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The Directive (2019)
No fast-food, how so fat?
16 January 2020
How did this bone-head remain alive for so long? And how is he still fat with no food around? This movie is slow moving with a lousy story line. This would be good if this was a student film.
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Laughably implausible
12 June 2010
Typical popcorn fare with all the CGI butter toping one could hope for. As if strait out a Saturday morning cartoon, this had all the trappings of an action packed trill ride. Although it was outrageous and some times ridiculous it was fun to watch. Just remember to suspend all semblance of reality. I was a bit surprised to see many powerhouse actors in this movie, although the main hero played by Channing Tatum was not one of them. He comes across like a football jock that has been getting drunk at a pub then finds out it's a gay bar. However the "real" actors could not save it. The story was over the top, but that is expected as this movie is aimed at 14-year-old kids. While I didn't hate this movie, I did think it was silly and often laughable at times. That said it did have some entertaining qualities.
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Slow moving
11 June 2010
I found this movie astonishingly long and drawn out. While I thought some of the interplay was interesting and pleasant, it was for the most part aimless. The film just seemed to be a series of random conversations of every day French people and a mother that hardly spends time with her son. Nothing particularly interesting or exciting really happens. No profound insight or wisdom is ever really reviled. Nothing is really explained to the audience.

The actual balloon only makes a rare appearance.

I didn't find this film to be unpleasant, but it was lingering and somewhat pointless.
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Bush's utter failure
3 June 2010
This is an amazing conformation of the Bush administrations utter failure in the handling of the Iraq war. A girl scoot troop could have made better and more informed decisions. Perhaps even a troop of monkeys would have done a better job then Bush's henchmen?

The errors in judgment and lack of military experience within the administration are both appalling and telling of the Bush white house. Every military expert was systematically ignored or sidelined. It's as if the Bush administration's primary and sole interest or concern was the protection and acquisition of Iraq's oil provisions.

This film is a testament to the complete and absolute failure of the Bush presidency.
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Money talks, BS walks
29 March 2010
How painfully bad and yes I know this film made money. This movie is so chock full clichés it might be trying to be a comedy. The special effects are of course outstanding, however the story is weak to say the lest. It is convoluted and full of plot holes. The romance felt forced, as did the college singular dimensional roommates. Is it just me, or is Shia LaBeou more annoying, then usual in this movie? He tries to act like this tough kid but he comes off like a punk. In every movie he is in, he has this short fuse. I just want someone to pop him in the face and knock him down a peg or two. Maybe a few more DUI's should do it. The sexy Megan Fox is and should be set dressing. Her acting can best be described as wooden. While I know in real life she is a sweet girl that is dedicated to her family, she is in no danger of winning any major acting awards. Maybe a razzie, oh wait, she got nominated for 2 already. I guess this movie was made for 12 year olds? Mr. Bay should really be a second unit guy because he is very good at visual details and action but seems to pay no attention to writing. Hopefully this will be the last outing for transformers but as it made money I'm sure we'll have to endure a few more. Maybe the next one will be better, but I doubt it.
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I want my 90 minuets of my life back.
4 January 2010
Paranormal thriller similar to 'The blair witch project' and as just as boring, maybe even more so. This movie was incredibly slow moving, almost crawling at a snails pace, and over all not very scary. If you are particularly susceptible to ghost stories you might find this scary. I will say that the camera work was slightly better then blear witch, but not much. You basically wait 40 minutes before anything happens, and when it does it is no more then a small bump in the night. I can never understand why people would remain in haunted house. Maybe they feel their property value would drop if they ran out screaming into the night? …and why did they keep sleeping in the bed room after each incident? If you like ghost type of movies, you might like this, but over all it is not very good.
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Beautiful, Strange and disturbing
26 November 2009
I first saw the works of these brothers in 1990. I thought there style of animation was so different then what I had seen before. Although these twin brother directors are American you could not see it in there work. It looked very eastern European, as if it had come out of some Soviet block TV series. While the short films on this DVD make little sense or follow any story line, there are visually fascinating to look at. Some times the imagery is disturbing to look at. If dolls had nightmares this is what they might look like. I can't say I liked their work, but I do feel it is ground breaking visually interesting and creative. This is not for those with a passing fancy in stop-motion animation.
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Might be OK as a rental
26 June 2008
Yet another installment from the sandman. While I have to agree that this movie seems a little out of date; it would have been more relevant said 1998 maybe even 2000. Although it did have its funny moments, only about 50% of the movie works. Adams constant penchant for bad 80's music is sometimes cute; here it became a little tiresome. Some of the gags could have been cut to move it a long better. A few too many humus references. I have to admit some of the bits are funny. I had to laugh every time he banged his American roommates mom or one of the old ladies from the salon. Once again this movie is about 10 years too late. I will say it might be a good rental with a few beers and a pizza. I give it a grade of C+, OK but not horrible.
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17 June 2008
I knew full well going into this that it was far from citizen Kane, that said I have to say I laughed my @$$ off. This is one of those movies you just have to put your brain on autopilot. If you take your comedy too seriously this is not for you. My advice, get a few beers and watch with your girl friend or drunken buddies.

There may have been a few too many gay references, but over all I though it was funny the whole macho/homo-ness of the Spartans and how they tried to be tough yet in touch with there feminine side. We needed more pit-of- death scenes. And why didn't they do more with Britney and sangiha? While not every scene was super funny, over all it was good for a laugh. I did wait for the DVD and enjoyed listening to the audio commentary.
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Jumper (2008)
More like a stumble then a jump
8 April 2008
Well I'm so glad i didn't pay to see this. I would have asked for a refund. It was OK at best. If this came on TV and I saw it for free, that would be OK. I'm sure I would changed the channel from time to time, and do a little surfing. The idea was great. The story was not so great. And sorry to say, the acting was less then was lack-luster at best. Well, not all the performances were abysmal. Young Darth Vadar was the weakest link in the acting chain. My wife points out that he is a hunk; yeah a hunk of wood. Another IMDber pointed out the lack of chemistry between the two lead characters. I have to agree. I felt every time they shared screen time, it was forced. As for the big name star, Sam Jackson, it looked like he phoned this one in. He was OK, but just. I hope he cashed the check as soon as possible, before they ask for their money back. If you get a free rental or have a friend that is dumb enough to buy a copy of this, borrow it if you think you must see it. But really, you are not missing much. once again, good idea, so so execution.
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70's cheese at its best
2 February 2008
I loved watching this with my dad on TV back in the late 70's. Good clean family fun. I know I watched every episode. I recently got the DVD box set. It really brought back some memories. Mostly of how hot Princess Ardala was. wow, what a fox! Even at 11 years old I didn't get why Buck just didn't run off with her. I would have. Yeah, stay here in the future and be your love slave on this space ship, OK I can do that. Go ahead and enslave the earth, I'll just slip into some space spandex for your highness; plus every one I know from 1979 is dead any way. All in all it was a fun show for the most part. Robots, lasers and space battles, pure 70's goodness. Also it had a lot of sexy girls running around in spandex; a big bonus for young boys of the day. I have to agree with most fans here about the 2nd season not being as good as the first. You think with all the re-makes the Sci-fi channel is doing they could do a really good one of this.
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Law & Order: The Brotherhood (2004)
Season 15, Episode 3
Finally a little realism
11 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I have enjoyed Law & Order for many years. I like the stories because they don't dwell on sub-plots. I don't care about inter office romance, or which back stabbing doctor is jockeying for head position, I just want a good trial mystery. My only contention with L&O in the last few years is during the trials it can get a little preachy. Every so often a case comes along where some one take the law in to there own hands. While for the most part I think this is wrong, some times life does not fit into a neat little box. Rules and laws need to be bent. In this episode we have a prison guard on trial for killing a gang member that has threaten his family when he gets out of jail. In far too many episodes I feel Justus is not served. In this case the trial ends in a hung jury and the guard gets off, only to have his wife kidnapped at the very end. Life is not like a TV show. I always laugh when people get a restraining order. That is a piece of paper not a shield of armor. If some crazy person is hell bent on hurting you that paper will not save you. The guard did the right thing to try and protect his family. I hope this episode makes people think. The law is there to serve and protect us, but some times it falls short.
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A long time coming.
5 January 2008
As a big superman fan, I was very happy to see this DVD make it to the light of day. While I thought the Richard Lester theatrical release was good at the time, that too was not as good as superman I. When I read that they has shot both one and two simultaneously, I wondered why they looks so different. Now I know. While this version is not 100% of Dick Donner's vision it is 90%, and that is better then 0%. Although this so called final or original cut is up dated they didn't go over board with the CGI. They blended it very well with the look of the late 70's. You can see some of the minor flaws in a few seines. This is due to lost negatives and having to resort to using screen test and out takes to fill in some of the gaps. Once again Dick Donner and the studio did a very good job. They added back the cut seines with Marlon Brando. How can you cut that out?! Well they did it to save money. I think this would have been a much better version in the theaters back in 1980, even better if Donner was allowed to fully complete 100% of his work. The suites are ruining Hollywood. The story is changed somewhat, but not so you wont recognize it. General Zod is still the villain. The commentary track is a great bonus from the director and writer Tom Mankiewicz.
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Trick My Truck (2006– )
Good show with a sad under theme
1 January 2008
While I still think this show appeals to the non urban viewer, OK red neck, there I said it, I have to say I have noticed one sad fact that comes up in almost every episode. If you watch, you'll see that 9 out of 10 truck drivers that they help by fixing up there truck have medical bills, or family members with medical bills out the @$$. These are hard working men trying to put food on the table for there families. It just goes to show you that health care in America is a very big problem. I really enjoy this show because it shows hard working people getting what there deserve. It's a nice break from watching undeserving whores like Paris and Nicole on TV. But back to my point, if you can't see we need a better way to get working men and women affordable health care in the richest nation on earth, you need to wake up. I just think a workingman should be able to feed and provide security for his family.
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Mousehunt (1997)
Genuinely funny
31 December 2007
I have to say I did enjoy this silly little movie. It is pure escapism. While some will say it is just another kids movie, it is but adults can find many funny bits. I think the timing of both Nathan lane and Lee Evans is very good. The movie plays like a live action Tex Avery cartoon. While the action sequences are over the top, I feel they are suppose to be. Trying to rid an old house of one little mouse so they can sell it is just crazy, but it works. I think most of the sight gags, although ridiculous, work fairly well. I don't know where you would get 10,000 mouse traps, or how in the world you would set them all up, and why you would back your self up into a corner doing it, but it sure was fun to watch. I think some of the negative reviews here are by people that have lost there sense of fun. They complain of how unrealistic this movie is or at how silly the ending is. Remember this is a kids movie on the whole, so don't expect too much in the way of reality. Its about two guys trying to rid a house of a mouse, not on the water front.
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I Am Legend (2007)
where are the soul zombies with afros?
23 December 2007
Another ho-hum so called blockbuster staring Will Smith. As an actor Mr. Smith delivers the goods, however the story is so-so at best. In the end it is a re-telling of the 1971 movie "Omega-man", staring Charlton Heston., just with better special effect and CGI. OK in a nutshell; scientists engineer a super virus that destroys humanity and reduces mankind to sub dwelling zombies. Sounds good, hu? Well it could have been better. I for one enjoyed the 1971 version. How can you hate a zombie with a giant white Afro? "Soul zombie" Will Smith is a military research doctor trying to find a cure for the virus. Some how he is immune to the zombiefying effects of the K-something virus. I had a lot of problems with the story line. For one, why would you isolate your self on an island, in this case Manhattan, with flesh eating zombies? I would have taken' my butt to Brooklyn and did my research work from a safe place. Will Smiths character lived smack in the middle of zombie ally in a fortified house with a lot of zombie traps. Every time I see one of these zombie movies, I can never under stand why the hero does not build a mote around his house. Zombies can't swim. Any way, Will Smith was good in this, but not god enough to receive my hard earned $12. All in all, it was an OK movie, not great or even very good. I would wait for it on DVD. If you crave good doomsday, end of civilization zombie action, rent 28 days later. 28 weeks later is not bad ether.
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Surfing on to the silver screen
13 November 2007
The latest installment of comic book super heroes to jump from ink to the big screen is another big budget action fest. This time out, we find the Fantastic 4 fighting an alien invader, the Silver Surfer. The special effects are no less then great. The story is better then I would have expected from this popcorn film. While it is no citizen Kane, it did do its job; it held my interest and entertained me for 90 plus minutes. I'm not a super big fan on the comic book; I did read it from time to time as a teenager. I can't say if they are being true to the original or not. But if Stan Lee is willing to put his stamp of approval on it, that is good enough for me. Plus I'm not one of those super nerds that has never seen a woman naked so it was OK. Well, here it is; the bad news. The main down fall is the acting. While not all the performances came up short, Michael Chiklis is great as the thing as is most of the cast. The weak link in the acting chain is Ms. Jessica Alba. Like the rest of the red blooded American male population, I think she is super hot. That said; I have to say she can't act her way out of a bad soap opera. I think in whatever movie she is in next; she should play a mute in a bikini. She is great to look at, but once she opens her mouth to say any thing it obliterates the illusion. All said; I have to give this film two thumbs up. It was what a pop corn movie should be, entertaining. If you want to lose your self for a little while this is the movie to do it with. I hope the next installment is as action packed, and maybe they'll write fewer lines for Ms. Alba to stumble over.
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Timelock (1996)
What a stick fest!
5 November 2007
Well, I went in to this film knowing full well it was no "Star wars" but this was extra cheesy. I love sci-fi movies and hoped this would at lest entertain me for a while. I was wrong. As for the sci-fi part, it was missing. First of all there was no time travail, time warping...nothing to do with time but wasting it. This was not even a B-movie. Saddly, the acting and FX were not so great ether. They stunk. It looks like they filmed it in an old wear house. I don't even remember if I made it to the end of this bomb. This had o be a tax right-off for someone. If you like bombs, or hate your self, then this for you, if not stay away...far away. Run if you have to.
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What a Rock opera should be.
5 November 2007
Maybe this movie is not for every one, yet maybe it is. On the surface it may seem to have a gay theme but really could apply to any one. In essence it's about finding true love. The music is the real star of this movie. Some of the best music and art direction to be filmed in years. I saw this movie after reading about it here on the internet, and was glad I gave it a chance. An East German transvestite that comes to America by way of batched sex change and false married to America GI. Then starts a Rock-N-Roll band. Along the way he/she has her songs stolen by a young protégé and by strange luck she gets them back. The costume's are as outrageous as the plot. Once again, the music is the driving force. A Rock opera for the 21-century. Like Spinal tap, and Tommy taken to the next level. Out standing job by first time director Cameron Mitchell. Give this movie a look-see. I think you'll be very surprised. Its just great.
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Cavemen: The Cavewoman (2007)
Season 1, Episode 3
she shaves her legs with a chain-saw
23 October 2007
I just thought this was a very funny episode. I love the idea of a cave-woman. I didn't see them going that course. Hell, why not? I hope we see more cave-women, and why not baby cavemen too? I think this show is getting better as it goes along. The writing is witty and fun. I almost wish this show was an hour long. I think if the writers feel the show is headed for the chopping block, they should go for broke and take this show to another level. Its too bad most people just don't get it. Maybe more will catch on? I just think it goes over the heads of most Americans. Thats too bad people can't see or read between the lines and see what this show is really trying to say.
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Cavemen: The Mascot (2007)
Season 1, Episode 4
23 October 2007
I hate to say I told you so, but this show is actually getting better. The interaction between Nick and the high school students is great as is his confrontation with the principle. Once again, I truly feel America really does not get it. I'll just have to spell it out for the slow people. Basically our cavemen and how they are perceived and treated by the rest of society is a metaphor for racism and intolerance. I think this a well-written show that is witty and fun. I know it is not as cutting edge as generation "Y" would like, but then again they seem to need to be led by the hand. No one wants to think while watching TV now days. I hope this show catches on a little more. I'm sure I'm in the minority that tunes in and watches. I just hope it will not get the ax too soon.
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Cavemen (2007–2008)
cavemen among us
3 October 2007
I enjoyed the GEICO commercials a lot and I actually looked forward to this show. TV has gotten so boring now days, I figured what the hell. I don't think the actors playing the cavemen are the same, but they did a good job. I found it interesting that they provided no back sorry; they just jumped right in. kind of like real life. Now days every one need to be fully informed about every aspect of the characters and their lives. There is nothing wrong with a little mystery. And thank god they didn't try to put a dumb laugh track, it works just the way it is. While this is no "I love Lucy" of the 21st century, it did hold my interest. I hope it gets better, and they add more caveman friends. Get the guys from the commercials to come on. Today's generation my not get it, but I hope they do, I'd like to see more of cavemen.
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Sicko (2007)
Hope we all wake up because the Patient is very sick
13 July 2007
Once again Michael Moore has opened Pandora's box with his new film Sicko. This time he shines a light on Americas broken health care system. Having lived over seas for the better part of ten years (7 years in Italy and almost 3 years in Japan) I can say that in almost every corner of the industrialized world has better health care system. I still can't fathom that America is barely above Slovenia in infant mortality. (WTF!?) I don't even know where the hell Slovenia is! Fox news lambastes France for being almost communist with there dirty liberal socialized health care system. Funny they seem to have the best system in the world followed closely by Italy. Now I will say that medical technology in America is un-surpassed, as long as you can pay for it. We perfected the MRI and digital X-rays. We came up with the AIDS cocktail, yet we can't figure a way to provide adequate health care for working Americans. I don't even care about getting free health care, how about affordable. I think Michael Moore is a great American in that he is using his right of free speech to bring this ugly truth to light. See this movie.
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Nice change from Hollywood
27 April 2007
Not a bad film at all. Very entertaining. Not quite high-octane tour DE force action blockbusters we are used to in America, but our Canadian brothers did a find job. Colm Feore is just great in this. The story is more or less your standard cop fare. The case circles around them chasing a psychotic killer who is targeting players in the hockey world. A few good twists alone with some comical moments and a nice change of scenery. I'm so tired of New York, Miami or L.A. Although it is not as slick as most of what comes out Hollywood, it did have a good story, and we all know how lacking in that department Hollywood has been lately. With all the hockey indication it would have been nice to see a little bit of hockey being played, but maybe that was not in the budget? Over all a well done movie that will hold your interest. Would make a good rental on a rainy day.
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Who green lighted this?
21 April 2007
What an incredible tour De force of crap. Of course I didn't care for the first two movies in this series. However I do like cars and racing. Why not just make a good documentary about street racing? Having lived in Japan for 3 years the idiosyncrasies are over whelming. For one Tokyo has some of the heaviest traffic 24/7 in the world. Maybe they could drive like that at 3:AM for a few blocks, but not how they show it in the film. I will say the cars were great and so was the driving. The girls were hot too. Sorry but the story was disappointing at best. His little hip-hop sidekick was annoying 5 seconds after he showed up on screen. The acting was total garbage as well. If both of those kids were military brats, why didn't they go to the American school on base? Do you know how hard it is to learn Japanese at 17 or 18 years old, and do well enough to keep up in school? Give me a break! This is a great looking movie, but fare from good entertainment. The story line is weak as water and the characters are paper-thin.
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