everyday for, like, a couple of weeks straight. Love pizza, but too much of a good thing is never a good thing. I'm still waiting for something in these new Phases of the MCU to move me like I was moved in the early years of the MCU. Sadly, AMWQ doesn't do anything for me.

I still don't know why Infinity War and Endgame seemed so damned good. I guess Infinity War and, to an extent, Endgame had more humanity to it. Those movies had character growth, more emotional interaction, more substance to who the actual players were and how they tied into the plots. Those movies surely had better quality writing, and the acting, as I remember it, was also much better than what I've seen in recent MCU movies. What I've noticed is that the MCU is trading quality scriptwriting for CGI, and the narratives are now focused on female heroes, and genius children/teen, whom also tend to be MENSA level scientist and inventors. I'm not stating that those people don't exists, but it's being overdone, almost forced on us (remember the pizza analogy).

Couple this with some very poor writing (the way MODOK was challenged to conversion via a flurry of "d*ck" references was disgusting and cheap).

So, yeah, Ant-Man/Quantomania is a good enough movie. It was fun to watch, and it will make money. I guess all these MCU movies will make money until they don't...which probably means people are finally getting sick of pizza.

6/10 fun, but nothing unique here.
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The Visitor (2022)
Not original
24 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
These sorts of movies about the birth/rebirth of Satan or some demon are numerous in the horror genre, as is the small town religious freaks that seem to always appear in them.

There was nothing distinctly unique about The Visitor, and unfortunately, nothing really stood about about it either. It's not a bad movie, per se, but it's not a good movie, either. It's just sort of there, sitting mindlessly in a crowded pack of other like-minded movies that tend do the same things.

I can knit pick; there were inconsistencies and plot holes, pacing was very slow, if not boring. A couple of paper-thin jump scares, typically with a mirror involved. Characters were tired cookie-cutter stereotypes. But that stuff isn't what made this movie fail for me. The main gripe about The Visitor is that other movies like it have done the same sort of things The Visitor set out to do, just a whole lot better.

4/10- not moving the needle either way.
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Hereditary (2018)
Okay, this one is scary
22 January 2023
I've watched hundreds of horror movies over the years. I have a very practical take on them being that I've seen so many. As such, the vast majority have no impact on me.

This one did.

Slasher movies do nothing for me. Monsters, crazed oversized men in pig masks, and killer wild animals do nothing for me. But those rare movies that have the eerie psychological thing working for it, those are a problem.

It's not so much the actual bad guy of Hereditary, or demon, specifically, that bothers me. It's how the director handles the imagery, the tone of the shots, the lighting, how the actors handle their facial expressions, the tension they brew with their words and their eyes, woven into typical family dynamics we're all familiar with. It's how those little scary moments just seem so creepy. Many movies have a bit of this or that of the aforementioned. But Hereditary had it all going on.

If you stayed awake for a few nights after watching The Babadook, this movie is for you. Fair warning, this one may bother you.
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Only saving grace was...
23 November 2022
Okay, so I have to make this 600 characters. Sooo, I will say this. I watched the movie from beginning to end. And it was fun, at times. But I watched it early on for the eye candy. Yoga pants and cheerleader movies never fails. Hmmm. Still over 350 words to go. Uh, well, the movie was...well, stupid. But it was fun. Enough. Eye candy. Yoga pants. Fit bodies. Kept me going. Yep. Still 200 words., I guess the franchise officially jumped the shark. Did you know that the term "jump the shark" came about from the old series, Happy Days. Yep. Yeah. 25 words. The movie was horrible. Made it!
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Blonde (2022)
29 September 2022
Blonde was not a horrible move. I felt Armas did a notable job with what she had. The problem is that what she and the audience were given was anemic. Blonde is simply a series of snippets of what could have been an intriguing narrative. We weave in and out of Norma Jean/Marilyn Monroe's dramatic life, never lingering long enough to appreciate her turmoil.

Armas wasn't given the full range of the real life of either Monroe or Norma. Ironically, the movie was as superficial as the world made Norma Jean out to be.

I think the director wanted to find a direction, but never did, and instead just relied on Armas to keep us intrigued while the plot stumbled to its conclusion. We are given multiple shots of Marilyn's face (and breasts) to tie us over, but Armas being stuck in the same gleefully bewildered expression was simply not enough.

I would have liked the filmmakers to explore the depths of Monroe so that we could get some sort of feel for why her emotions drove her to her demise. But nothing. Just as in real life, the filmmakers here simply ignored who she truly was.

Blonde is an empty movie. 5/10 for potential, and Armas's performance.
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Okay, it's getting better
12 September 2022
The series started off so-so, but the female lead is growing on me, as is the pace and intent of the show. I've noticed that the male-bashing is lessening and the character of Jen (played effectively by Tatiana Maslany) is showing some vulnerability, which makes her a bit more likeable. The quick pace, the writing, and the quirky humor is starting to land, and it all came together to make Episode 4 actually entertaining. I like the potential of this show now (I didn't before), especially if/when Charlie Cox shows up. Eps 4 has won me over, and now I'm committed to the series. I think viewers just needed time to get used to this sort of MCU venue, but once they do, like myself, I think they'll start to get into it.
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Was this movie Review Bombed?
15 June 2022
Totally not getting some of the comments and the low review. JW:D is perfectly fine, full of excitement, paced well, excellent CGI, and just an overall entertaining movie. My only gripe is that it's not as violent as it could be, but that's minor.

For anyone who has not seen it, trust me, the negative reviews here are not accurate, even as opinions. The movie is entertaining.
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La Brea (2021–2024)
Why this is so bad...
13 June 2022
There are multiple problems with this TV show. I won't go in any particular order. The casting is horrible. The way the actors physically look is annoying. I can't put my finger on it. The characters are annoying. Even the names of the characters are annoying (Josh and Riley, really?) I don't mind diversity, but please do it the right way, and not forced. I'm a bit tired of females being in every leadership role. I'm also no crazy about the token homosexual couple and Indian guy. And why can't black men be American anymore? Are foreign black men less threatening? Then there's the dialog. The pilot episode of Lost had characters speaking and reacting in an understanding way. For falling in a huge hole and coming out somewhere strange, the characters are not acting in a 'realistic' way, and their dialog is very amateurish. The CGI is something out of a SYFY Channel original. The flow of pilot is also off; way too much happening in a condensed amount of time. The plot is also offsetting. There is ZERO tension, no sense of dread, or danger.

I am a HUGE fan of Lost type of shows. So, I will give this one a few more episodes. But so far, it's very disappointing.

3/10- poor value on multiple fronts.
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Fun movie
10 June 2022
Sometimes, you just want to watch a movie that's fun. Nothing to over-analyze, or find fault with. Just good, old fashion fun. TG:M is that movie.

The pacing was good, cinematography, editing, sound, all of it was on target. The diversity (while offsetting to some on the Far Right of things) was not the annoyingly in your face sort as the heroic moments are spread out evenly. Not sure about the chemistry between Cruise and Connelly, but both actors are experienced enough to make it work.

Best things about this movie are the training runs, and especially the finale. Wow, the ending was incredibly exciting. Good watching here.

8/10 - diverse cast, exciting scenes.
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Old (2021)
Just relax and enjoy the damn movie, folks
6 June 2022
People are tough with their reviews. There's no need to be. I'll keep this simple.

Old is a nice movie. It will keep you entertained. It's not a slasher movie, there no true jump scares, nothing overthetop scary. I would classify it as a limited-locale thriller, which happens to be my favorite type of this genre.

There are no clever special effects, but expedited aging works, and the visuals and sound are pleasantly accomplished. The storyline is interesting enough, but not fantastic. The dialog is okay at times, so-so at others. The actors do their jobs as the dialog and direction dictate, which isn't always a good thing. The driving force of the plot is not analyzed, nor plausible, so you just have to accept whatever you can get about it. There are some inconsistencies, but if you don't let them bother you, they won't. Some things in the story work, others are just non-sense. There is no nudity or sex, although there is one scene when a girl strips and enters the ocean, and the teen version of what was once a young girl is shown in a skimpy bikini, with the focus on her butt and breasts being obvious. No real emotional pulls, but the focus on aging through life is impactful enough.

Overall, you will enjoy Old as long as you don't over think it, you don't fall into that trap of comparing all of Shyamalan's work (yes, not everything will be as good as 6th Sense) , and you simply resign yourself for experiencing a good thriller movie.

7/10 - entertaining for what it tries to do.
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2nd best Marvel film
10 May 2022
I thoroughly enjoyed DSMM, even with its flaws.

The action was consistent, the pace and flow was excellent, the visuals incredible, and the acting was where it needed to be. From a technical aspect, this movie was almost flawless.

The conversion of Wanda to Scarlett Witch and the power calibration of Wanda/Scarlett Witch and Dr. Strange was viable and based on precedent. When Wanda is emotionally taxed, her destructive abilities come through. And no Avenger has been assaulted, emotionally, more than Wanda. You absolutely have to have seen WandaVision to understand this, as well as to understand the character motivation, but it all fits together nicely. And as far as her powers; we must remember, she went toe to toe with Thanos, one on one, and was on her way to beating him. And that was the more passive Wanda, not the Witch.

My gripes? Well, while Olsen does well here, she doesn't always 'get there' regarding her suffering from not being with her children. And there is some lack of originality in the drivers of DSMM. We've certainly seen much of DSMM before; the child prodigy, the desperate mother, the seduction of good based on emotional loss. After the first few beatdowns, I was even a bit afraid that we'd be heading into Dark Phoenix territory (and wouldn't a Scarlett Witch vs Dark Phoenix catfight be to die for), but Olsen's portrayal of the maternally driven Witch softened the boring invulnerability of what Turner brought to Phoenix. I would have appreciated a bit more build up to what tipped Wanda to the dark side (maybe some montage footage of her relationship with Vision, as well as her time with her brother), and I would have liked a bit more umpf! From Dr. Strange, who, at times, came across woefully weak vs the Witch.

But all that stuff gets washed away with a fun narrative, as well as some interesting cameos that gets me giddy with the Multi-Verse's potential.

If you are a Marvel fan, you will like this film. It's much better than what has stunk up the Marvel big screens post Endgame and pre-No Way Home (TV shows and Black Widow not included). Good to see Marvel back, and very good to see what is to come. I honestly can't wait.

9/10 - an excellent movie, straight out.
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Cell (I) (2016)
I liked it
2 May 2022
Not understanding all the poor reviews. I thought the movie was entertaining, had a nice flow, great acting, good action, and a tragic ending. It was a bit non-sensical, but it's a suspense movie, how many of those actually makes sense. It wasn't a classic. It had it flaws. But it was a good watch. By the way, novels are always better. Don't let that be a reason to downgrade this movie.

7/10 solid movie, if not limited.
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Morbius (2022)
Okay, if you don't take it too seriously
14 April 2022
Morbius is, at best, a mindless action movie with a cheesy plot, entertaining action, and competent CGI. It won't be a waste of your money or time as long as you keep your expectations in check. If that is what you want, stop reading now.

At worse, it's a poorly written, edited, and directed movie. Some of filmmaking mistakes are consistent with what you'd get from college students. The movie was rushed, the dialog idiotic at times, the scene continuity editing amateurish. The main star is neither a convincing protagonist or antagonist. The movie seemed disjointed. The construction of the characters and their motivations was inept.

I could go on, but I assume if you're still reading, you get the hint.

5/10 - nice eye candy action scenes, but not much more.
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Something is off
23 January 2022
I like the intent of WDWB, but the execution of it is off. First, the characters are not appealing. They are plastic caricatures, and not truly reflective of the norm. Because of that, the actors portraying these horrible characters are not appealing, physically or otherwise. Speaking of physical appearance, I don't like that the main character is so heavy-set and "comfortable". And it's not that she's heavy set, in itself. What I mean is that 10 years into a zombie apocalypse, protected or not, these characters seem too well fed and content for me. People, in Walking Dead conditions, need to be ragged and strained, physically, emotionally, and mentally. The characters of WDWD don't reflect that. And that's my main issue with this show; it just isn't gritty enough, at least not in regards to how Walking Dead and Fear The Walking Dead are.

I can't continue watching this series. I tried; I really wanted to like this show because I'm a huge WD fan. But my being a WD fan is really why I dislike WDWB. It's just not up to those standards.

3/10- overall bad feel.
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Mr. Nobody (2009)
Not for me
5 January 2022
Mr. Nobody is one of those movies that will appeal heavily to a particular audience. Personally, I have no interest in flawed relationships between teenagers, and later grownups. This movie just drilled down on the bad relationships over and over and over again. Moving about in different timelines and alternative universes is always interesting, but the soupy romance thing ruins that for me. Great ratings, so I'm sure it has its audience. I'm just not a part of it.

4/10- boring, repetitive and cheesy.
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