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A return to classic form
6 May 2022
I loved Pike and his crew in Discovery. The portrayal of Captain Pike was exactly what I wanted to see in a Starship captain. I had my hopes up for STW and let me tell you, it did not disappoint. I felt like I was watching a modernized episode of TOS, and it was thrilling to see.

Well done, everyone!
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Dune (2021)
Loved it!
1 November 2021
Big Dune fan. Was not crazy about the Lynch version originally, but over time, grew to love it so much even though it crammed too much in and deviated so far from the book. So much quotable dialog. The SYFY miniseries was good, but not great, but it stuck closer to the story. Children of Dune was awesome.

Having said that, Villeneuve's Dune was a freaking masterpiece in my eyes. I have since seen it twice and want to watch it again. I saw it in IMAX the first time, mind blown. Second time on HBO Max. I actually liked it even better the second time around.

Cannot wait for part 2. GO SEE IT!
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Aliens: Fireteam Elite (2021 Video Game)
Outstanding! 136 hours of gameplay in.
12 September 2021
Now this is what I wanted, blasting Aliens just like the film. The game does an excellent job of putting you in the shoes of a Colonial Marine and boy oh boy is it fun!!

The story is interesting, the voice talent is mostly spot on, and the action is insane. Lots of nods and references from the films and previous games and def a love letter for fans. Looking forward to new maps and classes.

Well done, Marines!
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Dark (2017–2020)
Incredible show...
10 August 2021
I don't even know where to start...The story, the acting, the cinematography, the SCORE! Best science fiction I have seen in over a decade.

We're in the middle of Season 2 now and had to slow down.

Do yourself a favor and watch this show. It will blow your freaking mind.
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OK, it's very very scary....
16 March 2021
OK, I just finished The Dark and the Wicked...

Now and again, a film scares the life out of me. Blair Witch, The Ring (US remake), Light's Out, all fall into that category. This film ranks right up there with those.

There is such a feeling of dream looming over everything. It's not flashy, not at first. Just little things. But then...There is one scene early on where I was like, ok...this is what we're dealing with...nope. And another one shortly after nearly stopped my heart.

The soundtrack/sound design is spot on and perfect. The acting was just right, believable. There are so many freaky moments where I nearly had to hide my eyes, I kid you not. I actually started the film a few days ago and had to stop as it was late at night and I was too creeped out. I continued it the next day and finally made it through it.

Well worth a watch...if you're strong enough.
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Incredible 10/10
17 October 2020
Very few films have impressed me of late. This was one of those films that made me laugh out loud, gasp with terror, and fill my eyes with tears. Great start, awesome 2nd act and satisfying 3rd. This film is up there, people. would watch again!
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Underwater (2020)
10/10 to offset the unfairly low scores
22 May 2020
This film is not a masterpiece, but boy oh boy is it well crafted and fun. I had seen the teaser and thought OK, this is another DeepStar Six or Leviathan and I didn't have that high expectations, but I was in for a surprise. Yes, the film is murky and dark (on purpose) but the acting is spot on, the set design and props are solid and I felt like I was 100% in a real place. I also got a solid Soma vibe.

Give the film a chance if you are a fan of H.P. Lovecraft. You're in for a treat. :)

Underwater gets a solid 8 from me.
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Lexx: I Worship His Shadow (1996)
Season 1, Episode 1
Some of the best science fiction you'll ever see!
4 December 2019
I knew nothing about LEXX back in the early 2000s. I seem to remember seeing a snippet of it on TV at some point, but it looked goofy so I passed on it.

In Seacoast one day (when it still lived), I chanced upon a single DVD of LEXX Season 2, for $10. I had heard some people talking about it online and decided to give it a chance. WHOA...what a strange trip that was. I then went back and bought the rest and it was just as Inventive and creative, so did some research and discovered that season 1 is actually four films that aired on Showtime, starting with I Worship His Shadow. I was so sucked into that world that I had to know how it all started and eventually did find all four films. I then watched seasons 3 and 4, all equally insane.

Do yourself a favor and watch this film (and the rest of LEXX) if you can find it. It's strange and quirky but also so epic that words cannot describe. A brilliantly realized universe and some of the craziest science fiction ever made.

Yo Way Yo!
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Cosmos (I) (2019)
Incredible and riveting
10 November 2019
Watched this last night, spellbound. Sure, slow to get going, but holy god, made me feel like i was watching Contact all over again.That same feeling of awe.

Three men are about to experience something wonderful and inexplicable. YOU get to experience it with them, and its quite a ride!

If you Like science Fiction, then please do giver it a watch!
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Suprised by the hate...
24 February 2019
Discovery is not perfect. no, but from a die hard Trekkie who has watched and loved every single Star Trek TV series (including the Animated series), it's pretty damned entertaining.

Yes, Klingon design is radically different. Yes, it has flaws, but make no mistake, it IS Star Trek.

I just finished episode 2 of season 2, and boy let me tell you, it was just like old times...

Please give it a watch!
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This movie was terrible
10 January 2018
Definitely the weakest film of all, and that's coming from someone who despises the prequels.
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John Carter (2012)
Quite surprising!
19 May 2012
Surprising, and thoroughly enjoyable! I had my doubts about this for the longest time, and I am so glad I finally watched John Carter.

The film is more humorous than I had expected and had me chuckling more than once. The Martian DOG had me rolling!

The story was interesting, but I really liked the characters and the acting.

The special effects were top notch as well, but I expected that with a big Disney budget.

I especially like how E. R. Burrows was drawn into the story, and the end seriously brought a tear to my eye.

I had only seen Kitsch in Wolverine, but I liked his character acting then, and thought he did a fine job as JC. Collins (also in Wolverine), was stunning as usual. The rest of the cast was equally good, I thought.

There are a lot of movies that have come out lately that I had to force myself to watch all the way though (Cowboys and Aliens comes to mind...), but I wish JC had been longer!

If only Disney had done a better job deciding who this film was marketed to, I think it would have blown away the box office.

As it stands, the movie did turn a modest profit, so here's one person who is hoping to see more of JC on the big screen.

I am so looking forward to seeing...

John Carter...of MARS!
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Not too bad...
16 January 2006
Yes, it could have been so much better, but it really is not too bad. Both the Predators and the Aliens are in character. What I find so distressing is the number of unfair reviews from other IMDb users.

One reviewer said: "Yet, like many, I can't help but be stumped by the sudden and surprising complete personality change in Lance Hendrickson's character, Weyland. For the entire series he has been an obsessed megalomaniac with only one goal, capture Aliens to bring to earth for "The Company" bioweapon devision. He has gladly sacrificed entire ships of people to get what he wanted....and yet now he's somehow on some quest to save his soul and to make the "great discovery"? It's a complete personality flop for the character, and I must say that his character being portrayed as having no clue about the Aliens whatsoever, makes absolutely no sense at all."

Alien took place far in the future. The company, Weyland-YUTANI, wasn't even named until Aliens, and THAT was 57 years after the events of Alien, which was set far in our future! Are we to believe that the Weyland in AvP is from the future..?

Another reviewer said:

"2-plot:how many flaws u can see in this movie?a lot. 1st there is only one queen....what in the hell is she doing here?how she could go to LV-426 after being on the deep frozen ice of Antarctica?the predators went back there and brought her to LV-426?!in one word....STUPID!"

From Alien 3, we are led to believe there can be more than one Queen, as Ripley herself has been implanted with one.

In the end, if you are a fan of the creatures, then you may find yourself enjoying AvP. Yes, it IS more like "Humans running around scared...and a little bit of actual AvP", but it is entertaining, none the less.
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Doki-Doki (2003)
25 December 2004
At first glance, the film is a cute, innocent love story, but real life is bittersweet. The heroine, young Yumi, creates life changes for the group of strangers she sees every day. She's not sure she can do anything at all, but finds the power within herself at long last. The film is black and white, the story simple, but elegant. The camera angles reflect Yumi's view, and they especially highlight the dichotomy of large and small spaces within Tokyo's expansive city. The large traffic intersections collide with confining train cars as we watch Yumi run through the city. These visuals create an intriguing backdrop for the character development of Yumi's strangers. Ultimately, it makes this Japanese "Amelie" short, succinct, and sweet with melancholy.
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