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State of Play (2009)
a brilliant modern day thriller
26 April 2009
Ever since I saw this film featured in the coming soon section of an issue of Empire Magazine, I knew that this film was going to be one to see and oh my this film was worth the watch. The storyline of the film holds a grip on you from start to finish and has the style of 1970's films for example "The French Connection". The build-up and suspense brilliantly timed and works perfectly. The film itself does have brilliant performances from Crowe, Mirren (whom plays a foul-mouthed editor for the Washington Post), Affleck (one of the best in his entire career) & Adams. A film that I highly recommend to go and see this year, overall an amazing experience and absolutely worth the watch
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The Shining (1980)
the "epic" horror film
26 April 2009
"The Shining" has to be one of the greatest horror films ever made and Jack Nicholson's finest hour. The visuals, cinematography, Kubrick's's direction and the performances are brilliant and are what make this film a masterpiece. The use of camera angles, imagery and Jack Nicholson's presence are what make this film unmissable and keep you glued to the whole film. The film is a complete work of art, the way each scene is set out and the atmosphere that the film has is so realistic. In words, a film that can't be missed, I have to argue that this film is a much better horror film than "The Exorcist" thanks to Kubrick & Nicholson.
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The Dark Knight is a masterpiece!!!!!!
4 September 2008
"The Dark Knight" is by far the best film of 2008 and it is by the far the best batman film ever put on the big screen. What I love about the film the most is the way its shot and filmed. The hugest influence is Michael Mann's "Heat" (with that opening heist scene) and the style of the film itself. Hans Zimmer and James Howard Newton's score just blows you away with the images and storytelling done with Nolan's directing. Heath Ledger's performance as "the Joker" is a such a definitive role that he deserves an Oscar nomination (even though he's dead unfortunately). Christian Bale's version of Batman is a break-through and just shows us how Batman was meant to be for real. The film boosts a great cast,script,direction and style that shows what you need for a big, blockbuster summer movie. When I first saw the trailer this film, I just knew that it would be a film not to miss out on. My rating: 10/10.
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Welcome back Indy, we've been anticipating your return for a long time....
28 May 2008
"Indiana Jones and The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull" is by far one of the greatest films I've ever seen. Spielberg, Ford and Lucas made the right decision to bring back Indiana Jones and this film really did it for me! Once I saw the old 80's paramount logo come up and the first scene started, I was just blown away. The opening sequence in the warehouse ("Area 51") which was at the end of "Raiders" was exciting and excellently directed. Harrison Ford was excellent as usual as his iconic character. Shia Labeouf's character, "Mutt" was a great idea to bring into the franchise. The only problem I found was that I didn't find the soviets as menacing as the Nazis were in "Raiders" and "Last Crusade". The action and stunts were absolutely fantastic, I loved that chase through the jungle, the waterfall scene and the climax! The sci-fi alien Roswell mystery with the crystal skulls really worked for me and because of the setting in the 1950's. Nothing really disappointed me, it was exactly what I expected it to be and I wasn't dreaming up ridiculous story of my own in my head. All I was really thinking was that it was gonna have that Last Crusade kind of feeling and a mixture of all of the first 3 films. Rating 10/10

Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and Harrison Ford have proved themselves that they could bring back one of the greatest icons in cinema of all time and they have succeeded. I really do hope that the film does become the biggest blockbuster film of 2008 and that they do do a fifth Indiana Jones.
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An Excellent adventure!
28 February 2008
The 80's was the best decade to be alive in. Practically everything during that decade was the best including clothes,music,films,life and Miami Vice which has to be the ultimate and defining show that showed us what the 80's actually was. This excellent film from 1989 which stars a young Keanu Reeves. This film is a non-stop entertaining adventure comedy. Bill and Ted are two of the best duos from the 80's along with Crockett & Tubbs. Everything about this film is excellent: the story,the humor,the characters,the special effects and definitely the soundtrack. I've recently purchased this film on DVD whilst I was in England and it was worth the buy and it was a bargain. This is film that can't forgotten. It's such a feel good movie and cheers you up if you feel quite lonely or sad. My favorite songs used in the film are "Breakaway" by Big Pig which was used for the opening credits and "In Time" by Robbi Robb which was used in two scenes: the scene when they're in the future and the final scene of the film just before the end credits. Rating for this excellent film: 10/10. A film that shows us what comedies where like back then in the 80's. A film that can't be missed out and has to be seen. Buy it or watch it and you won't regret it. "Be excellent to each other and party on!".
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Probably one of the Best sequels to any film!
26 February 2008
Beverly Hills Cop II is pure entertainment.Eddie Murphy's character Axel Foley is better than ever in this sequel to the 1984 original. The film's story is much better than the original, the soundtrack's great, there's a lot of humor and action. Tony Scott was so good at directing this (one of his best along with TOP GUN and True Romance). The film's got a great cast with Jurgen Prochnow (The Keep,Dune,In The Mouth Of Madness) and Dean Stockwell (Dune,Blue Velvet,To Live and Die in L.A.) are great as Foley's villains. Rating 10/10, an excellent sequel that doesn't disappoint and is worth the money to buy or the time to watch. If there's a BEVERLY HILLS COP IV, Tony Scott should direct.
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Point Break (1991)
Great film that can't be forgotten
22 February 2008
One hundred percent pure adrenaline. "Point Break" has to one of the best action films of the early nineties and one of Keanu Reeves best films.Patrick Swaynze's also great in this film as well as Road House and many others. The film's got a lot to entertain: great story,characters,soundtrack,violence and ending. There's supposed to be sequel in the works for 2009 and if there is, Keanu has gotta be in it (Speed 2: Cruise Control was terrible with Jason Patric). Rating out of ten, 10. A very entertaining film that can be re-watched many a time and never be forgotten. If you miss out on this you'll regret it, great film.
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One of John Carpenter's best films from the early 80's
22 February 2008
John Carpenter has to be one of the best sci-fi horror helmers who's made so many great cult favourites. This one is one of them. "Escape From New York" may be quite dated but it still packs a punch! Kurt Russell's potrail as Snake Plissken, the war-hero turned criminal is great. John Crapenter's score is so good (got the remastered CD) and the apocalyptic tone & style of a ruined New York is one of the great things about this film. It doesn't even feel low-budget this film and watching this film in widescreen feels so good (one of the reasons why it doesn't feel low-budget). Rating 10/10, a classic sci-fi film directed by John Carpenter which can't be missed out on and can't be updated or remade. John Carpenter's films don't need to be updated or remade.
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"This is Jack Burton and the Pork Chop Express"
18 February 2008
"Big Trouble In Little China" is another great collaboration with John Carpenter and Kurt Russel. I give this film 10 out of 10 because it's just one of those films that entertains you every time you watch it. It's got very good stunts,action and special effects for the time it was done (back in 1986). The story may be a bit hard to follow at first, but that's the whole idea of the film, it's meant to be like that deliberately. I heard that the Chinese people weren't that happy with the film when it came out because it supposedly made them look bad. John Carpenter's score is great as well (like nearly all of his scores to his films) and his direction has never been better. The film's so 80's and done with a style that can't be neglected. Rating 10/10, watch this film and you won't regret it, it's a great film to watch either on a Friday night or during the weekend.
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Miami Vice: Freefall (1989)
Season 5, Episode 17
The perfect way to wrap up a series.
18 February 2008
By season five, Miami Vice had radically changed. Jan Hammer had left, the budget was very tight, the style had got much darker and violent, the ratings were not good at all and Don Johnson wasn't in very many episodes (due to working big time in Hollywood on major motion pictures). The season finale "Freefall" is a perfect finale to the series because it shows the political problems which were going on in Latin America during the 80's and completely different compared to 2 part episodes like "Calderone's Return", "The Prodigal Son" & "Down For The Count". The action's good and so's the setting, etc... The scene with the Ferrari testarossa speeding down the streets of Miami with the song "Bad Attitude" by Honeymoon Suite works because it's re-showing the defining image from the pilot episode with the Daytona driving through the night down down the streets with the song "In the air tonight" by Phil Collins playing that introduced us to Miami Vice in the first place. It was the right time to end the show because if it had carried on into the nineties, it wouldn't have been the same. Miami Vice was only for the 80's and that's where it belonged. Rating 10/10, "Freefall" is one of the greatest finales to a series that I've seen and it showed that Miami Vice could wrap it up with a bang.
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Road House (1989)
An excellent Film with a great score performance by The Jeff Healey Band.
18 February 2008
"Road House" is a great action film which is about a cooler who signs up at a country bar to clean it up. Patrick Swaynze's role as Dalton, is great. It's got some great moments and performances. The Jeff Healey Band appear as the band at the bar. The great thing about this film is that the story's very original and it entertains. I don't understand why the film didn't do very well when it came out back in 1989, it's very entertaining and fun to watch. The 80's was the best decade for films like this. The film feels so 80's (which I love). Rating 10/10. Patrick Swaynze knows how to act and his performance in this film is unforgettable.
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Tango & Cash (1989)
A very entertaining film from Stallone and Russel.
17 February 2008
"Ok, let's do it." "Tango & Cash" is a buddy cop film with comedy. It's a fun film to watch. It's got some very funny parts which work and chemistry with Stallone and Russel. It's like other cop films which were done during the 80's like 48 Hours,Red Heat,Lethal Weapon and Die Hard. The score's great and the action is so good for an 80's film. They could have made a sequel which would have been fun to see. It could be possible for Stallone and Russel to team up again for a sequel. Rating 9/10. A film that still entertains when you're bored and it's an entertaining film from Stallone and Russel. One of the best cop films for one-liners and humor.
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Miami Vice (1984–1989)
Probably the greatest cop show ever made and the best thing about the 80's.
11 February 2008
Miami Vice is the definitive cop show of the 1980's and I'm so glad it got made. The entire show is a blast. Ever since I saw that defining image of the Ferrari Daytona driving down the streets of Miami at night with Phil Collins' "In The Air Tonight" playing, I was just literally blown away. Michael Mann, who executive-produced the show, did a brilliant job of bringing a cinematic style and imagery of Miami, was a genius but he unfortunately messed up with making the 2006 film which has nearly no resemblance of the show. Seasons One and Two were amazing. Season Three was good but Crockett's hairstyle I didn't like. Season Four had some good episodes, Crockett's hairstyle was cool and the pastels came back. By the time we were in Season Five (1988-1989), the show had radically changed and the style and tone to the stories had got a lot more darker (Jan Hammer had left at the end of season four which was pretty unfortunate). But the season finale "Freefall" was the right way to end the show if you look at it carefully. Season Four's climax with the episode "Mirror Image" was brilliant. But the great thing also about the show was the two lead characters, Sonny Crockett (Don Johnson) and Ricardo Tubbs (Philip Michael Thomas). Their chemistry works perfectly (much better than Colin Farrell's and Jamie Foxx's). The show had everything: clothes,cars,music,style,guns and very impressive story lines and characters. Rating 10/10, Miami Vice is the greatest show of the 1980's and changed culture and it will always live on forever.
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Miami Vice: Hell Hath No Fury (1988)
Season 4, Episode 17
Crockett's wardrobe in this episode is damn good....
11 February 2008
The title may sound like it's not a good episode at all, but it really is. Miami Vice episodes which focus on the other members of the vice squad aren't that bad. This one focuses on Trudy the most. Jan Hammer's score is good (Why hasn't he released any of those scores which were composed for the season four episodes????) and suits the story. At the start, I didn't think it was going to be an interesting episode but about half an hour through, it got a bit better. Crockett's wardrobe is great (that short light blue jacket he wears towards the end is so good) and that's all I have to say. rating 8/10. Miami Vice is a great show which has it all.
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Miami Vice: Buddies (1985)
Season 2, Episode 5
"No guarantees in the western world!"
11 February 2008
This episode from season two has everything that you could ask for in an episode of Miami Vice: a good story,style and a great soundtrack. This is the episode which has one of the best chases with a great song, "No Guarantees" by The Nobodys. The ending is great as well. Don Johnson knows how to act and he plays Sonny Crockett so well (Colin Farrell is nothing like the Sonny Crockett that was played by Don Johnson at all) and he's great at that. I couldn't imagine anyone else playing Sonny Crockett like Don Johnson did. My rating for this episode 9/10. Miami Vice has always had something special about it and it's still a great show as of today and will live on.
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Miami Vice: The Prodigal Son (1985)
Season 2, Episode 1
A brilliant start to the second season of Miami Vice...
11 February 2008
This two part season premiere feels more like a film. The script writers on this knew what they were doing and they succeeded. "Prodigal Son" is a brilliant start the second season of Miami Vice. It's got everything: Story, Action, Music & Style. Jan Hammer's score is absolutely fantastic. Crockett & Tubbs in New York, amazing. It's a shame that they didn't do any other episodes this one in the later seasons because this was the one that made everyone want to watch Miami Vice and it's the season which made the show do very well in the ratings. Rating 10/10, I could watch this episode over and over again and I wouldn't get bored. Miami Vice is one of the greatest achievements in television history and of the 1980's.
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Miami Vice: The Rising Sun of Death (1987)
Season 4, Episode 9
A very well done episode.
9 February 2008
"The Rising Sun Of death" is probably of the best episodes from season four because of the night scenes and Jan Hammer's score. At first this episode didn't really hit me but when I viewed it a second time, I found it quite entertaining. The clothes worn by Crockett are great, the style and tone matches perfectly with the year it's set (1987). It also has a good soundtrack. The song "Moon On Ice" by Yello was very atmospheric to that scene in the club and so was the song that was used in that scene with the Ferrari testarossa at night. The style which season four has is quite impressive. 9/10, Miami Vice has never been better.
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Miami Vice: Baseballs of Death (1988)
Season 4, Episode 14
This episode's got a great soundtrack and climax!
9 February 2008
Miami Vice season four (which ran from 1987-1988) was better than its previous season for three reasons: 1- Crockett's hairstyle was better. 2- Jan Hammer's score changed for certain episodes. 3- The pastels came back. This episode "Baseeballs Of Death" has got quite an original story which makes it good, a great soundtrack and a climax! The only thing I found quite irritating about season four was that there was hardly any action with scarab. All in all, this episode is one of my favorites from season four along with: "Rising Sun Of Death", "Deliver us from Evil" and "Mirror Image". Rating 9/10. Miami Vice is a great show and knows how to entertain.
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Miami Vice: Mirror Image (1988)
Season 4, Episode 22
"Mirror Image" has be the best episode of season four!
8 February 2008
"Mirror Image" has to the best season four episode because 1- It's just the right cliffhanger episode to end the fourth season. 2- It's a very well done episode. 3- The music used in the episode is brilliant. The song "Money God" suited the atmosphere to the scene it was used in. 4-One of the most weirdest and brilliant things I've seen is that dream sequence on the beach with Sonny dressed in white surrounded by the vice squad all dressed in black. The other two parts which continue the story are great but this one's great because of the Jan Hammer music which is used. Miami Vice is one of the greatest shows ever created. This is an episode that can't be missed out on.
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Legend (1985)
A great film in its right.
29 January 2008
"Legend" (1985) has to be one of the greatest fantasy films I've ever seen. It's better than "Willow" (1988) which I didn't really like that much. Ridley Scott's talent is just mind-blowing. He knows how to make a film from scratch. After seeing Alien, Blade Runner, Black Rain, Gladiator, Black Hawk Down and finally Legend, I've just seen how great this guy is with his vision and style of film-making. When I first heard of the film, I didn't even know Tom Cruise was in it. The score composed by Tangerine Dream fits the film perfectly and helps tell the story. Ridley Scott's brother, Tony Scott has also made great films: TOP GUN, Beverly Hills Cop II and True Romance. The make-up effects are brilliant for the time. Tim Curry's reincarnation of Satan is quite disturbing and he plays a brilliant performance which is unforgettable. "Legend" is a film that you can't miss out on so if you see it anywhere on DVD, buy it and you won't regret it.
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The Keep (1983)
will paramount release this film????
4 January 2008
Michael Mann is a great film-maker. The work he's done on the small screen and the big screen is just absolutely great. "Thief" (1981) was brilliant and so was "Manhunter" (1986). I've seen all of his films (except from The Last of the Mohicans, The insider, Ali & The Keep). "The Keep" (1983) looks like an interesting film and it looks like it's a very rare film to get hold off (on TV, VHS, laser-disc). I found a website which is a tribute to the film (photos,posters, set designs, behind the scenes photos, etc...) and I just understand why this hasn't been released by paramount pictures on DVD yet. I read about it in an issue of Total Film back in early 2005. I'd really like to see a special edition released. The Film looks interesting and i've seen clips from it (on youtube.com). It looks quite good.
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The Lost Boys (1987)
"The Lost Boys" is one of the best 80's flicks.
4 January 2008
Sleep all day. Party all night. Never grow old. Never die. It's fun to be a vampire. That's a very good tagline for this kind of flick. "The Lost Boys" (1987) is one of my favourite 80's flicks along with: -Platoon (1986) -Scarface (1983) -Thief (1981) -To Live and Die in L.A. (1985) -The Goonies (1985) -Cocktail (1988) -Die Hard (1988) -Raw Deal (1986) -Ghostbusters (1984) -Black Rain (1989) -Rumble Fish (1983) -Trading Places (1983) -The Blues Brothers (1980) -Blow Out (1981) -Maximum Overdrive (1986) -Raiders Of The Lost Ark (1981) -Blue Velvet (1986) -The Shining (1980) -Aliens (1986)

The 80's is probably one of the best decades for movies and a lot the films I love are from the 70's and the 80's. "The Lost Boys" boasts great actors: Kiefer Sutherland (Stand By Me, Young Guns, Flatliners, 24), Jason Patric, Alex Winter (Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure). It's got great music, style and a comic twist on the horror genre. A definite film to watch. 10/10
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Miami Vice: Shadow in the Dark (1986)
Season 3, Episode 6
probably one of the best episodes of Miami Vice...
3 January 2008
I first started watching Miami Vice on ITV 4 in august 2006 and i have to say it's changed my life. By the time season three arrived, the tone & style changed (which didn't bother me) and the cool Ferrari Testarossa was the new car for the duo. This episode "Shadow In The Dark" is just brilliantly filmed, edited and the score composed by Jan Hammer is just creepy and sets the atmosphere and helps build up the suspense.This episode reminds me of Michael Mann's "Manhunter" (1986)which is a great film compared to its remake,"Red Dragon" (2002). If there wasn't Miami Vice, a lot of things in society and culture wouldn't feel the same. A brilliant episode. Rating 10/10

This episode is a piece of art.
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George A. Romero's done it again!
30 December 2007
George A. Romero has to be one of the greatest horror directors in the business. He created zombies! He shocked everyone with his creation in "Night Of The Living Dead" (1968) and took to another level 10 years later with 1978's "Dawn Of The Dead". With "Day Of The Dead" (1985), he created a great motion picture! I adore Day Of The Dead,it just proves that George A. Romero knows how to do a zombie film. It's got a very good score, zombies, very believable characters, suspense and gore! An excellent horror film to watch, it's better than the stupid rip-offs that are terribly done and the remakes which just make them more advanced and modern-day set. Watch all three of the dead films and you'll just see how brilliant they are compared to very dumb remakes of classic films. 10/10
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Rumble Fish (1983)
Rumble Fish (1983), a great film from Francis Ford Coppola
30 December 2007
"Rumble Fish" (1983) is a strange film which is very interesting and the reason I wanted to see it was because it's directed by Francis Ford Coppola (who also directed "the godfather trilogy"(1972,1974,1990) and "Apocalypse Now" (1979)that totally struck me with its content and direction. The first ever time I discovered Rumble Fish was a photograph in a total film magazine issue 2003 which had a comment next to it "Rumble Fish: Die Hard the early years?" And then afterwords I forgot about until I saw Apocalypse Now back in 2006 which stunned me and made me wanna find other films he'd directed and I found Rumble Fish. I've got the 2 disc special DVD and I have to say it was worth the money! It's filmed in black & white with colour sequences and the atmosphere is just great. It stars Matt Dillon, Mickey Rourke, Vincent Spano, Nicolas Cage & Dennis Hopper (who plays another great performance like in "Apoclaypse Now"). It also boasts a musical score by Stewart Copeland who's the drummer & co-founder of the rock group,"The Police". I just do't understand why this film wasn't very well received when it came out back in 1983. I read that when it premiered and when everyone was seated in the theater people started booing and walking out. Now for Francis Ford Coppola that must have been really painful but those people who walked out had no brains."Rumble Fish" is a very visual stunning adaptation of a novel which has everything to make it a great film: actors who are now great stars of Hollywood and have went on to do huge films, a great score, atmosphere,editing and direction which gives it a 10/10 rating.
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