
30 Reviews
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Wow...just wow,
10 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I saw the previews and expected a lot. I saw that there were some major actors in this and again, expected a lot. I have read some reviews that it was a lot like M. Night Shyamalan's works. But after watching, I felt it was more like The Happening with Mark Wahlberg. There were moments like it felt it was going somewhere. But, alas, at some point, it started feeling preachy. You know what I mean. People are bad (for the most part), greedy, vain, sexist, racist, and worse. And the environmental preachiness, for goodness sake. We get it , we understand: humans are destroying this planet out of....whatever. I agree, most of us agree. Most of the characters are just BAD people. I liked Mahershala Ali's character, Farrah Mackenzie's character, and Ethan Hawke's character (a little). But the rest were, as I said, bad. The writing was probably as good as it could be, within limitations. Some of the interactions between characters were just...weird. I felt like I wasted two hours, for the most part. And, of course, there will be people who love this film. They are wrong.
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Not bad, just......not great
16 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I anticipated this series....and it wasn't bad. The subject was timely and the writing was pretty good. The acting was.....above average. I really like Simon Pegg, pretty much everything he does. I liked the relative newcomer, Hannah Khalique-Brown. She was pretty good. I assume the plot was based on, for the most part, Russia's attempts to interfere with America's and England's elections and their plan to create strife and chaos across the board. The series was pretty on the mark as far as facts and illustrating the current state of world affairs. I did like the way they showed Saara's way of navigating coding. I didn't find it off-putting like some, I rather enjoyed it. A good effort, but there were some rather clumsy and predictable characters and situations. But, watch's worth the time.
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Dark (2017–2020)
Unbelievably good!
27 December 2022
I wasn't sure what to expect. And boy, was I amazed. What a series! I have watched in twice to make sure I understood the story. You might have to watch a couple of episodes, but be patient. The story, the acting, the premise, the What a great show! Give it a chance!

If you are patient, what a payoff. There's not a show like it, exactly. Sci-fi with science, writing with depth, acting with.........I don't know, real bravado and intelligence. My favorite character has changed several times, so many of them to like! I don't care about it being in German, a great story is a great story.
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13 September 2022
Where to start? I was expecting big things from this production. What I have seen is a mish mash of....something. I guess it starts with two inexperienced show runners and too many people inputting their thoughts. It's just not smooth and clear and interesting. People saying it's "visually breathtaking" does not save this from sub-par writing. The acting is okay, I guess, just not inspiring or interesting. The plot seems.......doughy. The choice of actors is okay, too, I guess. You don't have to have huge stars to make a successful production, but it feels like the budget was misspent. In my opinion. I'm not sure what I expected, but this is a disappointment.
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Keen Eddie (2003–2004)
Sooooooooo good!
23 July 2022
I love this series. I hate that there was only one season. It's just so witty and funny. The actors/characters are awesome. And Sienna MIller is just the best. She's beautiful, funny, charming......and did I say beautiful? If you haven't watched are deprived.
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The Martian (2015)
Stop nitpicking.....
9 July 2022
This was a great movie. Too many nitpickers. I was pleased by the writing, the acting, the music, the directing, the CGI. "Noise in space".....pah. Seriously? Until we get a documentary set on Mars, and we don't know that Elon Musk is gonna be the first, then sit back, enjoy.
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Sadly, time to go.
15 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There were moments when this film delivered, but they were few and far between. I still like Craig as Bond, or retired ex 007, now unretired not 007, then 007, then...what? This whole movie felt forced, felt weirdly contrived to introduce a new 007, then not 007. Zero chemistry between Craig and the new not James Bond 007.

Just a very contrived weird Bond film.
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16 May 2022
The more I watch this movie, the more I laugh. Simon Pegg and Nick Frost are the best. Unequivocally. The other actors are simply so well cast. I love Kate Ashfield. I am a huge fan.

This movie is so well written and directed, you are required to enjoy it. I have half joked that this is the best movie ever produced. I did say half joked. I like it that much. There are far too many incidents and jokes to cover them all. Every time you look, there's another zinger.

One of my favorite movies, ever. Enjoy.
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Tripe. I said it.
10 May 2022
I had expectations for this production. Good actors, potentially good plot lines. I gathered almost immediately that it was a political and social commentary parading as a drama. Men are pigs. They lie, cheat, steal, and cheat some more. They are arrogant and pompous. Okay, I get it. Old boys clubs are bad. In the case of a solicitor that prosecutes a man that raped her, that's okay, the ends justifies the means. He got what was coming to him. In the last 5 minutes. Maybe.

When you have a writer, director(s), and producer(s) that are intent on making social commentary, apparently, there is nothing to stop them.
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Draft Day (I) (2014)
Pretty good movie
29 April 2022
I didn't know what to expect with this movie. I like Kevin Costner in almost everything. And he's good in this. This isn't meant to be a meaningful movie or a remake of a classic. It's just good fun and enjoyable. The characters are good, but the plot line is a bit too much. I enjoyed the story but what was portrayed in the movie would NEVER happen. Jennifer Garner is a knockout. The other actors are acceptable.

Just sit back and enjoy Draft Day for what it is.
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Dune (1984)
Vastly underrated.
29 April 2022
The original Dune movie has been criticized so unfairly, and for so long. Even taking into account that making a movie about Frank Herbert's classic novel was a monumental task, David Lynch deserves so much credit for this production. It was visually stunning, impactful, true to the novel, and directed by a genius. I feel that it was huge for Dune fans and non Dune fans.

The amount of bile directed at this movie should be ignored. For numerous reasons. Watch the movie from as neutral a position as you can, and you too be be entertained. Enjoy.
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Speechless, almost
21 April 2022
I have seen Band of Brothers about 10 times. Each time I am surprised at how very good this series is. It is written superbly, acted magnificently, and is about as true to reality as the producers could make it.

Even if you take out the patriotic stirring out, the pride in what these men did against a monstrous German regime, it still amazes me what these average Americans accomplished. The Greatest Generation is an apt title for the men and women who fought against such aggression and hate.

Lastly, thank you to the men and women who did the actual fighting and thank you to the men and women who brought this fantastic series to us. Thank you.
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Rome (2005–2007)
Very well done
18 April 2022
I loved this series. It was well written, well acted, and fairly close to historically accurate as possible, everything considered. It was an expensive series, and you can tell. The quality of the sets, the exterior well done. I laugh at the detractors, I mock them.

This is NOT a documentary. Get over it. I loved this production, from start to finish. Well worth watching, and I've seen it probably 20 times.
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Boon (2022)
2 April 2022
Boon was released yesterday. 3 reviews that rated it 1, just trashed this movie. I review that was a 2. That feels like an attack, either against the studio, director, or against the star(s). Ridiculous. Give this movie a chance, don't believe the negative baloney.
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Collateral (2018)
Pretty good, but for the preachiness
26 March 2022
This series was pretty good. The acting was very good, actually, particularly Carey Mulligan (very good), Jeany Spark (who I like very much), and Nathaniel Martello-White.

What I really didn't like was the continual harping and preaching on immigration, the ills of The System, and the fact that everybody's life is awful. The attitude of so many people in this was written as if they hated pretty much everything about everything.

That being said, the three characters played by the actors mentioned previously were the highlight!
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A farce
24 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was interested in watching this after watching Inventing Anna and The Tindler Swindler. Watching this "presentation" was perplexing. This woman seemed likable but the entire show was about the abuse she suffered and her being too trusting and gullible. Seriously? Strangis is a bad man. A thief, a swindler, and a liar. But the Vanity Fair writer was a huge fan of Melngailis, make no mistake. And her employees seemed to excuse most of her actions. There was some criticism, but it was all watered down in favor of this woman's discussing her abusive ex-husband. This was not supposed to be a documentary, I get that. But offer some facts and place some blame, real blame on the thieves, both of them.
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Margin Call (2011)
Well worth watching
22 March 2022
My wife and I were scrolling through Netflix for something to watch. We went right through Margin Call several times. A couple of times was because it was made in 2011, so a little old. The brief description was not overly attractive and the picture didn't do it justice. We finally watched it when we were semi-desperate.

So wrong to over look it. If you are even marginally interested (yes a slight pun) in finance and the meltdown in 2007-2009, then you must watch it. Very underrated film, well done. If you understand finance even slightly or some of the terms used, then you can intuit some of the action. But even then, you get the jist.

I loved the cast, the dialogue, the meaning of the film. Don't make the mistake we made and scroll right over it. A great watch.
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The Last Kingdom (2015–2022)
So well done
16 March 2022
This is one of the best series I have ever seen. The story, the settings, the acting, production values, all superb. I have zero gripes about it. I am an Anglophile, so The Last Kingdom is like a gift. The period that the story was set in was an amazing choice. I cannot wait to read the books now.

I was watching Vikings when The Last Kingdom came on for the first season. Vikings ran out of steam after three seasons; TLK never ran out of steam. Front to back, top to bottom, an amazing series.
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Vikings: Valhalla (2022– )
Just sad.
27 February 2022
I really wanted to like this, to appreciate this production. What a farce. Whether it's Hollywood or the Woke crowd........they are ruing so many shows and movies. And Vikings: Valhalla is a dramatic failure.

I didn't expect a documentary. Okay. People who are trying to justify in inclusion of an "African-Scandinavian" jarl? Why? Forget wokeness. How about common sense and sensibilities?

The dialogue and action was third rate, as if a pale comparison (no pun intended) of the first 3 seasons of Vikings.

Major disappointment. Major.
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Reacher (2022– )
Great job
14 February 2022
Reacher was better than expected, a real treat. Good acting, good dialogue, good directing. All around, well done. This won't be for everybody, but for most folks, it is well worth watching. Period.
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14 February 2022
This mini-series was drivel. It was packed with music that was completely inappropriate for the subject. It was jam-packed to the point that it overwhelmed the dialogue. I laughed at the political and socio-economic talking points it contained. I laughed at the weird, just weird political hacky-sackness of it all. I do not know how Netflix allowed this thing to be shown. A waste of time and acting talent.
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
Excellent show
9 March 2021
The first time I watched The Expanse, I thought it was very good. I had to watch it a second time to appreciate just how god it is. The acting and writing is top notch, and the effects are really good. I don't know what the show's budget is, but they make the most of it. And the theme song is hauntingly excellent. If you like sci-fi shows with good story lines and some really good acting, try this. Seriously, try this.
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Debris (2021)
Not a great start
3 March 2021
I wanted to like this......the previews made it look promising. Don't get me wrong, there were moments that flashed promise, but the main protagonists were wooden, the dialogue was middling, and I think the producers wasted this effort. I don't expect it to get better. Just......a C+ show, at best. Don't waste your time.
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Bodyguard (2018)
Mixed bag, sort of....
15 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I anticipated a tight, well produced series here. I must say I loved the actual production and the acting was very good, particularly Richard Madden, Keeley Hawes, and Ash Tandon. The downfall to me was the writing. The story itself was really good, as were the various plotlines. I was disappointed with the emphasis/believability of all the political infighting of the security services. It felt forced and just too much. I was also disappointed with the writing when it came to the characters, Rayburn especially, when they doubted David's reliability and sincerity I know that he didn't tell them everything, but to waver from trusting him after thwarting a train attack and an attempted assassination of the Home Secretary to believing, apparently, that he was involved in various terrorist attacks was way too over the top. Seriously. I understand that there might have been some mistrust of David, but it wasn't written particularly well. It felt very forced. The lack of continuity and thoughtfulness was just weird. That being said, I still enjoyed it, but would have preferred.....better writing.
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Great show
9 December 2020
I'm not sure what I expected when I started this limited series, but boy did it deliver. I enjoyed the heck out if it from start to finish. Anya Taylor-Joy was amazing in this show, just amazing. What a find! She will have a long and successful career. The acting was great, all along the way, the writing was fantastic. The cast was very good, very good. The story wasn't just about chess, though the scenes involving chess were so well done. I think many viewers would love the storyline about the main protagonist, but there are so many aspects that are appealing. I can't recommend this highly enough. Enjoy.
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