
17 Reviews
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Stay Fit
3 January 2019
We had a family gathering on New Years Day 2019. One of my daughters brought me a VHS copy of this documentary that she had bought for 50 cents at an estate sale. She told me that I had taken her (born in 1970) and my younger daughter who was three years younger to see this documentary when it came out. I had been dating a woman who worked for one of the competer's backers and had received passes to the theater.

Both daughters loved the documentary and have worked hard to keep in shape.

I have always been an advocate for fitness which I am convinced will improve the quality of your life.

I haven't seen much of Rachel McLish lately , but I bet she is still in great shape. Woman's fitness is a bit more in the mainstream in 2019 and these women portrayed in this documentary should be congratulated for inspiring a generation of female fitness advocates.
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The Twilight Zone (1959–1964)
About the Best TV Series Ever
6 December 2018
Friday night when I was in the 6th grade. Twilight Zone and popcorn.

Who wasn't in this series? I get the series on a video sharing channel. I am amazed at the talent in this series, both acting, writing, and directing.

Where is this kind of talent today?
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I Love Hot Rods
6 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I first saw this movie when I was a kid. The theater showed this movie with another Hot Rod movie and gave away a 1952 Ford with a flat head V8. I didn't win and forgot this film until it appeared on the old movie station. I well remember Tommy Ivo as there was a world class drag strip in my area and he'd often appeared.

I seem to remember in the 70s or 80s playing Blackjack in Vegas I ran into a dealer who said she made a few Hot Rod movies, I didn't pay too much attention at the time, but I think it may have been Sanita Pelkey as she was about six feet tall.

There is a great song by Bruce Johnston ( of later Beach Boy fame) in in movie.

This movie is a real hoot.
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What A Ride !
6 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
One of my favorite novellas is Joseph Conrad's " Heart of Darkness". I am sure it will likely be banned in the future.

I was drafted late in 1965, but by God's grace was spared Viet Nam. I did loose a couple of close friends there, one childhood friend on a swift boat. I saw the movie when it first came out and thought it was pretty good.

The war was fought by kids and some seasoned veterans and the movie seemed to capture this. Robert Duvall stole the movie. His performance was over the top.
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Thunder Road (1958)
Thunder Was His Engine and White Lightning Was His Load
6 December 2018
I love this movie. I first saw it around 1960 as a second feature at a drive in theater. My father, born in 1925 loved hot rods. My senior year in high school he sold me his second car, a 1951 Ford with a flat head V8 after I wrecked my 56 Mercury. I wish I had kept that thing as it was similar to what Robert Mitchum drove in this movie. I remember looking thru the J. C. Whitney catalogue to find items to spruce the thing up.

For Hot Rod lovers, this is your movie. Fast cars, heroes, villains, and one of the great female vocalist of the time, Keely Smith. I think Sonny and Cher studied her and her husband Louis Prima act to come up with "Sonny and Cher". It is a shame she didn't do more on the screen.

I liked nearly everything about this movie. I grew up in the rural southwest and many of the characters resembled my aunts and uncles.
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One of the Best Sci-Fi Flicks of All Time
6 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie when I was seven or eight years old and it caused me not to get a good nights sleep for months. It is played on old movie stations from time to time and I actually bought a DVD copy at an estate sale.

The acting is first rate and the special effects are fantastic for 1953.

Later in life, in the mid 60s, I actually read the novel. I thought it was a pretty good tale, but later read some reviews of the novel which said it was a slam on Great Britain's world conquest of third world countries. The Hollywood production was a far cry from the novel, but the movie was much more entertaining than the novel.
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This Could Have Been So Much More !
6 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Ben Kingsley is one of my favorite actors, but I feel he went thru this part in his sleep along with most of the other cast. It was all I could do to get thru the movie. The Eichmann story should have been a bit more interesting than this movie. I think I was in the 7th grade when he went on trial and I remember the accounts in the print media which were fairly exciting. This was a fairly accurate telling of the story, but a bit dull!
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The Untouchables (1959–1963)
Was Everyone Who Became Famous in Hollywood in This TV Series ?
6 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I bought a complete set of this series on DVD a while back at an estate sale. I remember being glued to my families old black and white TV as millions of others were back in the day. I even read the book.

The series is great fun if not completely historically accurate. After you get Capone, what else is there to do ? Well, Hollywood sure found a way to expand the original story.

I was amazed at the actors and actresses who had parts in this series. It is a list of "who's who" in Hollywood. I loved the way that the Feds, gangsters, and women dressed. I will watch this over and over.
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Kronos (1957)
What a Blast From the Past
6 December 2018
I bought a VHS copy of this film at an estate sate for 50 cents a few weeks ago. I remember seeing it when I was ten years old or so. I remember laying in bed half expecting that giant robot to come stomping thru my neighborhood.

I think it is one of the best of the "second feature" sci-fi flicks of the 1950's and I'm a bit surprised that no-one has tried to re-make it.
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First Man (2018)
The Right Stuff Part 2
1 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I read "The Right Stuff" and thought the movie was one of the best of the 1980's. I decided to ignore the negative publicity about not showing the American flag being planted on the moon and I'm glad I did as I thought this was a pretty good telling of the first trip to the moon.

I thought Ryan Gosling did a great job as Neil Armstrong. These guys must have ice water in their veins. Getting bounced off the Earth's atmosphere they would tell Mission Control that they were just hitting a bit of turbulence and that there was nothing to worry about.

I have always admired Jason Clarke's work and he didn't disappoint here.

I'm glad the story placed some importance to Gus Grissom who was truly a tragic figure in our space program.

The only criticism I have was the dull color tone of the movie and the feeling that some of the scenes seemed to be filmed with a hand held camera.

I am amazed today that we went to the moon with a fraction of the technology we have now.
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Bigger (2018)
Fitness is better than the Alternative
18 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I am not a body builder, but I found this to be a very inspiring story. While not a body builder I am an advocate of fitness. I was very fit in my Army days in the late 60's. I fell a bit off the fitness path in college, being exempt from P.E. because of my military service.

After graduation in 1972 and packing a few extra pounds I starter working out and joining a local gym.

I had three brother in laws that mocked me. They all have one thing in common. They are dead.

I was touched by the section of the story that said only certain people would read "Muscle and Fitness".

Fitness is for everyone no matter where you start !
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Why Do We Have to Pay to See Something Like This?
26 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I delivered a car to my son-in-law out of state and decided to catch a movie. I noticed that 2016 was playing, and after hearing so much about it, I decided to give it a chance. I really prefer to see documentaries on the History channel or Discovery or some other like venue for free, but I decided to put down the $9 to see this. It seemed a bit long, even though it was short by most movie standards.I really didn't see a whole lot more than I already knew or suspected, but the facts were laid out in a very organized manner. I can understand why some of Pres. Obama's defenders don't like this film, although I can't understand why they would come to see it in the first place. There is a lot of our President's own words used. I can only wonder what the real journalist of years past would have found if they had done a real job of investigating candidate Obama.
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Future Gladiators
1 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
It's hard to be objective as I enjoyed this movie so much after hearing how good it was from several of my grandchildren. It is set in some kind of an alternative universe showing what a reality TV show would look like if the Nazis had won WWII. It was a salute to every outlandish wardrobe choice and bad hairdo ever imagined. It had everything, heroes, villains, chivalry, loyalty, suffering, victory, and explosions, not to mention a love story. Stanley Tucci and Woody Harrelson couldn't have been better in supporting roles. Jennifer Lawrence was outstanding. She is a beautiful young woman that looked the part as a warrior. I guess that I will probably read the books now, as I am really looking forward to the next installment of this series.
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True Grit (2010)
A story of a very brave young woman
27 December 2011
My father sent me a copy of "True Grit" when I was in the Army, saying that it was the best novel about the South he had read since "To Kill a Mockingbird". I thought it was very good, and went to see the "John Wayne" version, thinking it was very good. When I heard that there was going to be a remake, I thought...why bother

When the new version came out, I saw it in the first week, and was "blown away".

My wife bought me a copy for Christmas, and watching it again, I'm thinking that it is one of the best movies I've ever seen. It is Texas and Arkansas, which share being part of the old South, and a bit of the "Wild West". The music is fantastic...old hymns. I have ten granddaughters, and I will make sure that they see this story about a brave, brave young woman.

I will say, don't spread a rope around a camp site. It won't keep the snakes out.
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J. Edgar (2011)
Very Interesting
11 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie this morning and really enjoyed it. I am 65, and one of my favorite movies of my youth was the "F.B.I. Story", which came out when I was in the 6th grade. After seeing that movie, I bought a copy of the book and read it. I also loved the T.V. series about the F.B.I. After a couple of years in the Army and going to college, I grew up a bit. I then understood that sometimes your idols have "flaws". Mr. Hoover was flawed, but he built one of the best crime fighting agencies in the history of the world, and this is a very good story about how he did it. The movie was a bit hard to follow, as it kept switching from one time period to another, but I think it presented Mr. Hoover and the F.B.I. in a way that we can understand why our country has one of the top crime fighting agencies in the world.

J. Edgae Hoover died a few days before my college graduation.
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19 November 2010
I skipped this last year, even though I am a big fan of the short novel. I've probably read it at least twenty times. I thought it was another "Earth Girls Are Easy", over the top type movie. To my surprise, it was something of a basic telling of the story. I'm not a big fan of the animation technique, but this was a pretty good movie. I think that it was a very good "telling" of one of my favorite stories. I did watch this with a couple of my grandchildren, and it may have scared the "dicken's " out of them, so it could be a bit spooky for the under eight set. I think people will still be watching this movie years from now.
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Recount (2008 TV Movie)
What a hoot!
27 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This reminds me of the 80's and 90's Viet Nam movies with Rambo and Chuck Norris. The politicians lost the war for us, but here comes Hollywood to win it after the fact. I am also reminded of an old Edward G. Robinson movie "Key Largo." Robinson plays a gangster who at one point in the movie tells all that will listen, that he can influence elections. He says "we put them up for election, get their name in the paper, then we have an election. If the votes don't come out right, we have a recount, and if that doesn't come out right, we keep counting until it does come out right. Wow!!! Also, Katherine Harris is an attractive woman. Is that grounds to be hated !
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