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The Crown: Aftermath (2023)
Season 6, Episode 4
Stunning as always.
17 November 2023
The Crown continues to be extraordinarily superior in its writing, directing, cinematography, and editing. Every shot and line and decision feels uniquely thoughtful in its planning and execution, and I'm just in awe. I had high expectations from this episode, and it didn't disappoint. The drama was less than I expected, but it worked better, and it maintained a degree of respect to Princes Harry and William by not heavily focusing on portrayals of their grief. It was represented in a meaningful way, but not exploited.

The acting is stellar, and the actor portraying Muhammad Al Fayed and Dominic West, who portrays King Charles, were the highlight performances. When reading about Charles's actual reaction to Diana's death, I believe they did reality justice here.
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29 September 2023
I was hesitant to watch this. Not for any real reason, but just because I didn't think it interested me. I saw the film years ago in the 90s, and I liked it, but not enough to draw me in to this. However, my friend recommended it, and he has great taste. He was right. This show is incredible. The writing, directing, editing, music, etc. Is on point. It's quality. The casting? I wasn't sure about Jacob Anderson. I wasn't a big fan of Greyworm in Game of Thrones, but he's the ONLY Louis. And the casting for Lestat and Claudia are perfect. The race of Claudia and Louis are irrelevant, because they're the perfect actors to play these roles. The same people complaining are the ones who also say, "cast based on talent, not to be 'woke.'" Well, then they should have no issues.

Just watch the show.
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Good, but could've been better
6 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So, I liked this film a lot, but I found some aspects of Raimi's directing a bit much. There were scenes that were shot and edited in such a bizarre or cheesy way, I found them distracting, taking me out of the moment.

I yelled out with the rest of the audience a few times in excitement like the cameos (John Krasinski especially), but this became almost instantly a let down by the unceremonious and hasty killings of the cameos. I don't know how Wanda will ever come back from this. Can she ever be a hero again? And last, by accident, I saw that Sophia Di Martino's (Sylvie/Loki) stunt performer was credited in the film on IMDb as Sophia's stunt double. I was so mad I saw that spoiler, but it was even worse that she never showed up. I thought maybe in the post credit scene, but no-instead we got the dumbest post credit scene of any MCU film.

Now, what I liked was the plot. It was well constructed, entertaining, and suspenseful. The movie was funny at times, and the variants were all really well planned out and executed. They all felt like different versions of the same people. Halfway through the film, I was on board with a 10 rating, but after the Illuminati scene, which went sour WAY too fast, I started to enjoy the film slightly less.

It's still a great entry from the MCU.
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The best of the 3-bring tissues
15 April 2022
This is hands down the best of the 3 FB released so far. I think this might be down to Steve Kloves (who wrote 7/8 HP screenplays) returning as a screenwriter. Whatever your opinion of JKR's personal opinions, she is a GREAT writer. But she isn't a screenwriter, and screenwriting is different than writing novels, but she tried her hand at writing FB 1&2 alone, anyway. With Kloves, the story had better pacing, emotional impact, and story development. I can see how some people wouldn't like this film, but I think this is largely due to comparing this series to HP. It's not HP. It doesn't involve the same wonder that appeals to our inner child. It's not based on books. It's a different beast. No pun intended. But it's good. The only bone I have to pick is with the decision to include McGonagall, who has no real significance. And without that, why change the character's date of birth. McGonagall was born in the 30s. She shouldn't be in this. Putting her in here takes away from the credibility of this story as canon. But other than that, I loved it...& I cried a lot. So, being tissue just in case.
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Loved the original. Loved this one, too.
4 March 2022
It doesn't take anything away from the original by enjoying this version. There might be some films that wouldn't be able to do this, but this wasn't one of them. Maybe because West Side Story is a retelling of Romeo and Juliet, so it's not that crazy to retell the retelling... whatever, anyway, this film was visually stunning, well-directed and shot and performed. If you want to see it, it's good. If you're a WSS purist, then don't watch it. Simple as that.
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
Absolutely incredible!
21 February 2022
Sure, it's funny. So, if you're looking for laughs, you'll have them with Ted Lasso, but we don't look to stories just to laugh, or have any other reaction-we look to stories to see the human experience reflected back at us. Ted Lasso has some of the most profound, complex, realistic character arcs I have seen in television-or film. I could go on and on, but it all comes down to this-Ted Lasso is nothing less than incredible!
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Mulan (2020)
Don't expect the animated version
15 November 2021
I cannot understand these bad reviews because this film doesn't mirror an animation. It's ridiculous. This film, based on legend, is absolutely fantastic! It's beautifully shot, acted, and directed. I really appreciated the inclusion of Chinese-film-style fighting. That was such a nice touch. I honestly think this live action is the best Disney has done so far. I wasn't expecting that, but I guess that's my lesson here: don't listen to people that give any film they even slightly dislike a "1"
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Eternals (2021)
I'd pay to see it again
11 November 2021
I had high expectations for this film, and then the critics reviews came out, and my expectations dropped. After the release, people either loved or hated it, but what I heard was that the film was a mess. It didn't feel like a mess to me. It felt like a lot of exposition, and it would have been a better decision to make this into a Disney+ series, but the exposition wasn't tedious to me. I never found myself bored. The entire film was interesting and the multitude of characters somehow managed to be developed pretty well, given the time constraints to do so.

Eternals was funny, exciting, engaging, emotionally moving, and relatable. The amount of diversity was also incredibly refreshing. It reflected the real world-what real people look like-different. Different backgrounds, abilities, sexual orientations. It made this film feel more real in a very fantastical setting.

I'd see it again.
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I'm more tired of the reviews than Keen
4 November 2021
This episode did well under the worst of circumstances-the beginning of the 2020 lockdown. But what annoys me the most is reading how so many people want Keen to die, because she's "annoying." The idea of killing off main characters because some are too asinine to even begin to empathize or understand a character written to be complex, conflicted, and deeply traumatized, is obnoxious. Stop.
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Not a strong season opening
11 October 2021
This was disappointing. Owen Wilson is a gem, and the writing was just too horrible to overcome.
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Surprisingly OK... but not great.
11 October 2021
I had really low expectations for this episode. Not only because Kim K makes me cringe all over, but because I don't enjoy when non-actors host, with the exception of singers, who somehow are pretty good. I gotta admit, she wasn't as bad as I thought she would be. If she had taken acting lessons instead of establishing her fame with sex tapes, she could've used her foot in the door to do other things.

I hated that most of the skits were demonstrations of vapidity. 🙄 we already know that, but the girls in the club rap sketch really spoke to me as a 38 year old woman. Preach that pepto!
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Not all art needs to be loud.
25 September 2021
This is a quiet and elegant vampire film. There isn't an intricate plot or sharp twists and turns. And that's fine. Did it hold my interest? Yes. Did I care about some characters and loathe others? Yes. It's honestly more interesting than most traditional vampire films, in its own quiet and lovely way. The cast is fantastic. It's definitely worth a shot.
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The Prince (2021)
Clever outlandish satire.
30 July 2021
I've often argued with people who unfairly criticize Markle or anyone in this family. We aren't privy to their lives, so we can't judge what we don't understand. But this is different-it isn't "disrespectful," as many are saying. It is in no way presented in a way that suggests it is drawing on real life characteristics of the family. It's funny and clever. It has rhetorical messages that show how some of present ideals and pop culture is ludicrous. IG followers would be the first I noticed. But it goes on and on. It's enjoyable.
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Good but slow
17 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I have no issue with slow moving stories, but I feel like this could've been achieved in 5-6 episodes. The acting is fantastic. Michelle Dockery is always amazing in whatever she's in. She's the next Meryl. I did find the evidence that leads to the charges unbelievable. I grew up around DAs and I don't buy it. Especially the first degree charge. There's no way that would fly given the evidence. But, it's fiction so ok.
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Good if your remove the main character
27 April 2021
I really like this film, but Gigi is pure cringe. It's embarrassing. It's hard to love a movie when you don't sympathize with a central character.
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His Dark Materials: Æsahættr (2020)
Season 2, Episode 7
Better than the book, which is also good
29 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode seemed somewhat lacking in substance, but I will say this: it's better than the book. This episode, along with all of season 1 and 2 have not cut so much as added. The characters like Mrs Coulter, John Parry "Jopari," Boreal, and Lord Asriel are far more three-dimensional in the show with more material to work with than in the books. The essence of their characters is the same, but much more developed. I'm happy about the change to Jopari's death. The book did that absolutely no justice, and the person who killed him in the novel was a feeble choice, following a feeble reunion with Will. So, all and all, and can't complain.
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Can Mike Newell be arrested for this?
8 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It's taken me 15 years to write a review, because the disappointment still stings. This film is god awful- the adaptation, acting, pacing, tone, music, and mostly, what is responsible for all listed, the DIRECTION. Newell admits the book was so long and tedious, and he should not have been given the project. He answers most questions that were revealed over the course of the novel in the first 20 min, leaving little mystery to uncover. The music distracts and doesn't measure up in the slightest to the genius Williams composed for the first 3. And after Azkaban, which was impeccable, Newell tried to compete (admittedly) with the previous director, rather than build on his work. Newell focuses on being loud and exciting, leaving no real nuanced character development. His direction to the actors is abhorrent. He had Dumbledore do a 180 from books and films to be constantly angry, leaving the peak moment of Dumbledore's at the end, where he's actually furious, anticlimactic. Hermione overacts, as well as others, uncharacteristically for the actors. David Tennent's Crouch Jr is so bad, I was surprised to find out what a stellar actor he is, and the changes in his storyline are unforgivable. The best pieces are cut or unnecessarily changed, and the pacing is a mess. The second and third tournaments are shown back to back, which is jolting. And then the end is just the trio being oddly optimistic, clashing terribly with the context, as well as the source material. I. Just. Hate. It. I wish it could be remade.
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Fargo: Welcome to the Alternate Economy (2020)
Season 4, Episode 1
A promising start & a step up from S3
8 October 2020
The beginning of the episode was stylistically and dramatically stunning, bringing back the unique spectacle that seasons 1 & 2 had. The content is already poignant, and Chris Rock is killing it.
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Modern Love: Hers Was a World of One (2019)
Season 1, Episode 7
Moving and funny
12 August 2020
This episode was witty and moving. As always, Andrew Scott is solid gold.
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A film of substance that snuck up on me
27 June 2020
I was expecting a run of the mill comedy. And it starts off that way, but slowly it gets not only more unique in smaller ways, but truly meaningful by the end. It achieves a message that several other films have attempted but never quite got it perfectly.
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So much potential, but so many problems.
13 June 2020
I was really looking forward to this film. The trailer was great, and I love these actors, but Kit Harington, Natalie Portman, Thandie Newton, Jacob Trembley, Kathy Bates, and Michael Gambon...yes, even he made a cameo, were WASTED. The rhetoric of this film-the messages it wanted to convey-were also lost. I could tell immediately upon hearing "Rolling in the Deep" by Adele, about 5 min in, that this was going to be screwed up. The director, who wrote and produced this, has apparently never heard a real conversation. The dialogue was forced and unnatural. The story was told through skimming the surface of concepts and unnecessary 5 min bouts of music without character dialogue or development. The characters are almost an afterthought, and clearly directed in an off/unnatural way.

Most of the film seemed a group of scenes from different films-the style was inconsistent. The score was awful. The music didn't fit. There were WAY too many things being tackled, leaving no time to develop any of them. And the editing was terrible. No fluidity or logical order of interweaving the interview and the events.

The film made me cry, and I appreciated the purpose of it. But I'm afraid such an important message was washed away by the writing and directing. I found out after I watched it that Jessica Chastain was cast, filmed as a main character, and then cut completely. Maybe cutting an entire main character and the impact she had on the story leant to the mess, but it also seems like a rookie/film school mistake to make, in the first place. And this director is not new.

I'm really disappointed and annoyed.
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Little Women (2019)
Phenomenal and beautiful
21 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I've never seen any adaptation of Little Women, nor have I read the book, although I've heard bits and pieces about it my whole life. I thought this movie was vibrant and full. Florence Pugh brings so much life to Amy, yet doesn't outweigh anyone else's performance. The directing and cinematography is perfect, and the story feels authentic. My only problem, which is not that much of a bother to me tho, is the time jumping. There were times when I had to try way too hard to figure out what timeline it was. It wasn't obvious enough-especially involving Beth's illness.
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Emma. (2020)
I tried so hard to like it.
20 May 2020
I love Emma. The book, the previous adaptations, Clueless... yes, that was modern Emma. But this film felt hollow. The pacing and the vibrance of the characters were so off. What a waste of Bill Nighy. I love him so much, and Gemma Whelan as well... and a few others, but someone *cough* the director *cough* tried way too hard at making this film different and "quirky" compared to the others, he forgot the soul of it.
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Original and entertaining
19 May 2020
I watched this for the cast. I love Downton Abbey, and this film has many of the cast. Carice Van Houten was also a draw, for anyone who loves Game of Thrones. I was surprised how much I loved it, though. It's a type of story not often seen and it's well done. However, Julian Fellowes seldom disappoints.
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Frozen II (2019)
Better than Frozen I
18 March 2020
Frozen II is a visual spectacular with a socially relevant plot about environment, intercultural unity, truth and coming of age.
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