
19 Reviews
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Madame Web (2024)
Exceeded my low expectations.
13 March 2024
I went in with very low expectations and I felt like I got better than I was expecting and had a nice time watching the film. Despite having a budget of 80 million dollars, the movie feels low budget. Was not to the level of a modern marvel film but more like a marvel tv show.

The characters were not as well established or as likable as they could of been. It was cluttered and cliche and suffers form a lack of originality. The cast deserved better, wasted talents of Dakota Johnson and Sydney Sweeney. The villain was generic and uninspiring. Constantly complaining about "everything he as built' being destroyed, while not showing anything that he has built.

Im not fully up on the real origin story but after looking into it more it seems Sony fully molested the comic book version for their own that barely resembles anything of the original. I see why that would make many purist upset. That would help explain a current rating of 3.7, which is crazy considering all the far worse films with higher ratings. I was entertained watching this film but that is with the caveat that this was not a good or very well made movie. The film fell flat on the execution of creating a compelling narrative.

The pepsi product placement rivaled the pepsi placement in the "I will not bow to any sponsor" scene in Wayne's World. "Its like people only do things because they get paid, and its really sad" -Garth.
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Its fine.
11 March 2024
Its fine, nothing to write home about.

I don't feel like I learned much about the star of the Rastafari culture like I thought and hoped I would. While this movie is more than just a jukebox biopic. I know there was so much rich material that was not utilized. I realize its difficult within the time constraints and the ending already felt very rushed to try to wrap it up. Feels more like an early draft and I know it could of been done way better.

Overall the film had a somewhat monotonous atmosphere and was unable to trigger any strong feelings from me at all the highs and lows that were there. From the beginning it was a little disjointed and lacked direction.

The acting by the cast was all well done and I have no real complaints. The stand out for me was Lashana Lynch who played Rita Marley.

The sound track is fantastic but I was disappointed they never played one of the best Bob Marley song "Could You Be Loved" main song used for the previews that got me hyped up for the movie.

The Jamaican accents sounded so accurate to me and were quite hard to understand at times. Overall I was missing words here and there but still able to get what was being said. Some people I know would really struggle to understand most of what was being said.

While the movie fell a little flat I still believe it to be a worth a watch if it peaks your interest. Otherwise it's not one I would recommend it to anyone.
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Houseboat (1958)
A domestic comedy.
23 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Staring Cary Grant and a young and beautiful Sophia Loren as the love interest with an exotic presence. This is the pairs second film together. The first being "The Pride and the Passion" (1957) with Frank Sinatra. Sophia plays Cinzia and inept but adorable nanny who instantly wins over the kids affection. The chemistry between the pair is clear despite the 30 year age gap. Altho "Pig Headed" about it Grant who at first is oblivious to her charm, before its to late realizes in Sophia a more complete love than he was experiencing with his more socially accepted society mach girlfriend. The sister of his deceased wife.

I feel this movie had a missed opportunity and could of taken better advantage of Cary Grants comedic skill and Sophia is just looking gorgeous in designer clothes. The kids are so sweet I didn't really mind the at times unnatural acting and the dialogue that was well above the self awareness a preteen should have. Grant is less charming than in his usual roles as his character is somewhat overwhelmed with dealing with the the children and how they perceive the loss of their mother and the new changes in their lives.

Enjoyable for those who have a hopeless romantic side and who are not totally cynical about how formulaic and predictable the outcomes are. Just a cute and fun family movie with comedy and romance, nothing more. For me being able to watch old movies like this one I have to come to terms with the completely valueless and nonsensical dynamics of the romantic situations on both sides. Watching people making all the wrong choices with no loyalty.

The worst thing about this film for me was the audio mix of levels of the voices to the sound effects. You had to keep it loud to be able to hear the dialogue only to be blasted with constant harsh sound effects. Sounds like loud thunder, consistent out of tune harmonica playing by one of the kids, a paint sprayer that sounds like a buzzer, a mechanical dog toy and a train horn.

The idea of living on a house boat and fixing it up to me peaks my interest alone. Altho they almost completely skipped this part except for one painting scene. From one scene to the next the boat is entirely transformed. I can't be mad at the movie not being that, thats just me thinking a movie like that would of been more fun for me.
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The Beekeeper (2024)
Cheese & Honey.
20 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A wild ride of one mans relentless personal journey for revenge. A vendetta that that is elevated to potentially impact an entire nation.

This film contains a strange mix of comedy and action, with over the top violence that is easy to not take seriously. Jam packed with bee puns that didn't quite hit, and many spots that were genuinely laugh out loud funny due to the sheer absurdity.

A look into the real life method by which so many elderly and vulnerable people get taken advantage of by scam call centers. I felt zero sympathy for the villains in the film as there is a special place in hell for these people. If you have ever experienced a loved one being taken advantage of you probably wished you had the special skill set of Adam Clay a retired special operative.

Altho I don't feel the premise was wasted, I would love to see it re-done with more serious and carefully considered writing. As well as the concept of the system of the hive juxtaposed agains our human system was nice.

We went into it with little to no expectations. On the drive to the theater my girl said she read online the movie was action packed and campy. We now know why, altho she gave a very low rating (3/10) and overall did not like the movie. We both had a good time.

If you can throw reality aside and let go of needing the plot details to be explained. I was able to enjoyed not having to think to much. This movie is 105 minutes of unhinged escapist entertainment.

The kills are plentiful and creative, like hitting a caricature of an assassin in a flamboyant pink jacket on the head with a jar of special honey.

Any screen time that was dedicated to the FBI agents failed to excite me and did not come off as credible in any way. It only helped to pull me out of the experience.

A satisfying conclusion to an action film that doesn't take its self to seriously. Altho the plot, script and acting may have not been great, the overall enjoyability of it, and good action scenes bumps up the rating for me.

Am I done? Im done.
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Knives Out (2019)
Agatha Christie inspired whodunnit
8 January 2024
All the hallmarks of a good old fashion murder mystery, made new. A delightful whodunnit that was a fun ride of guessing one involved plot twist but not the next due to continuous red herrings, but without feeling overdone.

Each character was well developed and each fulfilled their roles like in the Agatha Christie novels this movie was heavily inspired from. The movie successfully recaptured the tone and narrative style while subverting them simultaneously. Leaving very familiar elements from titles like "Murder on the Orient Express" and "Ten Little Indians" with the character Benoit Blanc being an homage to Hercule Poirot.

Usually not a fan of characters with laid on thick southern accents in movies but Daniel Craig was very good in his role as Benoit Blanc. A private detective in a tweed suit, full of one-liners in his heavy southern drawl. He was instrumental in prodding the story out from the characters and had a sixth sense for the truth.

This story has all the right elements for a great murder mystery. An enormous mansion inhabited by an eccentric old man, a wealthy family who all have their own dirty little secrets to hide, and a nosy detective who always seems to be be around.

A fun movie nearly anyone can enjoy.
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The Iron Claw (2023)
This movie has no chill.
6 January 2024
One devastatingly heartbreaking tragedy after another, made this a very heavy film for me. I felt an emotional beat down while leaving the theater. It was hard to watch. Not the best film for the sensitive people.

Besides the sadness of the story, everything about this film was truly great. Zac Efron did a fantastic job in the lead role of Kevin Von Erich. Very well executed job of examining the characters and the relationship dynamics between each other. It was able to create a real atmosphere and setting to understand the characters drive and feel their turmoil, making it so believable.

The film shows the very sad hierarchy on the Von Erich family and the struggles the boys went through to seek approval of their dad. The father took the same attitudes and intensity of wrestling, all the showmanship of the ring that comes with it straight into his family. He knew no other way, but the results are tragic.

Wrestling fans I'm sure would appreciate this based on reality story about one of the legendary Von Erich wrestling family more than your average movie goer. Altho zero wrestling knowledge is needed to enjoy the film.

This movie is going on my newly created imdb list "Movies that made me cry"
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Armless (2010)
You don't have to also want to cut off your arms to enjoy
27 December 2023
I picked this up on DVD as I saw it was part of the 2010 Sundance Film Festival as well as a winner at the Toronto Independent Film Festival.

A quirky, off-beat dark comedy with great dialog that explores the bizarre side of the human condition and its unique flaws however weird they may be sometimes. I felt the impact of the lines exactly the way they intended. The comedy is understated, slow, and deliberate leaving more in the blank space than spoken.

The condition shown in the film is a very real and very rare disorder called Body Integrity Identity Disorder. A phenomenon of people who desire amputation of healthy limbs or who desire paralysis. "Quid Pro Quo' (2008) is another less based in reality movie about DIIBs. The struggles shown in "Armless" are some of the same struggles that people with the disorder may experience.

I think independent films can serve a very similar role as comic books. They allow writers and directors to try things and explore topics in weird subcultures that would never appear in the mainstream. Every once in a while a story will break from indie to mainstream if it strikes a chord.

To enjoy this you need to be into independent films and the more unusual topics. I wouldn't recommend this to basically anyone I know, although if I did I must think you are weird and cool and would be able to appreciate what most couldn't.

You don't have to also want to cut off your arms to enjoy.
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Wonka (2023)
Another Wonka, a sure crowd pleaser
27 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't thinking "You know what, they should make another Wonka film". Despite the forgettable songs and predictable plot, this movie is a sure crowd pleaser. It's a whimsical music filled Wonka origin story with a sweet story about overcoming obstacles, and community.

It's not fair to compare but I will anyway. The music in "Wonka" is just average and forgettable. I still can remember almost all of the songs in the 1971 story and it has been many years since my last viewing. The cast was very camp and over the top, in a good way. It was very fitting to see such expressive characters. The villains were live-action cartoon characters brought to life. I was happy to see Rowan Atkinson as Father Julius. Timothée Chalamet plays an innocent to a fault loving Wonka, without the darker side I've always loved in the character.

Didn't love the silly fat humor of the Chief of Police played by Keegan-Michael Key. They show him gaining hundreds of pounds over a few weeks just from eating chocolates. An addict who resorted to eating the paper wrappers to get a hit.

My childhood brain was tickled with delight by the scenes showing the inventor side of Wonka building his world. Like the automated machines to help with their washing duties. I was a little disappointed and it felt a little lazy that the engineering on the machines wasn't really considered and they relied on magic for the machines to actually operate.

Another point that got me excited was when Wonka opened his chocolate maker's box. This made me think of the toy cleaners tool chest in "Toy Story". I was thinking, how does it work and what would I put in mine if I had one.

One thing that bothered me was a couple times when Wonka was talking about the Oompa Loompa played by Hugh Grant. He said it was "8 inches tall". Clearly, the Oompa Loompa was a lot taller than that. It's just weird that they were not closer to the obvious scale. Somebody get them a tape measure.
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Mixed Nuts (1994)
Stupid, awkward and enjoyable
27 December 2023
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A quirky dark comedy with a great cast full of awkward humor. This movie takes place on Christmas Eve in a crisis hotline call center. It includes Christmas trees a gun wielding ex con santa and a dangerously dense fruit cake. I am very surprised at this films lack of popularity as I've never seen this on any compiled Christmas movie list before that I can remember.

The dance scene between actors Steve Martin and Live Schreiber to the song "What Are You Doing New Year's Eve?" by "The O'Jays was the highlight of the movie for me.

Adam Sandlers character really had no point in the film at all. He was just around because he lives in the building. Always with his ukulele singing stupid songs to everyone. It's almost as if he just happened to be on set with nothing else to do. That may or may not be annoying to you depending on how you feel about him and that "Billy Madison" voice he does.

"Mixed Nuts" is a remake of French comedy film "Le Père Noël est une Ordure" (1982).
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In the land of cringe
27 December 2023
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When looking for a movie I saw Adam Brody and just pressed play. He has a character and he plays it well. The desperately romantic over thinker, and neurotically self absorbed. The type of teen drama that can be a real guilty pleasure. I was surprised to see Kristen Stewart, but not surprised to see her facial expression. I know people love to hate but that not what i'm not doing, it just is what it is.

Adam Brody was the highlight, but the movie was very bad. Completely unrealistic and unnatural, to a point of being unsettling and cringe. Most often in the scenes that included the grandma character. It should of been way better considering the main cast.

Felt like they gave up in the last 20 minutes and wrapped up everything all at once with little care. Cancer has gone away, romantic gesture in food court, story is written, accepting being without his ex, dead grandma, and meeting someone new. The end.
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Rom-Com and Shakespeare
27 December 2023
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A modern narrative pulling themes from Shakespeare's classic, Much Ado About Nothing.

Themes of love at first sight derailed by over heard misunderstandings. Trickery by others, conspiring to exploit characters propensities as means to an end. Through overhearing staged conversations. In this case to stop their fighting and save them from ruining the wedding. "We orchestrated a union for peace to prevail across the land" Ben and Bea don't fall for the ruse from the beginning but agree to go along with it for their own agendas. In the end they learn of their miscommunications and declare their love for each other, thankful for their connection spurred by a trick.

Dialogue remained fairly surface level and skated by on their good looks and cute scenes between actors Glen Powell and Sydney Sweeney. Their chemistry was good and I would like to see more of them together. I felt it trying to capture the magic of early 2000's Rom-Com's and falling a little short for me.

The cast seemed under developed and that they were just each their own stereotype to play a predictable role in the story.

Sydney Sweeney as Bea, plays a girl with a very familiar and relatable story for many women. In short a story of struggling to know what she wants, trying to figure out life and love. She's dealing with overbearing parents, career uncertainty and a struggle to allow her self to be vulnerable. "It was the first time in my life I felt fire, and I had to blow it out"

All that being said, I enjoyed the film and I felt I got what I paid for. Worth a watch.
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Elvis (I) (1979 TV Movie)
Fan or not, one great made for Tv biopic
26 December 2023
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Director John Carpenter and actor Kurt Russell as a Elvis with the voice and all the right mannerisms. Kurt Russell's real life father actor Bing Russell played Elvis's father. Shelly Winters was so genuine and perfect for the role as Elvis's mother.

Ronnie McDowel was the singing voice of Elvis and his performance left me wanting more. Movie includes hits like "Mystery Train" "Thats Alright Mama" "Are You Lonesome Tonight" "Long Tall Sally" "Unchained Melody" "A Fool Such As I" "My Happiness" "Blue Moon Of Kentucky" "Pledging My Love" "Until It's Time For You To Go"

At 170 minutes it is an enjoyable but long, yet still incomplete telling of the story of Elvis. Emotionally draining as you get a look behind the persona at the very real struggles of a moody Elvis wrestling with himself. Trying find happiness with romance, dealing with the loss of his mother and twin brother and being unable to feel satisfied or fulfilled within himself. Your heart will go out for him as it is hard to watch someone so confused and falling apart, living trapped within a bubble.

A made for Tv movie that was made only 2 years after Elvis's death. Over all the production was great.
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Only for the most dedicated Sandler fans
26 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ive seen this movie for years in Christmas movies list. Never expected much from it but I finally gave it a chance and it was just as expected. Probably would of turned it off but for the best review I finished it all the way to the last scene of Whitey on the floor saying "This is the best seizure of my life"

I was left wondering who is this movie for? Only for the most dedicated Sandler fans. In my opinion it's neither for kids or adults. I was expecting this film to be more of a kids movie but with a theme of a bitter alcoholic dealing with his emotions instead of drinking away the pain. Combined with the bad behavior I would never show this to kids.

It had the crude toilet humor I expected from an animated film by Sandler. I'm not a fan of poop humor so I found it gross. Altho It was pretty mild and could of been much worse. I just didn't personally find it funny.

The hardest part of this film for me to deal with was the voice of Whitey. Voiced by Sandler, a high pitched very unpleasant version of his voice. I wish he would of hired a voice actor instead of trying to do it himself. It would of made the film much more watchable.

With allusions to Dickens' tale "A Christmas Carol" there are some nice sentiments of forgiveness, regret and renewal and it never being to late to change.

The romantic in me found myself rooting for Davey and Jennifer to work things out and wanting to see more scenes of them together. A classic tale of Jennifer returning to her hometown to try and get back on her feet. Runs into Davey an old school friend and love interest.

The music was very silly, and forgettable. I was just waiting for each song to end.

The animation was nicely done.
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The Cowboys (1972)
Boys made into men, then into murderers after that
26 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
John Wayne plays rancher Will Anderson in a classic western with a twist, a group of teen boys. A gritty coming of age story. Boys made into men, then into murderers after that. Different people would have opposing opinions on the boys need for revenge ending the film out in a real shoot-em up spectacle.

The western is well paced with a familiar feel. Throughout the cinematography painted a vivid picture of the scenery of what it would be like to be on a cattle drive with that many head of cattle.

Will is shown as a tough disciplinarian father figure, yet remains benevolent imparting knowledge on the boys, whether they want it or not. Wayne's drive for redemption comes from his pain of loosing his two sons. This is him getting a second chance at fatherhood. "Every man wants his children to be better'n he was. You are." Never seen the Duke so vulnerable in a role. Making it feel so believable. There is a compelling sense of camaraderie between the characters.

Excellent showing by classic villain Bruce Dern in one down right vicious role. The final showdown is brutal and has to be John Wayne's most violent death.

Great soundtrack provided by musical legend John Williams.
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Holiday Inn (1942)
Great diversion during WWII, great diversion for me today.
24 December 2023
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Not a Christmas movie. Just a film about holidays, including Christmas. Many people only watch it at Christmas time. It makes sense to me because Bing Crosby is the voice of Christmas.

The romantic twist and turns happen so fast it will make your head spin. Astaire and Crosby characters always find themselves both competing for the same girl. Both the men and women in this movie are extremely fickle. "You loose one girl, you find another. Thats life"

For this movie you don't want to worry about the plot and just enjoy the showcase of great music and dancing. Won an Oscar for Best Music, Original Song in 1943. The music is by Irving Berlin.

Altho the chemistry between Bing Crosby, Fred Astaire and Marjorie Reynolds is excellent Marjorie is the real stand out star for me. She so well expresses her emotions through her facial expressions that you can't help but feel them too.

The warnings for this movie included a blackface routine done for Lincoln's Birthday.

In 1954 a very loose remake was made called "White Christmas" due to the huge popularity of the song. Paramount Originally thought that the hit number from "Holiday Inn" would be "Be Careful, It's My Heart" instead. Today "White Christmas" is the best-selling single worldwide.
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Bad Teacher (2011)
Bad Teacher. Good Film?
23 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Not much to say here.

A typical raunchy comedy, Not real funny but a decent movie to kill some time with.

Better than the reviews may suggest. I am surprised by how many people are upset about the moral quality of this movie. Shocking how many people are upset over her being a bad teacher.... I guess its a sensitive area for some.

Enjoyed seeing Justin Timberlake in his role as a clueless rich dork. The lyrics from his original love song in the movie are the most rememberable lines for me.

"Simpatico, Exotico, Erotico, Your my Narcotico Ask me how much I feel, I'll say alotico"

Romantic story lines like the one between Jason Segel and Cameron Diaz in this movie don't leave me feeling good. Even tho in the end everything is left off working out. The dynamic between the Russell character who is very interested and persistent in pursuing Elizabeth who couldn't care less and treats them like trash. When the persistence ends and only once he gives up and pulls away does did Elizabeth realize that they missed out on a really great guy. Russell immediately welcomed her right in. I know the story is that she's a bad person and that she is changing but not a feel good love story if you ask me.
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Immersive prequel into the games
22 December 2023
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Ive been a casual Hunger Games fan and watched each movie as they came out over the years. I haven't read the books so I can not speak to the accuracy to that. I could understand how it may of been disappointing to a hardcore fan for reasons I have no knowledge of.

I feel the characters were less relatable that the other movies. Personally that didn't bother me much. The movie over all was exactly the entertainment I paid for, walking in there not knowing anything about the books.

I was satisfied with this prequel in the very familiar imaginary world of the Hunger Games. It was immersive and I was interested to learn more about the history of the universe and younger lives of some of the characters. It also showed how the world operated different and how the early games came into fruition.

Stand out performances for me were from Viola Davis and Peter Dinklage

Really enjoyed the musical aspect to the free spirited Lucy Gray's southern belle character. She almost over the top is full of warmth and folkloric proverbs. One thing is for sure tho, she is no Katniss Everdeen.

While watching I was predicting there was going to be some familial link to Lucy Grey and Katniss Everdeen. There ended up not being any other than just happening to both be from District 12.
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A twisted family reunion for everything depraved
22 December 2023
I pulled out a bunch of Dvd's for me and my girlfriend to watch before the Halloween holiday. I really talked this movie up saying it was one of my favorites. I honestly remember really liking it.

After about a quarter of the movie I was really concerned with what she was going to think of me after. I looked over and saw the look of disgust on her face. I offered to turn the movie off and put another on but at that point she was already committed.

It became a funny story we told friends and family later but at the time it left us confused and needing to cleanse our pallets.

When the movie was over we felt a shared trauma of what we watched. It was gross just to be gross and no other good reason. I was seriously wondering what was I going through at the time that I remember liking this film. My only explanation is that watching it twice in a row, once with a directors commentary. Learning more about something always makes it more interesting to me.

The film feels low budget like a fan made film. Which I guess it really is. This movie is not a place for anyone concerned with reality. Its a twisted family reunion for everything depraved, grotesque and raunchy. Nobody is left out, including serial killers, monsters, mad doctors, crazies, unhinged clowns, devil worshipers. Its a real dumpster fire of everything evil, murder, sex, and hillbillies.

There will be blood and other bodily fluids. Utterly repulsive variations of the human body. If that doesn't bother you, or you like that.. maybe talk to a therapist.

I can appreciate the dedication and mastery of the guitar that Rob Zombie has but never been a fan of his music. I imagine the same themes explored in his music are the same as his movies.

I was excited to see more of actor Rainn Wilson outside of his role in The Office. But since I have bought several films with him within a short period and they have all been a let down.

Hard to sit through. I feel great about removing this movie from my collection.
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A Must Watch Classic
21 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A Terrific Romantic Comedy packed with a trio of legends fully in their prime.

All with epic and electric personas its a clear adaptation from the Broadway stage with more than 400 performances. This timeless classic was Nominated for six Academy Awards, winning two. Ranked #51 on AFI's top 100 of the century list.

One of the early romantic comedies that somehow still holds its place. Truly great performances of very clever and witty dialogue delivered at a consistently urgent pace makes for a delightful ride. Has a feeling that each character is trying to out smart the others. Often for me this becomes tiring but not in this case due to the pace and being full of witty one liners that actually had me laughing. For a movie filled with so much dialogue and so little action. The edit kept the tempo up and at no point did I feel it drag. For me the sound of James Stewart and Katharine Hepburn's voices makes this a cozy feel good movie that is very re-watchable as a cozy in bed movie before sleep.

As much of a James Stewart fan I am I tend to agree he didn't deserve an Oscar for best actor for his role for that year. Stewart expanded past his "Aw shucks" mode in this role while cynical he was still the epitome of the Mr Nice Guy persona that we all love.

I usually don't go here and just consider it that was a product of the times and try to just enjoy it, but there were things that even for the times seem very inappropriate and creepy If your paying attention.

I won't waste the effort to go into them all here. Victim blaming and other quite concerning behavior that was said seriously and accepted through out the film.

Ultimatly the pacing of the clever exchanges between the star studded cast makes this rise above the plot and other issues I have with it.

Re-made in 1956 with another star filled cast and Cole Porter songs as a musical under the name "High Society"
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