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Bullet Train (2022)
Good dark comedy
27 August 2023
I bumped into this movie on sky and I really enjoyed the watch. Fast pace, dark humor, great actors in my opinion is the perfect mix for a relaxing time on the sofa. It's not Tarantino (far from it also for the poor dialogues) but there is a lot of blood so it's not the movie for who doesn't like splatter movies.

Bullet Train is based on the novel Maria Beetle by Japanese author Kotaro Isaka, the satirical story of 5 assassins who have been assigned the same target on a bullet train traveling from Tokyo to Morioka. The plot was tweaked slightly for the silver screen, as the assassins travel on a bullet train from Tokyo to Shin-Osaka. Additionally, one of the assassins was changed from male to female for the film. The comedy part is not in the novel.
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Loose Cannons (2010)
16 October 2020
Probably it's already another era and what the film describes sounds already difficult to happen nowadays. But the story is sweet and the actors are 'possible'. I workshops see it a second time, which means I didn't like it that much but I enjoyed it.
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The Babadook (2014)
One of the worse horror movie I have ever seen
23 July 2015
Once IMDb was the best place where to check if a movie was good or not, but if this movie shows 6.9's not anymore. You should introduce a system like where you can rate only if you buy the ticket, so to avoid that Pr offices give the rate instead of people who truly saw it. Horror movies are watched only by people who love the genre and I bet whatever that no horror movie lover could have ever given this movie more than 2 stars. It is so bad! No tension, no drama, no scare, nothing. I felt nothing watching this movie, I even laughed a couple of times. The main actress maybe is not that bad, but the movie itself should have never been produced, directed, created and above all SHOWN!
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Horrible movie
9 October 2012
It's the first movie performed by Johnny Depp that I don't like, same for Benicio Del Toro. I had to divide my watch in three times because I was totally annoyed. Some people wrote it's a masterpiece, I can't judge others taste, but in my opinion, this is so far even from a good movie. Drug theme? Much better "Trainspotting", American dream? There are way better movies. It's all about vomiting, taking drugs and driving, but nothing more than that. There is nothing deeper, nothing that makes you think or laugh or cry, I felt only disgusted some times, that's all. I think that J.Depp is a great actor and in this movie was a great actor too, nevertheless the movie has nothing interesting to say. I was really disappointed and I won't recommend this movie even to my enemy ;)
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Blair witch project effect
13 August 2011
The movie is similar to Blair witch project, the camera, the realistic aspect and the tension to the final scene. I started to watch it changing channels on TV and I thought it was a documentary, if it happens to see it that way, if you think that the story is real, it is scary, it is shocking. I really don't know which would have been my idea if I knew since the first moment that it was just a movie. Most likely it should have been slow and the characters would have been a little weak. The movie is about a young couple who tries to catch a presence in their home shooting everything by camera. The things go worse and worse until the scary final. My advise anyway is to watch it, just to see something different.
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Blindness (2008)
Homo homini lupus
13 August 2011
The movie is all about showing the evil part of the human nature. It reminds me Dogville by Lars von Trier for the attempt to show how human beings can be bad when left without rules and control. I personally disagree with this vision, hopefully we have a good part which can move us as strong as our bad part, but the movie show perfectly the possibility of a regression in an anarchic world. The world is blind and with no control but we can see everything through the eyes of the only one person who is not effected by the epidemic blindness. The characters are not well developed but I guess the director was focused on the general message much more than on the characters. My personal idea is that a movie is good independently on the message and the idea itself, it is good when you feel something while watching it. If so I think you should see this movie
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In love with this movie
21 February 2011
I usually don't like romantic movies, all predictable and definitely not romantic. This movie is special. You feel the romance since the first scene but you don't get there is a love story going on until the half of the movie. The whole movie is based on an ongoing game between the two friends, who dare each other all the time. This game, started in childhood and continued for whole their lives, put both of them in continuous troubles but at the same time created a strong and deep connection between them. The movie is funny, ironic, outrageous and definitely is romantic, much more than all the romantic movies pretend to be. Here love is not shown but you can feel it on your own skin. The spectator becomes part of the game. I wanted to dare something write after watching it! As much as I don't like French movies. I have to say the French actress are far better to perform peculiar characters like Sophie's one. The woman protagonist is excellent. I warmly recommend to see this movie with an unexpected end
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And the loser is? The Brotherhood of Wolf
10 July 2009
The Brotherhood of Wolf has one of the strongest French language casts possible with the worse result. I never saw such a bad movie. The actors'interpretation is terrible, the main character never change is facial expression. The only interesting performance is the Vincent Cassel's one, he is a great actor and it doesn't matter where he plays and with whom. All the other actors are awful. The story is flat and the final is predictable. English is not my mother tongue but I can guarantee you that the dubbing is ridiculous. Usually I agree with the average vote on IMDb but this time I have to say that I don't really know what someone can find in this movie. Don't see it, you'll waste your time
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The funniest sad story ever told
10 July 2009
I found this movie amazing. The story is about the annihilation of a "shtetl" by nazists during the second world war. The protagonist, an American Jew, go to Ukraine to search for the town where is beloved grandpa was born. His guide are two funny characters, Ukrainian grandfather and grandson. The grandfather does not speak English, pretends to be blind and hates Jews. The nephew is the character that makes the whole story very amusing. He learned English from the vocabulary and speaks it in a strange an funny way. The story itself is dramatic but the way is told is colorful and light. It's amazing also the way of showing the differences between American and Ukrainian culture. The whole story is good, balanced and the movie is almost unique. A very delicate and deep movie. It touches your heart, making it pleased and sad at the same time. You can't lose it!
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Let's break the tradition
24 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The gay son of a traditional Taiwanese family Gao Wai Tung (Winston Chao) has never shared the truth about his sexuality and hopes to solve this problem marrying Wei-Wei, a young artist who does only it for the green card. Everything, as usual in comedies, becomes really complicated when the family goes to New York for the wedding. I really liked the view of the Taiwanese culture. I'm from a quite funny and conservative culture too, south Italian. It's nice to see how you can look at traditions which are not yours in a funny perspective while sometimes you find really heavy your own traditions. Ang Lee is a refined director and it was to make a nice romantic comedy out of this subject. The surprising end makes you think that sometimes we create problems which do not really exist. It would be easier for everybody to face problems as soon as possible instead of trying always to run away.
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Dogville (2003)
Theatre and cinema together to create an amazing movie
24 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't seen something so nice for long time, shame on me I just saw this movie. The story is divided in nine chapters and takes place on a stage with minimalist scenery, with chalk marks to indicate walls, streets and even a dog drawn on the floor. It seems to be at the theatre but sitting on the stage, you can feel the actors' breathes. The story narrated by Lars Von Trier is so terrible and so true about human behaviour, about our weakness and contradictions. He succeeded again. The main character is performed by Nicole Kidman and she is perfect for that role, cold but sweet, mysterious but deep at the same time. Grace comes to Dogville while running away from gangsters, the entire community of fifteen people is aware of it and decides to give her the chance to stay there if she proves to be a trustful person. Then starts the weakness of the human nature, power turns people into jackals. Each character, stereotype of a small town character, threaten her to exploit her more and more, worse and worse. The town turns into a prison and she tries to run away from it, being disappointed and humiliated again. A political-religious allegory remains under wraps for most of the film but it comes out in the closing credits in a juxtaposition of David Bowie's Young Americans accompanied by a montage of photographic images. By the end, the victim takes the power and use it against everyone, forgets her rules and ethic to punish. You feel it's right, you feel redeemed, relieved, you want to take the power and punish. It's amazing, you think the way Von Trier thinks and he that's his success. I really enjoyed the movie but I do love very long movie, for someone can be a bit too long but try to keep watching until the end. It's worth of it.
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